Index numbers in bold signify photographs, charts and other illustrations numbers in italics signify tables AAC paraglider 42 Alaska Department of Fish and see All American Canal small-format aerial Game 354 aapa 15, 364 photography (SFAP) 42, Alaskan bar-tailed godwit Abernethy Pearl 204 43, 44 (Limosa lapponica baueri) Aborigines, Australian 213 ultralights 42 352 acequia (irrigation system) 213, aerobic (defi nition) 364 albedo 136, 148, 148, 153, 154, 214, 364 aerobic soil zone 78–79, 175, 155, 181, 364 acid rain 8, 177, 183–184, 189, 178, 179, 180, 189 Alberta, Canada 20, 48, 62, 299, 364 see also acrotelm 318, 320–321 acrotelm 180, 364 Afghanistan 193 alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) adaptive management 235, 236, African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) 241 237, 239–240, 250, 364 275 Alexandria, Egypt 3 Adjusted Normalized Difference African crocodile (Crocodylus algarrobo forest 162 Wetness Index (ANDWI) niloticus) 108 alkali bulrush (Scirpus 328 African fi sh eagle (Haliaeetus maritimus) 95 adventitious roots 86 vocifer) 108, 124 All American Canal, United States Aedes aegypti (mosquito) 110, African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) 209, Plate 11-14 111, Plate 7-6 275 Alliance, Nebraska 182 aerenchyma 86, 105, 364 African Humid Period 171 allogenic change 13, 30, 135, aerial photography 30, 31, 32, African lion (Panthera leo) 276 154–155, 364 35, 41, 42, 43 agricultural tiling Altithermal 168, 173, 344–345, airplane 33 see tiling 364 balloon 42, 43, 44 agriculture, wetland conversion see also Holocene thermal blimp 42, 43, 44 COPYRIGHTEDto 73, 75, 79, 172, MATERIAL 177, maximum color-infrared imagery 36, 37, 190, 287 aluminium 177, 185 41, 270, 271, Plates 3-8, Akoya pearl (Pinctada fucata) Amazon Ditch, United States 15-2 204, 205, 205, Plate 11-11 304 digital orthophoto quadrangle Alamosa NWR, Colorado 347 Amazon River, Brazil 11, (DOQ) 41 Alam Pedja, Estonia 330 210 kite 42, 43, 44 Alaska 6, 102, 125, 143, 154, Amazonia, Brazil 11, 18, 200, panchromatic aerial 196, 336, 351–354, 351, 210, 210, 213 photography 39, 40, 41, 353, 357, Plates 17-28, amber 157, 160–163, 161, 162, 41, 182, 234, 292, 311 17-30 163, 173, 364 Wetland Environments: A Global Perspective, First Edition. James Sandusky Aber, Firooza Pavri, and Susan Ward Aber. © 2012 James Sandusky Aber, Firooza Pavri, and Susan Ward Aber. Published 2012 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 402 INDEX American alligator (Alligator anhinga (Anhinga anhinga) Asian tiger mosquito (Aedes mississippiensis) 113, 117, 122–123, 124, 133 albopictus) 131 284 Anopheles mosquito 110, 111 aspen 342, 342, 345, 347 American avocet (Recurvirostra Antarctica 263–264 Atchafalaya, Louisiana 144, 196, americana) 118, 120 Antarctic Treaty 263 285, Plate 8-13 American beaver (Castor penguin nesting sites 171, 172 Atlantic period 166, 331, 365 canadensis) 126, 129 Victoria Land 172 see also Blytt-Sernander see also beaver dam; beaver Antioch, Nebraska 318 Audubon Society 309 lodge; beaver meadow; Appalachian Australia 262–264 beaver mire Mountains 158, 184, 287 Aborigines 213 American bullfrog (Rana states 9 amber 162 catesbeiana) 114, 130, apple snail (Pomacea paludosa) amphibian extinction 115 Plates 7-12, 7-13 125 coal deposits 158 American coot (Fulica aquaculture 55, 193–194, 199, mangrove coverage 270 americana) 121, 122 203–204, 203, 204, 264, pearl production 205 American crocodile (Crocodylus 273, 365 wetland losses 9 acutus) 117, 117, 284 see also extractive industries; wetland rehabilitation 229 American shad (Alosa pearl farming see also Cairns; Coral Sea; sapidissima) 241 aquatic civilizations 9, 13 Great Barrier Reef; American sycamore (Platanus aquifer 61–62, 365 Murray-Darling Basin; New occidentalis) 101 Arabia 148, 316, Plate 8-20 South Wales; Northern American white pelican Aral Sea 198, 199, Plate 11-6B Territories; Queensland; (Pelecanus araucarian trees (Araucariaceae) Shark Bay; Victoria erythrorhynchos) 123, 124 162 autogenic American white waterlily Arbor Day Foundation 102 change 13, 30, 135–136, 152, (Nymphaea odorata) 95, Arbuckle Mountains, Oklahoma 154–155 97 70 defi nition 13 amphibians 53, 54, 113–115, Archaea bacteria 179 Aztecs 190 114, 133, 193, 242 Archean Eon 156 see also American bullfrog; Arctic 350–357, 351, 353, 356 Baca NWR, Colorado 347 frogs; toads; salamander Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Baffi n Bay, Texas 291, 293 amphibious plants 98–99, 364 351, 352, Plate 17-28 bagno 15 Amu Darya river 198, 199, Plate Arctic Coastal Plain, Alaska 351– Bahamas 19, 39, 140, 156, Plate 11-6B 353, 351, 352 2-5A anadromous (fi sh) 241, 354, Arctic fox (Alopex lagopus) 352, Baikal Highlands, Russia 354 364–365 355 Baker Creek, Colorado 82 see also chinook salmon; chum Arctic tern (Sterna paradisaea) bald cypress (Taxodium salmon; coho salmon 352 distichum) 283 anaerobic Ardill, Saskatchewan 321 bald eagle (Haliaeetus defi nition 365 Argentina 207, 279 leucocephalus) 125, 125, soil conditions 18–19, 24, Arkansas River 4, 253, 299, 300– 233 28–29, 72–73, 78–79, 82, 312, 301, 302, 303, Plates balloon (use in aerial 86, 138, 175, 178 16-4, 16-6 photography) 42, 43, anaerobic glycolysis 105, 365 see also saltcedar, biocontrol of 44 anaerobiosis 78, 84 Army Corps of Engineers (ACE) Baltic Coast Bog Province 331, Anastasia Formation, Everglades 11, 16, 56, 66, 132, 233, 330, 335 282 241, 254 Baltic Ice Lake 331 Andernach, Germany 3 arrowhead (Sagittaria sp.) 93, Baltic Peatlands Improvement Andersson, Gunnar 164 94, 97 Society, Estonia 332 Andes Mountains, Venezuela 3, arsenic 177–178, 189 Baltic Sea 16, 141, 163, 164, 197, 336–340, 337, 338, 339, ash 27, Plate 2-25B 259, 299, 329 340, 341, Plate 17-4 Asia, South Bangkok, Bight of Angola 265, 274, 276, 298 see South Asia see Bight of Bangkok INDEX 403 Bangladesh 8, 190, 198, 264, birch 27, Plate 2-25B defi nition 365 270, 271 bird migration raised 329, 331, 332, 335, 370, see also Sundarbans see migration, birds Plate 6-30 Bangladesh Wildlife Act 273 bird watching 6, 107, 211, 314 study of 30–57 barnyardgrass (Echinochloa see also ecosystem services; transition to 136–139 muricata) 99 ecotourism vegetation 89–105 barrier island 143, 195, 286, 287, birds, wetland 117–125, 119, see also Baltic Coast Bog 291, 295, 298 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, Province; Estonia; mire Batchelder’s Landing, 125 Bogotá, Colombia 340 Massachusetts 104 see also bird watching; Bois-des-Bel, Quebec, Canada Bay of Bengal 269, 269, 270 shorebirds; waterfowl 242 see also Sundarbans bison 170, 312 Bolivia 27, 265–267, 277, 278, bayou 15, 24, 365 bitter panicum (Panicum 298, Plate 15-9 BBS amarum) 291–292 see also Pantanal see North American Breeding bitter salt 349, 355 boloto 15 Bird Survey Bitterfeld amber 162–163 bolson 365 Beaufort Sea 351 black bear (Ursus americanus) Botswana beaver 289 Boteti River 274–275 see American beaver; Eurasian black mangrove (Avicennia Makgadikgadi 265, 266, 275 beaver germinans) 87, 92 Okavango River/Delta 1, 2, 11, beaver dam 127, 128, 129, 130, black swan (Cygnus atratus) 12, 21, 108, 128, 191, 193, 343, 346 122, 123 211, 210, 252, 264–265, beaver lodge 128, 344 black-lipped pearl (Pinctada 265 beaver meadow 126, 129 margaritifera) 204, 205, bottomland 285, 365 beaver mire 343–344, 344, 346, 206, Plate 11-11 Boundary Glacier, Alberta, 347, 347 see also pearl farming Canada 48 beel 198, 365 black-necked stilt (Himantopus BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill Bengal tiger (Panthera tigris) 4, mexicanus) 118, 119 (2010) 9, 289, 291 107, 210, 273 bladderwort (Utricularia sp.) Brachiopods 69, 82 Bengal, Bay of 96–97, 98, 283 Brahmaputra River 195, 269, see Bay of Bengal Blanca Peak, Colorado 342 269, 270, 273, 297 Bering Sea 193, 353 blanket bog see also Sundarbans Bermuda 140 see bog, blanket Brandis, Dietrich 220 Big Blue River, Kansas 68 blimp (use in aerial Brazil Big Brutus, Kansas 183 photography) 42, 43, 44 Amazon River 11, 210 Big Cypress National Preserve, blister sedge (Carex vesicaria) Amazonia 11, 18, 200, 210, Florida 281, 283 343 210, 213 Big Muddy Lake, Saskatchewan, BLM Baía de Marajó, Belém 11 Canada 323 see Bureau of Land Cáceres 207 Big Pine Key, Florida 83 Management Manaus 80, 210 Big Salt Marsh, Kansas 233, 235 Blood Creek, Kansas 310, 312 National Wetlands Institute 266 Bight of Bangkok 76 Blue Lake, Utah 18 Brazos Santiago Pass, Texas 296 billabong 15, 365 Blue-Bear Lakes, Colorado 98, Breton NWR, Louisiana 285, 289, biocontrol 342, 344, 345, 347 291 case study: saltcedar, Arkansas blunt spike rush (Eleocharis brine fl ies 61, 317, Plate 4-6 River valley, USA 305–309, obtusa) 93 brine shrimp 61, 120, Plate 4-6 306, 307, 308 Blytt-Sernander 164, 365 British Columbia, Canada 141 defi nition 365 bofedales 365 British East Africa 220 biodiversity loss xii, xiii bog 1, 5, 15, 25 British Trust for Ornithology biofuels 203, 279 blanket 26, 26, 29, 81, 81, 89, (BTO) 55 biogeography 135, 155 138, 365 Bronze Age biosphere 12, 72, 82, 156, 175, bodies 166, 167, 365 bog fi nds, Denmark 166–167, 176, 365 climate change and 150–152 167, 188 404 INDEX bromine 200 Canon Beach, Oregon 24 Challenger II light sport aircraft brook crest (Cardamine Cañon City, Colorado 301 33 cordifolia) 61 canvasback (Aythya valisineria) Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana Brooks Range, Alaska 351 121, 122, Plate 7-26 285, 286, 291 Brown coal Cape Fear Formation 162 Chaplin Lake, Saskatchewan, see lignite Cape Hatteras, North Carolina Canada 323 Bruguiera 272 144, 147, 147 Charadriidae 118 Brundtland Commission, Report capybara (Hydrochaeris chemical elements 221, 358 hydrochaeris) 278 see elements (chemical) Bryales 331 carbamate insecticide 111 Chesapeake
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