N 1 - - Speaker Redmond: ''House wi11 come to order. Members please be in their seats. Be lead in prayer by the Reverend I Krueger, the Rouse chaplain.f' l l Reverend Krueger: 'In the name of the Father, the Son, and che Holy Gh os t . Amen . 0 Lord , bless this House to Thy service this day. lmen. Theodore Roosevelt said lThe 1aw of worthy life is fundamentally the law of strife. It is only through labor and painful effort, by grlm energy and resolute courage, that we move on to better things.' Let us pray . 0 LORD GOD, our Creator and our Redeemer, we praise Thee this day for a11 Thy tender mercies and 1 ov i ng kindness that Thou 'in Thy infinite wisdom hast bestowed upon a1l manklnd. We thank Thee, 0 heavenly Father, for the privilege that is ours serve ia this House of Representatives of the State of Illinois. We implore Thee, 0 Lord, to make us steadfast in our efforts to bring tO the people of this State a government which is equitable and just; that a better and nobler society may be realized and found nost pleasing to Thee; chrough Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Speaker Redmond : Hzepresentative Ryan will lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance. 0hy hefs not here. Representatfve Walsh. He's not here. Representative Collins. Hels not here. Aepresentative Ropp is here.'' Ropp: 'Q pledge allegiance to the flag of the fnited States of America, and to the Republic, for which it stands , one Nation under God, iadivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all. Thank you.'î Speaker Redmond: ?% e at ease till 11:30. There will be a meeting in the Speaker's Office of the Committee chairmen at 11:15.'' Doorkeeper: ''Attedtion. Would al1 persons not entitled to the House floor, please retire to the gallery.'' Speaker Redmond: 'I o'use will come to order. Members please be fn their seats. Roll Call for attendance. Messages G E N E R A L A S SEM B L Y 5-2-79 S T A T E D F l L L I N 0 I S H o u s E7 o F' R E F: IR E s E N T A T 1 v E s - N .'' 'N w p from tVe Senate. No messages. What kave you got? Rep- resentative Terzich, for what purpose do you rise?'f Terzich: ''Yes, Mr. Speaker, for the last time on the Deferred Compensation Program , we do have Georgeanne Daley, from the Department of Personnel, to explafn to Members, and we also have packets explaining the Deferred Compensation Program for Members. Now there's only twenty-four days left. I am not going to make any more announcements on this. Itls a tremendous benefit for the State employees as well as the Members of the General Assembly, and ff 7o are interested in , or you have any questions, or want to participate, Georgeanne Daley is right here beAind my desk, and youfre more than welcome to come back here and ask any questions or arrange an appointment for any further discussion. Thank you .'' Speaker Redmond: nMr. Clerk, do we have any motfons for the authority to change a vote?'' Clerk O'Brien: ''Representative Wikoff requests to vote 'aye' on House Bill 816. Tim Johnson on 794. Boucek on 507. Mccourt on 724. Mccourt on 507. Anderson on 724. Domic on 599. Slape on 889. Flinn on 889. Bell on 507. Kozubowski on 507. Tim Johnson on 1047. Brummer, Chris- tensen, and Slape on 889. Ben Polk on 889. Marovitz on 1188. Laurino on 1188. Rep/esentative Friedland 'present' on 1082. Mrs. Sumner fno ' on 1188. Mrs. Sumner îno ' on 1309. Simms lno f on 1130 , and Cullerton 'yes' to 'nof on House Bill 1260, Amendment //1.'' Speaker Redmoad: 'Is there any discussion? Do they have leav to change their votes? Hearing nop..Representative Wolf objects. He's changedrhis mind.' Nolf: ''No, you just answered my question, Mr. Speaker. I just wanted to know if they wanted to be added or change thefr V 0 Q. * * î î Speaker Redmond: 'Qhange their vote. Hearing ao objectioals leave is granted, aad the Attendance Roll Call will be G E Ni E R A L .4 S S E 15'1 B L Y 5-2-79 STATE OF ILUINDIS 3. used. Representative. Representative Slàpe. Turn the '' Chair over to Representative Slape. Slape: HThank you, Mr. Speaker, Ladies and Gentlemen of the House. It is a great honor for me to introduce some people from the 55th District, who have come up here to- day to say, 'hello' to the Illtnois General Assembly. With us this mornfng , we have Thomas fTogiski', vho is t:e VFW Commander of Highland Post 5694. Bill 'Mcceiger', who is the VFW Auxfliary President of Post 5694 , and Mrs. Colleen 'Poss', who is the VFN Auxiliary Member and <as Chairman of thc Voice of Democracy Contest. With them this morning, they have escorted Berla S. Hanson yapf Troy , Illinois , who is the Voice of Democracy vinner for the State of Illinois this year. Sbe is also the winner of the Model UN project aad an Illinois State Schotar. Berla. Berla comes from the 55th District, vhich is rep- resente; by Senator Jim Donnevald, Representatives Dwight '' Friedrich s Frank Watson, and Mike Slape. Thank you. Speaker Redmond: rohe award vinner ts shy and modest like a11 Representatfves from that dfstrfct. Not the Senator, but the...thank you, very much for coming. Congratulations. Representative Polk.'' Polk: ''Yr. speaker and Ladies and Gentlemen , I have a distinct pleasure this morning to introduce a friend and a fellov elected official. Thfs elected official fs a first in our community. Itfs something that weVre very proud of. It is someth ing that has received state-wide publication in a11 of the newspapers, because Janes Davis is a first in our communtty to do sometbing. As a fellow elected offi- cialy I am pleased to introduce you to Mayor James Davis from the Rock Islands and he is a ftrsty beûause he is the first school teacher ever elected from Rock Islaad to the position of Mayor.'' Davis: ''Thank you, Ben , and I just want to say that itîs a joy and a pleasure to be here, and know you have a lot of GEN ERA L ASSEM BLY 5-2-79 ST A T E o F 1 u L l N o 1 S &. work to do , so I don 't have a long speech for you , but have a good day and'a productive day , and thank you for allowing me to share just a moment wfth you.'' Speaker Redmond: ''Consent Calendar. Second Readfng. Secoad 'f day. Representative techowicz. Lechowicz: 'Qhaak you, Mr. Speaker, Ladies an4 Genttemen of the House, forpthe xpurposezof aaciùtrodécti6n.- , We have l four Business Law classes from Morton West High School ! out of Berwyn, Illinois fn the 7th District, represented by Representative Pechous . Representative Klosak and Matul . In the gallery directly behind me, represented with...Mr . .. ptheir teacber, Mr. 'Rustoffl. We want to welcome them 's to SpTingfield and wish them a fine daye Speaker Redmond: ''Consent Calendar. Second Reading. Second d Z' X * f ' Clerk O'Brien: HConsent Calendar. Second Reading. Second day. Page 28 on you Calendar. gouse Bill 1121. A Bill for an Act to release an easement in Clark County. Second Reading of the Bi11. House Bill 1217. A Bill for an Act relating to retail service stations. Second Reading of the Bi11. House Bill 1318. A Bill for an Act to amend the Animal Welfare Act. Second Reading of the Bi11. Amendment /1 was adopted in Committee. House Bill 1607. A Bill for an Act to amend the Illinots Vehicle Code. Second Reading of the Bi11. Amendment //1 was adopted in Committee. House Bill 1847. A Bill for an Act to amend the Veterinary Medicfne and Surgery Practice Act. Second Readiag of the Bi11. House Bill 1980. à Bill for an àct to amend the Fish Code. Second Reading of the Bi11. Amendment /1 vas adopted in Committee. House Bi11 2034. A Bill for an Act to amend the Legislative Compensation Act. Second Reading of the Bfll. House Bill 2331. A Bill for an Act authorizing the Adjutant General to con- vey the Quincy Arxory Property. Second Reading of the Bi1 . Eouse Bill 2485. Bitl for an A=t to amend the Legislattve G ENER AL A SSEM BLY 5-2-79 ST A.T E o F I uuI N O 1 S H o klSE 0 F e EF R ESE N T AT I V E $ ' 5 Reference Bureau Act. Secand Reading of the Bf11. Amend- ment //1 vas adopted in Committee. House Bill 2526. A Bill for an Act to amend the Real Estate Brokers and Li- cense...and Salesmen License Act. Second Reading of the B i i 1 @ ' f Speaker Redmond: HThird Reading. Second Reading. Short De- bate Calendar. 0n page 2. 144.'' Clerk O'Brien: HHouse Bill 144. A Bill for an Act in relatio to information on applicktions submitted to the Governor's Office of Manpower and Human Development. Second Re'ading of the Bill. Amendment //1 was adopted in Comnittee.o Speaker Redmoad: 'Any motion with respect to Amendment 1 or Committee or Amendments fron the floor?t' Clerk O'Brien: t'No motlons or Amendments filed.'' Speaker Redmond: 'Third Reading. 190.:1 Clerk G 'Briea : 'lEouse Bill 190. A Bill for an Act to amend Seqtions of an Act relating to the Department of Chfldren and Family Services.
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