Downies Coins Melbourne Shop U04, 3 Southgate Avenue, Southbank, Vic, 3006 P: (03) 9686 8411 | E: [email protected] ANCIENT GREEK CELTIC 12 Alexander III (336-323BC) AE15, Head of 6 Pella (158-149BC) AE18, Head of Poseidon, Herakles, Rev Eagle standing right, looking back Rev Bull standing (Lindgren 1099) VF (S6743) VF KA1752 $90 KA1747 $110 1 Continental Celts (1st Century BC) AR Drachm, Head right, S.C. behind, Rev Biga of horses driven by a crudely depicted charioteer, no inscription, the obverse off centre, using Roman Republic Denarius, perhaps Silanus’ issue, as a prototype, Fine 13 Kassander (319-297BC) AE17, Head of KA1975 $150 7 Macedon as a Roman province, Gaius Publilius, Herakles, Rev Lion recumbent (S6753) VF Quaestor (148-146BC) AE18, Head of Roma, Rev Inscription in oak wreath (Cop 1318; BMC 72) Fine KA1748 $95 KA1705 $75 2 Continental uniface silver unit, 0.72g, 8.5mm, Celticized horse and rider left, VF MACEDONIAN KINGDOM KA2161 $110 14 Anonymous issue (after 309BC) AE15, SICILY Macedonian shield with torch in centre, Rev Helmet, caduceus in field, trident below (Imhoof AMNG p.173, 3) struck in the period during 8 Philip II (359-336BC) AE18, Head of Apollo, the battle for supremacy after the death of Rev Youth on horse (S6695) VF Alexander IV, a scarce type, Fine/gFine KA1745 $110 KA1724 $95 3 Syracuse, Timoleon (344-336BC) AE Trias, Helmeted head of Athena, Rev Hippocamp (S1193) VG KA2144 $65 9 Philip II (359-336BC) AE12, Head of Herakles left, Rev Thunderbolt (SNG ANS 994; Cop 621) VF 15 Demetrios Poliorketes (294-288BC) AE15, KA1762 $75 Shield with monogram of Demetrios, Rev Crested helmet (S6774) VF KA1749 $85 4 Syracuse, Hieron II (275-215BC) AE20, Head of Poseidon, Rev Trident head (S1223) Fine 10 Alexander III (336-323BC) AE15, Head of Herakles, Rev Club and bow in case (S6739) aVF KA2145 $95 KA1746 $110 MACEDON 16 Antigonas Gonatas (277-239BC) AE19, Head of Athena, Rev Pan erecting trophy (S6786) Fine KA1097 $50 11 Alexander III (336-323BC) AE19, Head 5 Amphipolis (2nd-1st Century BC) AE20, Head of Herakles, Rev BA; bow in case and quiver of Poseidon, Rev Bull galloping right (Cop 63; above, club below, (S6742) attractive red and Lindgren 955) VF/Fine green patina, Fine KA1761 $85 KA1587 $95 Item 17 1 17 Philip V (221-179BC) AE22, Head of Herakles, Rev Inscription above and below harpa, all in oak-wreath (Cop 1261) Fine/VG KA1707 $50 24 Larissa in Thessaly, AE17, Head of the 31 Kingdom of Bithynia, Prusias II (185-149BC) nymph Larissa three-quarter face to left, Rev AE17, Head of Prusias, Rev Herakles (S7268) Horse grazing (S2131) aVF aFine KA1591 $75 KA1725 $75 18 Philip V (221-179BC) AE17, Head of Herakles, Rev Horseman (S6799) VF KA1589 $85 32 Pergamon in Mysia (c.300BC) AE15, Head 25 Magnetes of Thessaly (196-146BC) AE20, of Athena, Rev Two bull’s heads face to face Head of Zeus left, Rev Centaur (S2138) Fine (S3956) VF KA1713 $75 KA1756 $85 19 Philip V (221-179BC) AE16, Head of Zeus, Rev Athena Alkidemos throwing spear and holding shield (SNG Cop 1244) aVF KA1750 $85 THRACE 26 Pherai in Thessaly (4th Century BC) AE15, 33 Pergamon in Mysia (c.300BC) AE17, Head of Head of Hekate, Rev Water flowing from lion’s Athena, Rev Trophy (S3960) aVF head fountain (S2207; Cop 241) gFine KA2060 $85 KA1715 $75 20 Mesembria (3rd-2nd Century BC) AE22, Pergamon in Mysia (c.300BC) AE16, Head of Female head right, Rev Athena Alkidemos 34 Athena, Rev Owl standing facing, wings spread brandishing spear and holding shield (S3963) gFine (S1676) gFine 27 Thessalian League (196-146BC) AE14, Head of Apollo, Rev Athena Itonia brandishing spear KA2062 $55 KA1709 $85 and holding shield (S2237) aVF KA1716 $85 35 Pergamon in Mysia (1st Century AD) AE17, 28 Opus-Epiknemidia in Lokris Opuntia Bust of the Roman Senate, Rev Bust of Roma 21 Scythian Kings, Ailios (c.180-150BC) AE21, (338-300BC) AE12, Head of Athena, Rev Bunch (GIC4910) Fine Jugate busts of the Dioscuri, Rev two horses of grapes (S2338) VF KA972 $50 heads side by side, TK monogram below (Stancombe 320var) VG KA1755 $65 KA1712 $50 ASIA MINOR CENTRAL GREECE 36 Pergamene Kingdom (282-133BC) AE15, Head of Athena, Rev Coiled serpent (S7228) aVF KA2063 $65 29 Amisos in Pontus (1st Century BC) AE21, Thessalonica (1st Century AD) AE17, Veiled 22 Aegis with Gorgon’s head at centre, Rev Nike bust of Demeter, Rev Inscription in wreath (Cop (S3642) dark patina, Fine 388; ANS 817; BMC 55) Fine KA1118 37 Abydos in Troas (4th Century BC) AE14, KA1704 $40 $75 Head of Apollo, Rev Eagle (S4015) VF KA1757 $75 23 Larissa in Thessaly (360-325BC) AE16, 30 Sinope in Paphlagonia (3rd Century BC) 38 Kyme in Aeolis (4th Century BC) AE10, Head of nymph Larissa, Rev Horse grazing Drachm, Head of Apollo, Rev Prow of galley left Eagle standing right, Rev one-handled vase (S2129) nice apple green patina, VF (S3703) VF (S4186) aVF KA1753 $90 KA1980 $275 KA2036 $45 2 39 Elaea in Aeolis (4th-3rd Century BC) AE10, Helmeted head of Athena, Rev Corn grain 47 Sardes in Lydia (2nd-1st Century BC) AE15, 54 Seleucus II (246-226BC) AE15, Head of between two branches (S4204) aVF Head of Herakles, Rev Apollo within laurel Apollo, Rev Apollo holding arrow and resting on KA2033 $45 wreath (S4734) aVF bow (S6913var) aVF KA2070 $75 KA1728 $90 ANCIENT ROMAN 40 Ephesos in Ionia (280-258BC) AE10, Female head left, Rev Bee (S4409) VF REPUBLIC KA2068 $50 48 Abbaitis in Phrygia (2nd Century BC) AE20, Head of Zeus, Rev Winged thunderbolt in wreath (S5096) Fine KA1722 $75 55 Q. Minucius Rufus (122BC) Denarius, 41 Phokaia in Ionia (4th Century BC) AE14, Helmeted head of Roma, Rev The Dioscuri Head of Athena, Rev Head of griffin (S4536) aVF (S152) VF KA2043 $55 KA1971 $175 49 Apameia in Phrygia (133-48BC) AE21, Helmeted bust of Athena, Rev Eagle alighting on base with meander pattern, caps of the Dioscuri 42 Phokaia in Ionia (3rd-2nd Century BC) AE19, either side (S5120) Fine/VG 56 L. Valerius Flaccus (108/7BC) Denarius, Bust of Hermes wearing petasus, Rev Forepart of Winged bust of Victory, Rev Mars walking left griffin (S4539) Fine KA2074 $45 holding spear and trophy (S183) Fine KA2044 $65 KA1972 $100 50 Apameia in Phrygia (133-48BC) AE15, 43 Smyrna in Ionia (3rd Century BC) AE14, Turreted bust of Artemis, Rev Naked Marsyas 57 M. Herennius (108/7BC) Denarius, Head of Head of Apollo, Rev Lyre (S4562) Fine advancing right (S5122) aVF Pietas, Rev Catanaean running right bearing KA2039 $45 KA2075 $65 father on his shoulder (S185) Fine KA1973 $135 51 Selge in Pisidia (2nd-1st Century BC) 44 Smyrna in Ionia (late 1st Century AD) AE15, AE13, Head of Herakles three-quarter face to Head of Herakles, Rev River god reclining left right, Rev forepart of stag right, looking back (Lindgren I 545; BMC 207) aVF (S5489) gFine 58 L. Thorius Balbus (105BC) Denarius, Head of KA2041 $55 Juno Sospita in goat’s skin, Rev Bull (S192) aVF KA2077 $45 KA1974 $150 52 Selge in Pisidia (2nd-1st Century BC) 45 Smyrna in Ionia (2nd Century AD) AE19, AE12, Bearded head of Herakles, Rev Winged 59 D. Junius L.f. Silanus (91BC) Denarius, Turreted head of the Amazon Smyrna, Rev Lion thunderbolt (S5491) VF (GIC4954) Fine perhaps a Fourrée, Helmeted head of Roma, KA859 $60 Rev Victory in biga (S225) VF KA2042 $55 KA1976 $175 SELEUCID KINGS 46 Philadelphia in Lydia (2nd-1st Century BC) 60 Cn. Cornelius Lentulus (88BC) Denarius, AE16, Head of Zeus, Rev Lyre within laurel 53 Antiochus II (261-246BC) AE16, Head of Helmeted head of Mars, Rev Victory in biga wreath (S4719) VF Apollo, Rev Tripod (S6891) aVF (S254) aVF KA2111 $85 KA2089 $65 KA1977 $150 3 74 Titus, as Caesar (69-79) Denarius, Rev 61 Mn. Fonteius C.f. (85BC) Denarius, Head of Venus leaning on column holding helmet and Apollo, Rev Cupid seated on goat; Pilei of the 67 Messalina, Imitation Dupondius, bust of spear (S2448) aVF Dioscuri above (S271) ex-mount with a neat Messalina, Rev Tellus and the Four Seasons, a KA1511 $175 repair, aVF curious item which combines a First Century KA1978 $100 Empress whose coins are of considerable rarity with a much later reverse type which was used Septimius Severus (cf S6554) VF KA1685 $90 75 Titus (79-81) Denarius, Rev Winged thunderbolt on a draped seat or table (S2513) nice well centred strike, aVF 62 P. Clodius M.f. (42BC) Denarius, Head of Apollo, Rev Diana Lucifera holding a long torch KA1993 $250 in each hand (S492) Fine KA1979 $100 IMPERIAL 68 Nero (54-68) Dupondius, Radiate head of Nero left, Rev Roma seated left (S1966) 76 Domitian, as Caesar (69-79) Denarius, Rev attractive green patina, VF/Fine Horseman galloping right (S2638) gFine KA1948 $150 KA1570 $175 63 Augustus (27BC-14AD) AE As, Head of Augustus, Rev inscription around SC, VG 69 Vespasian (69-79) Denarius, Rev Annona 77 Domitian, as Caesar (69-79) Denarius, Rev KA1876 $60 (S2280) aVF Spes (S2640) Fine KA1981 $145 KA1571 $125 64 Tiberius (14-37) Denarius, Head of Tiberius Vespasian (69-79) Denarius, Rev Sacrificial 78 Domitian, as Caesar (69-79) Denarius, Rev right, Rev Livia seated (S1763) toned aFine.The 70 implements (S2281) aVF Salus feeding snake and resting on column ‘Tribute Penny’ of the Bible (S2642) VF KA1985 $145 KA1874 $175 KA1994 $185 Vespasian (69-79) Denarius, Rev Pax seated 71 79 Domitian (81-96) Denarius, Rev Minerva holding olive branch and caduceus (S2285) aVF standing left holding spear (S2731) aVF KA1988 $145 KA1572 $195 65 Claudius (41-54) AE As, Rev Libertas holding pileus and extending right hand (S1859) VF KA2113 $195 72 Vespasian (69-79) Denarius, Rev Jupiter 80 Domitian (81-96) Denarius, Rev Minerva sacrificing over altar and holding sceptre standing left holding
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