The BryologioalBryological SocietySooiety of Japan − 蘚苔類研究 (Bryol. Res .)8 (5): 131 136 , December 2002 Hypnodontopsis spathulata H .Akiyama & A . Tanaka (Rhachitheciaceae;Musci ), a new species frorn Myanmar (Burma ) Himyuki Akiyamal and Atsushi Tanaka2 1Museum − of Nature and Human Activities,6−chome , Yayoigaoka , Sanda −shi , Hyogo 669 1546 , Japan. 20kayama − − − − University of Science,1 1 Ridai cho , Okayama shi , Okayama 700 0005 , Japan. Abstract. A new species of 助 η 040 彫 qρs ∫s is described on the basis of recent collection from Natma Taung National Park (Mt . Victoria), Chin State, Myanmar (Burma ). Although its oblong to spathulate leaves suggest close relationship to 砌 》nodon toi)sis apicttlatus Z .[wats .& Nog ., the new species differs ・ from H .〔ipicutatus in the shorter leaves, costa ceasing below leaf apex , linear1anceolate peristome teeth extant species have insertedbelow the capsulemouth ,cucullate calyptrae , and smaller spores ,Only two been known for the genus , that is, H . apiculatus from Japan and ll. mexicana (Th ξr .}Robins . from Mexico and Uganda . Two other species are known as extinct fossil species , H . confertus 〔Goeppert & Berendt ) ∫.−P.Frahm and H . fb∬ itis J.・P.Frahrn, both from Ceonozoic aInber in Europe . Our finding a new species of Hypnodontopsis from Myanmar may suggest that the genus Qnce had very wide distributional range . Key words :ffypnodontopsis, Burma , Myanmar , Rhachitheciaceae 1 2 ー 秋 山弘之 ・田中敦司 : ミ ャ ン マ (ビ ル マ ) か ら見 つ か っ た キサ ゴ ゴ ケ 属 (キブ ネ ゴ ケ 科 ; 蘚類) の 新種 z − 2 − Hypnodontopsis spathulata (〒 669 1546 三 田 市弥生 が 丘 6 丁 目 人 と 自然 の 博物館, 〒 700 0005 岡 山市 理 大 町 1−1 岡山理 萪大学大学院理 学研究科) ビ ル マ か ら キ サ ゴ ゴ ケ 属 の 新 種 H ,spatulata H .Akiyama & A .Tanaka を 報告 し た .本種 の 葉 は そ の 形 が oblong か ら spatulate で 明 らか に H . apiculatus に 近縁 で あ る が ,中肋が 葉頂 に 達 せ ず葉頂部 の 細胞 は 葉身細 胞 と変 わ ら な い こ と ,覇歯 は覇 口 か ら深 く沈 ん だ 位置 に 生 じ,そ れ ぞ れ の 歯 は 幅 が よ り狭 く上 部で は 狭披針形 と な る こ と , そ し て カ リ プ ト ラ が cucullate す る 点 で 異 な っ て い る . キ サ ゴ ゴ ケ 属 に は ,現生 種 と して 日 本固 ー パ 有 の H .apiculatus と メ キ シ コ と ウ ガ ン ダ に 分布 す る H . mexicana の 2 種 が 知 ら れ て い る .ま た ,ヨ ロ ッ − の 新生 代琥珀 中 に 封 じ ら れ た 化石種 と して さ ら に 2 種 (H . confertus (Goeppert & Berendt )J.P .Frahm な ら び に H ,fossilis J.−P .Frahm ) が 報告 さ れ て い る .化石種 H , confertus は 現生種 の H . mexicana と きわ め て 類 Baltic バ ル ト と Saxonian ド イ ッ ザ ク セ ン 地 の か ら は か な り の 数 が 似 し た 形態 を して お り, ( 地方) ( 方) 琥珀 知 ら れ て い る . こ れ に 加 え て H .mexicana が 中米 と ア フ リ カ と い う地 理 的 に か け 離 れ た 場所 か ら 見 っ か っ て ー の 〜 H mexicana は の ヨ い る こ とを考慮 す る と,少 な く と も新生代 第 三 紀 4500 万年 5800 万年前 に は , . 当時 ロ パ い の い い ビ ル マ の ッ か らア フ リ カ 地域 に か け て の 広範囲 に 分布 して た で は な か と 推定 さ れ て る . 西部山岳 っ ゴ ゴ ア ジ ア 地 か ら今回 あ らた に 5 番 目 の 種 (現 生種 と し て は 3 種 目) が 見 か っ た こ と は, キ サ ケ 属が 地 域 に お い て も広 く分布 して い た こ と を 示 唆す る と 考 え ら れ る . The genus Hypnodontopsis 童s a member of the GQmnet 1997). According to Goffinet(1997), the − − Rhachitheciaceae on the basis of the single peri Rhachitheciaceae include seven genera and 15spe stome and leaves differentiated into lower lamina cies . − with hyaline, rectangular cells and upper chloro llypnodontopsis was first established by Iwatsuki phyllose , isodiametric cells (Robinson l964, (1957)to accommodate H . apiculatus Z.lwat.& Nog 、 一131一 一 NNII-Electronic工工 Eleotronio Library Service The BryologicalSocietyBryological Society of Japan eeSMerza (Bryol. Res,) 8(5), December 2002 based on Japanese specimens. The species is dis- hic element are abundant in the botanized areas in tinguished from other rhachitheciaceous members the park; for example, there grow feneigielta coF by its unique spiraling seta in dry and wet condi- data (Hook.) M,Fleisch,, Loptobymenium tenue tions and palisade-like thickening of peristome (Hook.) Schwaegr,, Dixonia thamnioides (Broth. & teeth, Robinson (1964) subsequently transferred Dixon) Horik. & Ando, IVbguchiodendron sphaero- Oreas mexicana Ther. known from Mexico to HlyP- carpum {Nog,) Ninh & Pocs, Bryowijleia ambigua nodontQPsis mexicana (Ther,) Rebins, The main (Hook.) Nog,, SPhaerotheicella sphaerocarpa <Hook,) differences separating this species from HZ aPicula- M.Fleisch,, and severa] species of Symphyodon spp, tus lay in the linear-lanceolate leaves and cucullate Though we only visited a few places, the moss calyptra, Hlypnodontopsis mexicana recently has flora seems to be similar to those oi western India been reported from Uganda in West Africa (Hodg- and northern Thailand (Gangulee 1969-1980, He etts & Goffinet 1998). Therefore, the genus shows 1998). a curious distribution pattern: East Asia (Japan), In the course of this research, the senior author Central America (Mexico) and West Africa collected a tiny rnoss on a tree trunk alQng a road (Uganda), In addition, Frahm (2000, 2001) reported in the Pinus savannah, In the field, it looked simi- two extinct fossil species, filyPnodontopsis conjlartus lar to a small species of Calymperes. Under micro- (Goeppert & Berendt) J.-P.Frahm and HL fossilis scope, the plants bear tiny mature sporophytes and JrP,Frahm, both preserved in Baltic and Saxonian show the following features; 1} differentiation of amber. These two fossil species have linear- the lower part of Ieaf with large, smooth cells, 2) lanceolate leaves and thus are regarded to be perichaetial leaves slightly differentiated from closely related to extant ll1 mexicaua (Frahm 2001). lower ordinal leaves, 3) very short seta spiraling in In March 2002, the senior author carried out dry and wet conditiQns, 4) deeply ribbed capsules, botanical survey at the Natma Taung National 5) single peristome with teeth in eight pairs, and 6) Park (Myanmar), in collaberation with the For- peristome teeth decorated with distinctive pali- estry Department of Myanmar, The park i$ located sade-like thickenings on both surfaces. All of the at the southern Chin Hill (Rongklang Range> and features apparently indicate that the plants should the highest peak (formerly known as Mt. Victoria) be a rnember of the genus H5tPnodontopsis, Oblong is 3053 m in elevation. We surveyed the temperate to spatulate stern leaves with pluripapillose cells in evergreen forests and Anus savannah that prevail the upper portion suggest its close relationship to at altitude above 1700 m in the park, This is the the Japanese HL opiculatus. The Myanmar plants, first extensive survey of the moss flora for the park however, has cucullate calyptra and this is one of area except for small collections gathered by Mr. the characteristic features differentiating Hl mexi- Kingdon-Ward and Mr, Dickason (Bartram 1943) cana from HL apiculatus which has a smalL mitrate in the first half of the 20th century. The park area calyptra. Taking all the information described is influenced by the typical monsoon climate with above, we regarded the Myanmar plants represent- a prolonged dry season in every year, Therefore, ing a new species Qf the H)lpnodontqpsis and it is almost all the southern slopes of mountains are here described. dominated by Pinus feestya savannah. On the northern slope$, there are subtropical evergreen IEIUpnedontopsis spathulata H,Akiyama & A. forests developed between 1000 m and 2130 m in Tanaka, sp. noy. (Figs. 1-18) altitude and temperate $emi-evergreen forests be- A.07nis Hypnodontepsis apiculato, sedfolliis O. 8- tween 1830m and the summit of Mt. Victoria 1,O mm longis, copsulis ovatis, dentibus Peristomaico (WWF and IUCN 1994-1995), lanceolatis, calyPtris ctecullatis diversus. Bryephytes of the south Himalayan biogeogra- Plants small, bright green, gregarious on tree -132- NII-Electronic Library Service The BryologicalSocletyBryological Society ofJapanof Japan ptesma"X (B,),ot. Res.) 8(5), December 2002 ・iil/lli, ,,,1fl'1, 'i"', 1 /F.・:・l''.'l-{ L/t' ・},.・ tttt/t ''$::t,'s.e,i.ts',il'lee・,//tt/t'1 ,ll,1',,,., '"'/f'i'l' ,,zi,/:i. ''tii '' 1i,lle,i. ttt ' asmatsre`:: /-a/t. ,,{ 1, t'tlIi,IIIme ,,,,il} va/ , 3, colony, Figs. 1-7.flblPnodontoPsis spathutataH.Akiyama & A.Tanaka (holotype).1.Plant 2,Plant indry condition: note the capsule half-covered by leaves. 3. Capsule and scta, 4. Calyptra. 5. Peristome tooth (inner surface; SEM}. 6. Peristome and spores (SEM). 7. Peristome teeth (outer surface; SEM>. trunk, Stems ca, O.5-1,5mm high, erect, simple. loosely and spirally appressed when dry, erect- Leaves oblong to spathulate, apiculate, O,8-1.0 mm spreading when moist; margins plane, crenulate long, O.25-O.3mm wide at the widest portion, with papillae; costa ceasing just below apex, with -133- NII-Electronic Library Service The BryologicalSocietyBryological Society ofJapanof Japan eegganfi (Br],ol.
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