aud the wings of the monarah wero TOPICS OF THE DAY A mooting of tho Honolulu Freo I- - THE INDEPENDENT shorn Rosa took his placo again as Kindergarten Training Class will bo Timely Topics a of tho Ban was held at Quoou Emma Hall at 3 member but it oclock to morrow afternoon All difficult for him to forget the festive Epor Mr Dole how sad it is to young ladles wishing to take a course I8HUBI days that bad passed havo bo kindly a friend as tho P O iu the work aro requested to bo m- r In 1887 ho mado a splendid fight A to ro Btir a mud puddlo that oth presont Honolulu Sept i 189S tfVWRY AFTERNOON for a soat in tho Legislature but was orwiso would havo boon ignored by Camarinos has received a splendid defeated by a small vote Iu 1800 ho tbo passor by Tho puerilo dofenso consignment of ico hnuso goods por wasoleoted a member of tho Legisla of the favorito unpleasantly rocalls Australia Peaches Bartell pears Black Princo Muscat and Tokay THE Telephone 841 Jgf ture by tho National suoh bottor-be-forgotte- n opi 0 Reform Party other grapes Plums Nootarinos Orangos aud helpod iu ousting tho Thurston sodos of thoughtlessness such as tho and Lomons Celery Cauliflower Kxoept Hnndny Oabinot Sinco 1893 ho took very contribution to tho Maino Fund California and Eastern OystorB PERFECT littlo active interest in politics al- ¬ Such minuto offonsos aro drowned Crabs Flounders and Salmon and though to tho ond ho was as loyal a in tho mass of much more grievous other delicacies of tho soason Tolo t Brito Hall Konia Btroot phone 878 patriot to tho Hawaiian rauso as any Bins PLOWS of fellow his oitizons Ho enjoyed WANTED the respect of all parties aud at the General does excellent service In all agricultural countries it b 3OBB0KIPTI0N BAXEB for in morn- urgent request of tho Dnlo Govern ¬ Maliotoa Laupepa this SALESMAN AND A SOU ou a good plow that the tiller of ALIVK Agent fur city or local Month anywhere In the Ha ¬ ings illustrated Got on to the trade for a good crop We ter ment he accepted temporarily the would lUo to work in hlslino ¬ the soil relies waiian Islands M Hawaiian from Repre 0 00 office of Circuit Judge decoration sentatives at presont In Honolulu ol U carry all kinds of plows from tho Year for Hawaii 8 packing houses or wliolosalors irIorYcnr postpaid to Foreign Coun- ¬ large tries 8 00 whiah had become vacant upon tho auaicss ii An item in an evening paper ro Uox 421 Tost OOlco Honolulu doath of Justice Austin During 090 tf - Payablo Invariably in Advance fering to a striko in tho lumbor his short incumbency in that office yard of Allen Robinson is incor Sulky Plows he gained the conGdenco and ad- - root Tho faot is that a number of miration of tho people of the big lnlltirartf Hlrl nnf rvttra nnf fafnnf inn in V Pub- ¬ BISHOP CO to the smallest J TESTA Proprietor and island who did all in tboir power to the un loading of a lumbor vescol lisher ana were induce him to retain the important replaced by anotber gang ji EDMUND NOBBIE Editor position During the past year the Rice Plows v W HORACE WRIGHT Assistant deceased was a sick man but it was WANTED Editor Savings Bank tho hope of his friends that his But it is on our Residing In Honolulu A SECOND HAND BRAKE WITH former robust constitution and his Topsoat and anti horse motion On October 1st 1898 and youth would carry him through the eF Addcss W staing price at FRIDAY SEPT 9 1898 tlie oWeo of Thic Independent fj0 3t illuoss from which ho cuff r d continuing until further no-¬ Plantation Breaking Providence wanted it tln rMru nd tice Savings deposits will be to day a youug widow wiihtlmo received and inforeot allowed ANXONE B08A small children mnurn together with this and tho Hawaiian people the loss of a by Bank at four IRRIGATION NOTICE DOUBLE MOLD BOARD PLOWS husband a devoted father and a one half per cent per annum Iu the death of Antone Rosa Ha- ¬ loyal ¬ waii nei has lost a son who beyond and generous friend Holders of water privileges or Tho terms rules and reg those paying water rates are hereby that we chiefly prido ourselves comparison was the brightest and ulations of the Hawaiian Pos ¬ notified that the hotirs fur irrigation Those nro iu use on nearly every most brilliant of the nativo Hawai- - THE BIDE INDUSTRY purposes nrn from 6 to 8 oclock am tal Savings Bank will be n plantation on tho Islands Only lans and from 1 to 6 oclock p m II Holders of water privileges ou adopted as far as it is practic- ¬ within tho last three weeks we have Had he been bora in one of the Thero is a Hawaiian industry sec- ¬ theslopes of Punohbrtwl above Green sold a number of the large plows to great countries of the world his ond only to that of sugar which able to apply them nd the street and in Nuuanu Valley abovo take the placo of plows from other energy and brain would hare push ¬ may bo almost annihilated unless Sohool street are hereby of notified Cash Reshkvb 50000 firms which had beeu returned as ed him to the front rank among his some provision is mad in our new that they will not be restricted to n quired under tho Postal Act unsatisfactory fellow citizens nrganio law for it protection by the irrigation hours of 6 to 8 a m and to 6 p m but will be allowed will be maintained Tho groat advantage of tho Perfect Born uudr comparatively hum- ¬ permitting the entry of Chinese In i to iiritjnte whenever sufficient wator plow is that it requires loss animals ble ciroumstauces through the Dor for its cultivation for its pro- ¬ in available provided that they do Printed cop es of thi Rules to draw it and cuts an excellent fur ¬ union of a Portuguese father and a duction has been is aud apparently not use the water fur irrigation pur- ¬ ob and Regulations may be row without digging down iM Hawaiian mothor he roooived dur- ¬ poses for more than four hours in must be almost exclusively in the on the first of October ing his early years the ordinary edu of every twentv fmir tained hands the Chinese for so far as ANDREW BROWN nation provided in our government wo can learn by careful enquiry Supt Honolulu Water Works on application schools but his brightness soon neither the Hawaiian Portuguese Approved A CO J KING BlHOP Ttie Hawaiian Hardware Go L made him a special pet of tho Rov nor Japanese are successful in Minister of Interior Honolulu Sept 7 1808 Alex Mackintosh the principal of raising rice Honolulu H I Sept 7 1898 268 - 990 090 tf Fort Street tho Royal School where Antone - tf As nearly as be TtoBa received his first lessons can ascertained After leaving school still a young there are about JO0OO acres culti ¬ vated in rico boy he entered the law oOice of tho yielding an average rental of late Justioo Harris who took a twenty dollars a year and LmmIh JZLj spooial interest in the boy and gave raising about 20000 tons of the value JCH JnL JEX to him tho foundation iu the lore of about 2000000 Of this quantity iX of law whioh in future days made about 5000 tons are annually ex- ¬ ported Rosa ono of tho brightest barristers and the balance retained for home consumption in Hawaii Will Continue the Later ou ho was appointed clerk yjr fit pi the Supreme Court and when Should labor for tbo cultivation of tho late Mr Preston was Attorney tbeso rice fields bo prohibited from General Rosa was appointed his coming hore by the United States chief clerk laws theso lauds reclaimed by the The deceased always claimed that arduous labor of Chinese from v asto Great Clearance Sale the success of his career as a lawyer- swamp and morass would bo liable to return to their was duo to his having held import- ¬ former barrenness and not only ant positions in the offices connect ¬ commercial interests ed with the Judiciary department and the food supply would be pre- ¬ During that period he was an judicially affected but the Govern ¬ One Week Longer ardent student of law and although ment would lose a considerable A he never attended any law school amount in its revenues he was a far brighter and well post- ¬ ed jurist than many of tho men Tho profits of these rice fields go MooooootoOeeoo0ooo from collogea and universities who not alone to the Asiatio cultivators have practisodjin our courts but aro widely distributed among all S A brilliant orator in tho English classes and nationalities but prin- ¬ JL1STJD and Hawaiian languages he made a cipally among the white men and WILL SELL deep impression on every jury before Hawaiians in rents of leasod lands whom he pleaded a cause Through insurance commissions freights his wonderful eloquence he secured cartage and in many other way All Wool French Challies 25c a tho acquittal of several men on their TbiB trials for life where all the evidence industry in its employment i fTli was asainst tho defendants As a of Ohinoso exclusively in no way yard political orator he was unexcelled militatea against tho labor interests and those present in 1887 when ho of whites or Hawaiians or any Am ¬ I - publicly addressed the people from erican or Hawaiian industry but on MiiftTiPh JrowndiPiS ftr a vravd 1 C- - the old armory tho Brewer build ¬ the other hand its practical destruc- ¬ ing will nevor forgot tho magnetic tion will deprive n Inrge number of influeuco of his words iu behalf of persons othor than Ohineso of Printed Nainsooks 5c a yaid his countrymeu emoluments labor aud benefits When ho acceptod the portofolio without providing an adequate com- ¬ as Attorney General from Knlakaua pensation and the only roBult at ¬ his truo frionds felt sorry that he tained will bo to pander to a should throw away hid promising purely sentimental theory at tho cost career as
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