NUCLEAR LAW BULLETIN No. 46 Contents Detailed Table of Contents Studies and Articles Case Law and Administrative Decisions National Legrslative and Regulatory Actrvrtres International Regulatory Activitres Agreements Texts Bibliography ThlS BulletIn ulcludeo a supplement December 1990 Nuclear Energy Agency Orgamsakan for Economic Co-operahon and Development Pursuant to article I of the Convention ugncd m Pdns on 14th December 1960 and u hlch came mm force on 30th September 1961. the Organ~satwn for F.conom~c Gopcrat~on and Development (OECD) shall promote pols~cs deagned - to achwe the hlghat sustamahk economw growth and employment and a nrmg standard of lwmg m Member countna whde mamtammg linanaal stablIlt, and thus to mntnhute to the ckvclopment of the world economy - to contnbutc to sound cconom~c cxpansmn m Member as well as non-member countnes tn the prams of ec~norn~c development and - to contnbute to the expansmn of world trade on a mululateral nondwnmmatory basis m accordance wth mtcntatmnal obbgattons The ongmal Member countnes of the OECD are Austna Beigmm Canada Denmark France the Federal Rcpubbc of Germany, Greece Iceland Ireland Italy Luxembourg the Netherlands Norway, Portugal Spam Sweden Swttzerland Turkey the Umted Kmgdom and the Umted Stata Tbe followmg countnes became Members subsequentI) through accewon at the data mdtcated hereafter Japan (28th Apnl 1964) Finland (28th Januan 1969) Autraba (7th June 1971) and New Zealand (29th May 1973) The Soaabst Federal Repubbc of Yugoslavia takes part m some of the work of the OECD (agreement of 28th October 1961) The OECD Nuclear Enerp Agemqy (NEA) war esrabhshed on Is, Februon 1978 under the nome o/the OEEC European Nuclear Energv Agency Ir recerved 1,s presem deslgnorron on 20th Apt-d 1972 when Japan became rrsfirsr non European/u// Member IVEA membership rcdq convs~s ofa// European Member counfnes ofOECD os we// as Auwo/~o Canodo Japan and theL’mted Sfores The Commurron ofrhe EuropeanCommunrrres rakesparr m rhe mwk of the Agenr) The pnmar~ objec11ve oj,VEA IS ,o promote c~operormn among the goternmenrr of IIS parrupormg coultlnes mfwrhenng the dwelopmem of nuclearporer as o so/e emronmen ml!, acceptable and ecmnnoc energ) source Thts IS ochiwed b> serrrng up rnternarroaal research and developmerv prognvnmer and ,om’ under takings In rhese and relarrd racks NEA wwks ,n c/are co/lobworron x,rh rhe Inrernorronol 4romrc Energ) Agenct III )‘tenno rrrh which jr has cowluded (I Co-operorron Agreemmr ns reli UT wfh other uuernarronol wgamsorrom ,n the nuc/ewfie/d LEGAL NOTICE The Orgamsatmn for Economtc Co-operat~on and Development assumes no habthn conccrmng mfotmatton published tn &IS Bulletm 0 OECD 1990 Appltcatlon for pernuss~on to reproduce or translate all or part of thn pubhcatmn should be made to Head of Publlcatlons Sawce OECD 2 rue Andre Pascal 75775 PARIS CEDEX 16 France POREYORD This edItron of the Bulletrn contains tvo articles the first of vhlch, bearrng In mind the responslbllltles to future generations, analyses the ethics and legal aspects of radioactive vaste drsposal, while the second article concerns a toplcal issue - It provides an account of the recent Nuclear Non-Prollferatron Treaty Revrslon Conference In the Chapter on Case Lav, a court ruling In the Llnlted Kingdom on a claim for compensatron for damage to real property due to radIoactIve contamlnatlon 1s reported, as 1s a Svlss court declslon to compensate market-gardeners for economic losses follovlng the Chernobyl awldent In the framevork of post-Chernobyl lnternatlonal co-operation, two agreements have been concluded under the auspices of the International Atomic Energy Agency and the World Eealth Organzsatlon respectrvely, the first on an rnternatlonal research programme on the effects of the accldent, to be carried out at the Chernobyl Centre, and the second setting up a programme to monxtor and mltrgate Its effects on the exposed populatron, to be carrzed out at the Obnrnsk Centre These agreements are reported In the Bulletrn vhlch also reproduces extracts from a Note by the USSR authorltles on the economic and socral consequences of the accident rn that country. As usual, InformatIon 1s provided on the latest developments In nuclear leglslatlon Thus time, in particular, the new French Act on nuclear third party lrablllty is analysed and its text 1s reproduced In the Supplement to the BulletIn Fxrally, a serves of bilateral agreements rn the nuclear field are noted 3 DETAILED TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF CORRBsFoNDlwcs 7 ARTICLES Radloactlve Waste tlanagement Ethics, Lav and Policy, by P Strohl 10 Non-Prollferatlon Treaty 1990 Revlev Conference Looklng Tovards 1995, by L Rockvood 25 CASE LAW Compensation for market-gardeners after the Chernobyl disaster (1990) 42 UNITED KINcDon Herlln and others v Brltlsh Nuclear Fuels plc (1990) 43 ADHINI~TIVB DRCISIONS Appllcatlon for llcence for lnterun central radloactlve waste repository (1990) 49 NATIONAL LRGISLATIVB AMI REGULATORYACI’IWTIBS BRAZIL Assignment of competence I” the nuclear field (1990) 51 Decree on the natIona environmental policy (1990) 52 Bill on radIoactIve waste reposltorles (1990) 52 CANADA AECB Cost Recovery Fees Regulations and consequential amendments to other Regulations (1990) 53 Amendment of the Atomic Energy Control Regulations concerning export 11cences (1990) 53 CZECROSLOVAKIA Establishment of the Federal Committee for the Environment (1990) 54 FRAna Order to amend the 1976 Order setting up a” Institute for ProtectIon and Nuclear Safety (1990) 54 Order deflnlng the control methods laid down by the 1986 Decree on the protectlo” of vorkers against lonlzlng radlatlons (1990) 55 Act on the third party llablllty of the operators of nuclear lnstallatlons I” France (1990) 55 Order on treatment of poultry by lonlzlng radlatlo” (1990) 62 4 GRRHANY German unlflcatlon 63 Ordinance on establlshlng a radlatlon protectlo” register (1990) 67 Advance flnanclal contrlbutlons for the flnal repository for radloactlve vaste (1990) 67 Assessment of the effects of mlnlng projects on the environment (1990) Foreign Trade Act amendment (1990) 67 HUNGARY Ordinance on the establishment of a NatIonal Nuclear Accident Preventlo” system (1990) 68 ITALY Implementation of the Community Health Dlrectlves (1990) 69 NORWAY Extension of the authority of IET (1990) 69 PORTUGAL Decree on protectlo” against lonrzlng radlatlons (1990) . 70 Order on hospital residues (1990) 70 Decree-Lav on environmental protectlo” (1990) 70 SWEDEN Removal of goods from controlled areas (1999) 71 SVI- Public votes on nuclear energy (1990) 71 UNITED RINGDDH Amendment of the Nuclear Installations Act 1965 (1990) 72 UNITED STATES Revision of NRC rules on provlslon of lnformatlon (1990) 73 Temporary storage of spent fuel (1990) 74 Storage of spent fuel I” dry casks (1990) 74 Report of Presldentlal Commlsslon on Catastrophic Nuclear Accidents (1990) 75 Rule on export components for use III gaseous dlffuslon plants (1990) 76 I-TIONAL RKULATORY ACTIVITIES NEA A single court for compensation for nuclear damage 77 Appointment of the judges of the European Nuclear Energy Tribunal 78 IAEA Standlng CommIttee on Llablllty for Nuclear Damage 78 Transboundary movement of radloactlve waste 79 BDROPRANCDWDNITIES ProtectIon of the public against Indoor exposure to radon (1990) 81 Establxshment of the European Environment Agency (1990) 81 BILATBRAL A-S AUSTRALIA/SINGbOORB Agreement on physlcal protectlo” of nuclear materials (1989) 83 AWTRALIA/lJNITKD STATES Agreement on Australxan ores contalnlng uranlum/thorlum (1989) a4 5 Exchange of technlcal InformatIon and co-operation I” nuclear safety regulation (1990) 84 czEcBOSLovAKI‘uGERnAnY Agreement on nuclear safety and radlatlon protectIon (1990) 85 FTtANcRIGERnANY Agreement on reprocessing German spent fuel elements at la Hague (1990) 85 FRANCE/JAFAN Amendment of the Agreement on peaceful nuclear co-operation (1990) 86 GEanANY/PoLAND Agreement for co-operatxon on research 1” the nuclear field (1990) 87 JAPAN/REPUBLIC OF KOREA Co-operation III the peaceful uses of nuclear energy (1990) a: SVEDENNSSR Agreement on Early Notlflcatlon (1988) 88 USSR/IAEA Agreement on lnternatlonal research on the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (1990) 88 ussR/wio Uemorandum of UnderstandIng on an InternatIonal programme on the health effects of the Chernobyl accident (1990) 89 MULTILATERAL AGREBKKWS ConventIons on Early Notlflcatxon, Assistance and Physlcal Protection (status) 90 Status of African Reglonal Co-operative Agreement 91 FULLTEXTS Extracts from an lnformatlon note on the economic and social consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant 92 BIBLIOGFAPEY Canada, NL4, IAEA, CEC 101 FRANCE 1968 Act on third party llablllty in the field of nuclear energy, as amended by Act of 1990 6 ARGENTINA Wr J RARTINEZ FAVINI, Bead, Legal Department, National Atomic Energy Comrmssron AUSTRALIA MS W BARTLETT, Manager, Library Servaces, Australran Nuclear Scrence and Technology Organlsatron (ANSTO) DE F U. SCHMIDT, Bead of Section, Nuclear Co-ordrnation and Don-Proliferation, Federal Chancellery BBLGIUH Rr P STALLAERT, Socral Security Admlnrstratlon, Hrnlstry of Employment and Labour Rr F RIVALET, Legal Services, Ulnastry of Economac Affairs BRAZIL tlrs D FISCHER, Legal Affairs, Comissao National de Energia Nuclear CANADA fir P J BARKER, General Counsel, Atomic Energy Control Board CHINA Hs LIU XUERONG, Deputy Drrector General, Bureau of Foreagn Affairs, Hrnrstry of Nuclear Industry czEcHosLovAKIA - Rr R BEZDEK, Professor
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