Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-07351-7 - Patronal Politics: Eurasian Regime Dynamics in Comparative Perspective Henry E. Hale Index More information Index A Just Russia Party, 285 Akhmetov, Rinat, 101 , 117 , 184–85 , 333 , 347 Abashidze, Aslan, 152 Akhvlediani family, 105 Abdullojonov, Abdumalik, 154 Ak-Shumkar Party, 322 Abilov, Bulat, 103 , 140 Aksy, 195 , 198 , 477–78 Abiyev, Safar, 297 Alakbarov, Fizuli, 301–2 Abkhazia, 5 , 12–13 , 17 , 57 , 104 , 110 , 114 , Alasania, Irakli, 206 , 208 121 , 151–52 , 155 , 158 , 158n152 , 178 , Albania, 59–60t3.1 , 456 , 458–59 , 461 181t7.1 , 181–82 , 190 , 200n100 , 199– Alfa group, 185 202 , 205 , 239 , 311 , 352n216 , 350–53 , Aliev, Rakhat, 103 , 250–52 370 , 427 , 429f11.1 , 429–30 , 435 , 437 , Aliyev, Farhad, 108 , 150, 293 , 296 440–41 , 443 , 445–46 , 451 , 474 , 476 Aliyev, Heydar, 29–30 , 54 , 72 , 108 , 149–51 , Ankvab period, 352 175 , 227 , 296–97 , 428 , 428n3 , 434 , 437 , Ardzinba period, 155–56 473–74 Bagapsh period, 351–52 and succession by son Ilham, 291–94 revolution of 2004 in, 199–205 artistic representations of, 296 rise of oligarchs in, 110 death of, 294 Abliazov, Mukhtar, 103 , 250 museums dedicated to, 299 Abramciuc, Veronica, 413–14 statues of outside Azerbaijan, 296n280 accountability, 242 , 438 , 438n20 Aliyev, Ilham, 108 , 291–99 , 301–2 , 305 , 428 , administrative resources, 142 , 145 , 160 , 168 , 434 , 448 , 472–74 184 , 203 , 216 , 226 , 266 , 268 , 324 , 333 , rise to power of, 291–94 336 , 359 , 362 , 374 , 377 , 389 , 393 , 484 Aliyev, Jelal, 293 AEI. See Alliance for European Integration Aliyev, Natik, 297 Afghanistan, 154 Aliyev, Rafi q, 108 Africa, 2 , 24n18 , 74 , 90n73 , 133n22 , 373 , Aliyeva, Mehriban, 295 , 295n275 , 300 450 , 455 , 457 , 466–67 , 474 , 477 Alliance for European Integration, 411n195 , Agrarian Democratic Party (Moldova), 105 , 408–16 , 418 166–68 , 170 demise of, 417 Aiba, Garri, 202 Almaty, 141 , 232 Aitaira movement, 201 AMN. See Our Moldova Alliance Ajara, 114 , 152 Amtsakhara movement, 201–2 , 353 Ak Zhol Party, 318 , 474 ANC. See Armenian National Congress Akaev, Aidar, 196 Andijon uprising, 244 , 244n6 , 477 Akaev, Askar, 3 , 101–2 , 118 , 120–21 , 137–39 , Andropov, Yury, 50 , 289 175 , 178 , 181t7.1 , 194–99 , 244 , 255 , Ankvab, Aleksandr, 352–53 305 , 309 , 313 , 315–16 , 319 , 325 , 389 , ANM. See Armenian National Movement 434 , 437 , 479 anti-Semitism, 235 , 334 Akaeva, Bermet, 196 , 198 apartment bombings of 1999, in Russia, 268 523 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-07351-7 - Patronal Politics: Eurasian Regime Dynamics in Comparative Perspective Henry E. Hale Index More information 524 Index Arab Spring. See Arab uprisings of2011 Azarov, Nikolai, 343–45 , 347 Arab uprisings of 2011, 14 , 18 , 67 , 90n73 , Azerbaijan, 5 , 17n35 , 29 , 53 , 60t3.1 , 72 , 456 , 467–69 , 473 95 , 107 , 116 , 121 , 128–29 , 133 , 149 , Ardzinba, Vladislav, 12 , 155–56 , 181t7.1 , 151 , 157 , 227–28 , 261 , 266 , 291–94 , 200–5 , 437 , 451 296n280 , 296–98n297 , 301–2 , 304–6 , Argentina, 466 347 , 355 , 359 , 423 , 428 , 428n3 , Arkadag. See Berdymukhamedov, Gurbanguly 430n9 , 433–34 , 437 , 443–46 , 448 , Armenia, 5 , 12–13 , 54 , 54n53 , 60t3.1 , 101 , 452–53 , 459t12.1 , 473 , 476 , 481 . See also 104 , 106 , 109 , 121 , 128–29 , 134 , 136 , Nagorno-Karabakh 150 , 157–58 , 181t7.1 , 181–82 , 228–29 , Elchibey period, 128 232 , 239 , 296 , 301–3 , 311 , 350 , 354–56 , Heydar Aliyev period, 149–51 359 , 361–63 , 370 , 423 , 427–28 , 430 , Ilham Aliyev period, 294–302 433–35 , 437 , 441 , 443 , 446 , 451 , Mutalibov period, 128–29 459t12.1 , 474–75 , 477 , 481 rise of oligarchs in, 107–8 1999 assassinations, 158 succession from father to son, 291–94 assassinations of 1999, 355 Azerbaijan Popular Front Party, 294 Kocharian period, 354–57 Azimov, Rustam, 245 Kocharian-to-Sargsyan succession in, 357–62 Babaian, Karen, 157 ouster of Ter-Petrossian in, 228–29 Babaian, Samvel, 108 , 108n59 , 157–58 , 302 rise of oligarchs in, 104 Babanov, Omurbek, 322 , 324 Sargsyan period, 362–63 Badgasarov, Mika, 356 Ter-Petrossian period, 136–37 Bagapsh, Sergei, 110 , 178 , 181t7.1 , 202–5 , Armenian National Congress (ANC), 363 352n216 , 351–53 , 451 Armenian National Movement (ANM), death of, 352 136 , 358 Baghdasarian, Artur, 356 , 360 , 362–63 Ar-Namys Party, 322 Baibolov, Kubatbek, 102 , 315 , 331 ASCOM, 104 , 379 , 394 , 400 , 403 , 405 , Bakiev, Kurmanbek, 4 , 11 , 181t7.1 , 196–97 , 415 , 417 199 , 230–33 , 240 , 312–25 , 434 , 437 , 442 , Ashgabat, 164 444 , 449 , 474 Ashuba, Nugzar, 201–2 Bakiev, Maksim, 232 Asia, 2 , 450 , 455 , 457 , 469–72 , 474 , 483 Baku, 128–29 , 149 , 294–95 , 295n275 , 302 Astana, 103 , 250 , 252 Balasanian, Vitaly, 304 Astrakhan, 296n280 Balcerowicz, Leszek, 101 Ataev, Ovezgeldy, 247 Baloha, Viktor, 335 , 346 Atambaev, Almaz, 231 , 317–19 , 322–25 Baltic states, as set, 2 , 5 Ata-Meken Party, 232 , 322 as USSR republics, 52 , 59 Ata-Zhurt Party, 322 , 324 Barankevich, Anatoly, 216n212 , 215–19 August 2008 war, 206 , 208 , 213 , 215 , Barbalat, Pavel, 174 , 377 332 , 337 Basescu, Traian, 386 Australia, 456 Bashkortostan, 111–12 , 135 , 282 Austria, 251 Beglarian, Barsegh, 356 authoritarian overreach, 80 , 87 , 91 , 120 , 231 , Beknazarov, Azimbek, 195 , 230 238 , 308 , 327 , 343 , 369 , 425 , 469 Belaia Rus’ movement. See White Russia authoritarianism, 3 , 8 , 11 , 13–14 , 25 , 33n48 , movement 40 , 67–68 , 87–88 , 91 , 125 , 134 , 136 , Belarus, 5 , 60t3.1 , 72 , 107 , 121 , 142n65 , 145 , 153 , 178 , 182 , 208 , 232n329 , 141–43 , 153 , 179 , 233 , 243 , 248 , 242 , 257–58 , 275 , 308 , 314 , 350 , 353 , 258 , 263–65 , 304–6 , 373 , 428 , 433–34 , 379 , 419–20 , 441–42 , 447 , 457n4 , 472 . 446 , 452 , 459t12.1 , 474 , 476–77 See also autocracy, dictatorship, non- pre-Lukashenka period, 141 democratic regimes rise of Lukashenka, 141–43 autocracy, 3n7 , 5 , 8 , 16 , 44 , 46 , 67 , 69 , rise of oligarchs in, 107 163 , 177n242 , 241 , 304–5 , 309 , under Lukashenka, 143–45 , 258–66 440n24 , 454 , 470 , 475 . See also Bendery, 220 , 226 authoritarianism, dictatorship, non- Berdymukhamedov, Gurbanguly, 247 , 428 democratic regimes Berezovsky, Boris, 99–100 , 106 , 135 , 192 , 272 autocratization, 14 , 17 , 22 , 190 , 486 Beria, Lavrenty, 50 , 52 , 58 Avakov, Arsen, 346 Berkut, police units in Ukraine, 235 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-07351-7 - Patronal Politics: Eurasian Regime Dynamics in Comparative Perspective Henry E. Hale Index More information Index 525 Beslan school hostage tragedy, 271 , 274 Chubais, Anatoly, 101 , 117 Bezhuashvili, David, 192 circular fl ow of power, 49–50 Bibilov, Anatoly, 216–17 Citizens Union of Georgia, 152 , 191–93 , 474 Bichenov, Atsamaz, 217 civicness, 25–27 . See also social capital Birshtein, Boris, 378 civil society, 13–14 , 18 , 86 , 182 , 244 , 295 , Bishkek, 102 , 117 , 197–98 , 230 , 233 , 298 , 316 , 439–41 , 441n30 , 446 . See also 316 , 324 non-governmental organizations (NGOs), blat, 53 social capital bloggers, 285 , 298 civil war, 1 , 32 , 44 , 109 , 115 , 127 , 129 , 149 , Bobonazarova, Oinihol, 257 151–54 , 157 , 176f6.1 , 176–77n241 , Bogoliubov, Gennady, 333 198 , 218 , 236 , 253 , 255–57 , 313 , 331 , Bohaslovska, Inna, 334 424 , 432 , 475–76 , 478 , 488 . See also Bolshevik Revolution. See Russian Revolution, Tajikistan, civil war of 1917 clans, 51 , 54n52 , 95 , 101 , 105 , 116n91 , Bolsheviks, 47–48 , 58 116–18 , 163n183 , 184 , 203 , 424 Botirov, Qodirjon, 117–18 class, social, 10 , 43 , 48 Bragis, Dumitru, 378 , 383 clientelism, 21 , 23 , 23n13 , 27 , 33n47 , 61n1 Brezhnev, Leonid, 50 , 52n45 , 52–54n53 , 58 , relationship to patronalism, 23 149 , 224 Coalition for Pro-European Governance, 417 Bucharest, 462 coercion, 1 , 10–11 , 23 , 50 , 54 , 61 , 246 , Bukharin, Nikolai, 48–49 382 , 434 Bulgaria, 3n7 , 16 , 59–60t3.1 , 456 , 458–59 , Cold War, 466 , 470 , 479 461 , 471 , 484 , 487 collective action, logic of, 8 , 11 , 20 , 22 , 34 , Bulldozer Revolution, 3 , 179 , 455 , 463–65 . 45–46 , 50–52 , 61 , 64n9 , 79 , 83 , 227 , 233 See also Serbia color revolutions, 3–5 , 12 , 73 , 178–99 , bureaucracy, 10–11 , 24–25 , 43 , 45 , 109 228–29 , 234n334 , 238–40 , 242 , 255 , Burjanadze, Nino, 153 , 193 , 206 , 364 262 , 309 , 385 , 390 , 401 , 405 , 408 , 427 , Butba, Beslan, 110 , 202 , 351 443 , 445 , 461 , 468n39 , 479 . See also Twitter Revolution (Moldova) caciquismo, 10n24 Commonwealth of Independent States, 128 , Canada, 455 148 , 152 , 167 capitalism, 47 communism, 6 , 17 , 32 , 34–35 , 35n53 , 38 , Cartu Group, 106 47–48 , 56 , 59n68 , 59–60 , 62 , 108 , 121 , cascades, 56 , 86 , 120 , 194 , 197 , 199 , 233 , 161 , 168 , 243 , 361 , 393–94 , 397 , 416 , 245 , 247 , 410–11 459 , 469 , 482 Caucasus, 5 , 41–42 , 106 , 110 , 161 , 475 Communist Party (Moldova). See Party of Central Asia, 3 , 5 , 41–42 , 54n52 , 95 , 102 , Communists of the Republic of Moldova 104 , 115 , 117 , 121 , 137 , 139 , 163 , 178 , Communist Party of China, 30 309 , 322 , 424 , 433 , 479 Communist Party of Kazakhstan, 141 , 251 Central Europe, 6 , 34–35 , 57 , 59 , 239 Communist Party of Nagorno-Karabakh, 303 Centrist Union of Moldova, 396–97 Communist Party of South Ossetia, 160–61 , Chechnya, 268 213 , 216 , 219 checks and balances, 16 Communist Party of the Russian Federation Chernenko, Konstantin, 50 (KPRF), 100 , 135 , 257 , 271 , 275 , 278 , Chibirov, Aleksei, 160 , 162 288 , 482 Chibirov, Liudvig, 159–62 , 212 Communist Party of the Soviet Union, 48–49 , chieftains, 28 52 , 54–55 , 75 , 111 , 119–21 , 124 , 175 , Chigir, Mikhail, 144 243 , 304 , 438 , 479 Chile, 309 , 480 Armenian branch, 354 China, 30 , 89n71 , 103 , 392 , 456 , 469 , 471–72 Azerbaijan branch, 128 , 149 Chirtoaca, Dorin, 392–93 , 395–96n107 , 399 , Georgian branch, 127 , 152 405 , 413 Kazakh branch, 139 Chisinau, 114 , 381–82 , 386 , 390 , 392–93 , Moldovan branch, 105 395–96 , 398–400 , 404 , 411 , 413 South Ossetia branch, 159 Chkonia, Temur, 192 Turkmen branch, 163 Chornovil, Viacheslav, 148 , 477 Uzbek branch, 163–64 Christian Democrats.
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