l ] What happens next? --.- _.- __ _ _._-.- _ _ _ -._..-.-- _..__._.. __._-_.._ _.._._ _.- _ - _.._ _._ ­ ] After the public display period Council will consider all commen1s before finalising the planning study for state Government consideration. The study will help the State Government decide ifand when -1 RTIthe investigation area will beRELEASE developed as a new urban community. .J J J @lUJ~ redlands... @lUJlR{ future -I RTI Document No. 461 I. Please quote: 2092 Monday, 27 April 2009 Mr Adam Souter Land Development Manager Edgarange Pty Ltd PO Box 181 Capalaba QLD 4157 Dear Mr Souter The Department of Infrastructure and Planning would like to thank you for your submission in response to the draft South East Queensland Regional Plan 2009-2031 (draft SEQ Regional Plan) released on the 7 December 2008. The Department of Infrastructure and Planning has registered your letter as a fonnal submission on the draft SEQ Regional Plan under the Integrated Planning Act 1997. It has been registered as submission number 2092. The issues raised in your submission will be evaluated and considered by the Department in the finalisation of the draft SEQ Regional Plan consultation report. The consultation report will summarise all issues raised during public consultation and will inform the review ofthe SEQ Regional Plan prior to its release in July 2009. If you wish to provide further information in support of your submission, please quote the above submission reference number. Thank you again for your interest in the draft SEQ Regional Plan. If you require any additional information, please phone 1800 070 609 (free call). Yours sincerely RTI RELEASE David Rowland Director, SEQ Regional Plan Review Department of Infrastructure and Planning Ground Floor 63 George Street PO Bo" 15009 City East Queensland 4002 Telephone +61 1800 070 609 lree-eaU Facsimile +61732354071 Website www.dip.qld.gov.au RTI Document No. 462 .III Submission cover form RECEIVED Submission cover form 6 APR 7009 Draft South East Queensland Regional Plan 2~~~~1 CIi I L ~'..~ 'I You are invited to use this form to complete All information collected from these submissions your submission or to use it as a cover sheet will help inform the finalised South East and attach it to a more detailed submission. Queensland Regional Plan 2009-2031. How to make your submission count • respond under the headings of the draft SEQ Regional Plan or draft state planning regulatory provisions and For the purposes of feedback. a properly made submission must: other matters for consideratlon. • include the name and address of the submitter InformatIon considered confidential should be clearly identified. • be made In writing, and signed by each person who has Please note submissions may be accessed under the Freedom of made the submission Information Act 1992. Some information about you ~~!fte I~:;:-I"'~o~ PrD~ I Orpnlsation OfBppncable) ~6P.~~N6~ Adihess I P,O. &o)l 5ubuibJqty state ~e I~~A ._I_Q._vO__~_~1 ~4-_11_1- _. J ~!lli ~. 1'tIone miiiibef. , . Fax .0 iqft1c!bHe, ! y C1tN\ e.- IN. C-oM·l\k) 31.l.l-S,-!:~.>o-(O_-=1'-,--~-=:..3-,-:z..._4_'5_h_OC;_$-...lI~ --, sllitJature Date c, I ~_~_~ I f /4 !Oq Do you repres£"ll Jfl i,lleresl grouo? Community group ~ndholder Recreation o o Academic o (plea... specify) Indigenous community DUrban deVl!lopment Mining Rural communities o o o (please s""elM o IndusUy group o Economic o RTIPrlmalY production oRELEASE Tourism (please spedfy) o Other o Environmental o Natural resource management o local government (plea... spedfy) \~ 'ltl" ", ': the Smart State QueenS,land ,,' I RTI Document No. 463 1111 Submission coyer form Which areas of the draft plan do your comments mainly address? Part'~IlIt\UI'~••; 1 Sustainability and climate change 7 Engaging Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples 2 Natural envlrDl1ment 8 Smart growth 3 Regional landscape c 9 Economic development 4 Natural resources 10 Infrastructure 5 Rural futures 11 Water 6 Strong communities 12 Integrated transport o ~1!th.~QlIeenslBnt:l Pint. I'-lmitt Relllon,,1 Plan 0 RegulatlllY maps -, 2009-2031 iigurBtory' p~llWS • 1. Are there any elements of the draft plan that you partiCUlarly support? o No Please comment t:obAe.ANoe.. P'rt l...'f"0 7-'PPoe.:rS i\-I-E. 1...1 CA-IJ~\~ of 'HE.. 5ovn+~ Q;E:O~D ~A'1 u:p·.J-nFI€-O c,t.ovJil-\ ~ WITHU...j Tt-t£. DQ.Af'"( ~~ f:.j¥::iT G."~SlAl<ND R£;..(;;,IGNIIrt.. PL,At-.). !4JPtv'1'!lIS OF-. 6~ P(l.,():Jt.()'f\QN~ \Jj PWA:IL.A8~ lA\-rJ{) ,.-0 W3t ~~S A -;'lb,.J\F\~ S~~ w~~ WII.A,.. U!ool.lvr IN A WO~f:NI,.JL. -ef _ 'l1f(:.. E:...x. Ie,'i"' rJ (;, ~FFow AAl.-V<"C1 I ss V'~ IrJ TH~ R.eo~o~. Regulatory maps 2. Do you wish to make a comment on the regulatory maps (e.g. boundary of the urban footprint) ~es 0 No If yes, please provide details: rNc....WSION <*- SO..rrti~ R.COL.AND e,F\'1 IOb'JTI f=",W Street address or Lot and Plan number: G~ ~ W 'TH IN TKf;. 11 tt.e>~ pOO~rJ1 W \lA.. Comment/suggested change: f!U-.OW P£...Ar..lNlrJb ~flF-D TO ~S,,0e Jl±t5 ~ or; LAND I ~ ~Ae.E:o FoR.. OU~f'4\~ WI4£:;..J ~ 1,.J~\,P<f>vE- I'JE:.so &<t1~~ Regulatory provisions 3. Do you haye specific comments on Part r-Draft South East Queensland Regional Plan 2009-2031 ~NO regulatory provisions? DYes If yes, please comment RTI RELEASE , Attach Jny other specific commpnts you \'I,sh to 'l1uke 4- PlellSe oudlne any detailed Issues reIatlng til the Draft South East Queenslond Reglonol Plan 2«I9-203f. and attach to this form. RTI Document No. 464 _ r lIt1"-11 .Edgarange Pty Ltd • -------------• ABN 59 010 272849' BSA 023 823 Submission in Response RECEIVED Draft South East Queensland Regional Plan (On behalf ofEdgarange Pty Ltd) 6 APR Z009 Key Points SEa .t f 6ION ALP LA ~ • Inclusion ofthe Southern Red/and Bay identified growth area within the plan is crucial to ensure existing affordability issues within the Redlands are not exacerbated by a shortfall in available land.. • Developable land is in shorter supply than has been putforward; The "Broadhectare Study" used by council to support their request to have this area removed from the plan does not take into account the significant further restrictions in the form of habitat and other overlays that resulted when the Redland Planning Scheme was introduced in 2006 following the release ofthe "Broadhectare Study". • Developable land is accommodating less growth in terms oflots per hectare than has been proposed; The structure plan submitted by Redland City Council for the South East Thornlands area reduced the usable area from 60% under the existing overlays ofthe 2006 planning scheme to 40% under the revised plan accommodating only 2900 persons rather than the 3600 persons originally put forward. At 8.6 dwellings per hectare this falls well short of the target dwelling yield of 12 per hectare and the intended 15 per hectare detailed in the regional plan. Discussion within the media by Mayor Hobson have projected further reductions ofat least 10% to the only remaining area to be structure planned and developed, Kinross Rd. The proposal to accommodate all required growth in Redland city within the existing urban footprint cannot be achieved due to availability and dwelling yield allowed. • Quality infill sites are in limited supply and are not cost effectivefor affordable housing Availability of existing infill sites within Redland city is very limited. The expense ofbuying and developing these areas makes them incapable of accommodating affordable housing. This has resulted in a number of builders and developers leaving the area. This worsens affordability by decreasing competition and end price discounting. • Many infill sites act as habitat to the endilngered urban koala population. RTIResultant medium RELEASEto high density development of these sites will result in the removal of all usable habitats on these sites. The Southern Redland Bay proposal would revegetate largely cleared areas with little habitat value and provide wide corridors for fauna movement to the neighbouring bushland. • PO Box 181 Capalaba QLD 4157' BSa Old Cleveland Road Capalaba QLD 4157 • P 07 3245 4055' F 07 32451152' www.fitenihomes.com.au RTI Document No. 465 .Edg~geP~Ltd · • _FITENI ---------• ABN 59 010 272 849· BSA 023 823 Submission in Response Draft South East Queensland Regional Plan Special interest - Redland Bay Soutb Identified Growth Area (On behalf of Edgarange Pty Ltd) Part A - Introduction The requirement for a revised regional plan is not in doubt with the existing issues arising around areas of housing affordability and the conflicting requirements of high population growth and environmental management. Part B - Regional vision and strategic directions The regional vision and strategic directions give a balanced vision ofthe future. The plan recognises the need for diverse employment opportunities and sustainable and well designed development. Part C- Regional land use pattern The inclusion ofidentified growth areas within the plan is applauded. The plan recognises the importance ofthe Southern Redland Bay Identified Growth Area (subject to detailed investigation) in ensuring Redland City does not run short of developable land within the remaining 22 year timeframe ofthis plan as is probable given review ofthe Local Growth Management Strategy and the current policies of Redland City Council. Part D - Regionalpolicies Section 1 - Natural Environment Recognition ofthe importance ofthe urban koala population in the plan is supported. Concern arises as to the capacity of the existing "infill capable area" to accommodate the level ofgrowth identified without having a significant further detrimental effect on the urban koala population.
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