' record Dedicated To Serving The Needs Of The Music & Record Industry Vol. 21, No. 995 July 2, 1966 In the opinion of the editors, this week the following records are the WHO IN SINGLE PICKS OF THE WEEK I(IIII(IIIII III(IIIC"Ilil lll it¡ ( IIIIIiIII II Zo1Y`OT IÍ - pnlihl THE WORLD . irti'.i.bIIII.JRIIIIIIWIIIIllllll 45 TON 902 THIS DOOR SWINGS BOTH WAYS ." MOTHERS TITTLE HELPER THE ROLLING STONES Cynical rock entry, "Mother's Nancy Sinatra sings about how Herman's Hermits' "This Door Little Helper," is about taking not great it is to be "Friday's Swings Both Ways" is a cute the easy way in modern living. Child." Bitter song emotionally philosophical ditty with plenty The Rolling Stones will continue sung by the gal, who just gets of pep. Another hit for the HH's to cause comment and sell better and better (Reprise 0491). in the easy -to-take side (MGM (London 902). 13548). SLEEPERS OF THE WEEK A Fast and funky new side from "Summer Kisses" is a summer Joe Hinton has a big r/ballad the Fuller Four. Group has "The song that should break through with brass section extra loud. Magic Touch" and could turn for the Floyd and Jerry duo. A Joe wails away with what should this into gold. Bobby and others nifty one to listen and dance to be enough to cause much action in raring to go r/r form (Mus- (Presta 1006). at the counter (Back Beat 565). tang 3018). .111.111".11.S OE THE 1I 'JI';Eti PIN..k DAN MOWN COUNTRY London Records' Rolling Stones Kicked Off Their U.S. Tour Friday Afternoon, One of the wildest success Vic Dana's countrified hit, Bobby Darin took "Mame" for a June 24, at a Reception stories of the year is behind the "I Love You Drops," occasions merry, lively, jazzy ride up the "Hanky Panky" single by Tommy this personable package of coun- singles chart and here she goes James and the Shondells. The try sides. One of the sweetest again with a cluster of other Aboard the S. S. Sea Panther fellows expand their rock ven- singers on the scene today, Vic tunes from recent B'way shows. tures on their first album with croons "Satisfied Mind," "Abi- "Feeling Good," "Night Song," In New York. Boys Opened In a list of other hot tunes (Rou- lene," "He'll Have to Go," "I'm "Once Upon a Time," others lette R/SR 25336). So Lonesome I Could Die." (Atlantic 8126; SD 8126). Boston That Night&Wind Up (Dolton BLP 2046; BST 8046). Tour July 28, In Honolulu. www.americanradiohistory.com KR RECORDS PRESENTS AN" EXPLOSIVE FIRST RELE E 1 A Fantastic New Grou 2 A Great song A '. cer I c D ur MUSIC" two Strapgers Produced by Erik Jacobsen Sweet Reliable Prod. Dim Nat'lly by Chess Producing Corp. www.americanradiohistory.com Rand, Wallach, Bernstein Joe Smith VP -Gen. Mgr. Added in ABC Expansion Of Warner Label Marvin Deane Set As Nat'I Promo Mgr. For Warner -Reprise Ray Rand Mickey Wallach Dave Bernstein NEW YORK - RayRand,town Distributors. He later held Marvin Deane Mickey Wallach and Dave Bern-positionswithAudioVideo, stein were appointed tolabel Ade1phiandOlmstedSound posts last week by Larry New-Studios. His title is Director of ton, President of ABC Records,Marketing &Salesfortape in a move that also includes thecartridges. Joe Smith creation of two new positions in In the last stages of prepa- the company. ration for immediate releasw are BURBANK, CALIF. - In a Rand has been named to head25 8 -track tapes on the Com-move which strongly empha-rector of Merchandising, Ad- up the newly -formed sales divi-mand label, 20 for ABC; 23 forsizes the enormous growth ofvertising & Creative Services; sion for all tape product at ABCImpulse; and one each for Dun-WarnerBros.Records, JoeEd West, VP & Treasurer, and at ABC Records, including ABChill and Jerden. Product will beSmith this week was elevatedGeorge Lee, Vice President & tapes, as well as Command, Im-forthcoming at a later date onto the position of Vice Presi-DirectorofEasternOpera- pulse and all other labels in theWestminsterandother ABCdent & General Manager of thetions." ABC family. labels. Warners label, J. K. Maitland, The company will thus have Most recently with Interna- President of the company, an-respectivegeneralmanagers tional Tape Cartridge Corpora- Fills New Post, Too nounced. for both the Warner Bros. and tion, Rand is a veteran of the Maitland also announced theRepriselabels,withSmith audio field, dating back to 1944 Wallach's appointment fills theappointment of Marvin Deanehandling details attendent to when he was employed by Mid-newly -created post of Nationalto the post of National Promo-Warners, and Ostin continuing Director of Album Promotion.tion Manager for the Warnersto handle Reprise affairs. Wallach will include alllabelsand Reprise labels, assuming Smith has been with the com- IIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII in the ABC family in his dutiesthe position vacated by Smith.pany for the past five years, C , Command, Impulse, Smith will work in conjunc-directing the activities of both Westminster,Dunhill, Grandtion with the label's A & R Di-labels' promotional staff. Prior Award, Jerden, Tangerine andrector, Dick Glasser, on all rec-to his association with Warner others). ording projects, and they willBros., he was active in the pro- 200 W. 57th St., New York, N. Y. 10019 Wallach comes to ABC fromhave complete autonomy withmotional field in Los Angeles Area Codc 212 CI 7-6250 MGM Records, where he wasrespect to the signing of newand before that was in radio New York promotion manager.artists, master purchases, andbroadcasting in the East. Publisher Prior to that, he did independ-the scheduling of the Warner Deane,currentlythecom- BOB AUSTIN ent promotion; was employed bylabel's album and singles prod-pany's New York promotion 4y, (Continued on page 4) uct. manager and artistsrelation Editor -in -Chief director, will assume the direc- SID PARNES Works Closely with Friedmantion of Warner Bros. 14re- Doug McClelland Editor Stones to Col gional promotion men. He will Dave Finkle Associate Editor "Smith will function," Mait-be responsible for the direction Kal Rudman R&B Editor Club's Roster landdeclared,"asdoes Moof the company's promotional Del Shields Jazz Editor Allen Klein, on behalf of theOstin presently, in conjunctionactivities, and is expected to join Tomas Fundora Latin American RollingStones,hasconcludedwith thecorporateexecutivethehomeofficeinBurbank Editor negotiations withCliveDavisstaff, working closely with Joeleffective July 15, reporting to Mort HillmanAdvertising Manager, and Walter Dean for distribu-Friedman, Vice President & Di -Maitland. Eastern Division tion of the Rolling Stones al- Ted Williams Research bumsthroughTheColumbia Brenda Ballard Circulation Records Club. The Stones, who Barry Mann Inks West Coast earned three Gold LPs in a six Jack Devaney month period, are the only Lon- Capitol Wax West Coast Manager don Records artiststo be re- 1610 No. Argyle Hollywood, Calif. leased through the facilities of Contract Phone: (213) 465-6179 the Columbia club. Thegroup'salbums,which HOLLYWOOD - Voyle Gil- Nashville are produced by Andrew Loog more, Vice President, A & R, John Sturdivant Oldham, will not be enrolled in Capitol Records, Inc., announces Ed Hamilton Nashville Report that composer Barry Mann had 806 16th Ave. So. the club catalog until six months Nashville, Tenn. 37203 after initial release. Titles cur- signed an exclusive, long-term Phone: (615) 244-1820 rently offered are "The Rolling contract as a vocalist and pro- Stones Now!," "Out Of Our ducer of his own recordings for SUBSCRIPTIONS: One year (52 issues) U. S. CRI. and Canada-$8; Air Mail-$25; Foreign- Heads" and "December's Chil- ONTHE LINE -Alan W. Living- of Gilmore said that "Angelica," Air Mail $35. Second class postage paid dren." Total pre -club sales Capitol Records, at New York, New York. DEADLINE: Plates the five disks exceed 1,000,000ston,President, Mann's first single for Capitol, and copy must be in New York by12 noon copies."Out Of Our Heads," Inc.(right), and Voyle Gilmore,will be rush -released June 27. Friday. Vice President, A&R, CRI, look on Published Weekly by one of those to receive the RIAA Written by Mann and his lyric- INTRO PUBLISHING CO., INC. Gold Certificate, is the Album ofascomposer -singer Barry Mannint-wife, Cynthia Weil, it will the Month for June. inks his first Capitol contract. (Continued on page4) 1111111111111111011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111H111111 RECORD WORLD-July 2, 1966 3 Varied Program Cameo/Parkway Purchases Mann Signs For NARM Mid (Continued from page 3) Children's Record Lines be backed with "Looking For Year Meet Set Tomorrow," another collabora- PHILADELPHIA - Jules PHILADELPHIA-Al Rosen-ability to merchandise throughtion by the pair. Malamud, Executive Director ofthal, Executive Vice PresidentCameo/Parkway and Wyncote, Gilmore stated:"I am ex- theNationalAssociationofofCameo/ParkwayRecords,our budget label, we have puttremely pleased to announce the Record Merchandisers,Inc. has announced purchase of Newtogetheracombination ofsigning of a young man who (NARM), announced that at itsYork -basedMidnightMusic,significance not only to Cameo/has proven himself to be one of recentmeeting,theNARMInc.,whichincludesLittleParkway but to both the recordthe music world's most creative Board of Directors approved theWorld Records, Majorette Rec-and toy industries as well asand consistently successful com- program for the organization'sords,severalchildren'slinesall premium -users. The talentedposers." Mid Year Meeting, which willwhich will shortly make theirpeople who are now going to be Mann, who was born in New be held Sept. 6-9, 1966, at thenational marketing debut andbringingtheircreativitytoYork,isbest-known forhis Continental Plaza Hotel, in Chi-an active premium division. Cameo/Parkway are at least assongwriting collaborations with cago. Gene and Jody Malis, the hus-important to us as the producthis wife. Together they have The main feature of the Midband and wife team who haveinvolved in this purchase.
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