Traffi cology, [trah-fi k-ol-uh-jee], verb , 1. The study of traffi c, 2. Objective, the capacity to maximise revenue traffic AFFILIATE FOCUS BY GAMBLING INSIDER AUGUST 2019 AUGUST TRAFFIC INSIDE • IGB LIVE TRIP REVIEW • TIME FOR VIDEO? • ONLINE GAMING ERRORS • ESPORTS ENGAGEMENT • PLAY HARD: TOM WADE, SICKODDS Sponsored by: SHORE THING The threat of affi liates working offshore the digits Traffic report Overall change Latin america change overall change Africa change Asia change Europe change North america Oceania change Europe Poker 2019 q1 Trafficology has partnered with Rank +/- Name Website Rank +/- Name Website Rank +/- Name Website Rank +/- Name Website Rank +/- Name Website Rank +/- Name Website Rank +/- Name Website Rank +/- Name Website data experts Casino City Press to provide insight into website and 1 - PokerNews pokernews.com 1 1 GipsyTeam gipsyteam.ru 1 1 TwoPlusTwo.com twoplustwo.com 1 - GipsyTeam gipsyteam.ru 1 1 PokerStrategy.com pokerstrategy.com 1 - TwoPlusTwo.com twoplustwo.com 1 - TwoPlusTwo.com twoplustwo.com 1 - GipsyTeam gipsyteam.ru NLOP - National League 2 1 GipsyTeam gipsyteam.ru 2 3 CardsChat cardschat.com 2 1 SharkScope sharkscope.com 2 1 SharkScope sharkscope.com 2 1 TwoPlusTwo.com twoplustwo.com 2 - nlop.com 2 183 NLOP - National League nlop.com 2 - PokerStrategy.com pokerstrategy.com traffic trends across the gaming of Poker of Poker industry. Here, we rank the top 20 3 1 PokerStrategy.com pokerstrategy.com 3 - PokerNews pokernews.com 3 2 GipsyTeam gipsyteam.ru 3 1 PokerStrategy.com pokerstrategy.com 3 2 SharkScope sharkscope.com 3 3 PokerNews pokernews.com 3 1 PokerNews pokernews.com 3 1 Shark Scope sharkscope.com online poker portals overall and by 4 - TwoPlusTwo.com twoplustwo.com 4 4 Upswing Poker upswingpoker.com 4 - Upswing Poker upswingpoker.com 4 - TwoPlusTwo.com twoplustwo.com 4 - PokerStarsSchool.es pokerstarsschool.es 4 1 UpSwing Poker upswingpoker.com 4 1 Liquid Poker liquidpoker.net 4 1 TwoPlusTwo.com twoplustwo.com continent. The current quarter is The Hendon Mob Poker 5 Card Player cardplayer.com 5 1 Clubpoker clubpoker.net PokerNews pokernews.com 5 - Clubpoker clubpoker.net 5 2 CardsChat cardschat.com 5 1 SharkScope sharkscope.com thehendonmob.com 5 Poker Pro Labs pokerprolabs.com 1 5 1 5 1 Forum 1 Q2 (April to June) and the last OPR - Ocial Poker CardsChat cardschat.com 6 7 TwoPlusTwo.com twoplustwo.com CardsChat cardschat.com 6 1 ocialpokerrankings.com 6 3 GipsyTeam gipsyteam.ru 6 1 Card Player cardplayer.com 6 UpSwing Poker upswingpoker.com 6 clubpoker clubpoker.net quarter is Q1 (January to March). 6 1 6 1 Rankings 3 1 The Hendon Mob Poker 7 - SharkScope sharkscope.com 7 83 UAPoker Info uapoker.info 7 2 PokerStrategy.com pokerstrategy.com 7 1 PokerNews pokernews.com 7 1 Codigo Poker codigopoker.com 7 2 Forum thehendonmob.com 7 175 Poker Pro Labs pokerprolabs.com 7 - UAPoker Info uapoker.info OPR - Ocial Poker 8 4 PokerListings pokerlistings.com 8 PokerGlobal.info pokerglobal.info 8 - Pokerland-il pokerland-il.com 2 The Hendon Mob Poker thehendonmob.com 8 1 MaisEV maisev.com 8 1 CardsChat cardschat.com 1 Cardschat cardschat.com 8 - ocialpokerrankings.com 7 8 Forum 8 Rankings PokerStrategy.com pokerstrategy.com The Hendon Mob Poker thehendonmob.com 874 Poker Pro Labs pokerprolabs.com PocketFives.com pocketves.com PocketFives.com pocketves.com HighStakesDB highstakesdb.com Poker News pokernews.com 9 - Poker Pro Labs pokerprolabs.com 9 2 9 1 Forum 9 9 2 9 1 9 3 9 - PocketFives.com pocketves.com 10 22 Kill Tilt kill-tilt.fr OPR - Ocial Poker ocialpokerrankings.com UAPoker Info uapoker.info 10 4 PokerGlobal.info pokerglobal.info 10 1 PokerAtlas pokeratlas.com Card Player cardplayer.com 10 UpSwing Poker upswingpoker.com 10 2 10 5 Rankings 10 4 10 1 2 PokerListings 11 OPR - Ocial Poker 11 The Hendon Mob 11 - Clubpoker clubpoker.net 11 5 pokerlistings.com 11 2 Pokerren pokerren.com 11 2 Upswing Poker upswingpoker.com 11 1 Super Poker superpoker.com.br 1 Rankings ocialpokerrankings.com 11 1 SharkScope sharkscope.com 1 Poker Forum thehendonmob.com The Hendon Mob Poker thehendonmob.com 12 MotsDePassePoker motsdepassepoker.com Poker Pro Labs pokerprolabs.com EducaPoker educapoker.com 12 poker-red.com 12 gipsyteam.ru 888Poker League 888pl.com.au 12 Cardschat cardschat.com 12 1 Forum 196 12 534 12 3 6 Poker-Red 1 GipsyTeam 12 1 1 OPR - Ocial Poker ocialpokerrankings.com PokerTH pokerth.net 13 13 pokerlistings.com pokerlistings.com 13 Pokero pokero.ru 13 3 Rankings 13 27 13 3 Card Player cardplayer.com 13 2 CardsChat cardschat.com 1 Upswing Poker upswingpoker.com 1 PokerListings 13 5 PokerListings - 14 - Upswing Poker upswingpoker.com 14 2 Kelbet kelbet.com 14 5 UAPoker Info uapoker.info 14 - PekarStas pekarstas.com 14 - Jackpot Freerolls jackpotfreerolls.com 14 - HighStakesDB highstakesdb.com 14 - PocketFives.com pocketves.com 14 2 PocketFives.com pocketves.com The Hendon Mob Poker NLOP - National League nlop.com thehendonmob.com HighStakesDB highstakesdb.com UAPoker Info uapoker.info 15 2 PokerStars School pokerstarsschool.com pokerstarsschool.com 15 PekarStas pekarstas.com 15 1 of Poker 15 6 Forum 15 2 PokerListings pokerlistings.com 15 1 15 1 15 4 PokerStars School 5 16 5 PokerStars School pokerstarsschool.com 16 6 Card Player cardplayer.com 16 4 Pokerisivut pokerisivut.com 16 3 PocketFives.com pocketves.com 16 1 PokerNews pokernews.com 16 - Float The Turn oattheturn.com 16 1 Vigorish.ru vigorish.ru 16 1 EducaPoker educapoker.com 17 2 HighStakesDB highstakesdb.com 17 1 PokerSites.co.za pokersites.co.za 17 6 Pokero pokero.ru 17 1 Pokeristby pokeristby.ru 17 3 Card Player Brasil cardplayer.com.br 17 448 Poker Pro Labs pokerprolabs.com 17 1 Professional RakeBack professionalrakeback.com 17 3 HighStakes DB highstakesdb.com 18 4 PokerAtlas pokeratlas.com 18 12 Poker Academie poker-academie.com 18 9 World Poker Deals worldpokerdeals.com 18 1 PokerNet.dk pokernet.dk 18 1 EducaPoker educapoker.com 18 3 PokerStrategy.com pokerstrategy.com 18 6 PokerStrategy.com pokerstrategy.com 18 - Academy Poker academypoker.ru 19 12 EducaPoker educapoker.com 19 3 PocketFives.com pocketves.com 19 7 PokerStars School pokerstarsschool.com 19 7 Pokero pokero.ru 19 6 Poker Dicas pokerdicas.com 19 1 Online Poker Report.com onlinepokerreport.com 19 2 PokerPT.com pokerpt.com 19 2 Pokeristby pokeristby.ru 20 5 PekarStas pekarstas.com 20 6 PokerStars School pokerstarsschool.com 20 2 PekarStas pekarstas.com 20 1 PokerAkademia pokerakademia.com 20 278 Poker Pro Labs pokerprolabs.com 20 5 Liquid Poker liquidpoker.net 20 - The Poker Bank thepokerbank.com 20 2 PokerNet.dk pokernet.dk Rankings are estimated using statistical data and should not be considered absolute ranking values. More than 50 complementary top lists are available on the iGamingDirectory.com website operated by Casino City Press OverallOverall change change LatinLatin america america change change AfricaAfrica change change africa change AsiaAsia change change Asia change EuropeEurope change change NorthNorth america america OceaniaOceania change change EuropeEurope Poker Poker 2019 2019 q1 q1 RankRank +/-+/- NameName WebsiteWebsite RankRank +/-+/- NameName WebsiteWebsite RankRank +/-+/- NameName WebsiteWebsite RankRank +/-+/- NameName WebsiteWebsite RankRank +/-+/- NameName WebsiteWebsite RankRank +/-+/- NameName WebsiteWebsite RankRank +/-+/- NameName WebsiteWebsite RankRank +/- +/- NameName WebsiteWebsite 11 -- PokerNewsPokerNews pokernews.compokernews.com 11 11 GipsyTeamGipsyTeam gipsyteam.rugipsyteam.ru 11 11 TwoPlusTwo.comTwoPlusTwo.com twoplustwo.comtwoplustwo.com 11 - - GipsyTeamGipsyTeam gipsyteam.rugipsyteam.ru 11 11 PokerStrategy.comPokerStrategy.com pokerstrategy.compokerstrategy.com 1 1 - - TwoPlusTwo.comTwoPlusTwo.com twoplustwo.comtwoplustwo.com 1 1 - - TwoPlusTwo.comTwoPlusTwo.com twoplustwo.comtwoplustwo.com 1 1 - - GipsyTeamGipsyTeam gipsyteam.rugipsyteam.ru NLOPNLOP - National - National League League NLOP - National League 22 11 GipsyTeamGipsyTeam gipsyteam.rugipsyteam.ru 22 33 CardsChatCardsChat cardschat.comcardschat.com 22 11 SharkScopeSharkScope sharkscope.comsharkscope.com 22 11 SharkScopeSharkScope sharkscope.comsharkscope.com 22 11 TwoPlusTwo.comTwoPlusTwo.com twoplustwo.comtwoplustwo.com 2 2 - - nlop.comnlop.com 2 2183183 NLOP - National League nlop.comnlop.com 2 2 - - PokerStrategy.comPokerStrategy.com pokerstrategy.compokerstrategy.com of Pokerof Poker of Pokerof Poker 33 11 PokerStrategy.comPokerStrategy.com pokerstrategy.compokerstrategy.com 33 -- PokerNewsPokerNews pokernews.compokernews.com 33 22 GipsyTeamGipsyTeam gipsyteam.rugipsyteam.ru 33 11 PokerStrategy.comPokerStrategy.com pokerstrategy.compokerstrategy.com 33 22 SharkScopeSharkScope sharkscope.comsharkscope.com 3 3 3 3 PokerNewsPokerNews pokernews.compokernews.com 3 3 1 1 PokerNewsPokerNews pokernews.compokernews.com 3 3 1 1 SharkShark Scope Scope sharkscope.comsharkscope.com 44 -- TwoPlusTwo.comTwoPlusTwo.com twoplustwo.comtwoplustwo.com 44 44 UpswingUpswing Poker Poker upswingpoker.comupswingpoker.com 44 - - UpswingUpswing Poker Poker upswingpoker.comupswingpoker.com 44 - - TwoPlusTwo.comTwoPlusTwo.com twoplustwo.comtwoplustwo.com 44 - - PokerStarsSchool.esPokerStarsSchool.es pokerstarsschool.espokerstarsschool.es 4 4 1 1 UpSwingUpSwing Poker Poker upswingpoker.comupswingpoker.com 4 4 1 1 LiquidLiquid Poker Poker liquidpoker.netliquidpoker.net 4 4 1 1 TwoPlusTwo.comTwoPlusTwo.com twoplustwo.comtwoplustwo.com TheThe Hendon Hendon Mob Mob Poker Poker 55 1 CardCard Player Player cardplayer.comcardplayer.com 55 11 ClubpokerClubpoker clubpoker.netclubpoker.net 5
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