UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION ST ADLER GENETICS SYMPOSIA Volume 9 Edited by G.P. Redei Columbia, Missouri 1977 COPYRIGHT 1977 The Curators of the University of Missouri ALL RIGHTS RESERVED This book may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, except by reviewers for the public press, without written permission from the publisher. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOG CARD NUMBER 79-635774 International Standard Book Number (Vol. 9) 0-912630-08-6 The STADLER GENETICS SYMPOSIA volumes are published by the Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station 117 Curtis Hall University of Missouri Columbia MO 65201 USA and may be purchased directly or through booksellers. The price of this volume is $5.50. Please remit also 50¢ for postage and handling. Missouri residents must pay an additional 22¢ for sales tax. Account Number 9738-2225 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION STADLER GENETICS SYMPOSIA Volume 9 Edited by G.P. Redei Columbia, Missouri 1977 2 STADLER SYMP . Vo l . 9 ( 1 977) Un i versity of Mi ssouri, Columbia ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The 9th Stadler Gene t ics Symposi um was f i nan ced by the Department of Agronomy , the Division of Bi o log i cal Sciences , the Graduate School and the School of Medicine of the University of Missouri- Columbia . The lecture of Dr . J. R. S. Fincham was made possible by the Donald M. Nelson Fund . The lectures of Dr . Winston J . Brill and Dr . S . G. Wildman were sponsored by the U. S. Department of Agri culture , Agri cultural Research Ser vice , Mid- Plains Area . The Genetics Facul ty and Students gratefully acknow­ ledge all the moral and financial support which make these annual Symposia possible . We are much indebted to Chancellor Herbert W. Schooli ng and Mrs . Bess Schooling for the hospital ity extended to us in their residen ce . Mrs . School ing made the arrangements for the reception from the hospital where she died a few days after the Symposium. All who knew her will keep her memory. The participants wish to express thei r thanks to Mrs. Mary Kay Doyle and to other wives of the Genetics Faculty who organized t h e social program with much success . We owe grat i tude to Dr . Richard Hills, Professor of Mus i c, and to the Woodwind Quintet for the f i ne entertain­ ment provided at the banquet . Much appreciati on is due to Professor W. Q. Loegering who coordinated the Friday afternoon program wi t h the assis­ tance of the graduate students . Spec i al thanks are due to Larry Dardick, David Estervi g, Ken Leto and Gary Peterson, who were in charge of the projection and earned the compli­ ments of all the speakers . Larry Dardick a l so p r oved t o be the competent photographer of the Symposium . Barbara Kuyper provided expert and most conscientious editorial assistance . Maribeth Jackson typed or retyped several of the manuscripts wi th patience and care. She and Dr . Gregoria Acedo worked hard behind the scenes to keep the year- around business in line . Dr . Ruth Kavenoff was the first contributor to the E . R. Sears Scholarship Fund , established by Dean Emeritus John H. Longwell and Mrs . Lo r na Longwell. During the year Dr . E . R. Sears was e l ected Honorary Member to the American Association of Cereal Chemists , Presi­ dent of the Genetics Society of America and rece i ved the Awa r d of Excellence of the Geneti cs Soci ety of Canada. Dr . Marcus Zuber was reci pient of the Crop Science Awa rd of the Cr op Science Society of Ame rica . STADLER SYMP. Vol. 9 (1977) University of Missouri, Co lumbia 3 R. S eaM S c__ho laM h,lp Fund The. E1Lne6;t R. Se.a.M Sc.hola;v.,/up Fund, u:tabwhe.d blf De.an Eme!U-tlv., John H. Longwe.ll and MM. LO!Lna Long1•;e,ll , ,i,/2 in­ ;te.nde.d ;to 1.,,timula;te_ ILe6e.atLc.h and 1.,c_lwla;v.,hip in Ge.rtWC,,6 in ;the. 1.,pitLi;t o{i ;the. c.onrubutioYl-6 {iOIL VIL. Se_a;v., to 1.ic.ie.nc.e., v.,1., e.n.t:.i..al ;to ;the. de.ve.lopme.n;t o 6 AgtLic.u.LtMe.. The. divide.ndJ.i 06 ;the. Fund will be. w.,e.d ;to -6uppotL;t and ILe.c.ognize. a glLadua;te. 1.,;tude.n.,t OIL 6ac.ultlf me.mbe.tL 60'1. 1.,c_hola1L6hip and ILUe.atLc.h in Ge.nWC,J.,. The. Fund ,i,/2 admi,Y[,(,6;te.tLe.d blf ;the. Se.a;v.,-Longwe.ll AwatLd Comm,U­ ;te.e.. The. annual awaJtdJ.i will be. plLU e.n;te.d at the. S:tadle.tL Ge,ne_;t,{_C,,6 Stjmpo1.iia. I 6 lfOU would Uke. ;to join in ;thiJ., e.xp1LU-6ion honotLing VIL. Se.alL6, ple.Me. -6e.nd LfOW1. c.onrubu;tion ;to: ERNEST R. SEARS FUND 117 Curtis Hall University of Missouri Columbia, Missouri 65201 05823 4 STADLER SYMP. Vol. 9 (1977) University of Missouri, Co lumbia STADLER GENETICS SYMPOSIA 5 CONTENTS VOLUME 9 (1977) Acknowl edgements 2 The E . R. Sears Schol arship Fund i n Genetics 3 Contents 5 List of Participants at the 9th Symposium 6 James W. All en, Charles F . Shuler , and Samuel A. Latt EXTENSION OF BrdU- DYE ANALYSIS OF DNA REPLI CATION AND SISTER CHROMATID EXCHANGE FORMATION TO IN VIVO SYSTEMS 9 G. Gavazzi THE GENETIC COMPLEXITY OF THE R LOCUS IN MAIZE 37 James N. Thompson, Jr. ANALYSIS OF GENE NUMBER AND DEVELOPMENT I N POLYGENIC SYSTEMS 63 Hirofumi Uchimi ya , Kevin Chen and S . G. Wi ldman POLYPEPT I DE COMPOSIT I ON OF FRAC TION I PROTE I N AS AN AID IN THE STUDY OF PLANT EVOLUTION 83 Donal d L. Riddl e A GENET I C PATHWAY FOR DAUER LARVA FORMATION IN CAENORHABDITIS ELEGANS 101 Moshe Fel dman HISTORICAL ASPECTS AND SI GNIFICANCE OF THE DI SCOVERY OF WILD WHEATS 121 Winston J . Bri ll GENET I CS OF NI TROGEN FI XAT I ON 147 Ruth Kavenoff and Brian C. Bowen ON THE ORGANIZAT I ON OF DNA IN I SOLATED BACTERIAL CHROMOSOMES 159 J. R. S. Finch am A GENE - ENZYME RELAT I ONSHIP IN NEUROSPORA 169 Gary Stein, Janet Stei n , Lewis Kleinsmith, Wi lliam Park, Judi th Thomson , Robert Jansi ng , Eli zabeth Shephard, and Si egfried Detke CHROMATIN AS A MODEL SYSTEM FOR STUDYING THE REGULATION OF HI STONE GENE EXPRESSION IN MAMMALIAN CELLS 179 Cumul ative Contents of the Proceedings of the Stadl er Genetics Symposia 21 5 Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station Columbia MO 65201 6 STADLER SYMP. Vol. 9 (1977) University of Missouri, Columbia PARTICIPANTS Maheran Abubakar, 220 Curtis, U. of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65201 Gregoria Acedo, 117 Curtis , U. of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65201 Camille Agagnon , P. 0 . Box 2977, Columbia , MO 65201 C. W. Alexander, USDA -ARS, 800 N. Providence, Columbia, MO 65201 J. W. Allen, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02115 Arthur Ayers> 24 01 W. Broadway , Apt. 212, Columbia, MO 65201 Zaniel Bahari, 701B University Village, Co lumbia, MO 65201 Zeno Bailey, Route 1, Charleston , Illinois 61920 Grace Louise Baker, 408 N. 9th, Columbia, MO 65201 Helen Waiches Baker, 115 Clinton Drive, Columbia , MO 65201 Mary Ball, Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36830 Sister Rose Bast, 320 E. Ripa, St . Louis, MO 63125 Dorothy Beckett, 607 Longfellow Lane, Columbia, MO 65201 Jack Beckett, 209 Curtis, U. of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65201 Susan Bell-Smith, 206 Fine Arts, U. of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65201 Charles Biggers, Memphis State U., Memphis, TN 38152 Patricia Binek, 941 Moore Hall, Manhattan, KS 66506 Dean Bishop, Kansas State College, Pittsburg, KS 66762 Virginia Blake, 2357 Ridgecrest, Arnold, MO 63010 Mike Blanco, 109 Curtis, U. of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65201 Lynda Bogar, U. of Missouri, St. Louis, MO 63132 George Boguslawski, U. of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045 Kate Borek, Washington University, St . Louis, MO 63130 Elaine Brannen, 7 E. Harrison, Iowa City, IA 5224 0 Gerald Braver, U. of Oklahoma, Norman, OK 73019 R. P. Breitenbach, 106 Tucker, U. of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65201 Winston J. Brill, U. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706 Martha Bross, 206 Fine Arts, U. of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65201 Stephen T. Butzen, Southern Illinois U., Carbondale, IL 62901 Robert L. Buzard, 61 Southside Trailer Court, Columbia , MO 65201 Pat Byrne, 408 Maupin, Columbia, MO 65201 Judy Callis, Washington University, St. Louis, MO 63130 Kay Calvert, U. of Missouri, Kansas City, MO 64101 Dale Carlson, 123A McDavid, Columbia, MO 65201 James E. Carrel, 407 Tucker, U. of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65201 Hui-shong Chang, 1509 Anthony St., Columbia, MO 65201 Linda Chapman, U. of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65201 Arthur Chovnick, U. of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06268 E. H. Coe, 210 Curtis, U. of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65201 Mary Coe, 206 Heather Lane, Columbia, MO 65201 David R. Corbin, 111 N. Stadium, Apt. 163, Co lumbia, MO 65201 Gene Cota, 411 Constitution, Emporia, KS 66801 Nancy Cota, 411 Constitution, Emporia, KS 66801 Stan Cox, 620 Lynn Avenue, Ames, IA 50010 Katherine Cramer, Washington University, St. Louis, MO 63130 Billy G. Cumbie, 411 Tucker, U. of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65201 Diane Cuppels, U. of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE 68503 Bill Curtis, Washington University, St. Louis, MO 63130 Douglas Dalrymple, U. of Missouri , St. Louis, MO 63121 Larry Dardick, 2604B Quail Drive, Columbia, MO 65201 John David, 105 Tucker, U. of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65201 Politis Demetrios, 106 Waters, U. of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65201 Rob Denell, Kansas State U., Manhattan, KS 66506 Orchid Der, Sinclair Research Farm, Columbia, MO 65201 David Deutscher, 2012 W.
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