Journal of Poetry, Science, and Statecraft Spring/Summer 2005 $10.00 Gavins Point Dam, South Dakota. development of the notion of Abelian functions applies to such cases. To trace the development of the notion of a field in modern European science, revisit Kepler’s U.S. Army Corps of Engineers/Harry Weddington development of the conception of universal gravitation, as from his The New Astronomy through the Work and Its Organization as Power implications of his World Harmony, this time viewing the ontrary to the accountants Leibniz, brings into immediate subject-area treated, in a Cand their like, economic view the way in which Carl pioneering fashion, by Kepler, science, like related functions of Gauss and Riemann dealt, from the standpoint of the work government, must define an respectively, with what I have of such as Gauss and Riemann. increase in productivity as the identified as Dirichlet’s Principle. Then, apply the same approach to outcome of the discovery and the notion of a physical-economic appropriate application of a Notion of a Field process encompassing a nation, such universal physical principle, or The only discovered manner in as the U.S.A., or our planet as a what we term, in memory of the which we can deal rationally whole. ancient Pythagoreans and Plato, with the efficient relationship as powers. with a universal physical Fallacy of ‘Globalization’ The best way to introduce the principle, is to express the The understanding of this point, relevant conception, is to focus on relevant experimental expression enables us to understand why the way in which technological of cause-effect connections in the transfer of the production of progress, as embodied within the terms of the notion of a field. a product, even when the same development of basic economic The simplest first approximation technology of design and infrastructure, determines the of such a representation, is to production is employed, from a levels of productivity which can treat, as Gauss does, the developed economy, to a less be achieved and maintained relatively simpler pedagogical developed economy, has usually within both agriculture and problem of defining the resulted, during the recent quarter industrial and related distribution of the potential century, in a net collapse of the manufacturing. within the interior of an level of the rate of generation of The role of powers so hypothetically circular area, by per-capita productivity in the world expressed, is then defined as the measuring the potential along as a whole! The transfer of distribution of potential as the perimeter of that circle. production from a nation with Gottfried Leibniz defined Then, extend that first- advanced development of its potential. This view of potential, approximation illustration of infrastructure, to a nation of as the term is associated with that notion to a multiply- relatively poor people with a connected Riemannian poor development of general surface, as infrastructure, tends to produce a Riemann’s collapse of the physical economy of the planet as a whole. The role of the field represented by basic economic infrastructure, has been ignored, with what tend to become ultimately fatal economic results for all concerned. —Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. from ‘Science: The Power Infrastructure potential To Prosper’ (top to bottom): Hydroelectric power generation and water management; electric power transmission; maglev rail development. “It is through beauty that one proceeds to freedom.” —Friedrich Schiller Vol. XIV, No. 1-2 Spring/Summer 2005 6 Science: The Power EDITOR-IN-CHIEF To Prosper William F. Wertz, Jr. Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. EDITOR Kenneth Kronberg ART DIRECTOR ‘Nun kommt die Schillerzeit!’ Alan Yue BOOKS What Is, and To What End Katherine Notley Do We Study, Friedrich Schiller Fidelio (ISSN 1059-9126) is published by the Schiller In the Year 2005? Institute, Inc., P.O. Box 20244, Helga Zepp LaRouche Washington, D.C. 20041-0244. 24 Editorial services are provided by KMW Publishing Company, Inc. © Schiller Friedrich Schiller’s Friedrich Schiller Institute, Inc. ‘The Song of the Bell’ And His Friends Fidelio is dedicated to the Marianna Wertz William Jones promotion of a new Golden Renaissance based upon the 36 54 concept of agap¯e or charity, as that is reflected in the creation of Schiller’s Thought-Poetry: A Reader’s Guide artistic beauty, the scientific ‘The Artists’ To Schiller’s mastery of the laws of the physical universe, and the Helga Zepp LaRouche Letters on the Aesthetical practice of republican statecraft 46 Education of Man for the benefit of our fellow man. William F. Wertz, Jr. Subscriptions by mail are 80 $20.00 for 4 issues in the U.S. and Canada. Airmail subscriptions to other countries are $40.00 for 4 issues. Payment must be made in U.S. Editorials 2 The American System or Fascism: currency. Make check or A Celebration on the 200th Anniversary money order payable to Of the Death of Friedrich Schiller Schiller Institute, Inc. 4 A New Bretton Woods Now! News 105 U.S. Conference: ‘Make George Bush a Lame Duck’ On the Cover 107 Italian Parliament Calls for New Bretton Woods Diego de Silva Velásquez, The Forge of Vulcan (1630). The 108 Berlin Seminar Promotes New ‘Treaty of Westphalia’ Sun-god Apollo as cognitive 109 Civil Rights Heroine Amelia Robinson Honored in Selma power—“In inner heart man Obituary 111 Norbert Brainin, Primarius of the Amadeus Quartet traceth, what he createth with his hand.” (Scala/Art Resource, Interview 116 Norbert Brainin NY) Commentary 124 In Defense of Christianity FIDPD-14-01 The American System or Fascism: A Celebration on the 200th Anniversary Of the Death of Friedrich Schiller ith this special double issue of Fidelio, we collaboration for the convening of an international celebrate the living memory of the great conference to create a New Bretton Woods monetary WPoet of Freedom, Friedrich Schiller, on the system, to reverse the collapse of real physical 200th anniversary of his death. We have designed this production which has proceeded in an accelerating issue to provide “the young friend of truth and fashion globally since George Pratt Shultz convinced beauty” with a collection of articles about Schiller that President Richard Nixon to abandon Roosevelt’s will whet his or her appetite to nourish their souls original Bretton Woods system on Aug. 15, 1971. further, by re-experiencing the beauty and On April 6, the Italian Parliament passed a resolution truthfulness of Schiller’s calling for such a conference, poetry, drama, historical, and and this issue of Fidelio contains aesthetical writings. EDITORIAL a call issued by Schiller Two hundred years after Institute founder Helga Zepp Schiller’s death, the world as a LaRouche, which is being whole has reached a punctum saliens. As in a drama circulated internationally in support of this effort. composed by Schiller himself, the action has reached a In his poem “The Artists,” Schiller writes: critical “jumping-off point.” Whatever decision is The dignity of Man into your hands is given, made at this moment, will determine the future Its keeper be! development of the world. The choice, as Schiller It sinks with you! With you it will be risen! presented it metaphorically in such writings as Don Carlos and the “Legislation of Lycurgus and Solon,” It is with this sense of personal moral responsibility is between the American System and fascism. for all mankind, past, present and future, that we On May 23, the U.S. Senate acted under the must act now. influence of Lyndon LaRouche, to thwart an Forty years ago, Amelia Boynton Robinson, now attempted coup d’état by the Bush Administration, by vice chairwoman of the Schiller Institute in the defeating Vice President Cheney’s attempt to change United States, was beaten unconscious as she and the rules of the Senate so as to outlaw use of the others began to march across the Edmund Pettus filibuster against judicial nominations. Had Cheney Bridge in Selma, Alabama, towards the state capital of succeeded in preventing the Senate from exercising its Montgomery. She and her husband, S.W. Boynton, Constitutional responsibilities to provide advice and had fought for years in rural Alabama to register consent, nothing would have been able to stop the Black Americans to vote. Amelia and Bill Boynton, Bush Administration in its drive to eliminate the who were both honored in Selma this past March, are legacy of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s examples of what Schiller had in mind when he wrote commitment to promoting the General Welfare. the above-cited lines from “The Artists.” Nothing would have stood in the way of the We hope that our celebration of Schiller in this launching of more unjustified wars, according to the issue of Fidelio will inspire the LaRouche Youth Cheney doctrine of preemptive nuclear warfare. Movement to follow in the footsteps of Lyndon and This victory in the U.S., which was designed by Helga LaRouche and the Boyntons. Our celebration LaRouche, has opened the door to worldwide consists of the following items: 2 Hope All people discuss it and dream on end Of better days that are coming, After a golden and prosperous end They are seen chasing and running; The world grows old and grows young in turn, Yet doth man for betterment hope eterne. ’Tis hope delivers him into life, Round the frolicsome boy doth it flutter, The youth is allur’d by its magic rife, It will not be interr’d with the elder; Though i’th’ coffin he ends his weary lope, • “What Is, and To What End Do We Study, Yet upon that coffin he plants—his hope. Friedrich Schiller in the Year 2005?” by Helga Zepp LaRouche It is no empty, fawning deceit, • A translation and commentary on Friedrich Begot in the brain of a jester, Schiller’s “The Song of the Bell” by Marianna Wertz, Proclaim’d aloud in the heart is it: the late vice president of the Schiller Institute in the We are born for that which is better! United States And what the innermost voice conveys, The hoping spirit ne’er that betrays.
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