Subject Index

Subject Index

Subject Index A - Intimal flap 1661 - Chronic mesenteric ischemia - Liver transplantation 1696, 9-a-fluorohydrocortisone 1842 - Intra-arterial digital subtraction 1701 1699 a, adrenoreceptors 1753, 1673 - Chronic renal failure 1757,1774 - Lymphoma 1698 1814-1815 - Isometric exercise 1672 - Colonic ischemia 1702, - Mallory-Weiss tear 1716 a-1 receptor blockade 990 - Magnetic resonance imaging 1725-1726 - Marfan's syndrome 1654 a 2 adrenoreceptors 1814 1661 - Colonic ulcer 1702 - Meckel's diverticulum 1685 a-adrenergic blocker 729, 732 - Marfan's syndrome 1672 - Common hepatic artery - Mesenteric infarction 1697 a-adrenoreceptor 990, 1619 - Multiphase gadolinium- aneurysms 1708 - Mesenteric ischemia a-Methyldopa 1407 enhanced magnetic resonance - Connective tissue disease 1654 1701-1702,1725-1726 aV /33 receptor 844-845, 848, 850 angiography 1672 - Crohn's disease 1686 - Mid aortic syndrome 1726 A, receptor 1755 - Mural thrombus 1660-1661 - Cystic media necrosis 1654 - Mycotic aneurysm 1653 A, receptor 1755 - Open repair 462 - Dieulafoy lesions 1699, 1718, - Nephrectomy 1796 AAD s. Adaptive array detector - Operative approach 1673 1732 - Occult gastrointestinal Abciximab 171-172, 752-756, 763, - Operative technique 1675 - Diseases of the abdominal bleeding 1702 766, 826, 842-850, 1119-1120, - Percutaneous management aorta 1651, 1653 - Orthotopic liver transplant 1125, 1138, 1145 1662 - Diverticula 1722-1723 1704-1705 Abdominal angina 393, 652, 1381, - Persistent endoleak 1665 - Diverticular bleeding 1703 - Peliosis hepatis 1707 1407,1741 - Recurrent aortic aneurysm - Duodenal ulcer 1700 - Portal hypertension Abdominal aorta 642-643 1678 - Ehlers-Danlos syndrome 1654 1684-1685,1690-1693,1695, Abdominal aortic aneurysm - Renal artery stenosis 1672, 1677 - Esophageal varices 1695, 1709 462-463, 685, 859, 1430,1515, - Retroperitoneal approach 1675 1715-1716 - Portal hypertensive bleeding 1550,1660-1666,1671-1679 - Retroperitoneal hematoma - Fibromuscular dysplasia 1653, 1690 - Anastomotic aortic aneurysm 1677 1760-1761 - Portal hypertensive gastro­ 1678 - Ruptured abdominal aortic - Gastric antral vascular ectasia pathy 1699-1700 - Anastomotic pseudoaneurysm aneurysm 1677 1699,1718 - Portal vein thrombosis 1692, 1661 - Surgical approach 1668 - Gastric varices 1699-1700 1695,1705 - Ancure endograft system 1663 - Talent stent-graft system 1663 - Gastrointestinal bleeding 1695 - Preeclampsia 1773-1774 - Aneurx stent -graft system - Thallium-201 scintigraphy 1672 - Gastrointestinal hemorrhage - Radiation nephritis 1777 1662 - Thrombus 1665 1695,1730 - Radiation proctitis 1703, 1723 - Aneurysm rupture 1661-1662, - Transperitoneal approach 1675 - Gastrointestinal ulcers - Recurrent variceal hemorrhage 1666,1672,1674 - Ultrasound 166o 1698-1699 1697 - Angiography 1660, 1663 Abdominal pain 1705 - Gsell and Erdheim 1654 - Renal artery occlusive disease - Aortic neck 1664 Abdominal vascular disease 1651 - Helicobacter pylori 1685, 1799 - Aortoenteric fistula 1661 - Abdominal aortic aneurysm 1698-1699 - Renal artery stenosis 1653, - Bifemoral crossover graft 1678 1660-1666,1671-1679 - Hematemesis 1704 1787 - Bifurcated stent-graft - Acute mesenteric ischemia 1701 - Hemobilia 1704 - Renal blood flow 1752 1662-1663 - Acute pancreatitis 1695,1703 - Hemolytic uremic syndrome - Renal cell carcinoma 796 - Blunt dissection 1675, 1677 - Acute variceal hemorrhage 1769 - Renal transplantation 1796 - Cell-saving device 1679 1696-1697 - Hemoperitoneum 1704 - Renal vascular disease 1749, - Clinical trials 1666 - Adenocarcinoma 1698 - Hemorrhoids 1703, 1723 1751 - Complications 1662, 1665, 1675 - Alcohol 1696 - Henoch-Schiinlein purpura - Rendu-Osler-Weber syndrome - Computed tomography - Aneurysms 1798 1761 1709 1660-1661 - Angiomata 1719-1721,1723 - Hepatic abscesses 1704 - Renovascular hypertension - Connective tissue disease 1672 - Angiomyolipmas 1796 - Hepatic artery stenosis 1704 1653, 1757,1760,1798 - Contrast-enhanced spiral - Angiosarcoma 1708 - Hepatic artery thrombosis 1704 - Schistosomiasis 1692 computed tomography 1673 - Annuloaortic ectasia 1654 - Heptic allograft rejection 1707 - Scleroderma 1772 - Device implanation technique - Antiphospholipid syndrome - Hereditary hemorrhagic - Secondary biliary cirrhosis 1664 1772 teleangiectasia 1709 1704 - Diagnostic 1661, 1672 - Aortic coarctation 1653 - Hiatal hernia 1698 - Secondary hypertension 1757 - Dobutamine stress echocardio- - Aortic dissection 1730 - Hypertensive crisis 1774 - Sickle-cell nephropathy 1776 graphy 1672 - Aortic dissections 1660, - Hypertensive Nephrosclerosis - Splanchnic artery aneurysms - Ehlers-Danlos syndrome 1672 1670-1671 1774-1775 1708 - Embolization 1665 - Aortoduodenal fistulas 1700 - Inferior hemorrhoidal system - Splenic vein thrombosis 1692, - Endoleaks 1662, 1665-1666 - Arterial-portal fistula 1695 1686 1695 - Endoluminal stent-grafting - Atheroembolic disease 1760 - Intestinal hemangiomas - Syphilitic aortitis 1653 1660 - Atherosclerotic disease 1798 1708-1709 - Thromboembolism 1761 - Endovascular repair 462, 685 - Atherosclerotic renal artery - Intestinal ulcer 1700-1701 - Thrombotic microangiopathies - False lumen 1661 stenosis 1757 - Intestinal vasculitis 1708 1769 - Flow velocities 1660 - Bacterial cholangitis 1704 - Intraductal gallstones 1704 - Thrombotic thrombocytopenic - Follow-up 1665 - Blue rubber bleb neuve - Ischemia reperfusion injury purpura 1769 - Gore excluder endovascular syndrome 1709 1775 - Traumatic aneurysm 1653 stent graft 1663 - Budd-Chirai syndrome 1689, - Ischemic acute renal failure - Tuberculous aortitis 1653 - Graft infection 1678 1692, 1704-1705 1775 - Variceal hemorrhage 1683, - Hemorrhagic shock 1672 - Cameron-Higgins lesions - Ischemic acute tubular 1691,1696 Horseshoe kidney 1678 1698,1718-1719 necrosis 1775 Vascular gastrointestinal - Incidental Abdominal aortic - Caput medusae 1687 - Ischemic nephropathy 1757, disease 1681 aneurysm 1678 - Celiac trunk aneurysms 1708 1798 - Vasculitis 1761-1762 - Inflammatory aneurysms 1677 - Cherry-red spots 1684 - Linear gastric erosions 1698 - Veno-occlusive disease 1705 - Infrarenal abdominal aortic - Cholesterol embolization 1760, - Liver cirrhosis 1689, - Zollinger-Ellison syndrome aneurysm 1662, 1671 1763 1695-1696,1705 1698-1699 SUBJECT INDEX Aberrant left subclavian artery - Peripheral vascular resistance - Paresthesia 1352 - Plaque erosion 747 syndrome 1550 1824 - Phlegmasia cerulea dolens - Plaque fissuring 747 Ablation - Radiotheraphy 1825 1359 - Plaque rupture 747 - Alcohol septal ablation 612 - Somatostatin 1823 - Postoperative care 1358 - Platelet activation 751 Abrutio placentae 1773 - Somatostatin 1824 - Recanalization 1354 - Pulmonary edema 769 Absorbed radiation 595 - Treatment 1824 - Renal artery 1359 - Randomized trials 752, 756, ACC classification 856 ACT s. Active clotting time - Revascularization 1352 759-760,762-763,766 ACE 196, 248, 722, 890, 894, 899, ACTH 1045-1047, t811-1812, 1826, - Shoulder-girdle compression - Reinfarction rate 762 1019,1630 1839-1842, 1844,1848,1850-1852 syndrome 1357 - Reperfusion 757-762,766-767 ACE inhibitor 336, 694-695, Actin 206-207,209,211-212 - Subclavian artery 1357 - Reperfusion arrhythmias 761 751, 806, 897, 899, 992-993> - Isoforms 206, 211 - Sympathic blockade 1353 - rt-PA 755,757-760,762 1000-1001, 1031-1037> - a-smooth muscle 206, 211 - Thrombendarterctomy - Silent ischemia 748 1040-1041, 1349> 1455> 1757-1759, - J3-nonmuscle 206 1357-1359 - Stable angina 746 1772, 1776-1778 - J3-smooth muscle 206, 211 - Thrombolysis 1354 - Streptokinase 755, 757-759, 762 Acebutolol 804 - y-isoactin 206 - Thrombosis 1352, 1357 - Sudden cardiac death 748 Acenocoumarol 1701 - y-nonmuscle 206 - Thrombotic occlusion 1356 - Symptoms 747 Acetazolamide 580, 1103 - y-smooth muscle 206, 211 - Treatment 1353, 1356 - Syndrome X 770 Acetyl salicylic acid s. Aspirin Activate protein kinase C 1621 - Venturi effect 1355 - Therpeutic measures 750 Acetylcholine 169,191-196,565, Activated clotting time 841, 862, - Weakness 1352 - Thrombolysis 755-760, 763, 769 691-694,724,726,782-784,789, 1118,1664 Acute coronary syndrome 171, - Thrombolytic therapy 889-894, 897-900, 902, 913, Activated protein C s. APC 381,562,596,674,746-770,842, 756-760, 762 924-925,927,971, 989, 991,1010, Active contact dermatitis 1502 850, 858, 895-896, 898,902-903, - Thrombosis 746 1012, 1334, 1337> 1621, 1689, 1774, Acute abdomen 973 956-972, 998 - Transstenotic pressure gradient 1815,1853 Acute abdominal bleeding 652 - Abciximab 171-172,752-756, 171 Acetylcholinergic muscarinic Acute abdominal pain 1701 763,766 - Tropomyosin 750 receptors 168 Acute arterial ischemic - Acetyl salicylic acid 752-754, - Troponin C 750 Acetylcysteine 639 syndromes 391 757-759,769 - Troponin I 747,750 Acidosis - Acute peripheral ischemia 392 - Acute-phase protein 750 - Troponin T 747,750 - Ketoacidosis 1004 - Acute visceral ischemia 392 - Anticoagulans 754, 757 - Unfractionated heparin - Lactic acidosis 639 - Ankle-brachial index 392 - Anti platelet agents 751 753-760, 769 - Lactic acidosis 639, 1055,1072, - Blue toe syndrome 392 - Aspartate aminotransferase - Unstable 732 1075> 1083 - Qualitative assessments 392 750 - Unstable angina 171 - Local 1366 - Systemic emboli 391 - Cardiogenic shock 767-768 - Unstable plaque 747 - Local metabolic acidosis 1373, Acute arterial obstruction 1337 - Clinical management 768 - Vulnerable plaque 746-747 1390-1391 - Arterial entrapment 1338 - Congestive heart failure 749 Acute epididymitis 1861 - Metabolic acidosis 1048,1055 - Compartment syndrome 1338 - Coronary artery

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