Subject Index Subject Page numbers in italics refer to figures. Abbreviated Psalter (Bede) 16, 31, 307 Angels acrostic psalms 83–89, 164–67, 205–12, Christ, superior over 29, 75, 270 221–31 incarnate Christ, inferior to 73–74 Advent liturgy 18, 65, 309 praising God 181 Against HeresiesCOPYRIGHTED (Irenaeus) 48, 207, 270 as protectors MATERIAL 35, 112, 333 All Night Vigil (Rachmaninov) 22–23 anger, divine 63–64, 68, 69, 186, 187, All Saints Church, Tudeley 79 188, 225 all‐seeing eye of God 89–91 anger, human 53–54, 54–55, 64, 65, 225 Amidah prayer 128, 183, 209, 309, 383 Anglo‐Norman Psalters 199, 209 Psalms Through the Centuries: A Reception History Commentary on Psalms 1–72, Volume Two, First Edition. Susan Gillingham. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2018 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 0003392517.INDD 444 2/6/2018 6:14:12 PM Subject Index 445 animal imagery 79, 137, 181, 199 240, 251, 295, 300, 324, 335, 337, anti‐iconoclasm see iconoclasm/anti- 340, 342, 351, 361, 390 anti‐Semitism Basilica Di San Clemente (Rome) artistic representations 19, 35, 56–57, Plate 15, 262 142, 282 Bay Psalm Book 150 in Christian commentaries 17, 24, 33, Beatitudes 155, 223–24 49, 63–64, 76, 99–100, 113, 139–40, Beckerscher Psalter 193 192, 249–50, 307–08, 332, 339 Belshazzar’s Feast (Walton) 89 holocaust 42, 95, 230, 266, 267, Benedictine Rule 60, 79–80, 85, 109–10, 348–49, 378 156, 239, 365–66 Antichrist 84, 86, 88 Berakot 12, 33, 184 Antiochene commentators 96, 168, 178, betrayal 260, 270–71 of Christ 35–36, 48, 70, 249, 325 Apollinarianism 109 of David 50, 215, 249, 325 Apostolic Constitutions 109, 208, 350 by friends 213, 214–17, 248–53, apple of the eye 111, 112 324–29 Arianism 109, 183, 271, 323 Bibliotheque Royale Psalter 51 Arrest of Christ 219, 239, 331, 332 Blessed Man, the 13–18, 20 Asaphite psalms 256, 264, 293, blessings, God’s universal 362–67 297–301, 302, 304 blood‐guiltiness 305 Ascension of Christ Blues of the Sky (Rosenberg) 24–25 artistic representations 119, 156–57, Book of Common Prayer 56, 134, 148, 286–87 156, 274, 310, 323, 334 prophecies about 77, 90, 108, 125, Book of Praises, The (Wagner) 195, 227, 155, 285, 299, 369–70 262, 343 ascent of man 15, 63, 154 Books of Hours 65, 199, 235, 309 Ash Wednesday liturgy 65, 198, 310 Brereton Psalm 2 (Handel) 39 Ashkenazi traditions 20, 64, 88, 125, Bridegroom, Christ the 60, 124, 126, 165, 198, 203, 209 271, 272–73 Ashrei ho‐ish asher lo halach (Weiner) 22 Bristol Psalter 79, 85, 119, 126, 185, 240, Assurance (Herbert) 345 251, 275, 286, 291, 300, 324, 332, Assyria/Assyrians 171, 178, 183, 207, 337, 371–72, 390 277, 292, 386 bulls/oxen image 137, 140, 142, 180 Athalia (Handel) 39 Butterfly Art (Hirst) 174–75 Atheism (Clough) 321 atonement through Christ 233, 290, Canterbury Cathedral, Kent 342 311, 338 canticles 350 authority, divine 27 Chalcedon, Council of 16, 31 Avodath Hakodesh (Bloch) 379 Chartres Cathedral Window Plate 6, 141 chiasmus 72, 101, 137, 163, 164 Babylon/Babylonians 99, 168, 320, Chichester Psalms (Bernstein) 151, 324 322, 360 Chrism 55, 146 baptism liturgy 65, 78, 184, 208, 260, Christ, see entry in Names Index 345, 361 Christ‐Logos images Baptism of Christ 30, 33–34, 182, 185, 337 Barberini Psalter 78 Barberini Psalter 71, 78, 86, 88, 94, 126, Eadwine Psalter 56, 85, 357, 383 135, 142, 174, 185, 189, 194, 220, Harley Psalter 56, 85 0003392517.INDD 445 2/6/2018 6:14:12 PM 446 Subject Index Christ‐Logos images (cont’d) cursing verses 90, 113, 214, 215–16, Khludov Psalter 340 217, 325, 337, 374, 376, 377 Utrecht Psaler 56, 85, 93, 96, 131, 142, 179, 189, 194, 204, 209, 234, Daily Office 60, 90, 100, 134, 179, 193, 239, 346, 357, 381, 383 216, 244, 323, 331, 336, 339, 342, Christmas liturgy 33, 37, 78, 125, 274, 389 350, 377 Christ’s Kingdom among the Gentiles David Delivered out of Many Waters (Watts) 391–92 (Blake) 120 City of God 36, 277, 282, 289, 290 Davidic Psalters 44–46, 256, 302–03 Cogitabo Pro Peccato Meo Day of Atonement 85, 88, 243, 300 (Habington) 235 Dead Sea Scrolls see Qumran and Dead Common Worship 18 Sea Scrolls Complaining (Herbert) 235 Death and Burial of Christ 12, 30, 48, Compline 56, 58, 85, 96, 114, 165, 193, 55, 83, 84, 85, 107, 108, 111, 139, 310, 341 177, 188, 192, 193, 194, 232, confession of sins 63, 165, 195–201, 243–44, 262, 271, 273, 375–76 237, 238, 305, 313 death, fear of 68, 95–97, 108, 190 confidence in God 47, 53, 105–11, deliverance, prayers for 144–53, 170–77, 190–95 from enemies 111–16, 122, 130, confronting evil 329, 335–38 136–44, 176, 190–91, 192, 227, Corbie Psalter 50, 141–42 263–67, 323, 374, 379–81, 383 creation 72–82, 122–29, 154–55, 182, from sickness and death 95 184, 201–04, 289, 298 from sin and Hell 146, 172, 259, 371 Cross, the denial of God 87, 98–100, 218, 321 David protected by 56 Dialogue with Trypho (Justin as a sword 272 Martyr) 15, 76, 142, 155, 192, as the Tree (of Life) 12, 15, 19, 132 197, 270, 299, 388 veneration of 56, 366 Divine Office 50, 60, 310, 323, 350 Crucifixion, the Divine Warrior 134, 367–73 artistic representations Dog(s), image of 54, 79, 137, 139, 140, Apse, Di San Clemente Plate 15, 262 142, 336 Barberini Psalter 142 Donatism 15, 76, 140, 273, 345, 370 Hamilton Psalter 378 dove, image of 34, 185, 274, 327, 328, Khludov Psalter 142, 281–82, 330–31 286, 378 dragon(s), image of 174, 286, 318, Pantokrator Psalter 142 336–37 Stuttgart Psalter 142 Theodore Psalter 142, 378 Eadwine Psalter Plate 5, 56, 85, 126, 173, Utrecht Psalter 142, 194 281, 291, 311, 334, 357, 383–84 Window, Chartres 141 Easter liturgy 18, 23, 34, 50, 78, 110, Christ’s prayers 166, 192, 193 156, 172, 189, 193, 217, 309, 310, Christ’s submission to God 192 323, 334, 361, 366 God‐forsakenness 77 Edom/Edomites 75, 83, 95, 270, 340, innocent suffering 225 341, 360, 375 mocking of Christ 48 Egypt/Egyptians 145, 245, 333, 360 piercing of hands and feet 139 Eighteen Benedictions 125, 181, 182, Psalm 22 139 250, 310, 389 0003392517.INDD 446 2/6/2018 6:14:12 PM Subject Index 447 Elijah (Mendelssohn) 67, 82, 110, 228, 283 Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas Tallis Emblemists 311 (Vaughan Williams) 40–41 Enarratio in Primum Psalmum favour, divine 187, 188 (Erasmus) 17 fear of death 68, 95–97, 108, 190 enemies; see also war fear of God 31, 39, 61, 93, 163, 164, 203, aggression of 338–40 205, 210, 214 of Christ 32, 35, 76, 113, 192–93, films 40–41, 152 215–16, 323, 326–27, 331–32, 336 Flagellation, The (Francesca) 35–36 of the church 33, 49, 60 Flower, The (Herbert) 384–85 of David 28, 33, 47, 50, 54, 59, fools/foolishness 87, 98–100, 140, 218, 214–15, 323, 325, 330–331 320–22 false friends 214–17, 248–53, 324–29 forgiveness 62–63, 197, 199, 306, 314, of God 72, 74, 370 315, 316, 355 inner 49, 50 40 (How Long?) (U2) 247–248 of Israel 12, 27, 28, 33, 74, 75, 89–90, Francis, Rule of 309 196–97, 263–67, 320–21 of Luther 32 Gallican Psalter 98 Entry into Jerusalem, Christ’s 63, 75 Gehenna 107, 138, 223, 293, 298, 375 Epiphany liturgy 33, 172, 184, 361, 389, 390 Genevan Psalter 80, 91, 314, 348, 371 Epistle of Barnabas 15, 139, 207, 306 Gentiles Eucharist liturgy 148, 169, 203, 208, 300 conversion 31, 70, 118, 124, 172–73, evening psalms 53–58, 61–68, 72–82 179, 225, 274, 278, 295, 341, 365–66 exaltation of Christ 48, 77, 139, 370 enemies of Christ 29, 32, 34 exile enemies of Israel 27, 196–97 darkness of 107, 117 God providing for 54 David prophesying 99 unlawfulness 11, 223 four exiles 95–96 Gethsemane 35, 143, 259, 309, God listening during 346 323, 378 hope of salvation in 145–46, 320–21, Giant, Christ as 120, 125–26, 127 348, 360 Glossed Psalter of Morgan Library 110 longing for Temple in 258–63, 330–31 goat(s), image of 65, 245, 298 obedience as sacrifice in 244, Good Friday liturgy 34, 100, 141, 172, 245, 298 216, 234, 244, 250, 323, 366, 377 suffering endured in 89, 95, 138, 168, Gorleston Psalter 20 186, 232, 238, 360, 374–79, 382 Gospel of Nicodemus 157–58 Explanation of the Psalms grace of God 15–16, 113, 193, 197, 224, (Cassiodorus) 16 260, 267, 301, 307, 370 Expositions on the Psalms (Augustine) Great Compline 56, 96, 165, 310, 341 15–16 Great Malvern Priory Windows Plate 11, 220 faith in God; see also trust in God, Greece/Greeks 75, 95, 258–59, confidence in God 360, 375 Abraham’s 167 Gregorian chant 4–5, 21, 37 Christ’s 16 Daniel’s 362 Hagia Sophia, Thessalonika 357 David’s 33, 54, 69, 116, 327 Hagia Sophia, Istanbul 281 justification by 64, 197, 198, 308, 314 Hallelujah (Cohen) 315 0003392517.INDD 447 2/6/2018 6:14:12 PM 448 Subject Index Hamilton Psalter 71, 78, 85, 94, 100, injustice 69, 225, 229, 293, 297 119, 126, 135, 166, 185, 189, 194, Inscriptiones Psalmorum (Gregory 216, 226, 240, 251, 295, 300, 332, of Nyssa) 15 337, 342, 351, 378, 384, 390 integrity 43, 57, 167–70, 248, 293, 296, Hanukkah 109, 187, 188, 189, 285, 295 297, 299, 301 Harley Psalter 56, 85, 126, 173, 281, 291, Islamic reception 316 334, 342 healing; see also sickness Jacobite rebellion 39 confession/ penitence 62, 63, Jehova, Quam multi sunt hostes mei 195–201, 231–37, 248 (Purcell) 52–53 prayers for 62, 63, 168–69, 195–201, Jerusalem; see also Zion 29, 36, 109, 231–37 116, 189, 224, 290–91, 367, 369 thanksgiving for 186–90 Jewish/Christian relationships 24–25, Hell 41, 301 artistic representations 85–86, 88, Jewish/Gentile relationships 13–14, 157–58, 179, 189, 371–72 167, 375 Christ’s descent into 120, 155 Jewish identity 22, 28, 36 harrowing of 157–58, 371–72 joy heresies/heretics (general) 5, 15, 60, 76, as expression of faith 96 183, 226, 345, 370, 389 from God 54, 263, 307, 349, 352 Hip Hop Prayer Book (Horder) 367 in the Law 18 History Bible of Utrecht, The Plate 9, shouting with 196, 201, 361 Plate 26, 377 judgment, divine 11–12, 14, 17, 22, 24, Hodayot 117, 191 34, 63, 64, 65, 69, 73, 84, 85, 86, Holocaust 42, 95, 230, 266, 267, 88, 90, 92–93, 134, 168, 169, 223, 348–49, 378 232, 238, 265, 298, 299, 300, Holy Spirit 34, 77, 147, 183, 249, 259, 306, 320 305, 370, 389 justice 83, 102, 105, 129, 162, 292, 387, 394 Horologion 341 Humanism 56 Kaddish 376 humility Kedushah / K.
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