THE BERLIN JOURNAL A Magazine from the American Academy in Berlin SPRING 2014 Number Twenty-Six Spring 2014 NUMBER 26 THE BERLIN JOURNAL THE BERLIN MIcHAEL ignatieff On Putin, Ukraine, and the End of Intervention claus OffE Social Trust and Shared Responsibility kiran desai Reports on Sex Workers in Peddapurum, India latoyA RUBy frazIER A Photographic Portfolio of Hometown Decline BRIAN Mcallister LINN Recruiting the 1950s Atomic Soldier jules fEIffER Remembers Communism in the Bronx B:216 mm T:210 mm S:204 mm B:286 mm T:280 mm T:280 S:274 mm This advertisement was prepared by Imperial Trading Company Filename: BerlinJournal_05312014.indd CLIENT: Airbus Group Proof #: 1 Path: Created: 04-19-2014 10:50 AM PRODUCT: None Pub:#filename_.indd Saved: 04-19-2014 10:50 AM JOB#: AD_HOC Operators: Klein, Jon / Wong, Roger Printed: None SPACE: 1/1 p 4C Print Scale: None BLEED: 216 mm x 286 mm TRIM: 210 mm x 280 mm Fonts Ink Names SAFETY: 204 mm x 274 mm Cyan GUTTER: None Magenta PUBS: Berlin Journal Yellow Black ISSUE: None TRAFFIC: None ART BUYER: None ACCOUNT: None RETOUCH: None PRODUCTION: None ART DIRECTOR: None COPYWRITER: None CONTENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS focus features notebook 4 22 54 SHAREd socIAL responsibility PUSHING back inaugurating by Claus Offe by James M. Brophy THE RIcHARd c. holbrookE fORUM NORMS ANd statecrafT NIGHT claims THE GOdAvARI reluctant hegemons Roundtable by Kiran Desai metaphors RUN AMOk THE ENd Of intervention? portfOLIO by Michael Ignatieff by LaToya Ruby Frazier book REvIEwS by Susan Stewart, boomers Andrei P. Tsygankov, by Brian McAllister Linn and Jules Feiffer alumni bookS profiles in Scholarship NEw trustees Claus Offe is a professor of political sociol- C. Holbrooke Distinguished Visitor in spring Susan Stewart, a John P. Birkelund Fellow in ogy at the Hertie School of Governance. 2013. James M. Brophy is the Francis H. spring 2014, is Avalon Foundation University Hans-Ulrich Klose was a member of the Squire Professor of History at the University Professor in the Humanities and the director German Bundestag from 1983 to 2013, of Delaware. He was a Nina Maria Gorrissen of the Society of Fellows in the Liberal Arts where he served as chair of the Committee Fellow in fall 2013. Kiran Desai was a Mary at Princeton University. Andrei P. Tsygankov on Foreign Affairs. Ulrich K. Preuss is a Ellen von der Heyden Fellow in Fiction in is a professor of international relations and professor emeritus at the Freie Universität fall 2013. Her novel The Inheritance of Loss political science at San Francisco State Uni- Berlin and at the Hertie School of Gover- won the 2006 Man Booker Prize and the versity. Jules Feiffer, a Richard C. Holbrooke nance, where he taught public law and politi- National Book Critics Circle Fiction Award. Distinguished Visitor in spring 2014, is a cal sociology until 2010. John C. Kornblum LaToya Ruby Frazier, a visual and media cartoonist, playwright, screenwriter, and was United States ambassador to Germany artist, is the Guna S. Mundheim Fellow in the children’s book author and illustrator whose from 1997 to 2001. He is currently a senior Visual Arts in spring 2014. Brian McAllister drawings have appeared in the Village Voice counselor at Noerr LLP and a co-secretary of Linn, a Bosch Public Policy Fellow in spring since the mid-1950s. His forthcoming book, the American Academy’s board of trustees. 2014, is the Ralph R. Thomas Professor a graphic novel, is entitled Kill My Mother. Michael Ignatieff is Professor of Practice at in Liberal Arts and a professor of history Harvard Kennedy School. He was a Richard at Texas A&M University. THE BERLIN JOURNAL fOUNdER Richard C. Holbrooke fOUNdING cHAIRMEN Thomas L. Number Twenty-Six Farmer, Henry A. Kissinger, Spring 2014 Richard von Weizsäcker cHAIRMAN & presidENT PUBLISHER Gary Smith A. Michael Hoffman Editor R. Jay Magill Jr. vIcE cHAIR Gahl Hodges Burt managing Editor cO-SEcretaries Stephen B. Johana Gallup Burbank, John C. Kornblum associate Editor John-Thomas Eltringham trustees Manfred Bischoff, Advertising Berit Ebert, Stephen B. Burbank, Gahl Anika Kettelhake Hodges Burt, Caroline Walker design Susanna Dulkinys & Bynum, Roger Cohen, Mathias Edenspiekermann Döpfner, Niall Ferguson, edenspiekermann.com Marina Kellen French, Michael We are deeply E. Geyer, Hans-Michael Giesen, Copyright © 2014 Richard K. Goeltz, C. Boyden grateful to American Academy in Berlin Gray, Vartan Gregorian, ISSN 1610-6490 Andrew S. Gundlach, Helga Haub, Wolfgang A. Herrmann, Cover Image: LaToya Ruby A. Michael Hoffman, Stefan TELEFÓNICA DEUTSCHLAND HOLDING AG Frazier, 1908 Eighth Street von Holtzbrinck, Dirk Ippen, Market, 2007. Wolfgang Ischinger, Josef Joffe, Michael Klein, John C. Kornblum, Printed by Ruksaldruck, Berlin Regine Leibinger, Wolfgang Malchow, Nina von Maltzahn, Julie Mehretu, Christopher THE AMERIcAN AcAdEMy von Oppenheim, Adam Posen, IN BERLIN Jeffrey A. Rosen, Volker Schlöndorff, Peter Y. Solmssen, ExEcUTIvE dIREctor Kurt Viermetz, Christine I. Gary Smith Wallich, Klaus Wowereit dEAN Of fellowS (ex officio), Pauline Yu Pamela Rosenberg cHIEf fINANcIAL OffIcER / cHAIRMAN EMERITUS cHIEf AdministrativE OffIcER Karl M. von der Heyden Christian U. Diehl trustees EMERITI John P. and Am Sandwerder 17–19 Birkelund, Diethard Breipohl, 14109 Berlin Gerhard Casper, Wolfgang Tel. (49 30) 80 48 3-0 Mayrhuber, Norman Pearlstine, Fax (49 30) 80 48 3-111 Fritz Stern STEFAN VON HOLTZBRINCK americanacademy.de 14 East 60th Street, Suite 604 New York, NY 10022 for their generous support Tel. (1) 212 588-1755 of this issue of The Berlin Journal. Fax (1) 212 588-1758 Support The Academy is entirely funded by private, tax-deductible donations. Contributions may be made: IN GERMANy IN THE UNITEd states by bank transfer to: by check payable to: American Academy in Berlin American Academy in Berlin Berliner Sparkasse 14 East 60th Street, Suite 604 BLZ 100 500 00 New York, NY 10022 Account: 660 000 9908 by bank transfer to: IBAN: JPMorgan Chase, 500 Stanton DE07 1005 0000 6600 0099 08 Christiana Road, Newark, DE BIC: BELADEBEXXX 19713 Account: 967 33 12 77 ABA: 021 00 00 21 SWIFT CODE: CHASUS 33 DIRECTOR’S NOTE The Responsibility Project “Politics will, to the end of history, be an area Yale Law School’s Harold Hongju Koh, the Forum’s maiden where conscience and Power meet, where the Berlin symposium, in June, on the subject of statecraft and ethical and coercive factors of human life will responsibility. interPenetrate and work out their tentative The redesign of theBerlin Journal by our longstanding and uneasy comPromises.” collaborators at Edenspiekermann signals a new concep- tual emphasis: by devoting a section to a single theme we — reinhold niebuhr, aim to mirror some of the intellectual debates taking place Moral Man and IMMoral SocIety (1932) at our Wannsee villa. This issue’s deliberations on responsi- bility reflect the concerns of the Holbrooke Forum: an essay RIcHARd HolbrookE believed in deploying every kind of by political sociologist Claus Offe, a recent talk by Michael available knowledge in facing seemingly intractable prob- Ignatieff, and an edifying exchange on the vicissitudes of re- lems. His dogged immersion in the historical, economic, sponsibility in global statecraft. We also proudly continue to religious, social, and psychological dimensions of a given feature a diverse mix of scholarly articles, short stories, art- crisis provided the armature of his unconventional, refram- work, and essays by our resident fellows and distinguished ing approach. In this sense he was a student of Sir Isaiah visitors—in this issue represented by James Brophy, Kiran Berlin, who asserted, in 1988, “If we are to hope to under- Desai, Jules Feiffer, LaToya Ruby Frazier, Brian McAllister stand the often violent world in which we live…we cannot Linn, and Susan Stewart. confine our attention the great impersonal forces, natural Our Notebook continues to offer news of internal de- and manmade, which act upon us. The goals and motives velopments, short biographies of our fellows, and coverage that guide human action must be looked at in the light of of recent events, including the Met gala and an excerpt every intellectual resource that we have.” from the preceding afternoon’s expert roundtable, chaired Now, in a century already witnessing struggles over by Josef Joffe, entitled “Germany in Europe, the US in the historical borders, proper governance, state sovereignty, World: Two Reluctant Hegemons Who Just Want To Be Left and humanitarian intervention, Holbrooke’s approach Alone.” This section also now includes several lengthy book is sorely missed. For precisely this reason the American reviews by or of works by our fellows and visitors, an ad- Academy launched a new initiative in December 2013: the dition we believe is vital for an institution that has stood Richard C. Holbrooke Forum for the Study of Diplomacy and proudly behind so many book projects. Governance. The Forum will bring the expansive network of I would like to use this space to bid a fond farewell to the American Academy to bear upon the kinds of problems Pamela Rosenberg, our outgoing Dean of Fellows, who over that Holbrooke would have taken up with energetic resolve: the past four years has provided an inspiring intellectual the resilience of authoritarianism, the increasingly fraught and collegial presence. She will be missed, and we wish her realignment of the post-1989 global order, the integration the very best in returning to her passion of early childhood of China into the world’s normative architecture, the en- music education, among her other endeavors. couragement of China, India, Russia, and Brazil to contrib- Finally, as we approach the twentieth anniversary of ute more to the global public goods from which they benefit, our founding—September 9, 1994, the day after the fabled and the problem of differing national legal cultures in their Berlin Brigade marched out of this city and ended almost confrontation with international law.
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