Legislative Assembly 9417 8 September 1994 THURSDAY, 8 SEPTEMBER 1994 Youth Training Centre instigated by the National Party Government, the member attacked the State Archivist. The member asked— "Why would the State Archivist work so Mr SPEAKER (Hon. J. Fouras, Ashgrove) uncharacteristically fast to destroy a volume read prayers and took the chair at 10 a.m. of material on a matter which was 'no longer required or pertinent'?" PETITIONS He also said— The Clerk announced the receipt of the "Public servants are not usually noted following petitions— for such fast replies, especially on such serious matters as we have before us now, particularly when there appears to be a Teachers denial of justice." From Mr Mitchell (25 signatories) praying And he capped all this with the statement— that the Parliament of Queensland will ensure that teachers are not suspended without pay "The question that must be answered prior to a court conviction or finding of fault by in relation to the State Archivist is: were the disciplinary procedures; that there is a prompt State Archivist and her assistant puppets for investigation of complaints made against the Government?" teachers; that teachers are immediately informed These are gross personal insults to public of allegations made against them; that action is servants, who are not able to come here to taken to support teachers with a fair and effective defend themselves. The first smear suggests disciplinary structure in the schools; and that that the Archivist worked unusually quickly for action is taken to penalise individuals who make some sort of ulterior motive. She tells me that, of frivolous or malicious complaints against course, it is not unusual for the State Archivist to teachers. respond to a request for urgent advice from a Government agency. The second smear is that Royal Commission into Aboriginal the archivist and other public servants work Deaths in Custody slowly and are slow to send replies, especially on serious matters. The third smear is that the State From Ms Warner (431 signatories) praying Archivist and her assistant are puppets. that the Parliament of Queensland will ensure Dictionary definitions of "puppet" in this context that all 339 recommendations of the royal include: "person who is a mere tool" and "a commission into black deaths in custody be person who appears independent but is implemented and ratified as law. controlled by another". Petitions received. The Office of State Archivist has the legislative authority to authorise or prohibit the PAPER destruction of records. I point out that, contrary to the member's allegation, the Archivist did not The following paper was laid on the table— destroy the records. Any contact with the State Minister for Justice and Attorney–General and Archivist has been in accordance with the Minister for the Arts (Mr Wells)— Libraries and Archives Act. I have every Electoral Commission of Queensland— confidence in the Archivist, who, incidentally, Mirani By-Election 1994 Statistical was not a Goss Government appointment, and Returns. who, in common with the vast majority of public servants, has always upheld the highest standards of integrity and efficiency. MINISTERIAL STATEMENT I suggest that the member for Clayfield is State Archivist; Shredding of Heiner judging this Government by what he knows of Documents the Government of his coalition partners. On 30 Hon. G. R. MILLINER (Ferny Grove— April 1992, he said in this place— Minister for Administrative Services) (10.03 a.m.), "In 1989 there was a public perception by leave: On Tuesday in this place the member of corruption with the power structure of the for Clayfield proved that the Liberals and the State. Deep suspicion shrouded our Nationals were at least united on one institutions and our public and administrative policy—that of smear. In trying to find some mud processes. It was time for a rethink of our that would stick in the long list of allegations systems." about the abortive inquiry into the John Oxley 8 September 1994 9418 Legislative Assembly There has, of course, been a complete for a massive increase in spending in the public rethink. The Goss Government has been aided hospital system. As the Treasurer correctly by the PSMC, EARC and the CJC in making sure pointed out last week, and as the Leader of the that Queensland now has the sort of Opposition has admitted in his question, there Government it needs, deserves and wants. was a shortfall of at least $1 billion in spending under the National Party Government. We have steadily increased that funding to the point at LEAVE TO MOVE MOTION WITHOUT which the health system is much better, but we NOTICE concede that there is a way to go. It will take Mr HORAN (Toowoomba South) some years to turn around the decay—— (10.06 a.m.): I move a motion of no confidence in Mr Horan: It's all happened in the last two the Minister of Health. years. Mr SPEAKER: Order! The honourable Mr W. K. GOSS: No. Mr Horan only member cannot do that. Does the honourable arrived in this place yesterday. member seek leave to move a motion without notice? Mr Littleproud interjected. Mr HORAN: Yes, I seek leave to move a Mr SPEAKER: Order! The member for motion without notice. Western Downs! Question—That leave be granted—put; Mr Johnson interjected. and the House divided— Mr W. K. GOSS: I know that Mr Horan and AYES, 31—Beanland, Borbidge, Connor, Cooper, the interjecting member for Gregory are men on Davidson, Elliott, FitzGerald, Gamin, Grice, Healy, the move. I believe that it is very generous of the Hobbs, Horan, Johnson, Lester, Lingard, Littleproud, Leader of the Opposition to put Mr Horan in a McCauley, Malone, Mitchell, Quinn, Rowell, Santoro, portfolio such as Health, which will give him a rails Sheldon, Simpson, Slack, Stephan, Stoneman, run to where he wants to go. The facts of life are Veivers, Watson Tellers: Springborg, Laming that, if one wants to read the Budget—— NOES, 51—Ardill, Barton, Beattie, Bennett, Bird, Mr Littleproud interjected. Braddy, Bredhauer, Briskey, Budd, Campbell, Casey, Mr SPEAKER: Order! I warn the member Clark, Comben, D’Arcy, Davies, De Lacy, Dollin, for Western Downs under Standing Order 123A. Edmond, Elder, Fenlon, Foley, Gibbs, Goss W. K., Mr W. K. GOSS: If one reads the Budget, Hamill, Hayward, Hollis, Mackenroth, McElligott, one sees that we have dramatically increased McGrady, Milliner, Nunn, Nuttall, Palaszczuk, Power, funding and spending on public health in a Purcell, Pyke, Robertson, Robson, Rose, Smith, general sense in terms of, very importantly, Spence, Sullivan J. H., Sullivan T. B., Szczerbanik, giving a substantial boost to the wages of Vaughan, Warner, Welford, Wells, Woodgate Tellers: nurses, which the previous Government refused Pitt, Livingstone to do. They were the worst-paid nurses in the Resolved in the negative. country. We have increased their salaries dramatically and we have increased the number of nurses substantially—one thousand four QUESTIONS WITHOUT NOTICE hundred—— Public Hospital System Mr Hayward: And 52. Mr BORBIDGE: I direct a question to the Mr W. K. GOSS: And 52. Before this year Premier. I refer to the disastrous state of the is out, we will tell members opposite again—not Queensland public health system as a result of that we expect them to remember. his Minister's chronic mismanagement of what the Treasurer claims is $1 billion in extra In addition to that, throughout the State spending, which has been underscored today there is very substantial capital spending on the by threatened industrial action by frustrated hospital system. One of the problems that we health professionals at the PA Hospital and identified in the hospital system was a deficiency protests by frustrated health workers at 30 other in capital expenditure. A substantial amount has hospitals throughout the State, and I ask: when been spent on operating theatres, improving the will the Premier accept responsibility for his quality of beds, new hospitals and new wings. Government's health crisis and intervene? That is occurring right along the coast and throughout Queensland, from Logan City to Mr W. K. GOSS: There is no need to Caboolture to Townsville and Nambour—you intervene in this matter because I, the Treasurer name it. The public hospital system that we and other relevant Ministers are continually inherited from the honourable member's working with the Health Minister in this area. Fairly predecessors was seriously deficient. I do not early in our Government, we identified the need blame the member personally for that, because Legislative Assembly 9419 8 September 1994 he has only been here since yesterday. place and do the dirty work of a small group of However, his predecessors really did the wrong private doctors. thing, and we are determined to redress that year Mr SPEAKER: Order! I am having great in, year out with record Health budgets and difficulty in hearing the Premier. record spending on capital works. Mr Borbidge: Are you saying that it is a I spoke before about the dramatic increase smear to ask a question? in nurses' salaries and nurse numbers. Furthermore, we are in the process of enterprise Mr SPEAKER: Order! I find that remark bargaining with the Nurses Union with a view to offensive and I ask the Leader of the Opposition again increasing the wages of nurses in this to withdraw the comment. State. It is the view of this Government, the Mr BORBIDGE: I withdraw. Health Minister and I that the nurses of this State Mr W. K. GOSS: In conclusion, the not only deserve the pay rise that the previous honourable members opposite may want to Government refused to give them, and which we come in here and champion the vested interests gave them a couple of years ago, but also that of a small group of wealthy doctors; we are going they deserve another pay rise.
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