Volume 49. Issue 4. Tues. Mar. 25, 1974. WISHBONE ASH: review and pictures p.8 ursaries: arch from uad wed. 26 1pm Page 2 do very well in the exams at the end of moral reasons. But it was all a joke, the year, unless he has in some way made wasn’t it? the knowledge contained in those essays Peter Keeble. his own. It is, after all, one of the fun­ Yes Peter, it was a joke. Your comments ctions of exams to provide a forum for ^CRACCUM Volume 49, Issue 4 however, only lead me to conclude that students to show what they know or perhaps those broadcasting officials were T( T uesday March 25, 1974 believe without the marker having to justified a few years back in deciding that worry about the probability that what he New Zealanders weren’t quite ready for is reading has been copied from someone satire. The author of this “anonymous am else. In many departments questions scurrilous article” was Bill Ralston who, ne differ .sufficiently from year to year to like you and me, is a Masters’ student in expose answers that are mere regurgit­ the Political Studies Dept. His ‘anonymity ation of someone else’s work with no 0 0 0 was neither requested nor intended - and Whether by real appreciation of the facts or argu­ Articles for CRACCUM are cunningly results from a “ technical error”. Ed imperialist de< ments involved. As for swopping essays squeezed out of their contributors by trade, aid, anc l with friends who have covered different Mike Rann, who is also the editor. This towards Tong, week, he conned the following people Dear Craccum Editor, aspects of the course in order to learn benefit rather more my only comment would be; what into writing : Brent Lewis (features), For those who don’t believe your NZ and impoi Paul Halloran, Father Eugene O’Sullivan, article “ Survival of the Slackest” take is cunning (and therefore illegitimate) Tonga ever tig about that? Anne Wilks, Dave Francis (Gardening heed. It works. parasite grip;; Editor), Dr. Carolyn Gerster, Tim Shad­ You omitted to mention the “helpless 3 conditions in bolt, Allan Bell, Dave Colbourn, Roger little thing” technique especially good for What about the claim that ‘male vast unemploy Horrocks, Mark Williams and Mike Walker. women. The advantage of this is that it students should find their tutor’s ideo­ Dear Ed, Since the r< CRACCUM was designed and laid out doesn’t matter how stupid a question you logical stance on certain issues and always As a part-time Arts student I resented is tapped for f by Chris Brookes, who in addition to his a$k, you should get sufficient in the ensure their work takes that particular having to pay $28 in Students Association Tonga is becoi own vast talent (guess who wrote this answer to provide you with an essay. Esp­ stance.? Doesn’t credit tutors with much fees. Whilst I appreciate the facilities (cafee of cheap coloi week’s credits, folks------right again !), ecially if you ask it about one of the intelligence does it? When a tutor marks a gym, coffee bars, common rooms etc) In short, Tong was able to call on the special abilities of essay topics. essay he is not concerned with whether and benefits (student travel and accom­ Bantustan. Virginia Smith, Robert Garney, three Yoga Never forget “ I’ve got to work every he agrees or disagrees with the writer’s modation service - and fruit and vege. This is the ■ Club people (Julia Merritt, Barry and night this week, it’s the only job I could conclusion but with the quality of anal­ co-op) that the Association offers studenti|d rawn from fi­ Marilyn Eccles), Mike Daniell and Anne get, I’ve got to do it or I won’t eat next ysis which led to that conclusion. Thus, wouldn’t it be fairer .to levy differential liation ‘How Chambers. week” for essay extensions, especially if if an essay writer attempts to agree with fees for part timers. Many students, like Bres. j Reporters were Rob Greenfield there’s a party the night before it’s due a tutor’s ideological stance without taking myself, are on campus for only 1 hour- For a start, ;(“ Chief” ) and Rob Greenfield (“ Number in. account of the reasons for that stance 3 nights a week. Incidentally, is there any getting poorer Two’’). The simplest way to avoid a seminar is to and without supplying his own arguments legal Compulsion for me to pay my fees. have doubled ; Advertising was once again relentlessly arrange with the rest of your tutorial that in favour of it he is not going to do very J.L. eased by 33%. pursued by Paul (“ Fingers” ) Gilmour, they don’t turn up that day. Then you can well. This point also serves to counter visible trade d< sometimes called “ The Singing Gnome”.) tell the lecturer its only in note form and claims made by the annonymous author Ed— According to the University of neat 400%. Sit Photographs came from a wide variety that you’ll write it up as an essay for later that it is necessary to be in accord with Auckland Calendar (1975), Section 48, from NZ it is 1 'of sources, but those on pages 8. 9 and in the week. the Labour Party (which part of it?) to of the University of Auckland Act 1961 and more in di were taken by Murray Cammick, But remember! Not more than two make progress in the Political Studies gives the Council of the University power Nor do N Z : CRACCUM’s resident photographer, dead grandmothers per lecturer per year, Department to “ impose and collect from time to appear to be d i Finally, the graphics or cartoons (or please. Finally, it may be worth pointing out time from students of the University or problem by sa whatever) on page 2 were flung together that if Mr Amos believed the attitudes from any of them such fees as it considers sufficient and jin a great hurry by that fiend o f the A. Thick. B.A. manifested in last week’s article to be reasonable for the benefit of any assoc­ ries. NZ’s tarif media, Chris Brookes. common amongst students there prob­ iation or organisation of students of the shipping servic .(Not this guy again . (Yawn!) God, ably wouldn’t be any rise in bursaries for University, and to dispose of those fees fully against ai ♦what a bore!) quite some time, for both political AND accordingly.” home industry H O -H U M .......... 1966 (the late #• were available 2* expansion of i Items may be freely reprinted from only agricultui CRACCUM except where otherwise stat­ Dear Sir, VOX POPULI one industrial ed, provided that suitable acknowledge­ I must confess that it is difficult to increased its la ment is made. CRACCUM is published know whether the annonymous and Student Reps on Senate Student Reps i on Union Management ,by the Craccum Administration Board scurrilous article on Cunning as a strategy ifor the Auckland University Students’ for gaining degrees printed in last week’s Edward H a y s o m ........................ 281 Byron Ballan \ ..................... 364 Association (Inc), typeset on our own Craccum was meant to be taken seriously. Robert Lack .................. 397 Dennis Gubb ................... 136 jl.B.M. typesetting machine, and printed However, the fact that it contained some Peter Neilson ........................ 137 Simon Hayman ....................... 167 :by Wanganui Newspapers Ltd., 20 Drews extremely doubtful and potentially damaging Richard R ow e.................. 318 Brian Humberstone..................... 145 ;Avenue, Wanganui. opinions, stated as though they were matters Gregory Taylor ........................ 176 Susan Still ....................... 347 of fact, does necessitate some sort of . Michael Tyne-Corbold............ 159 No Confidence .............. 103 reply. The following remarks are made from Invalid votes ........................ 53 UNIVERSITY SERVICES Kaye Turner .................. 486 the stand point of a Political Studies’ No Confidence ......................... 31 i Every Thursday, at 1.10 p.m., during Junior lecturer who knows some of what Invalid votes ......................... 17 I hereby declare Byron Ballan and Susan ithe academic year, there will be non- goes on with regard to the assessing of a Still to be elected as Student Representa­ denominational services held in the student’s performance and who has not I hereby declare Kaye Turner and Robert tives on the Union Management ; University Chapel. yet forgotten what sitting exams is like. a Lack to be elected as Student Representa­ Committee. : Speakers will be from on and off Firstly, let’s have a look at the claim tives on Senate for a full term, and Rich­ 831 votes were cast. campus, including Protestants, Catholics, made by the nameless author that, ‘By ard Rowe to be elected for the remaining Liberals and Conservatives. The first borrowing essays and assignments from period of the casual vacancy. Michael Walker . three speakers will be The Rev. Dr. R. people who did the same course the year Acting Returning Officer I Thompson from the Baptist Theological before you can probably halve your work - j College, The Rev. Dr. K. Larsen, a Roman load....and gain top marks.’. This sort of ! Catholic priest teaching in the English thing does probably go on to some small : Department and The Very Rev. O. extent However, it is worth remembering vox d e i? : Baragwanath, Minister of St. David’s that while someone doing this may get Presbyterian Church. good marks for his term work he will not i It is intended that Christians from town will join with University Christians* * in expressing their common allegiance and common search for greater comprehension of the religious dimension.
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