ISLE OF ANGLESEY COUNTY COUNCIL Committee: Economic Development, Tourism and Property Scrutiny Committee Meeting date: 22nd October 2010 Relevant Corporate Director: Environment and Technical Services Relevant Portfolio Holder: Property, Smallholdings and Asset Management Heading of Report: Asset Management Plan Update 1.0 Purpose of Report To inform members on progress in development of the Asset Management Plan. 2.0 Issues for Scrutiny To consider if progress is being made by the Council in developing its Asset Management Pan. 3.0 Background The Council’s current Asset Management Plan (AMP) was approved by the County Council at its meeting on 10th December 2009. During the review of the AMP by the Executive at its meeting on 1st December 2009 the following was resolved:­ • To recommend to the County Council that it adopts the draft Asset Management Plan. • Given the serious maintenance backlog, that all possible opportunities be taken to rationalise and reduce the Council’s property stock and Page 1 of 5 that the schools, leisure, smallholdings and social care reviews take the need to reduce the backlog by rationalisation into account. • As of 1st April 2010, all non-school structural maintenance budgets to be pooled and treated as a corporate resource to be utilised by Property to best manage the Council’s maintenance backlog, whilst having regard to the needs of services. • That a report be submitted to the Executive by 31st March 2011, updating the Asset Management Plan taking into account service rationalisation, the Council’s revised priorities, up to date capital values and condition surveys. 3.1 The Council’s new Corporate Property Group has been established with officer representation from all departments to develop the asset management process. A work programme for the year has been developed and is reviewed regularly at meetings. A copy of this showing the present situation is appended to this report. [Appendix A is a copy of the updated work programme] 3.2 A number of questionnaires to collate information of buildings have been issued to services including:­ • Building utilisation • Building running costs 3.3 All services have been requested to prepare Service Asset Management Plans (SAMP) which provides specific information on service delivery requirements in relation to property assets managed by each service. Assistance for this has been provided by the Asset Management Team in Property Services with all but one service now having draft SAMP’s in place. 3.4 The Finance Service has pooled all non-schools structural capital budgets and these are now managed directly by Property Services. A matrix for review various risks and priorities has been developed and reviewed at the Corporate Property Group. The matrix has been used to prioritise works for the year and this has been agreed by the Group. It has not been possible to pool revenue budgets in this manner and these are still held by respective services. Property Services have Page 2 of 5 agreements in place with the majority of services for the utilisation and management of budgets relating to building maintenance. 3.5 The Leader has established 4 Task and Finish Panels to review Smallholdings, Leisure sites, other Leisure and Heritage sites and Asset Rationalisation. In addition a service Task and Finish Panel has been reviewing the future of Residential Care Homes for the Elderly has been established. A Work programme is also ongoing with regard to schools rationalisation and the Education Service is reviewing future schools strategies in preparation for bids for the st Welsh Assembly Government 21 Century Schools programme. The Smallholdings Task and Finish Panel has completed its work and th reported to the Executive on 5 October 2010. The report included a SAMP for the estate. At the time of drafting this report the outcomes of other reviews are being awaited. 3.6 The Council’s Affordable Priorities Programme (APP) has been established and a number of projects to review assets have commenced. A matrix detailing properties being considered under the various Task and Finish Panels and APP projects is appended to this report. [Appendix B is a copy of the matrix] 3.7 Work has been progressed and is ongoing in relation to updating Condition Surveys. Surveys of all smallholdings have been completed and at the time of drafting costing of the identified work on the last few properties is being finalised. Surveys on schools have been prioritised to those which are st applicable to Bands A and B of the proposed 21 Century Schools bids, which are required to be submitted to the Assembly by mid December 2010. Surveys are being commissioned in respect of Public Conveniences. Page 3 of 5 Surveys have also been undertaken on buildings relevant to the capital programme e.g. Shire Hall, Libraries etc. 3.8 Approval has been given for the purchase of a new software system for the management of asset information and data. The system is in use in Conwy, Gwynedd and Flintshire and assistance in setting up the system is being provided by Conwy. Discussions are ongoing with Gwynedd regarding possible shared helpdesk services. A project plan for implementation of the system is currently being prepared, subject to availability of ICT resources for initial software installation. 3.9 Property Services continues to submit performance information for the WAG Core Asset Management (CAM) PI’s. An analysis of building performance from these PI’s over the past 4 years is appended to this report. [Appendix C is a copy of the graphs] 3.10 The revisions to the Council’s Corporate Asset Management Plan will take account of the outcomes of the various Task and Finish Panels and APP projects, the various Service AMPs, revised assessment of required maintenance from updated condition surveys, the financial outlook, revised Council priorities and opportunities identified for alternative service provision. Subject to the timescale for reporting by the Task and Finish Panels and APP projects it is anticipated the revised AMP will provide a firm basis for management of the Council’s assets for the coming years and with effect from April 2011. 3.11 In relation to Holyhead Fishdock it is noted that a report was th submitted to the Executive on 7 September 2010, and it was resolved: • To authorise the commencement of negotiations with Stena for the release of the Council from the current lease and that assurances be sought from Stena with regard to the future of the facility; • That authority be delegated to the Portfolio Holders for Property and Maritime Services to make a final decision as to whether to withdraw from management of the facility. Page 4 of 5 One meting has subsequently been held with Stena. An inspection of the pontoon structure is being carried out following which a further meeting is to be arranged. 3.12 In relation to proposals for wind farms, there are no proposals being considered in relation to Council owned smallholdings. Consideration is being given to a possible wind farm on one holding which is part of the David Hughes Charity Estate. A verbal update on this will be provided at the meeting. Mke Barton Head of Service (Property) Department of Environment and Technical Services 13/10/10 Appendices Previous Relevant Council or Executive Decisions or Local Service Board *List here any previous relevant decisions. *If none, state “No previous relevant decisions”. 22nd September 2010 of this Committee – That priority should be given by this Committee to discussion of the asset management of the Fishdock, Holyhead and the possibility of construction of a wind farm on a Council owned smallholding on the island. Background Papers Officer Contact: Page 5 of 5 Proposed Asset Management Action Plan 2010 Item Asset Management Plan of Actions Responsibility Target Date Strategic Management 1 Preparation of Service Asset Management plans & Service heads June 2010 completion of utilisation & Suitability/Sufficiency & Asset Mgr surveys 2 Revue Corporate Asset Management Plan and update Asset Manager Dec 2010 3 Develop a Maintenance Strategy & establish a protocol Head of June 2010 for the pooling of maintenance budgets Property √ Services 4 Review and monitor Asset Management performance Corporate Ongoing Prop Group 5 Develop a strategy for reviewing assets on an area by Head of July 2010 area basis in addition to/instead of by a service by Property √ service basis Services Data Management and IT 1 Present report to Executive for the procurement of Head of Sept 2010 dedicated Asset Management IT system Property √ Services 2 Implement & populate new IT system AM Team June/Dec (Dependent on approval of above & IT system provider) 2010 Performance Management 1 Establish local PIs and criteria for measuring property Service heads Sept/Dec performance & Asset Mgr 2010 2 Monitor asset performance for Corporate Health PIs AM Team Sept/Dec and CLAW benchmarking PIs 2010 Property Management 1 Identify buildings in condition C and D from current data Property/ AM Ongoing and implement a rolling programme of surveying 20% Team of buildings per year 2 Implement a Maintenance Strategy to deal with pooling Property/AM June 2010 of maintenance budgets & emerging data from 1 above team √ & 6 below 3 Identify service needs from emerging Service Asset All services/ June/Dec management plans AM team/CPG 2010 4 Implement requirements identified in Access audits and Property/AM Ongoing Fire Risk Assessment surveys Team 5 Up date Asbestos surveys and act on findings Property/AM Ongoing Team 6 Complete condition surveys on Small Holdings & report AM Team Sept 2010 on findings √ 7 Implement a rationalisation programme to deal with Property June/Dec identified surplus assets from Service plans & Task & Services 2010 Finish Panels 8 Complete condition surveys on Old Peoples Homes & Asset Mgr Feb 2010 report on findings √ Property Ref.
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