:1943 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 8989 necessary; to the Committee on Ways and which seeks to enact prohibition for the THE JOURNAL Means. period of the war; to the Committee on the 3357. By Mr. ROLPH : Resolution adopted Judiciary. On request of Mr. HILL, and by· unan­ by California Commission on Interstate Co­ 3369. By Mr. ANDREWS: Letter received imous consent, the reading of the Jour­ operat ion, that the construction of the entire from Sol Lenzer, president of Sol Lenzer Cor­ nal of the proceedings of the calendar Central Valley project be expedited and com­ poration of Buffalo, N. Y., protesting against day Monday, November 1, 1943, was dis­ pleted at the earliest possible date, for the any tax being placed on soft drinks; to the immediate pu rpose o'f pr9viding additional Committee on Ways and Means. pensed with, and the Journal was ap­ food and electric power for war needs and the 3370. Also, petition signed by 60 persons proved. further purpose of realizing the project's orig­ belonging to the Niagara County Chapter of CALL OF THE ROLL inal cbjectives of preserving existing agricul­ the New York State Society of Professional tural production and developments, main­ Engineers, protesting against passage of the Mr. HILL. I suggest the t:.bsence of a taining municipal and industrial develop­ Kilgore bill (S. 702); to the Committee on quorum. ments, and providing for improvement of Military Affairs. The VICE PRESIDENT. The. clerk navigation, flood control, and development of 3371. By Mr. VOORHIS of California: Pe­ will call the roll. hydroelectric power; and urging Congress to tition of Joseph F. Lamp, of La Verne,-Calif., The Chief Clerk called the roll, and the appropriate t h e necessary funds and the War and 23 others, urging the passage of House Production Board to grant priorities for the bill 2082; to the Committee on the Judiciary: following Sepators answered to their required material, equipment, and man­ 33'72. Also, petition of William Gilson, of names: power to complete the project as expedi­ Pomona, Calif., and 22 others, urging the Aiken Green Pepper tiously as practicable; to the Committee on passage of House bill 2082; to the Committee Andrews Guffey Radcliffe the Public Lands. on the Judiciary. Austin Gurney Reed 3358. Also, resolution of the Railroad Com­ 3373. Also, petition of Nannie E. Chandler, Ball Hatch Revercomb mission of the State of California, opposing of Pomona, Calif., and 22 others, urging the Bankhead Hawkes Reynolds House bill 3420; to the Committee on passage of the Bryson bill (H. R. 2082); to the Bilbo Hayden Robertson Brooks Hill Russell Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Committee on the Judiciary. Buck Holman Scrugham 3359. Also, petition of the California State 3374. Also, petition of Bessie L. Angelow, Burton Johnson, Calif. Shipstead Board of Agriculture, Sacramento, Calif., of Pomona, Calif., and 19 others, urging the Bushfield Johnson, Colo. Smith recommending that Shasta, Keswick, and passage of House bill 2082; to the Committee Butler Kilgore Stewart Friant Dams, Friant-Kern, Madero, and ob the Judiciary. Byrd Langer Taft Contra Costa Canals, and other necessary 3375. Also, petition of Ruth B. Fuller, of Capper Lodge Thomas, Okla. works of the Central Valley project, be com­ Pomona; Calif:, and 19 others, urging the Caraway Lucas Thomas, Utah pleted and placed in oper~tion as rapidly as passage of House bill 2082; to the Committee Chavez -McClellan Truman feasible for the purpose of obtaining in­ on the Judiciary. Clark, Idaho McFarland Tunnell creased production of critical war crops -to Clark, Mo. McNary Tydings 3376. Also, petition of Margaret E. Me~ Connally Maloney Vandenberg meet the increased food shortage, and that Pherson, of Pomona, Calif., and 16 others, Danaher Maybank Van Nuys the Secretary of Agriculture, the Food Admin­ urging the passage of the Bryson bill (H. R. Davis Millikin Wallgren istrator, and War Production - Board are 2082); to the Committee on the Judiciary. Downey Moore Wheeler urged to approve the necessary materials re­ _ 3377. By Mr. BARRY: Petition of sundry Eastland Murdock , Wherry quired, and that the Congress. appropriate residents of New York City, protesting against Ellender Nye White adequate funds _therefqr; to the Committee enactment of. prohibition legislation, espe-. G_eorge O'Daniel Wiley on the Public Lands. cially during the war emergency; to the Com­ Gerry O'Mahoney Willis 3360. By Mr.' COCHRAN: P~tition of the mittee on the Judiciary. - . Gillette Ovel'ton Wilson Potomac Boat Club, Washington, D. C., and Mr. HILL. I announce that· the Sen­ signed by 20 other citizens, protesting against the passage of House bill 2082 which seeks to ator from Washington [Mr. BoNE] arid enact prohibition for the period of the war; the Senator from Virginia [Mr. GLAss] to the Committee on the Judiciary. SENATE are absent from the Senate because of - 3361. Also, petition of T. J. Daly, of wash­ illness. ington, D. c., and 18 other citizens, protest­ TuESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1943 ing against the passage of House bill 2082, The Senator from Nevada [Mr. Mc­ which seeks to enact prohibition for the pe­ (Legislative day of Monday, October 25, CARRAN] i~ conducting hearings in West­ riod of the war; to the Committee on the 1943 ern States for the Committee on Public Judiciary. Lands and Surveys and is therefore nec­ 3362. Also, petition of the Occidental Hotel, The Senate met at 12 o'clock noon, on essarily absent. Washington, D. c., and signed by 29 others, protesting against the passage of House bill the expiration of the recess. The Senator from North Carolina [Mr. 2082, which seeks to enact prohibition for the The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown BAILEY], the Senator from Tennessee period of the war; to the Committee on the Harris, D. D., offered the following [Mr. McKELLAR], the Senator from Mon­ Judiciary. prayer: tana [Mr. MURRAY], and the Senator 3363. Also, petition of Mrs. M. Cox, Wash­ 0 God, Guide of these pilgrim days, from M.assachusetts [Mr. WALSH] are ington, D. C., and 18 other citizens, protest ­ necessarily absent from the city. ing against the passage of House bill 2082, strained and tense with our burdened which seeks to enact prohibition for the lives we seek the shelter and strength The Senators from Kentucky [Mr. period of the war; to the Committee on the that surrounds us in the shadow of Thy BARKLEY and Mr. CHANDLER] and the Sen­ Judiciary. · wings. At-this our daily altar of prayer ators from New York [Mr. MEAD and Mr. 3364. Also, petition ,of George F. Eccardt we are made vividly aware that victory WAGNER] are detained on important pub­ and 29 other St. Louis citizens, protesting for the precious things we hold dearest lic business. against the passage of House bill 2082, which seeks to enact prohibition for the period of is not to be won alone on battlefields half Mr. McNARY. The Senator from New the war; to the Committee on the Judiciary. a world away, but in the quality of our Hampshire [Mf. BRIDGES] is absent be­ 3365. Also, petition of John Rohrback and inner lives. We who have been com­ cause of illness. 40 other citizens, protesting against the pas­ missioned to find the truth about this The Senator from New Jersey [Mr. s~ ge of House bill 2082, which seeks to !(nact alling world would face the truth about prohibition for the period of the war; to the BARBOUR], the Senator from Maine [Mr. ourselves. We confess that we dread to BREWSTER), and the Senator from Idaho Committee on the Judiciary. know our own heart with its strange de­ 3366. Also, petition of Harold E. Quirk and [Mr. THOMAS] are necessarily absent. 19 other St. Louis citizens, protesting against ceptions, its studied selfishness and its The Senator from Wiscons-in [Mr. LA the passage of House bill 2082, which seeks to calculating prudence. 0 God, as for this FOLLETTE] is a)>sent because of illness. enact prohibition for the period of the war; moment we look away from our tasks to to the Committee on the Judiciary. Thee, Thou judge of all men, strip us of The Senator-from New Hampshire [Mr. 3367. Also, petition of H. C. Hartkop and our illusions, chasten us for our willful TOBEY] is absent on public matters. 14 other St. Louis citizens, protesting against blindness, cleanse our hearts, capture our The Senator from Michigan [Mr. FER­ the passage of House bill 2082 which seeks to wills, clarify our minds. With the duty GUSON] is absent on business of the enact prohibition for the period of t e war; Senate. to t he Committee on the Judiciary. of our daily lives illumined and made 3268. Also, petition of Mr. and Mrs. J . glorious by the light within, lead us in The VICE PRESIDENT. Seventy­ Hauser and 190 other St. Louis citizens, pro­ the paths of righteousness for Thy eight Senators have answered to their testing against the passage of House bill 2082 name's sake. Amen. names. A quorum is present. ./ 8990 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE NOVEMBER -2 · PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS FROM MAS­ · the United States will · be summoned· for involved in promoting what is -a world mon-. SACHUSETT8-PROHIBITION OF THE their verdict by ballot." · archy. LIQUOR TRAFFIC Will you kindly read this letter into the Both resolutions favor peace but propose · rec<trd of the Senate as a part.of the discus­ to p1aintain it by force and aggression. This. Mr. LODGE presented petitions. nu­ sion on the Connally resolution. soundS to me like a contradiction in terms, merously signed, of sundry citizens of I would appr.eciate an answer from you, tnvolving false premises and conclusions, the State of Massachusetts, praying for stating what action you will take on this which will leave the peace of the world dis­ the enactment of the bill <H.
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