GUIDE DEFOR MONTAGE THE FITTING DES OFCARROSSERIES BODYWORK Englishédition editionfrançaise dated du 06/02 06/02 Boîtier“CECU” “CECU Box” ((CUSTOMER’S CUSTOMER ELECTRONIC ELECTRONIC COMPUTER CONTROL UNIT UNIT) ) LesThe informations information givendonnées by parthe leManufacturer constructeur indans this ce document présent document, is compiled sont in établiesrelation ento fonctionthe technical des spécifications specifications techniques in force on en the vigueur date of à drafting la date d’établissement of the document. du document. EllesIt is subject sont susceptibles to modification de modifications in the event en of cas changes de changements made by apportésthe OEM par during le constructeur the manu- àfacture la fabrication of the different des différents units and organes accessories et accessoires for vehicles des véhicules of its make. de sa marque. RENAULT V.I. – 06 / 02 – Imprimé en France 1. PRESENTATION DUOF BOTHEÎTIER BOX “ CECU“CECU”” ToPour improve améliorer bodybuilders’ nos prestations services, carrossiers, we have added nous electricalavons rajouté and electronic sur nos pre-arrangementsvéhicules Euro 3 tophase our Euro 1 des 3 phaseprédispositions 0 vehicles électrique without you et électronique, having to search sans forque them vous in ayez different à les places. chercher à différents endroits. AllL’ensemble these functions des fonctions are provided seront bydélivrées the box par “CECU”. le boîtier “CECU”. The box and the connecting arrangement are located in the cab for the following reasons: Le boîtier et la connectique se trouvent en cabine pour les raisons suivantes: -– Theseces prédispositions pre-arrangements peuvent can suivant be used l’usage, in-cab êtreor on-chassis utilisées en according cabine ou to suruse. châssis, -– Thel’environnement cab environment cabine is protectedest protégé in enterms terme of sealingd’étanchéité (corrosion), (corrosion), temperature température and vibration.et vibration, -– Thel’environnement cab environment châssis is variable est variable according selon tol’usage use in en terms terme of de wiring cheminement harness routing et longueur and length. faisceaux. Renault Trucks Reserved Bodybuilder Prestations proposées –- SafeDémarrage starting sécurisé of engine du on moteur chassis. en châssis, –- DisplayAffichage of desengine défauts faults moteur (STOP ( &STOP SERVICE). et SERVICE ), –- DisplayAffichage of duengine régime speed. moteur, –- ManagementGestion des défaillances of « CECU »du box boîtier deficiencies. “CECU”, –- BulbTest desoutputs sorties test voyants piloted bypilotés the «par CECU le “CECU”, » –- AmplificationAmplification ofen the courant tachograph des signaux signals du current contrôlographe (4 pulses (per 4 impulsions metre, speed par corrected).mètre, vitesse corrigée ). FS1 CommandeChassis-mounted démarrage Relais démarrage Engine starter relay FS2 moteurengine startingen châssis control moteur J1587 “VECU” Information FS3 Engine STOP défaut moteur fault information STOP FS8 “MachineCommande on” Information FS4 Engine SERVICE control“Machine on” défaut moteur fault information –––––––> “CECU” –––––––> SERVICE FS9 Commande“Engine stop” EngineInformation speed FS5 “Arrêtcontrol moteur” informationrégime moteur FS6 “BulbBouton test” Information FS6 “CECU” box fault “Blink“Tests code” lampes” défaut boîtier information button“Blink code” “CECU” FS7 Contrôlographe CorrectedSorties vitesse vehicle corri- speed FS7 Tachograph andgée 4VI pulses/min et 4 puls/m outputs DT 1 RENAULT V.I. 06/02 List of system functions (FS1 to FS9) FS1 – Chassis-mounted engine starting demand Starting authorized if: Then: - After-ignition + present and “Machine on” switch - Signalling of starting authorization by a tell-tale closed. light. - No engine fault. - Taking pressing of engine starting button into - Communication with “VECU” operational. account. - No box blocking fault. - Engine shutdown and vehicle stationary. FS2 – Engine starting piloting If starting conditions are in place: Piloting of the starter relay by pressing the engine starting button. Inhibition of the control upon release of the button or upon starting of the engine (engine speed more than 475 rpm). Protection of the starter by blocking of piloting if the engine has not started after 10 secs. Time-delay of 3 secs between 2 starting attempts to avoid overheating of the starter. Blocking of the control if 3 starting attempts unsuccessful. FS3 – Engine STOP fault information piloting Decoding of a message sent by the “VECU” via message carrier J1587. Piloting of a warning light in case of fault (copying of the information fed back by the message carrier. Fault considered as blocking and conditions starting authorization. FS4 – Engine SERVICE fault information piloting Decoding of a message sent by the “VECU” via message carrier J1587. Piloting of a warning light in case of fault (copying of the information fed back by the message carrier). Fault considered as blocking and conditions starting authorization. FS5 – Engine speed information piloting Decoding of a message sent by the “VECU” via message carrier J1587. Activation of a frequential output to pilot a “VDO” rev counter. The “VDO” rev counter gives the same engine speed displayed in-cab. RENAULT V.I. 06/02 2 DT List of system functions (continued) FS6 – Engine faults information piloting Detection of box faults: Communication problem. Short-circuit or absence of charge at outputs. Engine starting problem. Signalling of the fault number upon pressing a pushbutton. Warning light bulbs test (steady illumination) upon pressing the button but without any fault to signal. List of “CECU” box faults: 1 – Box inoperative. 2 – Communication fault. 3 – Starting time-out or gear engaged. 4 – Starter fault at output. 5 – Engine STOP output fault. 6 – Engine SERVICE output fault. FS7 – Tachograph speed signals amplification Amplification of “corrected speed” and “4 pulses per metre” signals coming from tachograph. 20 mA output for piloting different ECUs. FS8 – Starting functionalities validation Detection of the state of a switch at a dedicated validation input: Switch closed (input at master switch after-ignition +): all functionalities are operational. Switch open: engine starting is inhibited, together with management of engine STOP and SERVICE faults – the rest is functional. FS9 – Engine stopping Allows the engine to be stopped by an auxiliary button independent of the “CECU” box. Meets the functionalities managed by the EECU. DT 3 RENAULT V.I. 06/02 “CECU” box wiring diagram for RENAULT MIDLUM, PREMIUM, KERAX RENAULT V.I. 06/02 4 DT “CECU” box wiring diagram for RENAULT MAGNUM DT 5 RENAULT V.I. 06/02 KeyLégendes to “CECU sch”é mabox de wiring cablage diagrams du boîtier “CECU” CN1CN1 – Renaultbornes connecteur Trucks grey Renault 8-pin connector trucks gris terminals 8 voies, CN3CN3 – Bodybuilderbornes connecteur black 18-pin carrossier connector noir 18 terminals voies. A – bouton poussoir commande démarrage moteur ( 3 A ), A – Engine starting control pushbutton (3A) B – bouton poussoir test lampes et blink codes, BC –– Bulbcompte test– toursand blinkrégime code moteur, pushbutton C – Engine rev counter 1 – témoin autorisation de démarrage ( 2,5 W ), 12 –– Startingtémoin d authorizationéfaut STOP moteur tell-tale ( light2,5 W(2.5W) ), 23 –– Enginetémoin dstopéfaut fault ALERTE warning moteur light (2.5W)( 2,5 W ), 34 –– Enginetémoin ALERTblink codes fault ( warning2,5 W ). light (2.5W) 4 – Blink code indicator light (3A) 1100 fusible, 11001335 Fuse connecteur alimentations disponibles carrossier, 13352224 Bodybuilder (pour Renaultavailable Magnum), power supplies connector 22242261 (for Renault commande Magnum) antivol et démarrage, 22615561 Steering commande lock and éstartingclairage control des vannes, 55617114 Valve contrlightingôlographe control électronique, 71147614 Electronic afficheur tachograph princioal, 9201 calculateur contrôle véhicule “VECU” , 7614 Principal display 21123 calculateur gestion prédispositions carrossier. 9201 Vehicle electronic control unit “VECU” 21123 Bodybuilder pre-arrangements management ECU CN1 – bornes connecteur véhicule gris 8 voies CN1 – Renault Trucks grey 8-pin connector terminals CN1–3 : fil 1, masse, CN1CN1––32: :wire fil 0010, 1, earth bus communication RS485 niveau haut ( signal + ), CN1CN1––27: :wire fil 0011, 0010, bus communication communication bus RS485 RS485 niveau high level haut (+ ( signalsignal) – ), CN1CN1––74: :wire fil 205, 0011, excitation communication relais de bus dé marrage,RS485 high level (- signal) CN1–8 : fil 211, alimentation sortie fusible après contact ( F1, 10A ), (pour Renault Magnum), CN1–4: wire 205, starting relay energizing CN1–8 : fil 273, alimentation sortie fusible après contact ( F46, 10A ), CN1CN1––85: :wire fil 5107, 211, after-ignitioninfo vitesse corrigfuse outputée, power supply (F1, 10A) (for Renault Magnum) CN1CN1––86: :wire fil 5108, 273, after-ignitioninfo vitesse 4 fuse impulsions output powerpar m èsupplytre, (F46, 10A) CN1CN1––51: :wire fil 8083, 5107, borne correct 12 speed prise remorqueinfo 15 voies ( – ). CN1–6: wire 5108, 4 pulses per metre info CN1–1: wire 8083, trailer 15-pin socket terminal 12 (-) CN3 – bornes connecteur carrossier noir 18 voies CN3 – Bodybuilder black 18-pin connector terminals CN3–3 commande démarrage, CN3–3 starting control CN3–12 relais démarrage, CN3–12 starter relay CN3–15 autorisation de démarrage, CN3CN3––155 startingmasse, authorization CN3CN3––52 earth test lampes, CN3CN3––29 bulb testrégime moteur, CN3CN3––918
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