ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS PRESENTED AT THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES (USA), WASHINGTON, D.C., 23-25 APRIL 1973 Magnetic moment effects on tests of The long-term trend of a is modulated by short-term charge independence in nucleon-nucleon scattering fluctuations with amplitudes up to ±20 mil. Fourier spectral Magnetic moment effects (mme) of nucleons (N) in N-N analysis indicates complex periodicities between 50 and 400 scattering have been calculated without (1) and with (2) years. The short-term fluctuations, subsequent to 1700 A.D. wave distortion. The phase-shift energy dependence 5(E) was when sunspot data became available, can be quantitatively obtained for close collisions by adjustment ,to' N-N scattering explained as the result of heliomagnetic modulation of radio- data. The mme uncertainty proved difficult to reduce suffi- carbon production by cosmic-ray produced neutrons. Precise ciently without theory but easy to handle for potential measurements on annual rings from 1940 to 1954 are in good models subtracting resulting mme from experimental values agreement with theoretical predictions of the fluctuation of observables. Both mme and one-pion exchange effects used during the eleven year cycle. The short-term fluctuations ap- in tests of charge independence (CI) are small arising from pear to be inversely correlated with northern hemisphere long-range N-N interactions. N-N scattering data gave values annual average temperatures. Thus, radiocarbon measure- of the coupling constant go2 = 15.11 ± 0.62, 14.67 * 0.51 ments provide a method of documenting solar activity fluctua- for p-p and n-p interactions respectively before and 14.59 ± tions during the Holocene epoch. 0.62, 14.69 ± 0.51 after the new mme corrections. These thus affect apparent CI validity. The very close agreement of PAUL E. DAMON p-p and n-p values is clearly'fortuitous. No definite indica- University of Arizona tion'of violation of CI was found so far but results reported Tucson, Arizona 85721 are not final. Negative hydrostatic pressure in the solvent is the Work supported by U.S.A. Atomic Energy Commission (COO- basis for all colligative properties of the solution 3475-4). A colloidal solution of ferrite particles in an osmometer has 1. Garren, A. (X954) Phys. Rev. 96, 1709; (1956) 101, 419. been used to demonstrate that the property that propels 2. Breit, G. & Ruppel, H.'M. (1962) Phys. Rev. 127, 2123; 131, water across the semipermeable membrane is the decrease in 2839. hydrostatic pressure in the water of the solution. A magnetic 3. Breit, G. & Ruppel, H. M. (1962) Phys. Rev. 127, 2123; field gradient directed so as to force the ferrite particles away 131,2839; Breit, G. (1967) Rev. Mod. Phys. 39, 560; Seamon, Rt. B., Friedman, K. A., Breit, G., Haracz, R. D., Holt, from the semipermeable membrane of the osmometer and J. K. & Prakash, A. (1968) Phy8; Rev. 165, 1579. toward the free surface of the solution enhanced the colloidal osmotic pressure. The enhancement of this pressure was al- G. BREIT ways exactly equal to the augmentation of the pressure as M. TISCHLER measured by the outward force of the particles, against the S. MUKHERJEE area of the free surface. Contrariwise, directing the magnetic G. PAPPAS field gradient so as to force the ferrite particles away from State University of New York at Buffalo the free surface and toward the semipermeable membrane Buffalo, New York 14214 diminished the colloidal osmotic pressure of the solution. For Ielieomagnetic-geomagnetic modulation of a' sufficiently forceful field gradient, the initial colloidal os- radiocarbon proldpction in the earth's atmosphere motic pressure could be negative, followed by- an equilibrium pressure zero of the force of'the Radiocarbon and stable measurements on den- approaching regardless par- isotope ticles the membrane. the osmotic of a tree provide a of the against Thus, pressure drochronologically dated rings history to be to in content the the last solution is attributed the pressure the solvent gen- radiocarbon of atmosphere during eight erated in opposition to the pressure of the solute millennia. The results 'are most' conveniently expressed as A particles. values 'to 1890 The Likewise, the vapor pressure of the solution is lowered by the (per muil difference relative A.D.). long- pressure in the solvent generated in to the term trend of the A curve is amost sinusoidal as is opposition pressure exactly of the solute. Since no net pressure is exerted on an the of the field ac- inclusion, long-term trend geomagnetic intensity the vapor pressure of a of solvent will not be cording to Bucha. of the two sinusoids are: crystal changed; The equations therefore its melting point will be lowered until vapor pressure A = 37.5 + 44 Sin [2Tr/9600 (t - 3825)] of crystal and solvent are equal. (%O) H. T. HAMMEL M = 7.7 + 2.8 Sin [2Tr/8900 (t + 405)] P. F. SCHOLANDER (X1026 Gcm-3) Scripps Institution of Oceanography University of California, San Diego The maximum A lags the minimum M by 520 years. The La Jolla, California 92037 amplitude, period, and phasing of the geomagnetic field in- tensity, allowing for experimental uncertainty, account for Is the inner core liquid after all? the long-term trend of radiocarbon production. Howev'er, We investigate the possibility that the inner core of the computer models predict a significantly longer lag time (about earth is liquid. We assume that the outer core-inner core 1000 years). boundary is a pressure-induced electronic transition in liquid 2178a Downloaded by guest on September 24, 2021 National Academy of Sciences Annual Meeting 2179a iron to the 3d8 configuration. The properties of the liquid in made on the mare floor before the wall was formed, and the the two states are calculated using the postulate that the floor could not have been molten. liquid is a viscoelastic material of the Maxwell type. We find Since the Goclenius is far enough from the nearest highland, that, for all seismic periods, the outer core will not transmit its wall is probably the material of the impacting body or shear waves, while the inner core can easily transmit shear cluster, of which metallic parts might have scratched the waves. Poisson's ratio is an insensitive function of frequency skidmarks. This is likely for many other craters such as Gu- and radius in the inner core; the values of Poisson's ratio lie tenberg, Colombo, the Cauchy scarp, etc.-The wrinkles of between 0.4 and 0.5. The velocities of transmitted shear waves the mare floors resemble those caused by compressive stress decrease slightly toward the center of the inner core. Such a in the surface of molten tin spheres solidifying while falling in model would circumvent the difficulty recently raised by molten stearin. Kennedy, that the outer core appears to be stable to convec- tion if the inner-outer core boundary is at the melting point of E. OROWAN iron. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 L. KNOPOFF Herpes simplex and genitalis virus nonvirion antigens: M. BUKOWINSKI their use for determining possible role of viruses University of California in etiology of some human cancers Los Angeles, California 900241 Certain DNA viruses responsible for ordinary infections Quasars as events in galaxy nuclei in animals and man can produce experimental cancers in which neither the infectious virus nor any of its A recent study of direct photographs of 26 quasars, taken structural (virion) with the 200-inch telescope, supports earlier suggestions antigens can be detected. There are in such cancers, however, by tumor antigens specific for the virus which caused the Sandage and others that quasars occur in the nuclei of giant experi- mental cancer, for which the animals Galaxies have been cancer-bearing produce galaxies. underlying several quasars de- antibody. These tumor antigens have been shown to be iden- tected, and quantitative predictions confirmed: those quasars which are tical with nonvirion (i.e., not structural component) antigens predicted to show underlying galaxies do so, and produced under special conditions by the virus in cell cultures those which are predicted not to show galaxies do not. The in which it produces a killing infection. [Sabin, A. B. & Koch, evidence is consistent with the hypothesis that all quasars M. A. (1964) Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 52, 1131; Hoggan, occur in giant that the are not seen in galaxies, but galaxies M. D. et al. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. most cases simply because their light is overwhelmed by the (1965) USA 53, 12.] Based light of the much brighter quasar. on the large body of knowledge which emerged from the study of these experimental cancers we undertook to determine JEROME KRISTIAN whether the human herpes simplex and genitalis viruses may Hale Observatories be responsible for some human cancers. The identification California Institute of Technology and distinctive properties of nonvirion antigens produced by Pasadena, California 91101 these viruses have been described, and the important fact Origin of the surface features of the moon noted that ordinary human infections do not give rise to an- tibodies for these nonvirion antigens. [Sabin, A. B. (1968) Photographs of the moon show that the origin of its surface Cancer Res. 68, 1849; Tarro, G. & Sabin, A. B. (1970) Proc. features is probably fundamentally different from what is Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 65, 753; Tarro, G. & Sabin, A. B. (1973) usually assumed: the maria and the mare-like interiors of Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 70, 1032.] Sera are tested for the large craters are apparently not solidified of pools lava but presence of these nonvirion complement-fixing antibodies by exposed areas of the ancient surface of the moon's body from first removing the virion antibodies with frozen, thawed, and which the lunar crust has been blown away by the blast of a sonicated, infected cell suspensions from which nonvirion strong impact.
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