B AN F F S P R I N G S H OTE L AND B OW R I V E R V A L L E Y — Wi C~ IFHC C GAJT TH R GUG H TH E GANAlDlEAN R QCKHES HERE are many attractive routes to the Pacific OLLOWING a stretch of rolling wheat- bearing C e oast , but every travell r should select the prairie land , the route winds for some distance o Canadian Pacific if he wishes his tour to through the foothills , bef re plunging into the T embrace the most interesting and remarkable fastnesses of the mighty Rockies . hen for display of mountain scenery to be found anywhere in over six hundred miles a continuous panorama of the world . bewildering magnificence is presented , which no pen o . o From Montreal and Toronto , through trains are p can adequately describe W ndrous glacial fields , c - rated to Winnipeg and Vancouver , or , if desired , the startling precipices , snow capped peaks , wide forest ’ Company s splendid Great Lakes Steamships may be areas , clear lakes , and peaceful valleys combin e in O . used between wen Sound or Sault Ste . Marie and Fort enchanting array T r William . he e is also direct train service from Mon That there is not a dull or uninteresting moment ' t he treal to St . Paul and Minneapolis , via Sault Ste . Marie . all the way is testimony of every one who has made i C m c . From , or through hicago , passengers ake conne the journey U in tion at the nion Station St . Paul with the following The Canadian Rockies are the scenic climax of the “ Soc - ' excellent through trains of the Canadian Pacific mighty Rocky Mountains , called the backbone of — A . h S t . P a uli S e at tl e merica To the northward they gradually diminis — - ’ iri u A C St . P a u l Sp ok a ne P o rtl a nd height ntil the rctic ircle is reached . Southward — ‘ e h S t . P aul Winnip e g they lack that rugg dness and glacial beauty w ich A in t he give them their attractiveness to the lovers of lpine When stops are made mountains , the scenery . M o nt re al W innip e g — V a nc o u ve r N Y Trib u ne ' — The ew ork says It is not generally T o ro nt o Winnie V v ’ p g a nc o u e r known that within four days journey of New York City ' . are a re f or trains are also available The hotels so situated , there waiting the sightseer and scientific investi I e e of d and train schedules arranged , as to nable pass ngers to gator some the gran est and most impressive glacial r 1 n . z t o travel through the entire mountain dist ict daylight streams . in the world Nothing in Swit erland is of the region will reveal wonders undreamed of and scenes that surpass conce p tion . ff Ban , the beautiful ' Lake d Louise , the wonderful ' Fiel , the majestic ' and Glacier , the mighty, are terms used by people who have remained sufficiently long to catch the fu l l i n s p i r a t i o n o f t h e s e U matchless resorts . nique in their attractiveness , and a l l u r i n g i n t h e i r b e a u ty , t h ey d r a w t h e i r d e v o t e e s from all parts of the civili z ed world . If time permits , the pleasure aff orded by a stay at any or all of the resorts m e n t i o n e d s h o u l d n o t b e missed . S P SP S S P HOT UL HUR RING WIMM ING OOL , BANFF be foun d more beautiful than the glaciers of the Canadian Rockies and Selkirks , and one of the chief attractions of the trip is the fact that one may journey there and back z in civili ed luxury, and while enjoying the scenes , at the ‘ ’ very noses of the wonderful glaciers themselves , may be comfortable and remain in close touch with the ' world . While even a hurried trip through the Rockies is an o n experience never to be forgotten , a leisurely expl ratio B OW S BUFFALO AT BANFF FALL , BANFF At every hour of the day the view is ever changing with the shadows . Picturesquely situated on the very verge of the water C is the hateau Lake Louise , where comfortable a ccommo dations and excellent service are aff orded . SPIR A L TUNNELS Between Hector , near the summit of the Rockies , and Field , one of the greatest engineering feats of the cen tury has been accomplished . To reduce the steep grade of the western slope of the Rockies , the line has been e lengthened , and two immens LAKE LOUI S E LAKES m T H E C L OU D S B ANK-TIP BANFF , the g ateway to the Canadian National Park , is the chief objective point for tourists , and without a peer as a holiday incom resort . The scenery in the vicinity is p a ra b ly grand and diversified . Mountain peak surmounts mountain peak ' rock lies piled upon rock ' rushing waters and lakes , like gems among C the roughness , give color to the scene . harm ingly situated on the south bank of the B ow ff River , near the mouth of the Spray , is Ban Springs Hotel of the Canadian Pacific Hotel System , which ranks among the finest found anywhere . LAKE LQUIS E Of the beauty of LAKE LOUI S E there is no divided opinion ' every visitor to its shores sings its praises , and it is acknowledged by th e ' most competent judges to be one of the great masterpieces in Nature ’ s picture gallery . As a gem of composition and color ing it has no rival . Green , blue and purple ' - ff . shadows , and red brown cli s mix and melt GIANT STEPS NEAR LAKE LOUISE ably situated and aff ords o p port unity for a d e l i gh t fu l sojourn to view the many won d rous works of Nature in the vicinity . From the hotel it is only an hour ’ s walk to the Great G l aci e r o f t h e S e l k i r k s , larger than all the Glaciers of Switz erland combined . General Hamilton wrote in the guests ’ book at the hotel ' My wife and I have t r a v e l l e d fo r n e a r l y fo r ty years all over the world , and are both agreed the s ce n ery at Glacier House is the T — HE GREAT GLACIER GLACIER , B . C . spiral tunnels have been driven through the solid rock , each tunnel with approaches making T - a complete loop of track . hese grade re d uc tion loops add greatly to the scenic eff ects to e e b obtain d from passing trains . H ELD Surrounded by majestic peaks and tre me ndous glaciers , beautiful lakes and mighty I L waterfalls , F E D is a veritable paradise for the mountain climber , sportsman and artist . Under the shadow of Mount Stephen is situated the spacious and comfortable Mount Stephen House , of the Canadian Pacific Hotel System , a splendid base from which to make n umerous expeditions into the sur rounding region . See ( Side Trips from Field , page G LACIER Near the summit of the Selkirk Range , lies G lacier in the midst of a region of mighty T e . h peaks and glaciers , woods and waterfalls ’ C t ompany s hotel , Glacier House , is admi YIELD AND MOUNT STEPHEN E A A h h finest we have seen in urope , sia , frica or From Mission Junction a branc line runs to t e ' I America . nternational Boundary , connecting at Sumas with the - . ST. L L From Glacier , the route , descending the western Northern Pacific Railway The PAU SEATT E o Illicil slope f the Selkirks , follows the valley of the through trains are operated over this route and connec l wae t C o P San e through Albert any n , a marvelous gorge of tions are made at Seattle for Tacoma , ortland , Lo . s P great depth and startling fascination Francisco , Angeles and other acific Coast points . R e ve l s tok e is an Forty- two miles a b import nt center , ey o n d Mission from which there Junction is Van commu is water couver , the western nication with the terminus o f t h e rich Kootenay and Canadian Pacific ' Boundary dist rict s . Railway . At Sicamous Junc VA N C O U V E R tion an excellent (pop . is h0tel is operated beautifully s i t u by the Canadian ated on the shores B urra rd . P a c i fi c Railway. of Inlet A b r a n c h l i n e It is a p rogre s here makes con s i v e , a m b i t i o u s ne ction with Lake city, the largest 0 k a n a g a n a in British Colum beautiful sheet of bia , with numer water on which ous attractions to ff plies the Cana o er the visitor, d i a n P a c i f i c including Stanley “ s t e a m e r A b e r Park , one of the ' deen .
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