ST FRANCIS OF ASSISI CHURCH PARROQUIA DE SAN FRANCISCO DE ASIS FEBRUARY 14, 2021 — SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME VISION Saint Francis of Assisi is a welcoming, inter- generational and multi-cultural Catholic com- munity which embraces the teachings of Jesus Christ to foster Spiritual growth. MISSION The mission of Saint Francis of Assisi Catholic Church is to develop a welcoming and dynamic parish. Through liturgical gatherings, faith for- mation, and the grace of the Holy Spirit, we confidently live out the Gospel message in ser- vice to the community and to the Diocese of Oakland. LA VISIÓN La parroquia de St. Francis es una comunidad católica acogedora, intergeneracional, y multi- cultural. Toma a pecho las enseñanzas de Je- sucristo para promover el crecimiento espiri- tual. LA MISIÓN La misión de La Iglesia de St. Francis es de desarrollar una parroquia acogedora y dinámi- ca. Por medio de las asambleas litúrgicas, la formación de la Fe, y las gracias del Espíritu Santo, nosotros con confianza vivimos el men- saje de Evangelio en servicio a la comunidad y a la Diócesis de Oakland. ADDRESS/ DIRECCION The Rev. Ismael Gutierrez Pastor 860 Oak Grove Road, Concord, CA 94518 [email protected] Telephone (925) 682-5447 • Fax (925) 682-5491 The Rev. Rafal Duda Parochial Vicar OFFICE HOURS / HORAS DE OFICINA [email protected] Monday (Lunes) to Friday (Viernes) 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM The Rev. Mr. Charles Palomares Closed for lunch from noon to 12:30 pm. The Rev. Mr. John Mazibrook Deacons/Diáconos www.sfaconcord.com New Mass Schedule On February 5, 2021 the US Supreme Court ruled that church- Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time es may open for indoor worship at 25% of the occupancy, February 14, 2021 following social distancing and mandatory mask requirement. Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do every- Daily Masses thing for the glory of God. English: Monday - Saturday 8:30 AM (Indoor) — 1 Corinthians 10:31 Spanish: Tuesday 7 PM (Indoor) Sunday Masses Sexto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Saturday 5:30 PM Vigil - English (Indoor) 14 de febrero de 2021 Sunday 8 AM - Spanish (rear parking lot) Sunday 10 AM - English (rear parking lot) Todo lo que hagan ustedes, sea comer, o beber, o cual- Sunday 11:30 AM– English (Indoor) quier otra cosa, háganlo todo para gloria de Dios. Sunday 1 PM - Spanish (Indoor) — 1 Corintios 10:31 Sunday 3 PM - Portuguese (Indoor) Live Stream on SFA Facebook page: www.facebook.com/sfachurch.concord /live/ These scheduled Mass intentions will be said at the daily and weekend Masses celebrated by our priests. SFA YouTube channel (recorded): https:// WEEKLY Mass Intentions ww.youtube.com/channel/UCAZxCUx923Q79MSqC Saturday, February 13th 2021 3GRZA 10:00 AM Healing Mass ************************************ Parishioners of SFA Drive Through communion will continue on Sundays 5:30 PM + Margaret Hunt after the Masses from 9 -10 AM and 2- 3 PM. Sunday, February 14th , 2021 ************************************ *8:00 AM Sp. Int. Pablo Cevasco & Patty Iniguez Confessions: Saturday 4 PM - 5 PM Tuesday 6 PM to 7 PM 10:00 AM + Lucila Daso ************************************ *1:00 PM + Lucila Romani All parishioners attending Mass and receiving Holy Com- Monday, February 15th, 2021 munion must wear masks and Six (6) feet of distance must 8:30 AM + Cody Stirm be maintained between every individual. A family counts as Tuesday, February 16th, 2021 1 individual. 8:30 AM + Dennis Dougherty *7:00 PM + Indelicia Chacon & Javier Villa Gorgonio We ask for your cooperation. Wednesday, February 17th, 2021 Ash Wednesday ************************************ 8:30 AM Parishioners of SFA Attention All Parishioners: If you would like to receive the *10:00 AM Parishioners of SFA weekly bulletin delivered by email for free sign up on our *4:00 AM Parishioners of SFA website: www.sfaconcord.com/page/parish-bulletins/ 5:30 PM Parishioners of SFA *7:00 PM Parishioners of SFA Thursday, February 18th, 2021 In observance of the Presidents Day, the Parish 8:30 AM + Sally Ann Polcer th office will be closed on February 15, 2021. We will Friday, February 19 , 2021 reopen on Tuesday February 16, 2021. 8:30 AM +Roy Ciaco Saturday, February 20th 2021 For safety, parishioners will remain outside and will be able 8:30 AM + John Regan to speak with the staff at the window to the left of the Par- 5:30 PM Sp. Int. Daysi Pineda ish Office door. Sunday, February 21st , 2021 *8:00 AM Luis Carlos & Jose Antonio Gonzalez 10:00 AM Sp. Int. Mary & Fred Shaub St. Vincent de Paul Ministry *1:00 PM + Rene Judith Lopez de Amores We are in need of caring bilingual volunteers interested in helping * Masses in Spanish. with families in need, please contact our office at (925) 682-5811. Hours of Operation: 9:30a.m.-11:30a.m. Monday, Wednesday & For more information on Ash Wednesday Masses Friday. please see page next page. READINGS FOR THE WEEK CHURCH FINANCIAL INFORMATION Monday: Gn 4:1-15, 25; Ps 50:1, 8, 16bc-17, 20-21; February 7th Sunday Donation = $ 10, 216 Mk 8:11-13 January 31st Sunday Donations =$ 5,192 January 24th Sunday Donations = $4,040 Tuesday: Gn 6:5-8; 7:1-5, 10; Ps 29:1a, 2, 3ac-4, 3b, January 17thSunday Donations = $6,018 9c-10; Mk 8:14-21 th January 15 Faith Direct Donations = $10,052 Wednesday: Jl 2:12-18; Ps 51:3-6ab, 12-14, 17; 2 Cor 5:20 — 6:2; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 Before the COVID-19 crisis, our weekly donations averaged about $16,000 per week. We are now receiving an average weekly Thursday: Dt 30:15-20; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 9:22-25 donation of about $7,000 thanks to several large one-time dona- tions. Friday: Is 58:1-9a; Ps 51:3-6ab, 18-19; Mt 9:14-15 Saturday: Is 58:9b-14; Ps 86:1-6; Lk 5:27-32 Based on our current donation rate and the money we took from savings we have sufficient funds to pay the current staff and pro- Sunday: Gn 9:8-15; Ps 25:4-9; 1 Pt 3:18-22; jected bills for the remainder of this year. For those who can af- Mk 1:12-15 ford to, you can still mail in your donations to the church or drop them in the white drop-box outside the Parish Office. Consider donating electronically via our Faith Direct website: https://membership.faithdirect.net/CA762 Did you know that you can generate donations while shop- ASH WEDNESDAY ping at amazon, at no extra cost? February 17th , 2021 Simply start your shopping at smile.amazon.com/ ch/94-2234428 to confirm "St Francis Of Assisi Church" as your charity of choice, and AmazonSmile will donate a portion of your eligible purchase price to our organization DRIVE- IN MASSES (rear parking lot/gym) (The ashes will be sprinkled on the head of each person) 8:30 AM Mass in English 10:00 AM Mass in Spanish 11:00 AM -1:00 PM Drive-thru Distribution of the Ashes and Holy Communion (Church front parking lot) 4:00 PM Mass in Spanish 5:30 PM Mass in English 7:00 PM Mass in Spanish We will have Drive - in Stations of the Cross on Fridays at 6:30 PM. Lenten reflection will be on Mondays in English and Wednesdays in Spanish at 7:00 PM online/livestream only. Confessions: (In the church) Tuesday 6:00 PM -7:00 PM Saturday 4:00 PM -5:00 PM SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ─B─ Fr. Fernando Rubio-Boitel («Fr. Chico») Leprosy is seen in the Book of Leviticus ─today’s first reading─ and in the entire Old Testament as a punishment from God; in other words, someone had sinned: yourself, your parents, or one of your ancestors. Lepers were excluded from society, and they were considered dangerous towards the sanctity of the people. The term leper has become the image of those who are separated from society, for lepers, indeed were outcasts. What this first reading does is prepare us to fully understand the compassionate and loving gesture of our Lord Jesus in today’s Gospel, who came to give us life, and to do away with all kinds of nonsense. As usual, the Lord does and says things which are contrary to popular belief. Our ancestors in the faith were mindful of the command: «Be holy as the Lord your God is holy» (Lev. 19:2). Anyone with physical imperfections was not considered holy. Jesus touches the leper. These people conveyed not so much an infirmity, but they were dirty in the eyes of others ─they did not infect society, they polluted it. That is how people thought in those days. What Jesus did was an act of bravery. The man in today’s Gospel approaches Jesus with trust; notice that he tells the Lord: “If you wish, you can make me clean.” He was sure that this was exactly what the Lord wanted for him, for he had probably already heard that Jesus had healed others. The leper was right: The will of Jesus was soothing, healing, friendly, and full of mercy and compassion, especially towards those who suffer. “I do will it. Be made clean” The Lord Jesus did not hesitate. Jesus did not only cure him; he also re-incorporated this poor man to society and to the temple religious services. That is why he asked him to go and present himself before the priests, so that these could offi- cially certify his illness, and admit him back.
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