Local History of Ethiopia Haada - Hwate © Bernhard Lindahl (2008) haad (Som) 1. bird/s/, especially large ones; 2. insecure place; haada (O) 1. thick rope; 2. kind of plant HBS41 Haada, see Saritti 04/37 [WO] haba (Som) always, in any case; haabba, aabba (O) deity, spirit ?? Haba (in Meteia), with coffee market in the 1800s ../.. [18] habal: xabaal (Som) tomb, grave, cemetery KDA22 Habaloaso (area) 08/45 [WO] habar (Som) old woman; mother; /also first part of some clan name/; habar (T) common; habar mayl (T) border sign, limit; habaar (Som) to curse; habar, haber, habr (Som) son of halo (O) 1. kind of acacia, Acacia bussei; 2. haalo, grudge, rancour JCS11 Habar Halo (Habr Halo) (area) 07/42 [+ WO] -- Habar Yoonis, name of a Somali clan JDF42 Habar Yunis (Habr Y.) (Adagalla) (wide area) 08/44 [+ WO] habaslay: habas leh (Som) having small birds; habaas leh, having dust JDD02 Habaslay (area) 08/42 [WO] HEM80 Habat 1234'/3925' 2231 m 12/39 [Gz] JDJ.. Habbere (on map 0f 1814), 09/42 [18] at a southern route from the coast to Harar habbo b..: baaduu (O) skim milk, butter milk; baduu (O) be damaged, vanish HEL02 Habbo Badu, see under Debre Zebit 11/38 [WO] HCU65 Habe (Ballacasa) 0749'/3947' 2478 m 07/39 [Gz] HCU.. Habe Bruketo (village in southern Ticho) 07/39 [n] HFF46 Habes sub-district (centre in 1964 = Inda Silase) 13/39 [Ad] habi ts..: tselim, tsellim (ts'ällim) (Geez, T) black, night HFE63c Habi Tselim (village near Aksum) 14/38 [x] habicha b..: bantu (O) 1. key; 2. to occur ?? Habicha Bantu (in the Soddo region) ../.. [x] HC... Habiela Wendo sub-district (centre in 1964 = Lida) 06/38 [Ad] HC... Habiela Wendo wereda (centre in 1964 = Hawassa) 06/38 [Ad] JDA78 Habiro wereda, see Habro wereda? HEF73 Habiru wereda (Habirou .. Habru?) (-1964-1997-) 11/39 [+ Ad n] (centre in 1964 = Wergesa) -- Hable, a group of the Devenekemena branch of the Afar JDK42 Hablela 0925'/4241' 1880 m 09/42 [Gz] JDR46 Haboko (Haboco) 10/42 [+ WO] JDJ30 Haboshe 0924'/4136' 2140 m 09/41 [Gz] habro (Som) 1. old women; mothers; 2. hesitate out of fear; habru (O) wild fig tree, Ficus sycomorus, F. sur JDA78 Habro (area) 08/40 [Gu] JDA88 Habro 0852'/4031' 2327 m 08/40 [Wa Gz] JDB33 Habro awraja 0830'/4100' 08/40 [Gz] (centre in 1969-1980 = Gelemso) JDA78 Habro wereda (centre in 1964 = Gelemso) 08/40 [Ad] (-1994-) is divided into 38 rural and 4 urban kebeles. JCG26 Habrona (mountain) 0641'/4027' 2097 m 06/40 [WO Gz] Coordinates would give map code JCG37 habru (O) large, thick tree, Ficus sycomorus? HEF84 Habru 1136'/3946' 1625 m, cf Habiru 11/39 [Gz] Published online by the Nordic Africa Institute library | nai.uu.se/library 1 of 43 Local History of Ethiopia Haada - Hwate © Bernhard Lindahl (2008) HEF94 Habru Ligo kebele (.. Lego ..) 11/39 [Ad] in southern central Habru wereda, 10-15 km south-east of Mersa and 16-22 km north-east of Wichale; area 3,313 hectares. [CSA 1994] HEF.? Habru wereda 11/39 [Ad] (-1994-) is divided into 39 rural and 2 urban kebeles among which Agamsa, Alem Agegnehu, Arerit, Baykedagn, Baylawet, Bekoj, Berebiyu, Bofa, Buhoro, Dana, Dudu Arba, Genda Bey, Genda Gora, Genfu, Gerada, Girana, Gobeye, Gora Arba, Gosh Wiha, Habru Ligo, Hochocho, Hujera, Jejeba, Kejima, Kes Kebele, Kolobo, Kule, Mehal Amba, Melentela, Merto, Siringa, Sodoma, Tilfe, Wachota, Way Teklo, Were Kalo, Were Welo, Wete, Wila Goba HDE79 Habteye kebele (Habteyé ..) 08/39 [Ad] to the west in central Minjar & Shenkora wereda, close to the west of Balchi; area 561 hectares. [CSA 1994] HFE61 Hacab Sereh, see Hakab Sereh HDK97 Hacciamie, see Kecheme JCJ25 Hachech (Hachic) 0636'/4204' 470 m 06/42 [Wa WO Gu Gz] near waterfalls hacho: hecho (Sidamo O) kind of shrub or small tree, Vernonia amygdalina HDL90 Hacho (Hach'o) 0952'/3826' 2220 m 09/38 [AA Gz] east of Tulu Milki, see under Gebre Guracha HCM92 Haco, see Hako had (A) measurement, proportion; had (Som) 1. time, moment, /symbolically:/ death; 2. to kill; 3. to understand; hadh (Som) 1. shade, shadow; 2. stay behind, remain; xad (Som) 1. border, limit; 2. steal, rob; xaad (Som) body hair J.... Had, the last Somali place before entering Afar 10/41? [18] /different from JCL84 Hadd?/ JFB22 Had Amad (area) 13/40 [WO] hada, haada (O) 1. culture, custom; 2. tough thick rope; haadha (O) 1. mother; 2. jewel, capital; 3. dealer, vendor -- Hada, Ada, name of a Tulama Oromo tribe JCH78 Hada Efati 0706'/4127' 808/923 m 07/41 [WO Gz] JD..? Hada Galla, large village at the railway 10/42 [x] /same as JDR57 Adigalla?/ hada k..: kumbi, qumbii (O) myrrh, incense, resin; kumbi, kunbi (A) kuumbii (O) trunk of elephant JCC60 Hada Kumbi (Hada Cumbi) (mountain) 05/41 [Gz WO] 0558'/4139' 534 m JCR36 Hadad, see Hamero Hadad GDU02 Hadaj, see Hadej JCL22 Hadaluma (waterhole) 06/43 [MS WO] HDE49 Hadama, see Nazret hadami, hadamii (O) kinds of cactus-like tree, Euphorbia spp., Euphorbia candelabrum JDC75 Hadami (/Ganda/ Adami) 0851'/4205' 1454 m 08/42 [Gz Gu] JEA39c Hadar (Ahda) (fossil site) circa 1110'/4038' 11/40 [Br Ca 20] HC..? Hadaro, with Ajora Agro-Industry Development 07/37? [20] ?? Hadasha (Adaxa), in Gojjam ../.. [En] with Jesuit mission in the 1620s. HFE.. Hadawi, near Aksum or Adwa 14/38 [Pa] JCL84 Hadd 0706'/4351' 911 m 07/43 [WO Gz] Published online by the Nordic Africa Institute library | nai.uu.se/library 2 of 43 Local History of Ethiopia Haada - Hwate © Bernhard Lindahl (2008) hadda, adda (O) forehead; (Tigre) to thunder; hadda (O) 1. poison; 2. today; hadhdha (O) hot or sour dish; (Tigre) to thunder JDD76 Haddama, see Addama HDE66 Haddas, see Debre Zeyt HEM64 Haddu (area) 12/39 [WO] ?? Hadebo (Hadäbo) (historically recorded area) ../.. [Pa] HCK91 Hadecho 0712'/3740' 1660 m 07/37 [Gz] ?? Hadegti sub-district (-1997-) ../.. [n] GDU02 Hadej (Hadaj) 1000'/3431' 1489 m, 10/34 [Gz] south of Asosa HEU44 Hadele 1305'/3944' 2507 m 13/39 [Gz] HEU54 Hadele (mountain) 1308'/3943' 2156 m, 13/39 [Gz] north-east of Debub hadele g..: hadh leh (Som) shady; goobo (Som) circle; gubo (Som) be burning; guuboo (O) large basket; guboo (O) 1. self-sown crop; 2. chronic desease JEB69c Hadele Gubo, 720 m 11/41 [18 Wa] JEB89 Hadele Gubo (H. Gube, Adele Gubo, Hadele Guma), see Gesisen HEJ88 Hader Giaha, see Aderja hadere (h'adärä) (T) spend the night HEF75 Hadere kebele (Hadäré ..) 11/39 [Ad] in north-western Were Babo wereda along its border; area 8,386 hectares. [CSA 1994] H.... Hadere sub-district (Haderie ..) ../.. [+ Ad] (centre in 1964 = Golejersa), in Ambasel awraja HC... Hadero, a town in Kacha Bira wereda, 07/37? [20] place in the Kembata area with big market on Saturdays HCK.. Hadero /another one?/ 07/37 [20] village between Soddo and Hosaina, near two waterfalls Achacho and Soke JDK31 Hadew (Hadu) 0920'/4236' 1610 m 09/42 [Gz Ad WO] (sub-district & its centre in 1964) JDK31 Hadew (Hadow, Hado) 0922'/4240' 1794 m 09/42 [Gz] -- Hadeya, see Hadiya HFE28 Hadgi 1345'/3915' 2404 m 13/39 [Gz] -- Hadicho, ethnic name hadid (A,T) rail /of railway/; (Geez) iron xaddid (Som) limit HEH60 Hadid, see Hamrat el Galegu 12/35 [WO] HFC30 Hadid (area) 13/36 [WO] HFF42 Hadira 1359'/3934' 2383 m, east of Hawzen 13/39 [Gz] HEU01 Hadish Adi 1245'/3931' 2408 m, 12/39 [Gz] south-west of Maychew HFE57 Hadish Adi (Haddis A.) 1404'/3906' 1853 m 14/39 [Gz] HF... Hadish Adi (sub-district & its centre in 1964) 14/38? [Ad] -- Hadiya, name of a Sidama-speaking ethnic group numbering almost one million ?? Hadiya (Hadya, Hadeya), historical region in 1500s ../.. [x Pa] In the mid-1300s one of seven major Islamic states in Ethiopia. HCS33 Hadiya, cf Kembata & Hadiya awraja hado, hadhoo (O) having laid eggs or given birth HC... Hado (in Ticho awraja) 07/39? [Ad] Published online by the Nordic Africa Institute library | nai.uu.se/library 3 of 43 Local History of Ethiopia Haada - Hwate © Bernhard Lindahl (2008) JDJ39 Hado 0922'/4230' 1588 m, near map code JDK30 09/42 [Gz] KCN44 Hadoje (Hadoie) 0739'/4513' 700 m 07/45 [WO Gz] ?? Hadrit (in the foothill zone of the Rift Valley) ../.. [Mi] hadu, haaduu (O) knife, scissors, razor; to shave; haadhu (O verbs) scratch, poke, stir JDK31 Hadu, see Hadew hadud: hadoodil (Som) shade house, small makeshift structure JCD44 Hadud 05/42 [WO] JDK91 Haeducad, see Hawedukad HFE94 Hafti Maryam 1424'/3853' 1816 m (with church) 14/38 [Gz] ?? Haga, historical high mountain mentioned in 1530s ../.. [Pa] hagal: xagal (Som) hollow behind knee joint JCK84 Hagal 0707'/4256' 715 m 07/42 [WO Gz] HDC06 Hagallo, see Agalo hagan (Som) guided, led /as a blind person/; xagan (Som) grazed, scratched JDR38 Hagan (area) 10/42 [WO] hagana: hegeno (hegäno) (A?) historical title of a kind of governor HCL35 Hagana (area) 2984 m 06/38 [WO] hagar (Som) kind of small tree, Commiphora erythaea Hagara .., see Agere .., Hagere .. JDF24 Hagardegedle (area) 08/44 [WO] KDB16 Hagare (area) 672 m, cf Hagera 08/46 [WO] KCR64 Hagarole (area) 07/47 [WO] HC... Hagello (sub-district & its centre in 1964) 07/36 [Ad] HDJ24 Hagelo 0915'/3702' 1984 m 09/37 [Gz] hager (hagär) (A,T) country, native land HFF90 Hager Hise 1427'/3921' 2395 m 14/39 [Gz] ?? Hagera (Hagära) (historical locality near Awsa), ../.. [Pa] cf Hagare hagere hiywet (A) land of life HDD93 Hagere Hiywet (Hagere Hiwot, H.
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