Journal of MolecularCatalysis, 6 (1979) 177 - 198 177 O ElsevierSequoia S.A., Lausanne- Printed in the Netherlands POLYACRYLAMIDE GEL ENTRAPMENT OF ADENYLATE KINASE AND ACETATE KINASE GEORGE M. WHITESIDES, ANDRE L. LAMOTTE, ORN ADALSTEINSSON, RAY- MOND F. BADDOUR. ALAN C. CHMURNY. CLARK K. COLTON and ALFRED POLLAK Departments of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, MassachusettsInstitute of Tech- nology, Cambridge,Mass. 02 I 39 (U.S.A.) (Receivedin revisedform July 14, 1978) Summary The factors that limit the stability of adenylate kinaseand acetate kinasein solution have been examined and compared with those that deter- mine stability under conditions encounteredduring photochemically initi- ated polymer gel formation in solutions of acrylamide and N,N'-methylene- bisacrylamide.Both adenylatekinase (from rabbit and pig muscle) and ace- tate kinase (from E. Coli) contain cysteineresidues close to their active sites. In solutionsexposed to air, the rate of deactivationof theseenzymes is de- termined by the rate of autoxidation (probably transition metal-catalyzed) of thbir cysteinesulfhydryl groups. Both enzymesare very stableif protected againstautoxidation. At least four types of reactionscontribute to deacti- vation during polyacrylamide gel formation: autoxidation of cysteine sulf- hydryl groups by molecular oxygen; Michael addition of cysteinethiolate anion to acrylamidemonomer and relatedelectrophilic species;reaction of cysteine and of other amino acids with singlet oxygen (generatedby energy transfer from excited riboflavin to ground-statemolecular oxygen during irradiation);reaction of severalamino acid residueswith free radicals (pre- sumably SOl or buffer-derivedradicals). To avoid deactivation during acrylamide polymerization, it is helpful to exclude molecular oxygen, to work at low temperature and low pH, and to add thiols to the solution as radical scavengers.Both enzymesare lesssus- ceptible to deactivation in solutions having high concentrationsof substrates. Aciditional protection againstsinglet oxygen is afforded by using a tertiary amine buffer, and by adding pcarotene to the solution; both are effective quenchersfor singlet oxygen. Adenylate kinaseand acetatekinase have been modified by converting their cysteine- SH groups to - SSCH3moieties by reaction with S-methyl methanethiosulfonate;this blocking is completely reversedby treatment with DTT. Thesemodified proteins show 70% and \OVo,respectively, of the activity of the native enzymes.They are much more resistantto autoxida- tion and Michael addition than are the native proteins;their resistanceto 178 singlet oxygen is slightly better than these proteins; their resistanceto de- activation by SO; radical is indistinguishablefrom that of the fully reduced precursors.By taking advantageof a detailed accounting of the courseof deactivation during polyacrylamide gel formation, it is possibleto design experimental proceduresthat allow cross-linkedpolyacrylamide gelsto be formed by free-radicalpolymerization in solutions containing adenylate kinasewith preservationof 50 - 90% of the activity of the enzyme, and in solutions containing acetatekinase with preservationof 25 - 60% of the activity of the enzyme. If protected from atmosphericoxygen, the enzymes remain active in contact with these gelsover periods of many months. Lebk- ageof enzymesfrom the gelson washingis, however,rapid. Introduction Cross-linkedpolyacrylamide gelsare widely used as insoluble matrices for the immobilization of biochemicalst1 - 4l . The simplestenzyme gel immobilization procedureinvolves free radical polymertzation of acrylamide monomer and cross-linkingagent in a solution containing protein, and gener- atesa gel containing physically entrapped enzyme.Polyacrylamide gel entrap- ment has both advantagesand disadvantagesrelative to other methods of im- mobilization. On the one hand, polyacrylamideis inexpensive,hydrophilic, and well-characterized[5] ;gel formation is easilycarried out; polyacryl- amide is resistantto biodegradation;the gel network protects incorporated proteins againstattack by microorganismsand proteases.On the other hand, acrylamide monomer is reactivetoward proteins; the gel-forming polymeri- zation often destroys enzymatic activity;leakage of protein from gel usually resultsin loss of activity, and polyacrylamide haspoor mechanicalproperties. As part of an effort to devisetechniques for using cell-freeenzymes as catalystsfor large-scaleorganic synthesisutilizing cofactors, we have devel- oped a coupled enzymatic processfor the regenerationof ATP from AMP or ADP [6 - 11] . The ultimate phosphorylatingagent in this scheme,acetyl phosphate (AcP*), can be synthesizedreadily l1-zl. The synthesisof com- plex organic chemicalsby cell-free,enzyme-catalyzed, reactions will compete AMp+Arp #2ADp K=7-9 + ADP ACP #ATP + ACCIAtC K=50-400 *Abbreviations used are: AdK, adenylate kinase;AcK, acetatekinase; AcP, acetyl phosphate; DTT, dithiothreitol; DTE, dithioerythritol; Tris, 2-amino-2-(hydroxymethyl)- 1,3-propanediol;Hepes, N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-M -2-ethanesulfonic acid; Mops, morpholinepropanesulfonic acid; Tea, triethanol amine; TMEDA, N,N,N',N'-tetraethyl- enediamine;NADP, nicotinamide adeninedinucleotide phosphate;Bis, N,N'-methylene- bisacrylamide;G-6-PDH, glucose-6-phosphatedehydrogenase; MMTS, S-methyl methane- thiosulfonate. 179 with conventional chemical and fermentation synthesesonly if enzymescan be immobilized convenientlyand in good yield, if the immobilized enzymes can be used under conditions which retain high activity for long periods of tinie, and if practical schemesfor cofactor regenerationcan be developed. The studiesoutlined here identify the reactionsthat result in loss of enzyma- tic activity during polyacrylamide gel entrapment of adenylate kinase and acetatekinase by free-radicalpolymerization of acrylamide monomer and cross-linkingagent in solutions containing these enzymes.The reactionsthat deactivatethe enzymescan be effectively suppressedby appropriate choices of reaction conditions, with the enzyme-containinggels being formed with good preservationof enzymatic activity. This study, by indicating the processesthat result in loss of activity of these particular enzymesduring gel formation, should be generallyuseful in the preparation of gelscontaining entrapped biochemicals.Relatively rapid leakagefrom the gelsof the physi- cally-entrappedenzymes limits their utility in synthesis:the accompanying paper outlines methods for modifying the gel-forming polymerization to include active ester groups,and for coupling the included proteins to the polymer gel backboneusing these groups t131 . The particularadenylate kinases (AdK, AMP:ATP phosphotransferase, 8.C. studiedin this work were derivedeither from porcine or rabbit muscle:these single-subunit enzymes have molecular weights of 27 000, two cysteinegroups per molecule,and very similar structures[14, 15] . The mechanismof phosphatetransfer for the enzyme from rabbit muscle is randombi bi [16], with Michaelisconstants Kor, = 0.3mM,Koro = 0.5mM, and Koop = 1.58mM [L7 - 19].The equilibriumconstant relating ADP to ATP and AMP variesbetween 1 and 9, dependingon pH and pMg [8,20], and the rate is relatively insensitiveto pH between 7 and I [21] . A crystal structure on rabbit muscle myokinase is not available;that of porcine en- zyme placesone of the cysteine SH groups closeto the active site [ 22, 231 and the secondclose to the first [ 241.It is not clearwhether thesetwo SH groups can form an intramolecular disulfide linkage. Their orientation in the porcine enzyme suggeststhat some strain would be involved, but oxidation of rabbit enzymeis reported not to increaseits molecularweight [15] . Acetatekinase (AcK, ATP:acetatephosphotransferase, E.C.2 .7 .2.1,) from E. CoIi hasa molecularweight of 46 000 [ 251, and one cysteineSH group per molecule [ 261.Catalysis proceedsby a random sequentialmechanism with Michaelisconstants KNrg^rp = 1.1mM, Ko", = 0.34mM, Kraearp= 0.02mM, and K o. = 5.8mM [27 , 281. The observedequilibrium constant lies between 50 and 400, depending on pH 2 6 and pMg; the rate is relative- ly insensitiveto pH between6.5 and I 1251. Experimental Materialswere reagentgrade, and were obtained from these sources: Ttis, Hepes,Tea, Mops, DTT, DTE, 2-mercaptoethanol,ADP, AcP, NADP, 180 (Sigma);potassium and ammonium persulfate,acrylamide (ultra-pure), Bis (ultra-pure), TMEDA, riboflavin (Polysciences).The nitrogen and argon used as inert gaseswere purified grade.Water was deionized and distilled using a Corning Model 38 still. Apparatus The glasswareused with enzymeswas washedwith distilled water. Volumetric transferswere accomplishedusing Hamilton syringes,Eppendorf pipettes, and Boralex micropipettes (Fisher Scientific). Dialysis was under- taken using a Bio-Fiber 50 Minibeaker (Biorad) with an 80 cm2 fiber surface area and a nominal molecular weight cutoff of 5 000. Spectrophotometric determinations employed a Gilford Model 240 spectrophotometerequipped with a thermostatted cell compartment. The u.v. sourceused to initiate polymerizations was a high-intensity lamp (PolysciencesCatalog No. 0222) delivering 8 400 microwatts/cm2 (measuredat 18 in. distance) in the active region for initiation (360 nm). Enzymes Adenylate kinase (porcine muscle) was purchasedas a suspensionin 3.2M ammonium sulfate (Sigma). Its specific activity after treatment with DTT or DTE was 2050 U/mg (1U = l trrmole/min):further purification did not increasethis activity. Activation was carried out by centrifuging
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