Columbia Records Catalogue 1924

Columbia Records Catalogue 1924

Supplement No. :or.-plete to 937- CURRENT PRICES OF COLUMBIA RECORDS. i)A} & BLUE LABEL (Double-Sided) Pages 80 128 . to 10-inch 3/- 12-inch 4/6 each .. .. .. each. .iebrew-Jewish Records (see pages 135 to 137) 'Wm. McEwan Sacred Album 36/- each. " The . Children's Box," Nos. 1 and 2 (see page 128) 18/- LIGHT BLUE LABEL (Double-Sided) Pages 37 74 . to 10-inch 5/- 12-inch 7/6 each .. .. each. SERIES.-Special ALBUM attention is directed to the series of Records, on pages 59, 61, 62 and 72, announced in Albums. The Complete Sets Albums are presented to purchasers of the as mentioned WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE. PURPLE LABEL (Double-Sided) Pages 34 69 . to 10-inch 6/- 12-inch 8/6 each .. .. .. each. PURPLE LABEL (Single-Sided) Page 67 . Ysaye 12-inch 7/6 only. each. PINK LABEL, GRAND OPERA (Single-Sided) Page 42 . 10-in (Double-Sided) 4/6 each. 12-inch (Double-Sided) .. .. 6/6 .. .. .. each. BROWN LABEL, ITALIAN OPERA (Double-Sided) Pages 129 to 134 10-inch 3/6 each 12-inch 5;'5 each. " CARMEN " Album, £2 16s. complete . AIDA " Album, Complete Opera . £2 19s. 6d. containing . RIGOLETTO " Album, containing Complete Opera £4 8s. COLUMBIA NEEDLES (In Metal Boxes). 1,00) 2n0 I,000 200 'ý;:!tý(i!i1SUPERBE (Loud Tone) 3i9 9d. DE LUXE (Specia(Iy fcsted) 5/ 1/ (Teo- ione) BRILLIANT (Medium) 3/9 9d. SPEAR POINT 5/- 1/- DURAGOLD (Semi-- 'DEAL ( Tone) 3/9 9d. (Soft Permanent) 1/- per 100 FIBRE NEEDLES 4/- per 200 FIBRE NEEDLE CUTTER OUTFIT 5/6 CAL TION.-Columbia lcac girds, veing manu/acturel under British, Austr-11ian, and New Z: aland Pat-is, m ey nwt be sold, or offered for sale, at less than the authorised Arias fixed for those cou !tries respretively, wit boat rendering both seller and purchaser =rbieli to damages for infra gement. PRIT'.W flISTITUTE OF SOUND, 29 EXI-IliE.TiCý4ROAD, LONDON, S.W.7. SECTION 1. (For Explanatory Note see page 2). BANDS AND ORCHESTRAS. Beecham, Sir Thomas, and Beecham Savoy Orchestra 89 Symphony Orchestra 60 Scots Guards Band .. 83, 84, 86,102, .. .. Bliss. Arthur, and Symphony Orchestra.. 64 Southport Corporation Band 86 Boughton, Rutland and London Sym- Strauss, Dr. Richard, & Lou. Sym. Orch. 60 Orchestra 86 Union Symphony Orchestra 88 phony . Bridge, Frank. and London Sym. Orch. 62 Weing rtner, Felix, & Grand Svm. Orch. 60 Brit sh Broadcasting Company's Wireless Weingartner, Felix, & London Sym. Orch. 59 Symphony Orchestra 87 Wood, Sir Henry J., New Queen's .. .. .. and British Guard Band 85 Hall Orchestra 57, 58, 59, 68 Caledonian Band .. .. .. 99 .. .. Dance Novelty Bands. Caledonian Orchestra .. .. .. 99 and Casino Orchestra .. .. .. 89 Ambrose & His Embassy Club Orchestra 93 Coates, Albert, London Sym. Orch. 61 Azuley Blanco Marimba Band 99 and .. Coates, Eric, and New Queen's Hall Light Bennett's. Robert, Frisco Syncopaters.. 94 64 Biese, Paul, Trio orchestra.. 95, 96, 9$ Orchestra . and Court Symphony Orchestra 121 Black and White Melody Boys 95, 06 ..87,88, ..94, Ellery Baud 85 Broadway Five 94 .. .. , Finck, Herman, & Or.78, 89,100, 101, 102,103 California Ramblers 90, 92, 93, 99 Band 85 Century Dance Orchestra.. 96, Garde Republicaine .. 97 Godfrey, Sir Dan, & London Sym. Orch. 63 Columbia Dance Orchestra 94, 95 ..93, Goossens, Eugene, conducting London Columbia Novelty Orchestra 93, 95 Symphony orchestra 86 Culumbians Dance Orchestra de Luxe. 94, .. 96 Grenadier Guards Band 60,80, 8L 82 Dixieland Jazz Band 99 .. .. Harty, Hamilton, and Halle Orchestra.. 61 Elkin's, Eddie, Orchestra.. 94,97 .. Harty, Hamilton, and Symphony Orch. 62 Garber-Davis Orchestra 94 .. Harrison, Julius, and Symphony Orch... 64 Georgians, The 92, 93, 94, 99 .. .. Harrogate Orchestra 89 Happy Six 95, 96 .. .. .. .. .. Haydn Orchestra 89 Hick-man's, Art, Orchestra 95 . .. .. Hoist, Gustav, & London Symphony Or. 62 Kahn, Art, and his Orchestra 95 Imperial Russian Orchestra 64 Knickerbocker Dance Orchestra.. .. .. .. .. 94,96 King's Military Band 83 Lewis', Ted, Jazz Band .. .. .. 94, 97 La Nuova orchestra 89 London Dance Orchestra .. ..93, .. .. 98, 128 London Repertoire Orchestra Marimbaphone Band .. .. ..100 98 London Revue Baud Miller, Ray, His Orchestra 91, 94, . ..102 and 95, 96 London Symphony Orch., 59, 61, 62, 82, 86 Prince's Dance orchestra 93, 94, 96, 98 London Theatre Orchestra 101. 102 Radio Dance Orchestra . 97 Maclean, New Queen's Hall Reisman, Leo. F., Orchestra .. .. 72 -'.lick, and Light Orchestra 63, 64 Rescr's, Harry F., Novelty Trio 97 .. Massed Bands of'the Guards 80,83 Romancers, The 92, 94 Milan Symphony orchestra 88 Savoy Havana Band 90, 91, 92, 93 . ..77, National Military Band 85, 86, 121 Savoy Orpheans Band 90, 91 .. ..77. New Queen's Hall Orchestra 57, 58, 59 Silver Slipper Orchestra 94 .. .. New Queens Hall Light Orchestra 83, 64 Specht, Paul, and His Orchestra.. 03 .. New York Philharmonic Orchestra 88 Vernon Club Band 96 .. Pitt, Percy, and B.B.C. Wireless Westphal, Frank, and his Rainho Or. 94, 99 Symphony Orchestra 87 White Coons Band 97 . .. Prince's Grand Ccucert Band, 83, 84, 86, 90 Yerkes Jazarimba Orchestra 91, 96 Prince's Military Band 83, 85 Yerkes s.s. Flotilla Orchestra 94 Prince's Orchestra.. 78, 84, 100, 120 .. .. London Theatre Orchestras. Royal Marimba Band ..104 Royal Serbian Tambouritza orchestra 89 Daly's Theatre Orchestra 77, 78. 100, .. 101, 103 Royal Italian Marines Band 85 Empire Theatre Orchestra .. .. ..100 Royal Guards Band 83, 84 Gaiety Theatre Orchestra 78 .. .. .. St. Hilda Colliery Baud 85 Shaftesbury Theatre Orchestra 75, 77 .. .. .. .. INDEX TO ARTISTS, contd. Solos McClellan, J. J. (Organ) Accordeon .. .. .. ..105 .. .. ..106 Morse Code Records Bagpipes .. .. .. ..109 .. .. ..127 Solos Mussel, Max (Violin) Banjo .. .. ..109 .. .. ..107 String Quartette 106 Murchie, Robert (Flute) 62, 108 English .. Barrere, George (Flute) Murchie, Robert, and Haydn Draper .. ..107 (Flute Clarinet) Bratza, Yovanovitch (Violin) 67, 68 and ..108 Fcrruccio (Piano) 65 Murdoch, William (Piano) 66, 73, 74 Busoni. .. .. Casals, Pablo ('Cello) 69 Organ Solos . .. .. ..106 Caiteral, Arthur (Violin) 73, 74 Bachmann (Pianoforte) 65 ..67, .. .. Catterall & Murdoch (Violin & Piano) 74 Parlow, Kathleen (Violin) 68 Pianoforte Solos 65, 66, 67, 106 Catterall, Squire and Murdoch (Violin, .. 'Cello Piano Trios). 73 Pouishnoff, Leff (Piano) 66 and . .. .. Celeste Solos Prince, Alexander (Concertina) .. .. ..106 ..108 'Cello Solos 69, 70, 107 Ravel, Maurice, conducting his Septette .. .. Cherniavsky Trio for Harp, String Quartette, Flute and .. ..105 Clarinet 73 Cherniavsky, Jan (Pianoforte) .. .. .. ..106 Reser, Harry F. (Banjo) Cherniavsky, Leo (Violin) .. .. ..109 .. ..106 Sammons, Albert (Violin).. 68 Chimes Solos . .. .. .. ..109 Saxophone Sextette Concertina Solos .. ..109 .. .. .. ..108 Scharwenka, Xavier (Piano) Cornet Solos .. .. ..106 ..108 Schwiller, Jean ('Cello) Deiro, Guido (Accordeon) .. .. .. ..107 107,108.108 Seidel, Toscha (Violin) Flute Solos .. .. .. .067 . Sellars, Gatty (Organ) Flute and Clarinet Duets ..108 .. .. ..106 (Piano) Sorano, Mme. (Celeste) Friedheim, Arthur .. ..106 .. ..106 Squire, \V. H. ('Cello) 71, 73 Goni, Cristeta (Violin) .. ..107 ..70, .. 66 Squire, J. H., Instrumental Octet Grainger, Percy (Piano) .. ..104 (Piano) .. 73,74 Strockoff, Leo. (Violin) 69 Harty, Hamilton .. .. Toots' Paka Hawaiian Company.. Hawaiian Guitar Duets ..104 ..119 Quartet Taylor Trio Hawaiian Instrumental ..104 .. .. .. ..105 (Piano) 65 Trinity Chimes Hofmann, Josef .. .. .. .. .. ..109 Trio de Lutece Instruments of the Orchestra ..109 .. ..104 Hamilton Harty_ Ukulele Trios Guitars Kennedy, Daisy, and and .. ..104 74 Van Eps, Fred (Banjo) (Violin and Piano) .. .. .. ..log Band (Bagpipes).. 109 Verne, Adela (Pianoforte) 67 Lauder 's. Harry, Pipe . (Cornet) Violin Solos 67, 68, 69, 107 Laycoek, Arthur .. ..108 Sergeant (Cornet) Violin Piano Sonatas 73, 74 Leggett, ..108 and Quartette Budapest 72 Violin, 'Cello Piano Trios 73 Lener String of .. and .. .. (Violin) Violin, Flute Harp Trios Levey, James .. ..107 and ..105 String Quartette.. .. 71, 72 Warwick Evans, C. ('Cello) London .. .. ..107 (Piano) 106 Willoughby, Harold (Piano) Mackay, Percival .. .. ..106 Francis (Violin) 68 Ysaye, Eugene (Violin) 67 Macmillen, .. .. .. .. .. Adams, Walter, and Rosa Lynn (Duet) 102 Bates, Thorpe, & Jose Collins (Duets) 75, 78 Alessandroni, Cesare (Baritone) Bates, Thorpe, & Hughes Macklin (Duets) 52 .. ..120 Alessandrovitch, (Soprano) Bayes, Nora (Comedienne) IM. .. ..129 .. ..72& Allen, Perceval (Soprano) Beeley, Marion (Contralto) .. ..110 ..111 Allin, Norman (Bass) 54, 55 Beinat, A. (Mezzo-Soprano) 130, 131, 132 F. (Soprano) 130, 132, 133 Beudinelli, A. (Tenor) Anitua, .. .. ..123 Harrison (Sacred Duets) 122 Bennett's, Vivian, Choir Anthony and .. .. ..122 Phyllis, Hughes 3lacklin120 Besalu, R. (Soprano) Archibald, and .. .. ..130 Armaaini, G. (Tenor) 130, 131, 132 Bettopi, V. (Bass) 130, 131, 132, 133, 134 Fred D. (Laughing Comedian) 125 Bispham, David (Baritone) 113 Arthurs, .. Austin, Frederic, etc. (Trios & Quartette) 56 Blanchart, Ramon (Ba itone) 39. 41, 52. 56 Badini (Duet) 56 Blanchart Jose Mardones (Duets) 52 Autori and .. .. and Nat. D. Baritone) Bolis, Luigi (Tenor) 132, 133 Ayer, ..124 E. (Baritone) 56, 130 Bonei, Allesandro (Tenor) 48 Badini, .. E.. Lanza (Duets) 56 Bonfanti, C. (Tenor) Badini, and .. .. ..133 Autori (Duet) 56 Boninsegna, Celestina (Soprano) 3S Badini and .. .. .. Baker, Dalton (Baritone).. Booth, General (The Late) (Sacred) .. ..113 ..122 Baker, George, Carrie Herwin (Duets) 118 Booth, John (Tenor) and ..112 Bakianoff, George (Baritone) 41, 52 Bridge, Sir Fredk., with

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