Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman, Anarchists I _____________ The Philosophy of Miss Goldman Is Notorious Leaders of the Anti-Draft Summed Up by Her Under the Agitation-Their Chronic Feud "What I Believe" with Society Caption as || is cru/n dier. to quote Tolstoy, is a professional marriage speedily the temfcr THE arrest Of Knma Goldman and man-killer. H« does not kill for the love no wer of affection. a Marr.ii'.'t* ii an institution of it, like a «avago, or m a passion, like which «faja Alexander Beri.rr.an, anarchists, EMMA GOLDMAN »"«'tate and Church homicide. Ho is a cold-blooded, mechani¬ nishea «the with ü tr». but as another in their Jur.» comes epoch Sha i«: bora of Jrwiati parsatago, cal, obedient tool of his military superiors. mondons revenue end the ira ar.s of pry««.» ob¬ in the Russ.an province of Kovno. tumultuous existences. The government 87, ISSS, is to cut throats or scuttle a ship into that phase of life which refined The Aral year: of her childhood «er' Ho ready peopla the « :t sought, in of his officer, have long considered their owr. their tained Ovidon« apprehend¬ in a small idyllic place in the der at the command ranking very parsed own most ¡»acred affair. ing these two in their individual publica- man-RuMian provinca of < ourland, » i a without knowing or. perhaps, carin? how, ft the I am m this «Love La that n;o.«t powerful factor of t.on5, "Mother tarth" and "The Bla.-t." her father had eh«rga government why or wherefore. supported hu. .-'¿¡g«. At teven she wa tent to live with no less a military light than man relationships which from time imn*. a Goldman and Mr. Berkmen contention by Both Hi her grandmother ai Königsberg, th< ty General Funston. "The first duty of an monal hu defied all man-made laws anj hem on ?n active campaign of immanuel Ka;it, in Eastern Prussia I« broken the iron bars have carrving 17 officer or enlisted man," says our nohle through of convsa- the. draft. Believing government 1S8-' rho removed with her Puren»- t« VOL. FRANCISCOr AUGUST 15, obedience anti tions in Church and Morality. Marris*«« ,iL*.'i;nc' Petrograd (then St. Petersburg. A1 the 1_SAN 1316_No- warrior, "is unquestioning an ii ault to the to which he has is often an economic arrangement ¡o he wror»r anti military «enrice age of «»"«enteeii Miss Goldaia« team« ta loyalty government purely, no difference furnishin;. the woman erith a humanity, have done all in their Anierira, fu.I of anarch..* e idea and sworn allegiance; it makes lifelong ln. Is they surance and the man w it h a ts of the I'nifed dream«. Sha worked in factoriei and Ister whether ho approves of that government policy perp««. power to frustrate the effoi kind or i married, unhappily. eami te or not." a«tion of hil «pretty toy. That a. Ftafes in raising an army. The editorial in her1"'* ?? ti «T the York IS89 ind associated believe that militarism will rea-e when marriage, training thereto, prep*,*»», a' the Berkmar. I a reception which they have received r.linonl snarchists, Including of the world say- the woman for the life of paruit», s In 189.'$ she was found on a rharg* the liberty-loving spirits of the Now York press has been, for guilty "<¡o and do own dependent, helpless servant, while it fur- hands a m «he. to their masters: your of inciting a not. and spent year and niahee the man the right of I chattel Bon, the m^sf part, usual and conventional, and *. Blaekwoll'i Island F.»- killing. We have sacrificed ourselve- penitentiary «gage over a human !.''.*. one of silence. lra.-ed from prison, she plunged back into our loved ones long enough fighting your largely How tan «such a condition of affairs the life of agitation and turmoil Sha wai battles. In return you have ma<ie para¬ hsv«* "The World" pro\r 1 a «light exception in cmmoti erith Love! arrested in connection with the lolgosa site? and criminals of us in times of peace anything £n that it assumed a tone of lofty «arcosm. «a not. found If a are to worship a: the «hnne o' aff.-iir, bu* eui'"- of pap and brutalized us in times of war. You people in 'he »«sai'inat-oi! of Presi« what is to become of the Some laiptUeat critics of current érente tieipatlng us from our brothers and love, golden c»l(. Turbulence, however, ron- have separated "It the that M::-s Goldman mid Mr. den! McKinley. world a human s'aughter- marriage? La only security for the btv« though', ««"renuout have made of the t'nued and her life har- been a or woman, foi* the chibi, the family, the Berkman should be locked un. Where, then, house. No. we will not do your killin? «HI to the present, day. At times she has State." But it is no security to and the marshals turn for their for the country that you have stolen love; «rould provost not been able to find lodging ned for a fight without love no true h««me can or doemi.-*. hauls of th». rrenta! and phys¬ while .«he wa.« known li M II . from us." llitini' nightly Without love no child «should he with¬ of all heart that hu¬ bom; ical dtçcrcr.i'r- who boas', in -whispers, Oh, I believe with my out love no true woman can be related t*. 1 ALEXANDER BERKMAN and will clear «mding the draft? Far from being moleste man brotherhood solidarity a man. The fear that love is not The culmination of Mr. B'rkman's early red streak sufficient their benevolent «pei-ialty, they should b* the horizon from the terrible for the child is out of date fa brooding« over social injoatica and ¿overn» material safety it of war and destruction. w«>man her own ««noouraged to cor.''nue. If necessary, mental tyrannv was his arre.-t for shooting I believe when signs eman¬ Sronld be wo--h while to subsidize thera. Henry C. Frick, of Pi'tsburch. now of New . cipation her first déclaraii..ti of indepen¬ then a man of SPEECH- I believe consist in and Th_-ks to tb« aBarchist« who denounce gem. ^ork. Berkman, your r* only IV. AS TO FREE dence will admiring lovir.| was tried and found of the the of In» the la doing very nicely t'A'ei.ty-one, promptly that free speech and freedom press a man for qualities heart «and tmnctit, «prvtrBBwat was tor a trrm oí guilty. He sentenced moan fhat I may say and write what I mind and not for the quantities in hu ore «if ii «at ] rplcxing task?. Keep «t twenty-two years, but served only four¬ please. This righ*. when regulated by con¬ pocket. The second declaration will b» tbera at work! teen, after which he was released. During legislative enact¬ that she has the right to follow that lot» his term of imprisonment th»* at.archet stitutional provisions, or the club, become.- a let or hindrance from the o«iUt*J« A Menace wrote a very remarkable, book called ments policeman's without the cure of "Prison Memoirs of an Anarchi«*."' which farce. ... 1 believe that world. The third and «meei important To Society the unlimited was published by the Mother Earth Pub¬ concequ"nceî resulting from declaration will be the absolu'? right to "The Herald" calls Mirs Goldman "an lishing Company, ^-r.c.e regaining free¬ exercise of expre-sinn i-* to allow more ex¬ free motherhood. exploiter of parlor anarchy": dom he has been arrefed on suspicion In pression. and I. W In the pursuit of this notoriety, she has, almc-t numberless bomb plots Truly, I believe we need a new Declara¬ IN IDOS Emma Goldman nil: "Whit W. disturbances and has worked side by no he heve has been the of hack made shrewd use of the "parlor anarchists," j tion of Independence. Is there modern I target «jide with Hmmi Goldman. writer?. Such ldoo-l-curdUn*»* and in¬ *tn«p fav.irj'e ?taUBptag grounds are the .T«?rTor-on r«i Adam«? .-_-1 coherent stories have been circulated snout drawing rooms of fashionable und s'mi-i V. .IS TO THE CHURCH: Relisrion is in man's me it is no wonder that the average humar. Caahil nab'.e wemaa, who fancy themselves as a superstition that originated because were only annoying. has of the heart at th* of thought and the entertainer» of, echo, and they mental inability to solve natural phe¬ «being palpitation leaders not were let alone, sont of mention of the name Kuma Goldmsn. of them have harmful, they nomena. The Church is an organized in¬ very talent and gratas. Many j *,hc:r number made despairing ?..needier« abou* is tor, ba«l that we no longer live in th« been a ** Ii (".oldman, '. stitution that has alwav? stumbling thought that to re.ce-.vr. stitt or the stagnation of anarchism. Then the-. times when witches v/ero birr.ed at th« took a hint block to progreos. to invite a laaoal**ehlrted parlor anarchist OB a new idea, or rather they stake or tortured to drive the evil spirit encouras-rr. TO MARRIAGE LOVE:' that he was a "men- from the Socialists, they began VI. AS AND (ioldms.-. to dinner on the ground which out of them. I- or, indee«]. Emma and aiding non-anarchistic movements Marriage and love are not synonymous;1 not.
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