- I - Th© Director Arc'yaojoXogy & ^luBeuu^'i K'-fXyur'a. Pancnkui5\ TO Uyn^'mlk system SCO 84--a5 ist floor 3«C,17 Ch.ar.oigp^rh l^i'io NO.. 4/yzi-20Q2 Dura/ (1 '3 D^teds Subject f SiiTSply of _ One ::^rox photo Ccplfc-vr Mc-3el N'o» SaZi-^tar as. ^r u^G.S.ltv R.C-f]o«, X'V- 3/aC-'OX0iai00/07 06/83,>t!OAD/i2l4/?,',^-> dated '7^12:^05' ; -'" . Referei'jce your oroforn-;?. lovolo^ir: w>3.t=.c» ^ 3^ 06 ovj tiie subji'vc'c noted above ^ you requested v,-^ -'5ij:.?.:.?j y :^hotocop:XBT 3flaroic-^82x-Star iw VoXtag^^ ata2:;X;U^>?Jr :tm;£ per U:.e' Usrm rondXtlons ©f 'the rata contract 'i:>r:X>3 f w-« pr:U:«3 - q.iven boiowt- *■• -v!;? X'""' 3 :v ?o.r r« 2,. ConsuaiabXe Alt I330--0G X 3" ■" 13>:3v:cO ■vx; a^'ainst n /■•'OX'iVs ''J 3,1 Vol li'"3j:;X.bi':^r 6 :iS 0-^00 -:.a c. Xj 6" C .'7 "t-C- Z'X '■■ "t . t'Ciiri D •J.'Ovai ; 7 0y64--4^d; i~-:2^d JilXX :w the favo-G^' ox Dtr:t::;.,-'o: /O"t;^i€i-ology Kdiryana Pa:-c*ii.^,vXa fcr Vv>:-^ v?,lXX b3 reXeas^c-d -rlougditb payr^^'ntp ^ /' /.i-- ■•- f.*Xfc--Gt.or '"'.rchaeci -G'ire;;tor ■tVi. y Pf?XiC-;ikuX.e ■ • -' ■./ i '•;/ D ^ Co. Co- .Dec V/O T.-ii, tiriO "Va! ::r.'v: -rt ;•'. r- PtiruiucHtin Paramount Paramount Digital Business Systems(P) Ltd. Correspondence Address Post Box No. 116, Chandigarh. 'TiTc 'K\ (le. <r ^ Ph.:e-mail(0)0172-3044442. : [email protected] 3044449, 2706443 fmcmiA.::. : ^ Sub: PANASONIC JAPAN Digital Colour Photo Copier Cum Printer Model KX-MC 6020. Dear Sir, The Digital Copier machine is approved on rale contract by the DGS&D,New Delhi vide Rate Contract No. DCMOM-EB/IT-3/RC-D10Q0000/0111/83/F0390/1665 dated 19.08.2010. The details & terms we state below for your necessary action. > One Panasonic Digital Colour Copier Model KX-MC 6020. Rs. 91,200=00 20 epm, ADF 50 pages , Copy Resolution 600x600 dpi, (VAT Extra @ 5%) scan width A4 & Legal, print width A4 & Legal, 250 sheets Paper tray Capacity, Zoom 50% to 200% , Laser Fax inbuilt, set making & sorting. Colour Laser printer in-built & Scanner Card inbuilt. > Installation free at your office. > Delivery Period -8 to 12 weeks after receipt of confirmed order. > -Payment terms - On receipt of your confirmed order the Company shall submit you the Proforma Invoice for arranging payment. Machine sliall be installed to your entire satisfaction against payment. > Supply Order Placement- At M/s. Paramount Digital Business Systems(P) Ltd., SCO 111 3'^'' floor, Sector 17 B, Chandigarh. We wish to inform you that the lECS company New Delhi Or Office Plus Chandigarh has authorised M/s. Paramount Digital Business Systems (P) Ltd.. to take the Order «&Payment at DGS&D directly on our name. The copy of the letter and DGS&D copy enclosed for reference. > Warranty period one year on site. We are awaiting your valuable decision in this matter for placing the supply order at an early date. Yours Sincerely, for Paramount Digital Business Systems (P) LTD., (L PASRICHA egional Manager) Mobile: 98150-27351 OfHce Automation e?! T.T. Commny Regd. Office: S.C.O. Ill, 3rd Floor, Sectorl7-B, Bank Square,0pp. K.C. Theatre. Chandigarh -160 017 rflufarec. JAPAN ClSITii MULTIFUNCTIONAL COPIEftS DUKANE,USA DIGITAL VISUAUSERS ■ SnEUCTIVE BOAIOS International =s"L Electronics & Communication lECS Systems P. Ltd. Otfiee Automation SfTCofnpany DATED 01.04.2011 • TO WHOMSO EVER IT MAY CONrKRN THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT M/S. PARAMOUNT DIGITAL BUSINESS SYSTEMS PVT LTD. LOCATED AT P.B N0.-116, SCQ-111-113, FLOOR , SEC -17B, OPP. K.C. THEATRE , CHANDIGARH-17 IS OUR AUHtORISED DISTRIBUTOR FOR SALES AND SERVICE OF ENTIRE MURATEC RANGE OF DIGITAL COPIER CUM PRINTER AND MULTIFUNCTIONAL PRODUCT IN CHANDIGARH , HARYANA, (UT),PUNJAB AND J & K. M/S PARAMOUNT DIGITAL BUSINESS SYSTEMS PVT. LTD. WILL.PROVIDE ALL AFTERSALES SUPPORT & WARRANTY. THIS AUHTORISATION IS VALID UPTO 3L03.20li THANKS & REGARDS, FOR INTERNATIONAL ELECTRONICS ^ COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS PVT. LTD. (AUHTORISED SIGNATORY) '^'sale°25^nnnSale .25777000 m10 Lines),r'' Service -26777333N^raina / 444 Whar, / 555, New Fax; Delhi-110 91-11-25777666 028 (India) Gurgaon :012rM051000(10t-'naiirinfo@[e<islndia.com Lines), Fax ; 0124-4216006, Website: www.iecsindia E-mail: [email protected] com Panasonic North India Distributor National Di^tHHiit/-vr rniirishor Pitruiiiouut Param(Mint Paramount Digital Business Systems (P) Ltd. Correspondence Address :• Post Box No. 116, Chandigarh. Ph.:(O) 0172-3044442, 3044449. 2706443 e-mail: [email protected] The Director, O/o Archaeology & Museum Haryana, Dated: 01.12.2011 Sector - 5, Panchkula. Sub: Undertaking of PANASONIC JAPAN Digital Photocopier cum Laser Printer Model KX-MC 6020 Respected Sir, This has reference to the DGS&D Rate Contract no. DCM0M-EB/IT-3/RC- D10Q0000/01II/83/F0390/1665 dated 19.08.2010 to dated 28.02.2011. The contract period of DGS&D Rate Contract shall expire on 28.02.2011. In this connection we certify and undertake the commitment that we shall honour the supply order on the same rates and terms if your valuable order placed on us uptill 31.12.2011. We also certify that in case on renewal of the fresh DGS&D Rate Contract if the prices are revised on higher side then we shall have no claim from your department. In case the prices are reduced then we shall refund the difference to your department. Yours Sincerely, for Paramount Digital Business Systems (P) LTD. ATUL PASRICHA (Regional Manager) Mobile : 98150-27351 Office Automation IT. C.otnj)any Regd. Office: S.C.0.1II, 3rd Floor, Sectorl7-B. Bank Square, 0pp. K.C. Theatre, Chandigarh -160 017 rflUfateC, JAPAN OlGlTAi. MULTIfUNCIlONAI.COPIERS DUKANE,USA won*!.nsUALISERS 4PftBUCTWE MARDS i' Digitally signed by: . X • / Shashi Kiran Sud [Rate Contract TA "Government of India Email. Id: ,Directorate General of Supplies & Disposals [email protected] Jeevan Tara Building, 5 Sansad Marg I NewDelhi-HOOOl ■ 9 Tel Number 23360610/23360537 Rate Contract no. DCMOM-EB/IT-3/RC-DlOQOOOO/Ol 11/83/F0390/I665 .1 Dated 19-AUG-lO- To. S s .TNTERNAtlONAL ELECTRONICS & COMMUNTCATIGN SYSTEMS PVT. LTD. lECS.HOUSE,A-2.C-BL0CK,C0MMUN1TY'CHNTRE, NARA.TNA VIHAR, NEW DELHI- 110028. Mr. Manish Mob: 9810077666, e-mail- [email protected] Mr. D.N. Rajguru: Mob:09810349690, E-mail [email protected] New Delhi ' " Sub: Rate Contract for supply of Digital Copier and Multifunctional ORlce Machines(with separate Drum ahd.Toner) Validity: From 19-AUG-IO To 28-FEB-l I . ' Ref:(])This6fficeTenderEnquiryNo. DCMOM"EB/IT-3/RC-D10Q0000/0in,/83 - Opened bn 25-JUN-lO (2)Your Quotation No. And pated Dear Sir, You are hereby iafomied that your above rcfercd'tendcr read with subsequent letters mentioned above for the Stores specified in the Schedules aiaiexed has been accepted. This rate contract will be governed by the terms and conditions brbugiit iri the Form no. DGS&D 1001 available from dgs&d sales counter on payment of Rs. 50/- .The Rate Contract and the schedules annexed here to sliall be the sole repository of this Rate Contract/Transaction. SCHEDULES ANNEXED , ' l.Schedule "A" Description of stores,prices,duties/taxes. 2.Schedule "B" special conditions of contract / Other information. 3.Schedule "C" Information to DDOs about parallel rate contracts. 4.Annexure - Technical Specification ■ Yours Faithfully, Assistant DiTector(S)/Seclion Officer/Dy.Director • For and on behalf of the purchaser named in the Fonn DGS&D 1001. Page 1 of 16 Download Date: 19-AUG-lO': 1.The ChiefController of Accounts,Department of commerce,New Delhi/ COA Mumbai/COA Kolkata,COA Chennai. (Through authentication cell) This issues with the approval'of competent authority. 2.Deputy Director General of Supplies & Disposals,Chennai -10 copies each B.Deputy Director General of Supplies & Disposals,Kolkata -10 copies each 4;Deputy Director General of Supplies & Disposals,Mumbai -10 copies each 5.Deputy Director General (QA),Kolkata -10,copies each 6.Deputy Director General(QA),Chennai -10 copies each -7 7.Deputy Director General(QA),Mumbai -10 copies each S-Deputy Director General(QA),DGS&D -10 copies each 9.Insp,ection Authority ADG(QA)DGS&D New Delhi - 110001. lO.Quality assurance Officer Director(QA) Delhi Directorate/ Mumbai,Chennai/Kolkata. 1 11.Concurrent Audit ■liKflSCell - 13;Ledger clerk 14^0X.Scction - ' 15.A11 Direct Demanding Officers as per mailing list maintained by DGS&D. ( ) ; Assistant Director (S) / Section Officer / Deputy Director FOR DIRECTOR GENERAL OF SUPPLIES & DISPOSALS f. Page 2 of 16 Download Dale: 19-AyG-lO-^' l.Rate'ContractNo.:-DCMOM-EB/IT-3/RC-D10Q0000/01 11/83/F0390/1665 '■.l Dated 19-AUG-lO For the Supply of Digital Copier and Multifunctional Office Machines(with separate Dnim arid i :'*« Toner) •2.Advance Rate Contract No.:-Nil :: Dated 3.(a) Name .and Full Address of the Firm INTERNATIONAL ELECTRONICS & ; COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS PVT. LTD. lECS HqUSE,A-2,C-BL0CK,COMMUNITY CENTRE, NARAINA VIHAR, NEW DELHI- 110028. Mr. Manish Mob: 9810077666, e-mail- [email protected] Mr. p.N. Rajguru: Mob: 09810349690, E-mail drira][email protected] New Delhi DELHI- 110028 Tel. No. - Fax- Email - (b) Name and Full Addi*ess of Manufacturer l.MURATA MACHINERY LTD., JAPAN, 2. PANASONIC SYSTEM ■ ASIA PACIFIC, MANILA, PHILLIPINES, 3. PANASONIC SYSTEM ASIA PACIFIC,SINGAPORE 4. PANASONIC COMMUNICATION CO. LTD , JAPAN (c) Brand: PANASONIC & MURATEC 4.Validity ofRate Contract: 19-AUG-lO To 28-FEB-i 1 5.Description of Item, Specification,Unit, Rate Item Model Store Description Unit Rate No.
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