REPORT Raising awareness about small arms issues in Russia Small arms production in Russia This publication was funded by the European Union Paul Holtom · March 2007 The EU-Russia Cooperation Programme (formerly know as Tacis) is a tool for the practical implementation of the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (PCA), signed between Russia and the EU in June 1994. Under this Programme Russia and the EU Member States share their experience in a wide range of cooperation areas of importance to both parties, including, among others, small and medium sized enterprises, finance, local self-government and nuclear safety. The Programme is currently working on over 250 projects in Russia and is the largest EU Cooperation Programme in the NIS. Equal numbers of Russian and European experts participate in the Programme. Over 1700 projects, worth approximately €2.6 billion, have been successfully implemented since 1991. Saferworld is an independent non-governmental organisation that works with governments and civil society internationally to research, promote and implement new strategies to increase human security and prevent armed violence. COVER PHOTO: Exhibition ‘Kalashnikov – the person, the weapon, a legend’; Russia, St Petersburg, 22.11.2004 ©PXOTOXPRESS. ISBN 1–904833–19–5 The European Commission’s Saferworld Delegation to Russia The Grayston Centre 119017, Moscow 28 Charles Square Kadashevskaya nab., 14/1 London N1 6HT The Russian Federation UK Phone: (+7 495) 721 20 00 Phone: +44 (0)20 7324 4646 Fax: (+7 495) 721 20 20 Fax: +44 (0)20 7324 4647 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Web: www.delrus.cec.eu.int Web: www.saferworld.org.uk Registered charity no.1043843 A company limited by guarantee no.3015948 Small arms production in Russia Paul Holtom SAFERWORLD MARCH 2007 About the author Paul Holtom is a researcher with the Arms Transfers Project at the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. Dr Holtom was also a research fellow at the Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg in Greifswald and the Centre for Border Studies at the University of Glamorgan. Dr Holtom has also been an ‘international expert’ for the Council of Europe’s transfrontier co-operation programme on the Kaliningrad oblast and lead researcher on SALW projects in Northeastern and Southeastern Europe for Saferworld. Other publications include ‘An Assessment of the Baltic States Contribution to EU Efforts to Prevent Proliferation and Combat Illicit Arms Trafficking’ in Brown D and A Shepherd A (eds.): The Security Dimensions of EU Enlargement: Challenges for the 21st Century. Manchester: Manchester University Press (Forthcoming 2006), Turning the Page: Small Arms and Light Weapons in Albania (2005),‘Exploring the Utility of the Gatekeeper “Hinge”Concept for the Promotion of Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian New/Postmodern Security Agendas’ in Smith D, (ed.) The Baltic States and their Region: New Europe or Old? (2005), Arms Transit Trade in the Baltic Sea Region,(2003). Acknowledgements The European Union’s EU-Russia Cooperation Programme (formerly TACIS) funded the production of this report, and Saferworld is grateful for its generous support. This report was researched and written by Dr Paul Holtom and the Arms Transfers Project at the Stockholm Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) in close co-operation with the Eastern Europe Team in Saferworld and Prof Vadim Kozyulin, Conventional Arms Program Director, PIR Center. It was compiled within the framework of the EU- Russia Cooperation Programme (formerly TACIS)-supported project ‘Building civil society capacity to engage with government to tackle small arms in Russia’.It was copy-edited for Saferworld by Robert Long. The Russian-language version of the text of this report has been copy-edited by Anastasia Laguta, PIR Center. This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the author and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union. © Saferworld, March 2007. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without full attribu- tion. Saferworld welcomes and encourages the utilisation and dissemination of the material included in this publication.’ Contents Acronyms and abbreviations Executive summary i 1 Introduction 1 Structure of the report 3 2 Transparency 5 Transparency in the West European small arms and light weapons industry and trade 6 Transparency in the Soviet and Russian small arms and light weapons industry and trade 7 Data collection methods for Russia: Centre for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies 8 Data collection methods for Russia: this report 9 3 Background: industry and exports during Soviet and Yeltsin eras 11 Small arms and light weapons industry and exports during the Soviet Era 11 Small arms and light weapons industry and exports during the Yeltsin era 13 4 Production and export legislation 15 5 Overview of the industry 18 Consolidation of the small arms and light weapons sector 18 Overview of the small arms and light weapons industry 19 Export dependence 22 6 State procurement 23 7 Exports 26 Expanding small arms and light weapons export markets 28 Small arms and light weapons exports to Africa 30 Small arms and light weapons exports to Asia 31 Small arms and light weapons exports to Latin America 32 Small arms and light weapons exports to the Middle East 33 8 Estimating values for Russian exports 35 9 Licensed production 37 10 Recommendations 40 Public transparency in the Russian small arms and light weapons industry 41 Public transparency in the Russian small arms and light weapons trade 42 APPENDIX: Main Russian small arms and light weapons producers 44 References 54 Acronyms and abbreviations AK Avtomat Kalashnikova / MINPROMNAUKI Ministerstvo promishlennosti i Kalashnikov automatic carbine nauki Rossiiskoy Federatsii / AKM Avtomat Kalashnikova Ministry for Industry and Science of Modernizirovanniy / Kalashnikov the Russian Federation automatic carbine MOD Ministry of Defence AT anti-tank NGO non-governmental organisation ATGM anti-tank guided missile NISAT Norwegian Initiative on Small Arms CAST Centre for Analysis of Strategies Transfers (Norway) and Technologies (Russia) NPC New Programs and Concepts Ltd CBW chemical and biological weapons OJSC open joint stock company CIS Commonwealth of Independent OPK Oboronnno-promyshlennyi States kompleks / Defence Industry COMTRADE United Nations Commodity Trade Complex Statistics Database OSCE Organisation for Security and ELN Ejército de Liberación Nacional de Co-operation in Europe Colombia / National Liberation PIR Center Tsentr politicheskih issledovanii Army of Colombia Rossii / Center for Policy Studies EU European Union (Russia) FARC Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias RAV Rossiiskoe agentstvo vooruzhenii / de Colombia / Revolutionary Russian Agency of Conventional Armed Forces of Colombia Arms FSB Federalnaya sluzhba bezopasnosti / ROCA United Nations Register of Federal Security Service Conventional Arms FSUE Federal State Unitary Enterprise ROSKOMOBORONPROM Komitet Rossiiskoi Federatsii po oboronnim otrasliam FSVTS Federal’naya sluzhba po voenno- promishlinnosti / Committee on the tekhnicheskomu sotrudnichestvo / defence industry of the Russian Federal Service on Military- Federation Technical Co-operation RPG rocket propelled grenade GOSKOMOBORONPROM Gosudarstvennyi komitet Rossiiskoy Federatsii po oboronnym RSFSR Rossiiskaya Sovietskaya otrasliam promyshlennosti / State Sotsialisticheckaya Respublika / Committee on the Defence Russian Soviet Socialist Republic Industry of the Russian Federation RUR Russian Roubles GOZ Gosudarstvennyi Oboronnyi Zakaz / SA small arms State Defence Order SALW small arms and light weapons GPV Gosudarstvennyi program SAM surface-to-air missile vooruzheniya / State Programme of SIPRI Stockholm International Peace Armaments Research Institute (Sweden) IMI Israeli Military Industries TsKIB SOO Tsentralnoe konstruktorsko- IMZ Izhevskii Mekhanicheskii Zavod / inzhenernoe byuro sportivnogo i Izhevsk Mechanical Plant okhotnichego oruzhiya/ Central JSC joint stock company Research Design Bureau of Sporting KBP Konstruktorskoe byuro and Hunting Guns priborostroeniya / Instrument TSNIITOchMash Tentralnyi nauchno-issledovatelskii Design Bureau institute tochnogo KMBDB Kolomna Machine-Building Design mashinostreyeniya / Central Bureau Research and Development Institute of Precision Machine KVTS Komitet po voenno- Building, Klimovsk tekhnicheskomu sotrudnichestvo / Committee for UN United Nations Military-Technical Co-operation UN PoA United Nations Programme of with Foreign Countries Action to Prevent Combat and LW light weapons Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its MANPAD man-portable air-defence system Aspects MEDT Ministry of Economic Development UNROCA United Nations Register of and Trade Conventional Arms MFA Ministry of Foreign Affairs VPK Voenno-promyshlennaya MIA Ministry of Interior Affairs komissiya / Military-Industrial MINECONOMIKI Ministerstvo economiki Rossiiskoy Commission Federatsii; Ministry of Economics of WA Wassenaar Arrangement the Russian Federation WMD weapons of mass destruction MINOBORONPROM Ministerstvo oboronnoi WWII World War II promishlennosti Rossiiskoy Federatsii / Ministry of the Defence Industry of the Russian Federation Executive summary RUSSIA REMAINS
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