![1773 Hon. Ed Pastor Hon. Marsha Blackburn Hon](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
January 19, 2007 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 153, Pt. 2 1773 CONGRATULATING BISHOP HENRY firm TRO Jung-Brannen located in Shelby INTRODUCTION OF THE STUDENT BARNWELL FOR RECEIVING THE County, TN. FINANCIAL READINESS ACT OF CALVIN C. GOODE LIFETIME On October 19, 2006, TRO Jung-Brannen 2007 ACHIEVEMENT AWARD was awarded the Export Achievement Certifi- cate given by the United States Department of HON. JOE KNOLLENBERG HON. ED PASTOR Commerce in recognition of the firm’s export OF MICHIGAN OF ARIZONA excellence, increased export sales, and the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES opening of new international markets. Friday, January 19, 2007 Friday, January 19, 2007 TRO Jung-Brannen is an architectural and Mr. KNOLLENBERG. Madam Speaker, design firm with 325 people on staff with bil- Mr. PASTOR. Madam Speaker, I rise before today I am introducing a very important piece lings in excess of 50 million. The Shelby you today to congratulate Bishop Henry Barn- of legislation that will provide additional relief County office has 13 architects and 38 addi- well for receiving the Calvin C. Goode Lifetime for families as they plan for the financial cost tional employees. The firm specializes in de- Achievement award during the 21st Annual Dr. of their children’s education. signing healthcare, educational and commer- Martin Luther King, Jr. Awards Breakfast in The cost of college tuition continues to rise cial facilities. The firm was established in 1909 Phoenix. This award, named after Phoenix in the United States. In fact, over the past 5 and has served over 500 clients with projects City Councilman Calvin C. Goode, recognizes years, the cost of obtaining a college edu- totaling more than six billion dollars. an exceptional individual who has made Phoe- cation has increased by 35 percent. The high- nix a better place through a lifelong dedication Please join me in honoring TRO Jung- er cost of college should not prevent individ- to promoting social and economic justice, de- Brannen on their wonderful award and remark- uals from receiving an advanced education. That is why I am introducing the Student Fi- fending civil rights, and enhancing the dignity able record of accomplishments. nancial Readiness Act of 2007, which will in- of all people. Bishop Barnwell exemplifies all crease the annual tax-free contribution a fam- of these qualities. f ily or an individual may contribute to a stu- Bishop Barnwell is the retired pastor of the dent’s elementary, secondary, or college ex- First New Life Missionary Baptist Church, a IN RECOGNITION OF DON penses. position he held for over 40 years. As pastor, SCHIRMER Coverdell Education Savings Accounts allow he was an advocate for human and civil rights families to make an annual tax-free contribu- and the less fortunate. He mentored and was tion of $2,000 to assist each of their children a role model for other men in his parish, urg- HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH with their education. The money can be spent ing them to help those in need. Bishop Barn- OF OHIO on both K–12 education and college. By allow- well also led the effort to declare Dr. Martin IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ing families to make tax-free contributions to Luther King, Jr.’s birthday a State holiday. education savings accounts, we promote own- Even before this occurred, I remember Bishop Friday, January 19, 2007 ership of education. Families that save for Barnwell bringing us together to celebrate Dr. Mr. KUCINICH. Madam Speaker, I rise their children’s education are empowering their King’s birthday at Phoenix’s Patriot Square today in recognition of Don Schirmer and his children. However, the current $2,000 annual Park. limit needs to be adjusted with the increasing Bishop Barnwell continues to be an active many years of service to the community of tuition rates. The Student Financial Readiness member in many Phoenix community organi- Maple Heights as a high school varsity football Act of 2007 would permit a contribution level zations. For example, he serves on the referee. Don’s five decades of tireless dedica- of $5,000 annually and index the contribution Boards of the Phoenix Opportunities Industrial- tion to the game of football is a testament to amount by the cost-of-living adjustment. ization Center, OIC, and St. Mary’s Food his heartfelt love of sports and the Maple Heights community. We must give families the option to provide Bank. He is also a member of the Mayor’s the very best education possible for their chil- Don began his tenure as a referee in 1954 Human Relations Commission, the Maricopa dren. Our Nation’s future depends on edu- in Maple Heights, where his knowledge of County branch of the NAACP, and the Sheriffs cating our children and they must be given sports translated into a position as a varsity Religious Advisory Committee of Maricopa every chance to receive the highest education. official. Over the years, the students playing County. Bishop Barnwell will add the Calvin C. Our children deserve a competitive advantage the game changed, but their referee, Don Goode Lifetime Achievement award to a long in our Nation’s job market. Schirmer, remained a staple of the community. list of local, state, and national recognitions, Madam Speaker, I respectfully request the Through all the victories, losses, and dramatic including Arizona Pastor of the Year, 1989, support of my colleagues for this important twists of the sport, one man has stood behind the Blue Cross Blue Shield Ageless Hero piece of legislation that will ensure the future it all. Award, and Honorary Citizen of Tucson, AZ. success of our Nation’s children. Born and raised in Florida, Bishop Barnwell More than just a referee, Don served as a f first arrived in Phoenix to attend Grand Can- pillar of his community by volunteering, often yon College and the Arizona College of the cooking for the homeless. It is this spirit of giv- CONGRATULATING MR. CALVIN C. Bible. In 1954, he enlisted in the U.S. Air ing, sharing, and brotherly love that Don GOODE ON HIS 80TH BIRTHDAY Force, from which he retired after 20 years of Schirmer has contributed to the community of service. Bishop Barnwell is the devoted hus- Maple Heights. A modest man of many ac- HON. ED PASTOR band of Sheila Yvonne Barnwell; he is a proud complishments, Don can count being an um- OF ARIZONA father and grandfather. pire in Major League Baseball, a veteran of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Madam Speaker, I am honored to recognize the U.S. Navy, and the Captain of the Maple Friday, January 19, 2007 Bishop Barnwell for this award and to thank Heights Fire Department all as notches in his Mr. PASTOR. Madam Speaker, I rise before him for his enduring commitment to improving all-American belt of experience. the lives of Arizona’s citizens. you today to proudly bring to your attention Even at the ripe age of 79, Don’s energy, f the 80th birthday of a fellow Arizonan who is passion, and love of life are at an all-time one of the most respected leaders in my home HONORING TRO JUNG-BRANNEN high. An avid hunter, Don is giving up his State and city—Mr. Calvin C. Goode. Calvin striped referee uniform for an orange vest. Goode is celebrating his 80th birthday this Though nearly an octogenarian, his zesty month and, therefore, it is the perfect time to HON. MARSHA BLACKBURN vigor keeps him active in the outdoors. OF TENNESSEE pay tribute to this well-revered public servant IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Madam Speaker and colleagues, please join who is best known for dedicating 22 years of me in honoring Don Schirmer as a true Amer- his life as a Phoenix City Councilman. He has Friday, January 19, 2007 ican sportsman. His undying presence on the been equally dedicated to the promotion of Mrs. BLACKBURN. Madam Speaker, I ask field has been a joy, honor, and privilege to education and the advancement of civil rights my colleagues to join me today in the ac- the students of Maple Heights for over 50 and continues to stand up to injustice, even in knowledgement of the architectural and design years. his retirement. VerDate Sep 11 2014 10:57 Jun 06, 2017 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\FDSYS\BOUNDRECORD\BOOK 2\LOC FILES\BR19JA07.DAT BR19JA07 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with BOUND RECORD 1774 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 153, Pt. 2 January 19, 2007 Goode’s family came to Arizona to work in foundly committed individual who is a true role 1939 by Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia, where she the agricultural fields when he was an infant, model for the Nation. He has effected change served with distinction for 40 years. As judge, and he remembers picking cotton as a boy. that has improved the lives and broken down two major changes she accomplished, along Calvin graduated from eighth grade in Gila barriers for many Arizonans. Therefore, I am with Judges Justine Wise Polier and Hubert Bend and then moved to Prescott to attend pleased to pay tribute to my friend Calvin C. Delaney, were the assignment of probation of- high school. When he was a junior, he was di- Goode, and I know my colleagues will join me ficers to cases without regard for race or reli- agnosed with a heart condition and was ex- in wishing him continued success. gion and a requirement that private child care pected to live only a year. He moved to Phoe- f agencies that received public funds had to ac- nix for his health, where he enrolled in Carver cept children without regard to ethnic back- High School, the only high school in Arizona HONORING HOUSTON HIGH SCHOOL ground.
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