15_285671-bindex.qxp 8/21/08 6:57 PM Page 166 166 Anafiotika district, 50, 63 Attica, 74 Ancient Agora, 19, 20, 57 Attica Zoological Park, Index Ancient Athens walking tour, 35, 84–85 Index See also Accommoda- 55–57 Attika, 153 tions and Restaurant Andronikos Kyristes, 12 Auto Europe, 164 Angela, 78 Avis, 164 indexes, below. Angistri, 87 Antiqua, 71 B A Antiques and collectibles, 71 Babysitting, 154 Abyssinia Square Apartment rentals, 153–154 Badminton Theater, 126 (Paliatzidika), 61 Apivita, 72 Bahar, 75 Academy of Athens, 42 Apokries, 31 Balli, 74 Accommodations, 128–138. Archaeological Museum Banking hours, 154 See also Accommodations (Delphi), 144 Bar- and club-restaurants, Index Architecture, 41–43, 108–109 Koukaki, 134, 137 159–161 Bar Guru Bar, 109 major chains, 164–165 Area codes, 154 Bars and lounges, 109–112 Makriyanni, 133–136, Areopagus, 57 Beaches, 88–90 138 Argo-Saronic island group, Beauty products and Monastiraki, 136–138 141 toiletries, 72–73 Plaka, 132, 134, 135, Ariston, 59 Benaki Museum, 21, 137, 138 Arsakeion, 43 28–29, 66 Psyrri, 137 Art Athina International Benaki Museum Gift Syntagma, 134, 136, Fair, 120 Shop, 76 137 Art galleries, 71–72, 120 Best Western International, Acropolis, 4, 5, 9–11 Arts and entertainment, 164 Acropol Theatre, 122 116–126 Bettina, 74 Adrianou Street, 6, 60, 63 best, 116 Beulé Gate, 10 Aegean Airlines, 164 tickets, 124 Bike rentals, 154 Aegina, 141 Asklepion, 56 Boat tours and cruises, 141 AEK, 126 Assembly, 83 Books and magazines, 73 Aerides, 12 Assumption of the Virgin, Botanical Museum, 33 Aga, Yusuf, 45 148 Bouzouki, 123 Agia Marina, 83 Asteria Glyfada, 88 Briki, 109 Agii Apostoli Solaki (Church Astrolavos-Dexameni, 71 British Airways, 163 of the Holy Apostles of AT&T, 157 Budget, 164 Solakis), 20, 45 Athenaeum International Business hours, 154 Agii Asomati, 45 Cultural Centre, 122 Bus Terminal A, 151 Agii Theodori, 46 Athena Nike, Temple of, 10 Bus Terminal B, 152 Agios Dimitrios Loumbar- Athenian Treasury, 143 Bus travel, 150–152 diaris, 45 Athens Epidaurus Festival, Byzantine and Christian Agios Eleftherios/Panagia 122 Museum, 29 Gorgoepikoos, 46 Athens Happy Train, 35 Byzantine Athens, 45–47 Agora Athens International Airport Ancient, 19, 20, 57 (Eleftherios Venizelos), C Roman, 12, 64 150 Cafe 4U, 124 Aigaion, 15 Athens Luxury Transporta- Calendar of events, 148–149 Aigyptou Square, 152 tion Services, 153 Callicrates, 10 Aiolou Street, 60 Athens Municipal Art Gallery, Carnival, 149 Air Berlin, 164 120 Car rentals, 164 Air France, 163 Athens News, 156 Car travel, 153 Air travel, 150, 163–164 Athens Race Track, 126 Cash points, 154 Akrotiri Lounge, 108 Athens University Historical COPYRIGHTED MATERIALCasinos, 111 Aleko’s Island, 114 Museum, 26 Cellphones, 150 Alexander’s Bar, 109 Athens Urban Transport Center of Hellenic Alexandros Soutzos Organization, 152 Tradition, 76 Museum, 120–121 Athinas Street, 6, 19, 65 Central Market, 19, 65, 79 Alitalia, 163 Athinon Arena, 114 Changing of the Guard, Allou Fun Park and Athinorama, 110, 124 12, 33 Kidom, 35 ATMs (automated teller CHAT Tours, 123, 144 American Express, 156 machines), 154 Amorgos, 76 15_285671-bindex.qxp 8/21/08 6:57 PM Page 167 167 Children, families with, E Filopappou Hill, 4, 50, 83 Index 33–35, 155 Ea, 78 First-aid clinic, 155 shopping, 78–79 Easter, 31, 148 First Cemetery, 84, 85 Children’s Museum, 34 EasyJet, 164 Folk Art Museum, 27 China Airlines, 163 Egyptair, 164 Folk dancing, 17 Christmas, 31, 149 Egyptian Collection (National Folli Follie, 78 Church of St. James the Archaeological Food shops, 75–76 Bombardier (Agios Dimi- Museum), 16 Frentzos, Angelos, 74 trios Loumbardiaris), 45 EHIC (European Health Insur- Fresh Line, 72 Church of St. Nicodemus ance Card), 155 Frissiras Museum, 120 (Sotira Likodimou), 47 Ekavi, 76 Church of the Holy Apostles Ekklesiastika Eidi, 72 G of Solakis (Agii Apostoli El Al Airlines, 164 Gagarin 205 Live Music Solaki), 20, 45 Elderhostel, 157 Space, 124 Cigars, 74 Electricity, 154 Galaxy Bar, 109 Cinemas, 121–122 Eleftherios Venizelos (Athens Galea, 113 Cine Paris, 121 International Airport), 150 Gay and lesbian travelers, City of Athens Museum, 28 Eleftheroudakis, 73 155 Classical music, 122–123 Elena Votsi, 78 Gazi district, 13, 61, 155 Clean Monday, 149 Eleni, 37 nightlife, 110, 113, 114 Climate, 148 Elgin, Lord, 9, 47, 158 restaurants, 99, 101 Club Hotel Casino Loutraki, Elgin marbles, 9, 11 Gazi Flea Market, 6, 79 111 Embassies and consulates, George the Famous Taxi Coffee, 76 154 Driver, 153 Consulates, 154 Emergencies, 154 Gialino Music Theatre, 123 Continental Airlines, 163 Emirates Airlines, 164 Gifts, 76–77 Coronet Theatre, 126 Envy, 112 Gladstone, William, 42 Costumes, 74 EOT (Greek National Tourism Golf, 126 Cruise ship passengers, 151 Organization), 150 Gonia tou Mantemiou, 37 Cubanita Havana Club, 108 Epidaurus, 146 GO tours, 144 Currency and currency Epidaurus Festival Museum, Grande Bretagne Hotel exchange, 155 146 Spa, 52 Cycladic Art Museum, 29, 66 Epidaurus Theater, 122 Grand Promenade, 5, 9, 50, Cycladic Collection (National Epiphany, 149 55–56 Archaeological Erechtheion, 10 Greek National Opera, 122 Museum), 16 Ermou Street, 6, 12, 59 Greek National Tourism Eurochange, 157 Organization (GNTO), D Euroclinic, 155 150, 157 Dance clubs, 112–113 European Health Insurance The Greek Shop, 75–76 Daphni Monastery, 47 Card (EHIC), 155 GSM (Global System for Delphi, 143–144 European Network for Mobiles), 150 Delta Air Lines, 164 Accessible Tourism, 157 Department stores, 74 Event listings, 155 H Destijl, 112 Evrika, 76 Hadrian’s Arch, 11, 55 Dining, 92–102, 154. See Exarchia Square, 17 Half Note Jazz Club, 124 also Restaurant Index nightlife, 109, 111, 113 The Hall, 113 best, 92 Eye Clinic, 42 Hansen, Christian, 42 Gazi district, 99, 101 E-Zone, 124 Hansen, Theophilos, 41–43 Kolonaki Square, Health concerns, 157 96, 99, 100 F Hellenic National Railway, 151 Plaka, 98, 100, 102 Fall, 148 Hephaisteion (Thisseion), Syntagma, 98, 102 Families with children, 20, 57 Dinner shows, 123 33–35, 155 Herodes Atticus, 122 Dioskouri, 21 shopping, 78–79 Herodes Atticus Theater, Disabilities, travelers with, Farmer’s market, 6 56, 122 157 Fashion Week, 149 Hertz, 164 Doctors, 154–155 Fashions (clothing), 74–75 Hill Memorial School, 63 Dollar, 164 Ferries, 150–151 Hill of the Nymphs, 83 Dora Stratou Theatre, Festivals and special events, Hilton Hotels, 164 17, 122 148–149 History of Greece, 158–159 Doubletree Hotels, 164 Fetiye mosque, 12, 64 Holiday Inn, 164 Drugstores, 156 F-Fokas, 74 Holidays, 31, 155 15_285671-bindex.qxp 8/21/08 6:57 PM Page 168 168 Holy Apostles of Solakis, Karaiskaki Stadium, 126 M Church of the, 45 Karavan, 76 Mail and postage, 155 Hondos Center, 72 Katerina Minadaki, 37 Makriyanni, 27 Index Hotels, 128–138. See also Kathara Deftera (first day of accommodations, Accommodations Index Lent), 4, 31 133–136, 138 Koukaki, 134, 137 Kathimerini, 156 Mala (Komboloi Club), 77 major chains, 164–165 Kerameikos cemetery, 19, 61 The Mall, 74 Makriyanni, 133–136, Key Tours, 123 Mamacas, 110 138 King George Palace Hotel Marathon, 149 Monastiraki, 136–138 Spa, 52 Markets, 79 Plaka, 132, 134, 135, Kiosk (Omonia Sq.), 73 Maroudis, Constantine, 43 137, 138 Kleidia o Kostis, 38 Marriott, 165 Psyrri, 137 Kolonaki Square, 17, 66 Mastihashop, 76 Syntagma, 134, 136, nightlife, 108, 138 Matina Kapella, 39 137 restaurants, 96, 99, 100 MCI, 157 Hydra, 141 shopping, 71–74, Megaron Mousikis, 123 76–78, 80 Metals Collection (National I Kombologadiko, 77 Archaeological Iberia Airlines, 164 Konstantopoulou, 77 Museum), 16 Ictinus, 10 Kori, 77 Metro (subway), 150, 152 Ifestou Street, 61 Korres, 72–73 Metropolis, 79, 124 Igglesi, 74 Koukaki, accommodations, Mike’s Irish Bar, 110 Ikaros, 153 134, 137 Military dictatorship, 17 Ikastikos Kiklos, 72 Koultoura, 73 Mitropoleos Street, 6 Iliou Melathron, 41 Kourbela, 74–75 Mobile phones, 150 Independence Day, 149 Kozatsa Creations, 80 Monastiraki Flea Market, 79 Insurance, 155 KTEL buses, 144, 151–152 Monastiraki Square, 26, 60 Intercontinental Hotels & accommodations, Resorts, 165 L 136–138 International Film Festival, Lalaounis, 78 restaurant, 96 148–149 Lalaounis Jewelry shopping, 72, 73, 76, International Trade Fair, 148 Museum, 27 78–80 Internet access, 155 Lamarinoupolis, 37–38 MoneyGram, 155 Internet & Games Arcade, Lapin House, 79 Mostrou, 114 123–124 LavaBore, 113 Moustakis, 80 Intersport Athletics, 80 Lazaridis, 38 Mouyer, 79 Iraklidon Street, 13 Leather Glove Shop, 37 Museum of Cycladic Art, ISPS Arts & Crafts, 77 Limotours, 153 shop, 77–78 Little Monastery, 60 Museum of Greek Children’s J Lodging, 128–138. See also Art, 33–34 Jackson Hall, 108 Accommodations Index Museum of Greek Popular Jazz, 124 Koukaki, 134, 137 Musical Instruments, Jewelry, 78 major chains, 164–165 26, 35 Lalaounis Jewelry Makriyanni, 133–136, Museums, 26–29 Museum, 27 138 Music Jewish Museum of Monastiraki, 136–138 classical, 122–123 Greece, 27 Plaka, 132, 134, 135, jazz, 124 Joy, 109 137, 138 popular, 124–125 Julius Caesar, 64 Psyrri, 137 Music stores, 79 Syntagma, 134, 136, Mycenaean Collection K 137 (National Archaeological Lost and found, 155 Museum), 16 Kafeneion Pente Dromous, Loumidis, 76 109–110 Loutro ton Aeridon, 26 Kaftantzoglou, Lissandros, 43 N Ludwig, King, 46 Kalogirou, 80 National Archaeological Lufthansa, 164 Kalua, 113 Museum, 15–16 Lycabettus Hill, 35, 51, 66 Kanellopoulos Museum, 27 National Art Gallery, Lycabettus Theater, 122 Kapa Change, 150 120–121 Lysicrates, 63 Kapnikarea, 46, 59–60 National Gardens, 21, 31, 33 Lytras, Nikiforos, 47 Kapodistrias, Ioannis, 42–43 National History Museum (Palaia Vouli), 28 15_285671-bindex.qxp 8/21/08 6:57 PM Page 169 169 National Library, 43 Panathinaikos FC, 126 Romeo, 114 Index National Observatory, 83 Pandrossou Street, 60 Roussos Art and Jewelry, 39 Naxos sphinx (Delphi), 144 Parking, 156 Ruby’s, 78 Neighborhood walks, 53–66 Parliament, 41 Ancient Athens, 55–57 Parthenon, 10, 50 S Kolonaki and Pascha (Orthodox Easter), Sacred Way path, 143 Lycabettus, 66 148 Safety, 156 Plaka, Thissio, and Pasialis and Sia, 38 St.
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