THE KEYSTONE \o|. I \I\. No.XI •The Student Neuvpuper of Ku\/U)\^n I niversity Sinee 1932 • March X. 2(KI| Blizzard out of state, out of mind school dosings and a mass exo­ dents,' said Andrea By AMY BRASSINGnm dus to grocery stores. KU was Teod(»ato6, a senior Politi­ MaiWR. Editor, THE KEYgTONE one of the schools that were cal Sdence Major. KUTZTOWN—Many KU Stu­ dosed Monday. 'The news hyped up dents, hoping for a break from 'I think the university the snow so mudi that the classes, were expecting a laige dosed because of the amount (^ university was probaUy snowstorm from Sunday snow they were forecasting, just taking precautions,' through Tuesday. and for the safety of the stu- said Maria Menichello, a Tlteaccumiila- senior Psychol­ tion totaled three ogy Major. to six inches. Accord­ What started ing to The Read­ off as a steady ing Eagle, Doug snow on Sunday, it Allen from later turned to Channel 8 News freezing rain and said, 'Our phi­ ended in only a losophy is: we few scattered do not go on the flakes. air (with a major Just cliillin'. Many students relaxed on Nevertheless, storm forecast) until it is much their day off from school. Some decided to do KU students ben­ more productive things, such as this efited from the ex­ closer to the snowman on Main Street. tra day off on event and we PHOTO BY ED HYDOCK Monday. The ex­ nduM-pcrfcctKcnajn Sdmeffer Auditorium showed Ihe have fads. Some sta­ week not because of weather, Mad Cow pected storm more altractioe side tf Ihe stuw fall. Snow plows left Ihe Northtion s in Philadelphia but ratings. Idrat'tthinkwegot caused many side tf campus unlouthed Monday during Ihe day. latched onto this last ^^-^^— Contimied on page 2 Feature —-^^^^-^^^^__ PHOTO BY ED HYDOCK pages Parody webpage Homelessness group causes problems raises awareness The creation of the site was the women out of the building ^^BRIANM^^^"""^^ traced back to Heimer who sub­ ByJOHNSHRYOCK and charged them with 15 dif­ Netvs Wntei; THE KEYSTONE sequently called out of class. News Writer, THE KEYSTONE ferent charges including three KUTZTOWN—Gregg Heimei Watrous's main concern KUTZTOWN — The felonies, according to the 21, a KU student was removed was the duplicated look of the Kensington Welfare Rights KWRU home page. from class on March 1, due to a website and its use of the KU Union and 20 homeless men, The women were later tried parody web-site that he created symbol K&U. women and children from and found not guilty. to lampoon KU and members of Watrous said, 'There was Philadelphia, arrived in According to the KWRU its faculty. not a problem with the site's Kutztown on Saturday, March home page, the program began Information Technologies content but merely its similar­ 3 to protest against poverty in "because a group of mothers re- NCAA National found the website, ity to the university's official America and raise www.kutztown.org, through a site at www.kutztown.edu." awareness on Eco- Qualifiers Resnet contact according to Heimer immediately re­ nomic Human page 10 Drew McLain, and called the moved the original site in order Rights. Diredor of Judicial Services, to avoid any further problems. "We are fight­ Robert T. Wabous. -^———— Continued on page 3 ing for all the ba­ ARTS & sic necessities of fP life, especially tHSINCTyNHELWP ENTERTAINMEN- health care, and *J nJttift^ijif-.jiihi we want to help and inspire the PralMl* ^ainat HomteUtantm. Kessingloum \^^% poor to unite and Welfare Review Union came lo KU to raise become leaders,' awareness lo students. said Cheri ^^^^^ PHOTO COURTESY WWW.KWRU.ORC Honkala, 38, di­ Slu<!8ts*xrySa« redor of KWRU, when asked alized that their children were the purpose of the organization. less important than the prop­ KWRU began 10 years ago erty rights of a real estate specu­ S(»»» riMtiMi when a group of mothers con­ lator that allowed this building cerned about their children's to become abandoned." am or <w t* *k iM» future took over an abandoned The event was originally welfare office in Kensington, a scheduled to take place outside section of Philly, with the inten­ Schaeffer Auditorium where Fiddling poet Tlie valid student KU wei>-*ite. After some technical difjicullies studentstio n of building a community those involved would sleep in visited KU can lum,' express their ideas about KU and its faculty at www.kulztotvn.org.center . tents. ..^.^i_i^^.^^iiK^.PHOTO COURTESY tVWW.KUTZTOWN.ORG However, police dragged —^—^^— Continued on page 2 page? KWRU visits KU Campus dead continued from page 1 them and I think they conneded with A massive tent was erected across us.- the lawn and signs that read After a prayer service and breakfast 'Kensington Welfare Rights Union' prepared by KU students on Sunday were displayed on the front lawn along morning, KWRU left Kutztown and the on snow day MainStied. group was planning to travel to Harris­ However, the weather forced the burg, they expeded to spend the night continued from page 1 dark, a senim- Professional Writing ma­ night's adivities in the capital caught up into this. What that did is jor. 'I'm glad we had the day off." to move inside the building. build the hype around this storm and ev­ Severely cold temperatures ranging Christopher On Monday, eryone got into a frenzy." from themid-20stothelow House audito­ they were plan­ According to many 30s and winds of 20 rium. ning to attempt local weather repcrts, mph with gusts up to KU students, a dtizen's arrest snow accumulation was 30 mph forced many along with Father on the woman estimated to total 20-30 students to stay in­ Stephen Seifert, in charge of the inches by Tuesday doors. prepared a meal State Welfare evening, which would 'Usually during for the guests. Department in have ranked the storm as snowstorms there are While waiting for Harrisburg, be­ one of the worst since people out on the the food, guests cause of numer- 1978. DMZ, but there was no sang religious PoveitjrttrilMsliaaic. This weekend's presentation ous human 'The components one out there on Mon­ songs and shared by KWRU affected students alKU. rights viola- didn't come together at the day,' said Kristen their experiences ^^^— PHOTO COlfflTESY WWWJOVRU.ORG fions she has right time for southeastern Lane, a sophomore of poverty, drugs committed, Pennsylvania to get Business major. and welfare with students. such as welfare cuts, according to dumped on. It just devel- Sontc played, some worked. Carl There will be more op- "I became homeless in (1997] when Honkala. oped a little later and a Mesi shovels snow downtown. This portunities for students I lost my job after I served jail time fen* About 20 KU students partidpated little farther north," said local works behind Keystone gym. who missed any snow having a suspended license. My wife in the weekend event Accu weather forecaster PHOTO BY ED HYDOCK festivities on Monday and three daughters were forced to "I wish that more people would Paul Pastelok in the Eagle. More snow move in with family members,' said have came but I am still really happy,' "A lot of warm air extended into south- showers are expeded for Friday and Sat- Galen Tyler, 31, chairman of the Orga­ Hesselson said. eastem Pennsylvania. We're just kind urday. nizing Committee for KWRU. Without any recreation centers, of missing Reading and Lancaster." A question and answer session fol­ movie theaters or shopping malls in the 'I spent the day cleaning my house lowed the meal and songs. Tyler said he area, kids hang out on the streets where and catching up on studying," said Julie would like to see KU students reedu­ they are exposed to these dangers. The Keystone cated on issues such as poverty and wel­ Spriig HM Staff fare, since he believes that welfare per­ Sick ehildran need your help now! EdUoHiOMt Tmotiyl Raub ceived to pertain only to African-Ameri­ KcnVangreefi OonaM your Me-saving Wood plasma a raceivs cans in the inner dty. OpnowEdilor Ctins Sanies $25 TODAY Aiti aid EMulsMNiMt nkr Sanuel Pefeifa One man said if more people helped SpomEdkir Jane Raub the homeless, then more people would '(for approx. 2 hours) OnwMcLam feel guilty about not helping and change Cal or atop by: PMoEdto EdHydock .JMnynlMovoise could occur. Nabi Bioniwical Canlar, Copy aid LME«V HwlZiiigei The problem, he said, was that sod- 817 Union Blvd. Uhigh .AMy BfHiinylon ety teaches us to look down on the homeless. 610-435-5848 'When the fadories are leaving be­ FoM and donation* tima may vary. cause they find cheaper labor in other www.nabi.com AdMitMigMiMgir..... Kyle Wn Vliet countries all those who were employed were people who had families and paid Fraternities • Sororities rent We are all in this together. Every­ M OiMHCoMCi. Kjte \* Viet body is afieded by this,' said Honkala. Clubs • Student Groups OriMEdlv. ~ DiewMclain After attending the weekend's ac­ Dr. MMww Nesvisky tivities, Jenn Bell, 21, Crafts major said, Earn $l,000-$2,000 this semster with the easy "I will enjoy my bed 10 times more now. campusfundraiser.com three hour fundraising event. No It was truly educational.' Erica Hesselson, 21, Social Work sales required. Fundraising dates are filling quickly, so TTw Ki)«lgM • MMri iMiy lliuidqr duiig aw acadeinc major, organized the event call today! Contact campusfundraiser.com, (888) 923- yMrbydwMaMMMWirMfetKrfilaiMUmMiiyatPeriii- 'It was a good feeling waving to my lytania. TlwedteiManitlitqMlsedlaaaMllMltorlengli 3238, or visit wwvv.campusfundraiser.com. aidaMMlamMiiiglslwadgplripcieyetliiipiaicalionaKi friends on the bus as they left," she said.
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