Sample file Sample file Secrets of the Phoenix, 0 2003 Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc. Secrets of the Scorpion, 0 2003 Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc. TH5 LICSKSS Secrets of the Crab, 0 2003 Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc. Secrets of the Crane, 0 2003 Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc. The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, and is Copyright Inc. Secrets of the Unicorn, 0 2003 Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc. 2000 Wizards of the Coast. Inc ('Wizards"). All Rights Reserved. Secrets of the Dragon, 0 2003 Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc. Secrets of the Shadowlands, 0 2004 Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc. 1. tkfmrtrons ,a) "Conrnbutors" means rhe copynghr and or trademark owners who have con- mburcd Open Game Content, (b, 'Denvauve Marerial' means copynghted marenil including dcnvative works and translarions (including mto other computer languages,, poiarron, modifica- lion, correction, addition, extension. upgrade, improvement, compilation, abndgmenr or other form in which an existing work may be recast, transformed or adapted (c, "Disrnbutc'mems tu reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly display,transmit 01othetwise diwnbute. d! "OpenGame Conrenr' means the game mechanic and includes the methods, procedures. This printing of The Cornplere Exotic Amtr Guide" is done under version 1.Oa ofthe open Game processes and murine< io rhe extent such content does not embody the Product ldcnnty and IS an License and the draft version of the d20 System Trademark kcense, d20 System Trademark Logo enhancement over the pnor an and any additional conrenr clearly rdentlfied as Open Game Con- tent by the Conniburor, and means anv work covered by rhis License, including tranrlaiions and Guide and System Reference Document by permission ofwizards of the Coast. Subsequent print- detivatrve works undercopynghr law, bur 5pcclficallyexcludes Produci Identity .e. -Product Iden ings of this book will incorporate final versions of the license, guide and document. rity' means product and product line name\. logos and idenrlfying marks including made dress, artifacts; cmatures characters, stones, storylines, plow. thcmanc elements, dialogue, incidenis. lan- AEGs intention is to open up as much of the book The Compkre Exotic Annr Guide as possible to be guage, arnvork, symbols, drsrgns, depictions, Iikenecces, formats, poses. concepis, rhemes and used as Open Game Content (OX),while maintaining Product Identity (PI) to all aspects of the graphc, photographic and other nsual or audio representanons: names and dexnptionc of char- Legend of the Ftve Rings intellectual property Publishers who wish to use the OGC materials from acten, spells, enchantments. personaline<,teams. personas. likenesses and special abilities, places. this book are encouraged to contact [email protected] ifthey have any questions or concerns locations, environments, Creatures.equipment, magical or supernatural abilines or effects. logos, about reproducing material from Rokugan in other OGL works. AEG would appreciate anyone symbols, or graphic designs, and any other rrademark or tegstered trademark clearly identified as using OGC material from The Compka Exotic Arms Guldr in other OGL works to kindly reference hoduct idennry by rhe owner of the Producr Identity, and which specfically excludes the Open The Complen Exotlr Armr Guide as the source of that material wthin the text of their work. open used Game Content, (f, -Trademark" means [he logos, names, mark, sign. mono, designs that are Game Content may only be used under and in accordance with the terms of the OGL as fully set a Contnburor io idcntifv itself or its products or the assmated products contributed tu the by forth on the prevlous page Open Game License by iheContnburot(g)~Use','Usedot 'Using"means 10 use. Dicmburc. copy, edit, format, modlfy,translate and othenvlse create Dcnvanve MaienalofOwn Game Content !h) 'You'or'Your' means the licensee Ln terms of this agreement DESIGNATION OF PRODUCT IDENTITY. The following items are hereby designated as Prod- uct Identity in accordance with section t(e) of the Open Game License, version 1 Oa: 2 The License This License applies to any open Game Content char contains a notice indicaiing Any and all Legend of the hue Rings logos and identifylng marks and trade dress, including all thar the Open Lame Conrent may onlv he Used under and m terms of rha Liccnse You must affix Legend of the Five Rings product and product line names including but nor limited to Rokugan, such a noiice to any open Game Content that you Use No icrms may be addd ro or subtracted Creatures of Rohugan, Magr of Rokugan, Way of the Samurai, Way of the Shugenja, Way of the Ninja, from this License except as desctibcd by ihc License rtself No other terms or conditions may be Fortuner and Wlndr, Secrets ofthe Crab, Secrets ofthe Crane, Seratr ofthr Dmgon, Secrets ofthe Lion, Secnfr applied io anv Open Came Conrent disrributed using this License of the Manhr, Secrets of the Phoenu, Secrets afthe Srorpwn, Secrets ofthr Un~corn,and Secrets of the Shad- wlands, and the Legend of the Five Rings and Rokugan logos; any elements of the Legend of the 3 Offer and Acceprance: Bv Ucrng the open Game Conteni You indicate Your acceptance of rhr Five Rings setting, including but not limited to capitalized names, Clan names, family names, terms ofthis License names of artifacts, names ofspells, names of magic and magician types (including but not limited to pure blood magic, kage yakiin, ise zumi, sodan-senzo, meishodo, tsanysuri, tejina, and ishiken), 4 Grant and Consideranon In concideratrun for agrcerng 10 use this License. the Conrriburors characrers, counnies and empires, creatures, races, spirits, geographic locations, cultural infonna- gam You a perpetual, worldwde, rovalty-free, "on-exclusive IKC~SC wth the exact terms of this tion, gods, Kami, Fortunes, histonc events, magic items, the Honor system, and organizations; any kcense io Use, rhrwnGameContmt and all material adapted from Onental Adventures, except material noted in that work as Open 5 Reprrsentarron of Authonty io Conrnbute If You are conmbunng onpnal mnienal31 Open Game Content; any and all stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, documents within the Game Conrenr. You represent thai Your Conrnbunms ate Your ongnal creation and or You have game world (e.g. but not limited to Ahodoi Leadership, the Tao of Shinset, and Subtletyof the Court), sufficient nghts io grant the righrr conveyed by this License quotes from characters OT documents, and dialogue, and all artwork, symbols, designs, depicnons, illustrations, maps and cartography, kkenesses, poses, Clan or factional mons, logos, symbols, or 6 Notice of License Copyrighr. You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this graphic designs, except such elements that already appear in the d2o System Reference Document Licenseto includethe exaci iexrafrheCOPYRlGHTNOTlCEofanyOpenGameConren~Youare (e.g. Melfor Mordenkainen) and are already OGC by virtue of appearing there.The above Product copying, modifving or distributing, and You must add rhe titlc, the copyright dare. and the copy- Identity is not open Game Content. nght holder', name to ihe COPYRJCHT NOTlCE of any onginal Open Came Conrenr you DII- inbutc DESIGNATION OF OPEN CONTENT Subject to the Product Identity designation above, the following portions of The Complere Exotic Amtr Gutde are designated as Open Game Content. 7 Use of Product Identity You agree not to Use any Product ldennty. including as an indrcaiion Introduction: the complete Unicorn feat list on page 11, and the new counier abilities on page 12. as IO compatibility, except as cxprody licensed rn another, independent Agreement with ihe Chapters 1-6- All information that is designated as "rules and options for the d20 System"" owner of each element of that Product ldrntrty You agree nor to indicare comparibiliry or co- adaprabilq wrh any Trademark m conjuncnon with a work containing Open Game Cunreni by the rules laid out under the "New Mechanics" header on page 10, or hy a "[d2ol" tag at the end excepi as expressly licensed tn another, independent Agreement wirh the owner of ,uch TT~c- of a header or in the header of a callour box. mark The use of any Producr ldennty in Open Game Conrenr does nor consnturc a challenge IO the ownership of that Product Identity The owner of any Product Identity used in Open Came USE OF MATERIAL AS OPEN GAME CONTENT It is the clear and expressed intent of Alderac Conrent shall retain all nghts. title and interest Ln and to rhar Product ldentiiySample fileEntertainment Group, Inc. to add all classes, skills, feats, equipment, prestige classes, spell effects, magic item effects, and monster and NPC statistics (henceforth "goodies") contained in this 8. ldennfication If you dismbure open Game Conrenr You must clearly indicate which panions volume to the canon of open Game Content for free use pursuant to the Vpen Game License by of the work that you are dirrnbunng are Open Game Content future Open Game publishers. Some ofthe aforementioned items, however, contain Product Iden- tity, as designated above, and that designation remains. A limited license is provided below which 9 Updating rhe License Wizardc or lis designated Agenrc may publirh updated VCTILO~Cof chis allows use of content designated as Product Identity for these items only License. You may use any aurhomed verwon of this License io copy, modify and drstnbuir any Open Game Content ongmally distnbured under any version of rhis License LIMITED LICENSE FOR USE OF GOODIES AND PRODUCT IDENTITY (PI) IN GOODIES 10 Copy of chis kcense You MUST include a copy of this License with evew copy of the open Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc. hereby grants other OGL publishers a non-exclusive, irrevoca- Came Content You Disrnbute ble, royalty-free limited license to use the goodies and the PI elements which appear in the spell names contained in this book in OGL publications. Use of PI elements 1s limited solely to using tt Ure of Conrnbutor Credit, You mav not market UT advertise the Vpen Game Conrent wing these PI elements in the goodies themselves and for no other use.
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