Impact Factor - 6.293 ISSN-2349-638x Aayushi International Interdisciplinary Research Journal (AIIRJ) PEER REVIEWED & INDEXED JOURNAL December – 2020 Chief Editor Pramod P. Tandale Editor Co-Editor Dr.TEKALE.A.D. DR.NANDKUMAR N. KUMBHARIKAR Director of Physical Education and Sports Public Administration Dept. S.P.P. Mahavidhyalaya,Sirsala, Dist. Beed S.P.P.Mahavidhyalaya, Sirsala Dist. Beed IMPACT FACTOR SJIF 6.293 For details Visit our website www.aiirjournal.com No part of this Special Issue shall be copied, reproduced or transmitted in any form or any means, such as Printed material, CD – DVD / Audio / Video Cassettes or Electronic / Mechanical, including photo, copying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, at any portal, website etc; Without prior permission. Aayushi International Interdisciplinary Research Journal ISSN 2349-638x Special Issue No.81 Disclaimer Research papers published in this Special Issue are the intellectual contribution done by the authors. Authors are solely responsible for their published work in this special Issue and the Editor of this special Issue are not responsible in any form. Aayushi International Interdisciplinary Research Journal Nov. ISSN 2349-638x Impact Factor 6.293 (Special Issue No.80) 2020 Sr. Name of the Author Title of the Paper Page No. No. 1 Dr.Madhukar Aghav A Study of Co-Operative Banking in India 1 Role of Teacher in Curriculum Development for 2 Dr.Vithal Ramkishan Bhosale 4 Physical Education and Sports Dr. Faruqui Mohammed Political Intolerance and The Rules of 3 7 Quayyum Engagement in A Democracy A Study of Factors Affecting on Tourism in India: 4 Dr.J.R. Gaikwad 11 Geographical Perspective Reflection of Violence and Crime in the Name of 5 Dr. Anant Vithalrao Jadhav Religion in Mahesh Dattani’s Play The Swami 15 and Winston 6 Madhura Wamanrao Jagtap Rural Society and Culture in Medieval India 18 Women’s political Empowerment and Political 7 Dr. H.P. Kadam 21 Participation in India Dr.Chandrashekhar Bapurao Theatre is an Effective Tool to Enhance Varies 8 24 Kanase Skills in Education: A Study An Overview on Review of Literature on Library 9 Dr. Dnyaneshwar Maske 30 Modernisation Effect Of Circuit Training On Body Fat 10 N.K.Akmar Percentage Of 18 To 24 Year Old Under 35 Graduate Students Physical Fitness And Health Related Issues; An 11 Dr. S.M. Pandhare 40 Analysis Physical Education’s Contribution To Fitness 12 Dr. Farooq Gafoor Saudagar 43 Health Muslim’s Problem and Issues Surviving in 13 Mr. Gafoor Ahmed Shaikh 47 Conservative Perception Dr. Jaideep Ramkrishna A Geographical Analysis of Crop Concentration 14 53 Solunke In Ambajogai Tahsil of Beed District A Study of Performances of Indian Football 15 Dr. A. D. Tekale 57 Team: Ahistorical View Dr.S.A. Wangujare A Study Of Yoga And Its Benefits For Sports 16 61 Mr.B.S. Molane With Special Reference For Women Prabhakar Revappa Khyadi Locus Of Control And Achievement Motivation 17 Dr. SK. Md. Ataulla Among Basket Ball Players And Its Effect On The 64 M.K.(Jagirdar) Performances Peer Review and Indexed Journal website : www.aiirjournal.com Mob.No.8999250451 A Aayushi International Interdisciplinary Research Journal Nov. ISSN 2349-638x Impact Factor 6.293 (Special Issue No.80) 2020 Sr. Name of the Author Title of the Paper Page No. No. A Study of Use And Accessibility of Information 18 Dr.R.H. Thorwe 68 Sources in Libraries vCnqy fj>kou vCnqy gUuku egkjk"Vªkrhy [ksGkMw aP;k leL;k o mik; 19 71 MkW- eksgEen vrkÅYyk ´Ö¸üÖšü¾ÖÖ›ü¶ÖŸÖᯙ ØÃÖ“Ö­Ö Öê¡Ö †Ö×Ö •ÖÖµÖú¾ÖÖ›üß 20 b÷Éì. 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ISSN 2349-638x Impact Factor 6.293 (Special Issue No.80) 2020 Sr. Name of the Author Title of the Paper Page No. No. |ÉÉä.ú b÷Éì. ºÉÒ.¤ÉÒ. ¦ÉÉÆMÉä ¦ÉÉ®úiÉÒªÉ IÉä{ÉhÉɺjÉ Ê´ÉEòɺÉÉSÉÒ ´ÉÉ]õSÉÉ±É : BEò 34 135 |ÉÉ. 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ISSN 2349-638x Impact Factor 6.293 (Special Issue No.81) 2020 A Study of Co-Operative Banking in India Dr.Madhukar Aghav Commerce Department Navgan mahavidhyalaya Parli (V),Dist BEED Abstract: In India, agriculture contributed 26.6 per cent to GDP during the year 2001-2002. Eventhough, the farm income constitutes a significant proportion of national income; it does not meet even the basic requirements of the agriculturists. This has been resulted in the under utilization of resources on the one hand and chronic indebtedness of the farmers on the other. In recent times, agriculture is being modernized. The adoption of modern technology calls for increased capital base and as such it would be difficult for them to adopt new technology without adequate externalThere is a significant impact of credit on agriculture with regards to adoption of new technology similarly agricultural credit is very important instrument in facilitating the process of agricultural development and thereby initiating the growth of rural economy. The role of agricultural credit and credit institutions in India is very important due to the pressing needs for increasing agricultural production and productivity to meet the needs of increasing population Introduction: In India, agriculture contributed 26.6 per cent to GDP during the year 2001-2002. Eventhough, the farm income constitutes a significant proportion of national income; it does not meet even the basic requirements of the agriculturists. This has been resulted in the under utilization of resources on the one hand and chronic indebtedness of the farmers on the other. In recent times, agriculture is being modernized. The adoption of modern technology calls for increased capital base and as such it would be difficult for them to adopt new technology without adequate external Finance. The availability of credit enables farmers to switch over to superior production possibilities. Objectives of research 1) To overview on importance of Planning in India. 2) To study of objectives of planning. 3) To study of types of Economic Planning in India. Research Methodology: For the purpose of this study used Social science research methodology to study the research topic Used scientifically analysis. In this method used secondary data tools. In this secondary data tool used reference books. Research articles, newspapers, journals, published and unpublished materials and also taken help of internet facilities. Role of Credit in Agriculture: There is a significant impact of credit on agriculture with regards to adoption of new technology similarly agricultural credit is very important instrument in facilitating the process of agricultural development and thereby initiating the growth of rural economy. The role of agricultural credit and credit institutions in India is very important due to the pressing needs for increasing agricultural production and productivity to meet the needs of increasing population. Today, credit no more remained the “hunger mans rope supports the hanged” but it is an elevate specially in underdeveloped countries where agriculture is managed by poor farmers, inputs are borrowed from outside farm and the period of production is long, there the role of agricultural finance is very much Emphasized.
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