Pages 2923-2979 % FEDERAL REGISTER VOLUME 29 NUMBER 44 Washington, Wednesday, March 4, 1964 Contents AGRICULTURAL MARKETING Uniform system of accounts and FEDERAL MARITIME reports for certified air carriers; SERVICE reporting requirements and re­ COMMISSION Rules and Regulations porting of indebtedness data. _ 2949 Notices Milk in certain marketing areas; Notices Agreements filed for approval: order terminating certain pro­ Supplemental air carriers; order American Mail Lines, Ltd., and visions— ___ _____ _____ .__________ 2926 amending interim certificates American President Lines, Navel oranges grown in Arizona and interim authority. ____ ____ : 2953 Ltd_____ _______________________ 2954 and designated part of Cali­ American President Lines, Ltd., fornia; handling limitation____ 2926 COMMERCE DEPARTMENT and Norwegian Asia Line____ 2954 Notices Campagnie Generale Transat­ See Maritime Administration. Ash Flat Sale Bam et al.; notice lantique (French Line) and of changes in names of posted Westfal-Larsen & Co___ ;_____ 2954 stockyards___________________ ____ 2951 COMMODITY CREDIT Farrell Lines Inc., and Black CORPORATION Star Line, Ltd_________________ 2955 AGRICULTURAL STABILIZATION Farell Lines Inc., and Zim Israel Rules and Regulations Navigation Co., Ltd_________ ' 2955 AND CONSERVATION SERVICE Moore-McCormack Lines and Grains and similarly handled Rules and Regulations commodities; price support for Matson Navigation Co_______ 2955 Moore-McCormack Lines and Wheat; farm acreage allotments, 1964 and subsequent crops; cor­ Ocean Steamship Co_________ 2955 small farm bases and normal rection_____ ______________________ 2930 United ' Fruit Co., and Flota yields, 1964 and subsequent crops. ________________________ ___ 2925 Mercante Grancolombiana___ 2955 FEDERAL AVIATION AGENCY AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT Rules and Regulations See also Agricultural Marketing Airworthiness directives: FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Service; Agricultural Stabiliza­ Boeing . __________i__________ 2943 Notices tion and Conservation Service; Lockheed_______________________ 2944 Commodity Credit Corporation; Control zones, control area exten­ Hearings, etc.: Federal Crop Insurance Cor­ sions, and transitions; altera­ Algonquin Gas Transmission poration. tion, designation and revoca­ Co------ _______ ---------- _______ 2960 Delaney Oil Co. et al__________ 2957 Notices tion (4 documents) 2930,2931, 2933 ControFzones and transition area; Natural Gas Pipeline Company North Dakota and Texas; desig­ alteration and designation____ 2932 of America._______________ 2958 nation of areas for emergency Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line loans---------- ;_____________;________ 2951 Federal airways, alteration; with­ drawal of amendments and re­ Co__------ ____:------------------------ 2960 opening of comment period____ 2934 Pubco Petroleum Corp. et al___ 2956 a to m ic e n e r g y c o m m is s io n IFR a ltitu d e s; miscellaneous Smith, H. R., et al_________ 2959 Notices # am endm ents____ __________ 2934 Texas Gas Transmission Corp__ 2960 Trenchard, John_________________ 2958 Connecticut Yankee Power Co.; Transition area; designation.____ 2934 Trunkline G as Co___________ 2956 amendment to notice of hear- Proposed Rule Making ...............— ....................... 2953 Davis; airworthiness directive___ 2950 Temporary restricted area; desig­ CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD nation _ _ ___________ j ____________ 2949 FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Rules and Regulations Rules and Regulations Exemption of air carriers for short Montana; sport fishing: notice military contracts and FEDERAL CROP INSURANCE Ninepipe National Wildlife substitute service.,_____________ 2938 CORPORATION Refuge___ ______i_______________ 2948 Proposed Rule Making Rules and Regulations Pablo National Wildlife Refuge- 2948 Evidence in route proceedings; Federal crop insurance 1961 and Willow Creek National Wildlife termination of rule making pro­ succeeding years; wheat; cor­ Refuge___________________ _____ 2948 ceeding_____ _______________ _ 2949 rection___... ____ ________ ________ 2925 (Continued on next page) 2923 2924 CONTENTS FOOD AND DRUG Notices MARITIME ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION Fourth section applications for Rules and Regulations relief-— ___________ 2969 Notices Motor carrier alternate route Values for war risks insurance____ 2944 New drugs; approval of a p p li­ deviation notices_________________ 2969 cations, December 1963._____ _ 2953 Motor carrier applications and NATIONAL PARK SERVICE certain other proceedings (2 Notices documents)__________________ 2970,2975 Regional Chief, Division of Man­ HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND Motor carrier, broker, water car­ agement Analysis and Services WELFARE DEPARTMENT rier and freight forwarder appli­ and Regional Procurement Offi­ cations— _________________ 2960 See Food and Drug Administra­ cer; delegation of Authority____ 2953 tion. Motor carrier intrastate applica­ tions; filing_______________ _______ 2978 Motor carrier transfer proceed­ TREASURY DEPARTMENT INTERIOR DEPARTMENT ings___________________ 2978 Notices See Fish and Wildlife Service; Rerouting of traffic: Fair value determinations : Land Management Bureau; Central Railroad Company of Welded standard steel pipe from National Park Service. New Jersey___ * ________________ 2969 Luxembourg___________________ 2951 Kansas, Oklahoma & Gulf Rail­ Wooden coat hangers from INTERSTATE COMMERCE way Co_________________________ 2969 ) Yugoslavia.___________________ 2952 COMMISSION LAND MANAGEMENT BUREAU VETERANS ADMINISTRATION Rules and Regulations Notices Rules and Regulations Motor Carrier Annual Report California, small tract classifica­ Pension, compensation, and de­ Form C (Class m Carriers of tions (2 documents)___ _________ 2952 pendency and indemnity com­ property)_________________________ 2947 South Dakota; proposal with­ pensation; computation of in­ Railroad Annual Report Form A 2947 drawal and reservation of lands. 2952 come______________________________ 2944 Codification Guide The following numerical guide is a list of the parts of each title of the Code of Federal Regulations affected by documents published in today's issue. A cumulative list of parts affected, covering the current month to date, appears at the end of each issue beginning with the second issue of the month. A cumulative guide is published separately at the end of each month. The guide lists the parts and sections affected by documents published since January 1, 1964, and specifies how they are affected. 7 CFR 1096___________________________ 2928 288_______ ___________ _______________ 2938 1098__________________________________ 2928 507 (2 documents)___________ 2943,2944 401_____ 2925 1101______________ ____________________ 2928 728___ V 2925 P roposed R u l e s : 1120____________, i _________ _________ 2928 907_____ 2926 73 [N e w ]— _________________________ 2949 1125..:______________ * _______________ 2928 1008— 2926 241___________________________________ 2949 1126_________________ 2928 1009— 2926 302___________________________________ 2949 1128— :___________________ 2928 1031— 2926 507_______ ________ ________________ _ 2950 1129 _____________________________ 2929 1035— 2927 1130 _ 2929 1036— 2927 38 CFR 1131 __________________________ 2929 1040— 2927 1132 _________________ 2929 3______ ___________________ __________ 2944 1041 __________ 2927 1133 _____________________________ 2929 1042 __________ 2927 1134 ___________ 2929 46 CFR 1043— 2927 1135 _ 2929 1047— 2927 309— . ________________ _______ ___— 2944 1137— ______ 2929 1048— 2927 1138__________________________________ 2929 1049— 2927 1421_______ 2930 49 CFR 1062— 2927 120_____________________________ 2947 1066— 2928 205_________________ 2947 1067— 2928 1072— 2928 14 CFR 1075— 2928 71 [New] (7 documents)____ 2930-2934 50 CFR 1090— 2928 95 [N e w ]— __________ _______ _* 2934 33 (3 documents)— ----------- 2948 Published dally, except Sundays, Mondays, and days following official Federal holidays, by the Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Service, General Ser* FEHERALMREGISTER ices Administration, pursuant to the authority contained in the Federal Register Ac , Telephone "*omS>‘ir worth" w" " 3-3261’ approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., ch. 8B), under regulations prescribed by thé Administrative Committee of the Federal Register, approved by the President. Distribution is made only by tn Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 20402. , The F ederal R egister will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 per month or $15.00 per year, payable advance. The charge for individual copies (minimum 15 cents) varies in proportion to the size of the issue. Remit check or mo y order, made payable to the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 20402. The regulatory material appearing herein is keyed to the Code op F ederal R egulations, which is published,,under 50 titles, P ' suant to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as amended August 5, 1953. The Code op F ederal R egulations is sold by the Supe tendent of Documents. Prices of books and pocket supplements vary. _ tions There are no restrictions on the republication of material appearing in the F ederal R egister, or the Code op F ederal R egulati Rules and Regulations history acreage purposes. Under the Act, under the Soil Bank Act or section 16 (b ) Title 7— AGRICULTURE if acreage in excess of the farm wheat or (e) of the Soil Conservation and ¡acreage allotment is produced in any Domestic Allotment
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