6 Dining Hokkaido Luxury Zone 7 By Phred Kaufman Hokkaido,Hokkaido, likelike thethe WestWest CoastCoast ofof thethe SuperiorSuperior serviceservice amidamid abundantabundant spacespace UnitedUnited States,States, waswas Japan’sJapan’s lastlast frontier:frontier: isis ¥980,¥980, andand thethe mostmost expensiveexpensive isis thethe a placeplace forfor newnew waysways andand newnew ideas.ideas. lobsterlobster headhead currycurry forfor ¥1,250.¥1,250. SapporoSapporo Grand HotelHotel Hokkaido’sHokkaido’s distinctivedistinctive cuisinecuisine alsoalso fitsfits I personallypersonally likelike thethe searedseared freshfresh lamblamb Located in the heart of Sapporo’s thatthat billbill andand isis stillstill evolving.evolving. LatelyLately inin forfor ¥1,200.¥1,200. SoftSoft drinksdrinks areare ¥250,¥250, business district and only a 5-minute NewNew York,York, SanSan FranciscoFrancisco andand Portland,Portland, alcoholicalcoholic drinksdrinks ¥450.¥450. walk from Odori Park, the Clock Tower restaurantsrestaurants specializingspecializing inin JapaneseJapanese and the shopping districts, Sapporo stylestyle “curry“curry rice”rice” havehave sprungsprung up.up. YouYou GarakuGaraku isis openopen fromfrom 11:3011:30 a.m.a.m. toto 3:303:30 p.m.p.m. Grand Hotel is the ideal place to stay maymay thinkthink thethe IndiansIndians andand ThaisThais hadhad a andand againagain fromfrom 55:00:00 p.m.p.m. ttoo 11:3011:30 pp.m..m. while visiting Sapporo, be it for business monopolymonopoly onon thatthat kindkind ofof thing,thing, butbut thethe (11:30(11:30 a.m.a.m. toto 10:0010:00 p.m.p.m. oonn SSundaysundays aandnd publicpublic holidays)holidays) or pleasure. As of May this year, the JapaneseJapanese versionversion isis quitequite distinct.distinct. Grand Hotel is now linked directly to However,However, HokkaidoHokkaido hashas itsits ownown taketake onon MinamiMinami 3-jo3-jo NishiNishi 22-chome-chome 77,, CChuo-ku,huo-ku, the underground passageway from curry,curry, quitequite differentdifferent fromfrom thethe moremore checkcheck outout a placeplace calledcalled GarakuGaraku onon thethe SapporoSapporo ((2nd2nd floorfloor aabovebove KKushidori)ushidori) Sapporo Station, making access even traditionaltraditional JapaneseJapanese version,version, andand isis secondsecond floorfloor aboveabove thethe KushidoriKushidori Tel:Tel: +81-11-233-5568+81-11-233-5568 http://www.s-garaku.com/http://www.s-garaku.com/ more convenient, whatever the weather. indeedindeed calledcalled SapporoSapporo soupsoup curry.curry. ThisThis yakitoriyakitori shopshop inin SouthSouth 3 WestWest 2.2. GarakuGaraku The hotel’s history, which spans over isis nono fad,fad, asas thethe dishdish hashas beenbeen aroundaround hashas a comfortablecomfortable décor,décor, isis a nono smokingsmoking 70 years, is reflected in the traditional establishmentestablishment andand servesserves upup a seriousserious ࣴ hospitality and service befitting of theשforfor asas longlong asas mymy 3333 yearsyears herehere inin ഼ soupsoup curry.curry. ࣴĄ̂۞পҒಶߏቸ̈́҇ᙷ establishment’s name. Large-scaleשSapporo,Sapporo, withwith itsits rootsroots inin a smallsmall coffeecoffee ࠎஜ۞഼ё ForFor anan extraextra ¥90,¥90, trytry somesome ofof thethe 2020 shopshop calledcalled AjantaAjanta thatthat waswas locatedlocated inin ඈ੨फ̷़ј̂ĂࠤҌԆБ̷̙ۡତĄ2:81ѐ renovations in 2006 brought about the differentdifferent toppings,toppings, fromfrom nattonatto (fermented(fermented 1ѐ̚ഇ birth of Grand in Grand, a hotel within a::2˞זthethe southsouth ofof SapporoSapporo – althoughalthough thethe ॡಶฟؕனдϑຄξූᐝĂ MagicMagic SpiceSpice restaurantrestaurant waswas thethe firstfirst toto soybeans)soybeans) toto mushrooms;mushrooms; youyou cancan addadd ࡎ߹ҖֽĂϫ݈ϑຄ̏јࠎ˞͟ώ઼̰ѣЩ۞഼ hotel, exclusively for VIP guests; as well callcall thethe dishdish soupsoup curry.curry. InIn recentrecent yearsyears fivefive differentdifferent kindskinds ofof mushroomsmushrooms toto thethe ࣴཐгĄ as Comfort Floor made up ofש thethe numbernumber ofof SapporoSapporo soupsoup currycurry shopsshops mushroommushroom curry,curry, whichwhich alreadyalready containscontains executive-type rooms, and four new hashas growngrown andand justjust keepskeeps onon growing.growing. sevenseven varieties!varieties! OfOf course,course, youyou couldcould ຶৗᗺ restaurants. นو໎٧กLjෳᅋوኴৗᗺăದዮؙຶورItIt helpshelps thatthat thethe vegetablesvegetables areare soso havehave thethe saladsalad mademade withwith 7 typestypes ofof กქቸഅ ൩܅ޔਙۛृؙLjࢪሣԥቓेሿوmushroomsmushrooms andand thenthen gogo downstairsdownstairs forfor a ԵࠧൠٌԮ Kita 1-jo Nishi 4-chome, Chuo-ku, Sapporo Tel: +81-11-261-3311ڦ plentifulplentiful andand deliciousdelicious herehere inin Lj־Hokkaido.Hokkaido. ThereThere areare a slewslew ofof soupsoup skeweredskewered shiitake,shiitake, butbut thatthat mightmight bebe a bitbit ຶෳᅋăຶৗᗺᅢ2:81௰ؠᇀᇣࢇช currycurry shopsshops nearnear HokkaidoHokkaido UniversityUniversity ofof a mushroommushroom overkill.overkill. TheThe vegetablevegetable 2::1௰ؠቲಜ༏ഹᇀഩӊૣှੂLjᇀᇣࢇ჻֑ ৗᗺෟٜăຶوbutbut ifif youyou findfind yourselfyourself nearnear Susukino,Susukino, currycurry containingcontaining 1515 kindskinds ofof vegetablesvegetables ཛྷӊ߶ᅘண SpecialtySpecialty KKawanishiawanishi ChineseChinese yamsyams nutritional-fortification and for relieving compliment the rice and caress the taste lethargy during hot weather. buds. Although the main constituent of the Photos for illustrative purposes only yam is starch, it also contains abundant Just one of the fresh flavorsome crops Ten suites digestive enzymes that improve nurtured amid the nature of the vast The 100 m2 suites are luxuriously equipped with modern sofas, dining nutrition-absorption rates, and the yam’s Tokachi Plain, where significant tables and flat-screen TVs, twin bedrooms and en-suite bathrooms with unique slimy texture when grated is a differences in daytime and nighttime wickerwork furnishing. The president of Mexico stayed in this same perfect topping for glutinous Japanese temperatures throughout the year help Access type of room during the G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit. rice. increase the sweetness of the crops. The 162 m2 super suites have a separate living room equipped with Approximately 10 minutes on foot from Sapporo Station and 5 minutes from Kawanishi Chinese yams grow in the Odori Subway Station, or take the limousine bus to the hotel direct from New sofas and a flat-screen TV, a dining room, a twin bedroom and a rich soil of Hokkaido’s Tokachi region, Main methods of preparing Kawanishi Chinese yams are available Chitose Airport (approx. 65 min.). Parking is also available. marble-floored bathroom with double washbowls. The suites overlook http://www.grand1934.com/english/index.html where the differences between the Kawanishi Chinese yams from most supermarkets and the like. the garden of the red-bricked former Hokkaido Government Building, daytime and nighttime temperatures (1) Dumplings Juice and soundproofed glazing ensures guests can relax in peace despite the ظproduce tubers that are finer, whiter and As an ingredient of shiruko (adzuki-bean ϑຄॾᜋฺ̂ .Ҙ۞̋ᘽ downtown locatioň ચऽኛڇщ։р۞ָгᕇĄͽ81ዶѐ۞็ૈֈ۞ᛟڼϑຄξ͕̚ٺmore jelly-like when grated. There are soup) or miso soup ̌Ҙ̋ᘽࠎ୍؆म̂۞˩౼гડ۞পயĂপҒ Ҝ ᄼᐡĂܓĂүࠎΔ͞۞ظࠎΔঔ۞ௐ˘ळҘёฺظӛќঐ Cuisine ଋ۞ᄌᓜĄϑຄॾᜋฺ̂ٺtwo types of Kawanishi yams: the Juiced in a mixer, and popular in Taiwan. ࠎቜౠϨ۞҇ኳ̈́ᕆّૻĄ̋ᘽѣӄ ፉ˞ధк۞ࢦࢋЇચ˘ྮֽ֕ĄჟᏴ۞ᄹරइٗܲᙋගଋනዋ۞ϑຄҝ akibori, which is planted in spring and Good for nutritional fortification and ̼ĂԼචऴវኳ̈́֨आ؞̙ዋඈΑड़ĂߏѣЩ ĄظAs expected from the hotel that is said to have invented the ramen salad, វរĄଂĶϑຄ֘৭ķΞགྷϤг˭఼ฺۡ harvested in autumn, and harubori, relieving hot-weather lethargy. Taste ۞ઉܲઉࢴݡĄ which is dug up in spring after spending like banana juice. now a firm favorite among the locals, the cuisine at the Sapporo Grand http://www.grand1934.com/traditional/index.html Hotel is top class. A 6,000-yen course consisting of seven dishes cooked ٮ۹ޏthe entire winter in the soil. In China, (2) Deep-fried sticks Bukkake ྩᅻ ᇣࢇ و৽ޕഋޣᅍቬܾྣو༇ב௰ۂă჻ᄽᅘ81ڰٜو෨ෞٜഘ໎դLjದ໎ሻ with local delicacies from the sea and land, never fails to satisfy diners ᅢᇣࢇቲဲተѠનࠝوsuch yams have been called sanyao Unpeeled and cut into 1-cm cubes then ྩᅻกუུ࠶ؙ ۂષၛفᄵԂߙಲو۽Ljዷཛྷҽٮٞქዹྩ۹لกҽ߽ٮ۹ޏăᇣࢇੂف literally, mountain medicine) since fried in oil. กൠቬၵ҅࿈Ljᇷ၂࠶ؙăᅑᅢ൛ᄁӇဋࡧྮ with its fried oriental shrimp and asparagus in XO sauce, and Japanese) ᅳĐᇣࢇلࣩᅬਜăٜ࿒ޚوૠڜࠚࡢໍࣺ࢙ുఀᇀᇣࢇوዷᅋăภคوပLj beef in bean curd and oyster sauce. A wide variety of Japanese and ቺეޢ࿔ࣔ෭ᆃԥስٌ܀ݙჾࣆᅘᆊܡolden times, and are known for their Served grated as a topping for hot rice. ฏLjᄲჄ үक෭౹ă Western-style dishes made with fresh Hokkaido products are also ሂđቓेઘăوgood digestive absorption, The simple flavor and fine texture ᅻࡱกქቸᅘண available at lunchtime. http://www.grand1934.com/traditional/index.html.
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