- _,,__ VOLUME 29 NUMBER 4 JANUARY, 1958 ,~- IBPOST· OIJBNAL Statnps for Sale??? WE CAN BE OF SERVICE TO YOU ! ! IRWIN HEIMAN For more than a quarter of a Century, COLLECTORS, DEALERS, TRUST COMPANIES and EXECUTORS OF ESTATES have consulted us regarding the conversion of Philatelic Properties into cash. IF YOU WANT TO SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION we can offer early dates and attractive terms. Expert supervis­ ion of all material by an experienced Philatelic Auctioneer. Liberal advances pending sale. Comprehensive insurance and Holmes Electric Protection safeguards your property· while in our poesession. Our Catalog distribution is world-wide. OUR PRIVATE SALES SERVICE ... successfully places Collections, Stocks and Rarities where this method is preferred. IMMEDIATE CASH IS WAITING ... for the outright purchase of suitable material regardless of amount. Our Advice, Backed by 30 Y cars Experience in the Stamp Trade, is at Your Disposal lnforma:tion Cheerfully Given lftftllN HEIMAN~ Inc.: Serving American Philately Since 1926 z WEST 46th STREET NEW YORK 36, N. Y. ROOM 708 TEL.: JU 2-2393 THE AMERICAN AIR MAIL SOCIETY -tk~IBPOST A Non-Profit Corporation Incorporated 1944 "~;f011BNAL Organized 1923 Under the Laws of Ohio PRESIDENT Official Publ1cation of the John J. Smith AMERICAN AIR MAIL SOCIETY Ferndale & Emerson Sts. Philadelphia 11, Pa. Volume 29 No. 4 Issue No. 333 SECRETARY-TREASURER Ruth T. Smith CONTENTS For January, 1958 Ferndale & Emerson Sts. Philadelphia 11, Pa. Articles SAL.-:s MANAGER A New Look for Paraguay's Herman Kleinert 1 Postal Services . ......... 98 213 Virginia Ave. 1 , 50c Zeppelin Stamp Almost Wasn't! .... 106 Fullerton, Pa. 1 , American Blimp Celebrates 40th VICE-PRESIDENTS 1 Birthday .............. .. 115 Bernard Davis Notes on Newfoundland Envelope 118 Joseph L. Eisendrath, Jr. A Group of Old Timers 122 Florence L. Kleinert Robert W. Murch Bermuda's First Airmail Fell From Dirigible ..................... 126 EDITOR - Other Publications L. B. Gatchell Regular Features . Just A Minute ...... 100 ATTORNEY George D. Kingdom i Airs of l:he Month 102 C.A.M. Cover Notes 104 DIRECTOR OF Tips by Julius 109 FOREIGN RELATIONS Dr. Max Kronstein Airport Dedication Covers 114 Aero Postal Stationery Notes 119 AUCTION MANAGER Official Section 124 Samuel S. Goldsticker, Jr. News of the Airlines ..... 127 DIRECTORS Alton J. Blank EDITOR Samuel S. Goldsticker, Jr. .Joseph L. Eisendrath, Jr. Louise S. Hoffman 350 No. Deere Park Drive, Highland Park, Ill. Ernest A. Kehr Dr. Southgate Leigh ASSISTANT EDITORS Lester S. Manning Robert W. Murch Dr. Tomas Terry Ernest A. Kehr L. B. Gatchell Earl S. Wellman BUSINESS MANAGER Grace P. Conrath ADVANCE BULLETIN SERVICE 1133 Kerry Lane, Erie, Pa. Herbert Brandner DEPARTMENT AND ASSOCIATE EDITORS 4038 Forest Ave. R. Lee Black, Alton J. Blank, Florence L. Klein­ Brookfield, Ill. ert, Dr. Max Kronstein, Thomas J. O'Sullivan, Richard L. Singley, William R. Ware, Sol Whit­ man, Julius Weiss, James Wotherspoon, John MEMBERSHIP DUES Watson, William T. Wynn, Frank Blumenthal $4.00 PER YEAR Samuel S. Goldsticker, .Jr., .T.S. Langabeer, N. Dues include subscription to C. Pelletier. THE AIRPOST JOURNAL. Ap­ plicants must furnish two ref­ Pubiished monthly at Albion, Erie Co., Pa.,U.S.A. erences, philatelic preferred. At li:ntered as second-class matter at the Post Office least one must reside in Appli­ at Albion, Pa., February 10, 1932, under cant's home town. Applicants the Act of March 3, 1879. under 21 years must be guar­ The AIRPOST JOURNAL is not conducted for anteed by Parent or Guardian. profit. The Editor, Business Manager, and all Membership may be terminated others serve without compensation. Receipts by the Society in accordance from advertising, subscriptions and contribu­ with its By-Laws. tions are applied to the betterment of the magazine and the promotion of aero-philately. Correspondence concerning ad­ vertising, subscriptions, back The Editor and Officers of The American Air numbers and bound volumes, Mail Society assume no responsibility for the address changes and other mat­ accuracy of statements made by contributors. ters and all remittances should Every effort is mane to insure correctness of be sent to the Business Mana­ all articles. ger. All general editorial copy Subscription Rates: $4.00 per year, 35c per copy. and communications should be Advertising Rate Card available from sent to the Editor. Business Manager JANUARY, 1958 PAGE 97 A "New Look" For Paraguay's Postal Services By GULLIVER (Courtesy of Unesco) The Republic of Paraguay in cen­ • him, and quickly started tackling the tral South America is a small coun­ 5,000 ,bags of backlog. try by Western Hemisphere stand­ ards. With a land surface about One of the first problems he tried equal to that of the United Kingdom, to solve was the rationalization of the it is only a quarter of the size of Ven­ postal tariffs in relation to the routes ezuela and less than one-thirtieth of and prevcailing obligations ,within that of Brazil. But 1by its unique the Universal ,Postal Union conven­ geographical 1position in the heart of tions. A thorough study of eac:h rec­ the continent, squeezed in between ommended route for 1corre'spondence Argentina, Boiivia and Brazil, Para­ was the next item on his agenda. guay is destined to play a key part Only a few airlines touching doiwn in the Latin American airline system in Asuncion carried 1correspondence and, consequently, in its postal ser­ at that time. Now all of them do, for vices as well. the Government is particularly con­ cerned 1with the significance of Para­ The Paraguayan authorities real­ guay in the future devel-Opment of ized this 1back in 1953 •when they de­ air routes in :South America. Para­ cided to reorganize the country's guayan airports are bound to play an postal services. At that time more increasingly important part with the than '5,000 bags of old parcel post development of the rich inland area were stacked in the mail 1warehouses, of Brazil and the construction of and the Baraguayan Trea,sury was Brasilia, the new capital of that coun­ losing •huge sums of money because try whose inauguration has been an­ the tariffs had been established with­ nounced for '119518. out sufficient 1planning. The airmail Another important item on Dr. Ar­ services ,were another source of wast­ ciniegas' >agenda was the training of age of Goverrnnent money, com­ ,personnel. "In service" training was plaints were numerous and delays started a1most from the first day of had become a routine. The rules for his arrival; but there has alSo lbeen despatches, certified correspondence training abroad. The Postal School, and control of parcel posts were still set up in 19516, is directed by Senor those of the Argentine Postal Code of D. Bareto, 1Who has studied postal ad­ 11890, though that country had long ministration in Colombia on a U. N. since ceased to apply them. Technical Assistance fellowsihip. These :were the reasons wihich Today Dr. Avciniegas has almost caused the >Paraguayan Government completed his task. The reoriganiza­ to set up a reorganizing committee tion of the postal service, now on its and request aid from the UN Techni­ last lap, is confined to internal ques­ cal Assistance Administration in giv­ tions. The draft Postal Code is ex­ ing a "New Look" to the country's pected to be completed any day now, :postal services. And that was how and a 1postal map of Paraguay with Dr. iRoberto Arciniegas, a Colombian indications of all the country's post­ specialist, arrived in Ascuncion, capi­ offices and recommended routes is tal of Paraguay. being prepared with the assistance of Dr. Arciniegias is a man of endless a Unesco expert, 1Dr. Ji'. Sevillano. patience 1with long years of experi­ Plans have ibeen drawn up for the ence behind him in directing his use of national airlines for mail de­ country's postal and telecommunica­ livery within the country. And a tion services. He 1was not discour­ new salary scale has been prepared, aged by the Herculean tasks facing which provides for more efficiency, HAGE 98 THE AIRPOST JOURNAL better working conditions, iand faster tor boat •were irregular. Authoriza­ ipromotion prospects within t:ie postal Lion was made by the airline and services. permission w as granted •by the Gov­ Today, an airmail letter arriving in ernment to carry mail to this mine. Asuncion is delivered in its 1P ost Of­ On August 17th, 1926, Capt. 1F. J. fice box in the Central Postal Build ­ Stevenson and two passengers flew ing two hours after the plane has to the mine with a supply of the landed. There is no longer any back­ Company's air stamps. The mine log in parcel posts, and for mor e manager, a stamp cohlector, realized than a year no·w there have been no that this outgoing mail .w ould 'be a complaints about air shipments sent first Hight, collected the mail from albroad. Accounting 'books are kept his mine personnel and added 1;2 let­ up-to-date, and courteous attention is ters to his wife, a total of 3!6 covers. given to the public from 7 a. m. A request was then made to St even­ through to 8 p. m. on working days, son always co-operative with stamp and up to 11 a. m. on holidays. There collectors, to autograph the letters, is satisfaction on both ·sides of the proving that they had 'been carried .counter and, in many ways, the post­ by him f.rom Cryderman. "Steve" al services of P araguay are now rat­ took this mail into the mine office ed among the best in South America. and using red ink, wrote the follow­ ing on the upper left h and corner of A.
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