13 April, 2015 Vol. 10 No. 15 ISSN 0795-3089 Prof. Okojie Extols SSSN on Good Soil Resources Policy he Executive Secretary, agement of soils in various TNational Universities ecological zones of Nigeria. Commission (NUC), Profes- sor Julius A. Okojie, OON, has Professor Okojie acknowl- commended the Soil Science edged that the NUC was Society of Nigeria (SSSN), for aware of other enormous the promotion of effective poli- contributions of the SSSN cies and actions for the sustain- in its Quality Assurance and able management and protec- Academic Standards activi- tion of soil resources in Nigeria. ties, especially in the aca- demic programme accredita- Speaking at the 39th Annual tion exercise and the update Conference of the SSSN, held in the Benchmark Mini- between 9th- 13th at Land- mum Academic Standards Prof. Julius A. Okojie, OON mark University, Omu-Aran, Executive Secretary, NUC (BMAS) documents, both at Kwara State, with the theme the undergraduate and post- ‘‘Managing Nigerian Soils for graduate levels. He said that that the theme addressed and fully in- Food and Nutrition Security the Commission would con- corporated the objectives of the Interna- and Climate Change Adapta- tinue to depend on inputs tional Year of Soil (IYS2015), stressing tion and Mitigation,’’ Professor from the Society in shaping that the sub-themes of the Conference Okojie, represented by NUC- the NUC curricula to make had been crafted to integrate virtually all Visiting Professor, Akanaren them responsive to the na- the facets of Agriculture as a discipline Essien, said that the Society tion and the enhancement of which, according to him, were in tan- had promoted the understand- employment opportunities dem with the NUC long standing policy. ing of basic and applied soil for graduates of Agriculture. He noted that the Society had also con- Science through teaching, re- tributed to the strides and progress re- search and various channels of The NUC Scribe explained corded in the research on Nigerian soils disseminating research findings. that the Conference was apt and had, from time to time, given appro- and relevant to the Agricul- priate recommendations for the man- The Executive Secretary noted tural Transformation Agenda in this edition... NHIS holds sensitiza- Matriculation: Osun Varsity Donation: Lagos tion seminar for new matriculates 2,315 students State Governemnt NUC staff (pg. 3) (pg. 4) donates buses to UNILAG, LASU Oth- ers (pg. 4) Members of the high table at the 39th Annual Conference of SSSN (ATA) of the Federal Govern- besetting Nigeria. He said that the crucial role of continuously servic- ment, adding that the SSSN had theme was in congruent with the ing life on Earth. ‘‘I am aware that promptly drawn the attention of assiduous drive of the host Insti- our exquisite but fragile habitat, the Government to the inescap- tution towards sufficient food pro- the biosphere, is changing swiftly able need of incorporating soil duction and agribusiness focus. with no less disastrous conse- survey and land evaluation tech- quences. Therefore, one needs to niques in the ATA programme. Professor Afolayan remarked that be bothered that the worst vic- He commended the management Landmark University was proud tims of the irrevocable changes, of Landmark University for win- of its dogged pursuit of Agricul- human beings, are the most cul- ning the host right of this year’s tural revolution, being the first pable as their unrestrained ac- Annual Conference of the Society. agriculture-based Private Uni- tivities endanger the planet and versity in Nigeria, with peerless jeopardize the services provided In his welcome address, the Vice- proprietorship investments and by soil. The seeming clarion call Chancellor, Landmark University, achievements, and the first Pri- by the Society merits huge coop- Professor J.O. Afolayan, expressed vate University to host the An- eration as long as we subscribe to delight that the Society considered nual Conference of Soil Science preserving our fragile home on the University adequate to host its Society of Nigeria since inception. this changing planet’’ he added. worldwide eminent members and prominent guests who, he said, He noted that people seemed to The Vice-Chancellor congratu- were willing to commit their intel- think less about soil probably due lated the National Executive of the lectual, material and ideological to its ubiquitous and lowly nature, Society as well as all stakeholders, prowess to finding practical solu- and appeared to be oblivious of its saying that the Conference was an tions to the soil-related challenges annual solution-driven and ca- Fellows of SSSN at the Conference 2 pacity-building one. He thanked served with great joy the dogged the number of hungry and poor the Chairman, Local Organising pursuit of agricultural revolution people by the magic year 2015. Committee, Professor O.O. Agbe- by the establishment of agricul- de, and his team for their diligence ture-based Universities and the The Communiqué, appreciated in making the Conference a reality. institutionalization of both qual- that food and nutrition security ity assurance and quality control were dependent on soil resourc- In a Communiqué, following the assessment measures by the Na- es (soil, land and water), which deliberations on the keynote ad- tional Universities Commission. were very vulnerable to Climate dress, lead papers presentations at Change, and observed that in or- the plenary and technical sessions It also observed that land and soil der to continue to feed the ever as well as field trip, the Society degradation presented a serious -growing Nigerian population, noted with great concern, among threat to the overall attainment there was an urgent need for effec- other things, the low subscrip- of the goal of the Agricultural tive soil management practices for tion to the study of agriculture, Transformation Agenda (ATA) optimal crop yields in all the agro- particularly soil science; but ob- and the ultimate target of halving ecological zones of the country. Newly inducted Fellows of SSSN NHIS to Enrol New NUC Staff he National Universities Com- intimated the new staff on the Tmission (NUC) has organised gains of being an enrolee of the a One-day sensitisation seminar scheme which included fast, ac- for its newly-recruited mem- cessible and subsidized health bers of staff on the importance care as well as the number of de- of the National Health Insurance pendants that could benefit from Scheme (NHIS) to their well-be- the scheme. Upon registration, the ing, as part of the Federal Govern- NHIS officials said it would take ment’s welfare policy on health- 90 days before the enrolees would related issues of public servants. Prof. Julius A. Okojie, OON each be issued an identity card Executive Secretary, NUC which would grant access to the The seminar, which was held hospitals in which they registered. on Wednesday, 8 April, 2015, at ecutive Secretary, NUC, Pro- the NUC Auditorium, Abuja, fessor Julius A. Okojie, OON, The new staff were also advised was organised by the Commis- emphasized the importance of to choose hospitals that were sion, in conjunction with the NHIS, especially in an organisa- close to them, for ease of ac- NHIS, to enlighten the new staff tion like the NUC, which had cess in the event of emergency. on the administration of the a workforce of about 750 staff, The participants were reminded NHIS scheme, enrolment as well who spent eight hours daily at that some health issues were not as its other pertinent matters. work, to ensure productivity. part of the services rendered by the Scheme, for example anti tu- Welcoming participants, the Ex- Resource persons from the NHIS berculosis drugs, cosmetics, im- 3 plant, washing of the teeth and quest full information of treat- The participants were asked to plastic surgery, among others. ment procedures and the right to report any service provider who The new staff were also informed proper referral. They were also failed to render them the required of some of their rights, in re- informed of their responsibilities services, adding that if they were spect of the Scheme, including, among them, to present them- charged for what was contained in the right to be registered into the selves for registration, select a ser- the scheme, they could report to the scheme, be issued with a means vice provider close to them, to be NHIS official assigned to the Com- of identification, choosing a ser- in possession of their NHIS iden- mission for appropriate actions. vice provider, knowing the cost tification at all times, visiting the About 90 new staff at- of drug /treatment to ascertain provider only when in need, etc. tended the seminar. 10% co-payment, the right to re- OSUN Varsity Matriculates 2, 315 Students he Osun State University, disclosed that hundreds of thou- TOsogbo, recently held its sands of candidates applied for eight matriculation ceremony admission to the Institution but for the newly-admitted 2,315 that only 2,315 candidates could students, during which the Act- be admitted for the 2014/2015 ing Vice-Chancellor of the session, having successfully scaled Institution Professor Ogun- the various hurdles, including tola Jelil Alamu, charged the acceptable passes in the UTME matriculants on good conduct. and Post-UTME screening. Professor Alamu added that ‘‘you The Ag. Vice-Chancellor, who have to make great sacrifices in Prof. Oguntola Jelil Alamu, administered the matriculation time and efforts. There is no short- Ag. VC, Osun State University oath to the students, warned them cut to success; hard work is a pre- against any violation of the Uni- requisite. God can only bless the ef- to maintain your studentship.’’ versity’s rules and regulations. He forts you put in; please, strive hard Lagos Donates 12 Buses to UNILAG, LASU, Others he Lagos State Govern- served the residents efficiently.
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