�Issue 3 ������������Seattle, WA Sunday, January 21, 2007 Klein on Politics, Pollsters Highlights and Civic Responsibility SUNDAY by Brad Martin custodians for the place where ABC News people like me go after we die, Seattle Sunrise if we’re lucky,” he said. “The Speaker Series oe Klein, senior writer library was the place where the Transforming The Future: for Time magazine and world opened to me.” 20/20 Foresight Jauthor of several best sell- Klein begin by relating the ing books, dis- 8:00–9:00 a.m. cussed “Islam, Washington State Iraq and the Convention and Trade War on Terror” Center (WCC), Room 6B/C at the Eighth Annual Arthur ALA Council I Author Timothy Zahn is surrounded by storm troopers as he signs Curley Memo- 10:45 a.m.–12:15 p.m. copies of his Star Wars books at the Random House booth as the rial Lecture on Saturday. WCC, Room 6B/C exhibits open. Klein’s pro- vocative week- ALA President’s Writers of Science Fiction, ly column, “In Program: Learn to FISH! t h e A r e n a , ” 3:30–5:30 p.m. Fantasy Genres Discuss covers nation- Sheraton Hotel Grand al and interna- Ballroom C/D the Post 9/11 World tional affairs. By Frederick J. Augustyn, Jr. Salvatore more recently became In 2004, Klein MONDAY The Library of Congress involved with the related field of won the Na- computer games. tional Head- n eagerly awaiting au- Laini Taylor, author of Faeries liner Award for ALA Executive Board Joe Klein, senior writer, Time magazine, presents dience welcomed three of the Dreamdark: Blackbringer, best magazine the Arthur Curley Memorial Lecture. Candidates Forum A representative authors confessed that this was her first column. His 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. of the Science Fiction and public talk about books (as well latest book, The Natural: The story of Robert F. Kennedy WCC, Room 6B/C Fantasy worlds sponsored by as her first book.) Growing up as Misunderstood Presidency of speaking to a crowd after the the Exhibitor Roundtable and a self-described “Marine Corps Bill Clinton, also was a New assassination of Martin Luther ALA-APA Council the publishing houses of Pen- brat,” Taylor spent much of her York Times bestseller. King as an example of spontane- 10:15-11:15 a.m. guin Putnam, Wizards of the childhood abroad, followed by Klein opened his presenta- ous, from-the-heart oratory. Be- WCC, Room 6B/C Coast, and Random House. Bad English literature studies at tion by thanking the librarians cause of the rise in importance weather in Oklahoma stranded Continued on page 3 in attendance. “You are the Continued on page 8 previously advertised author Council Forum Mercedes Lackey and a new 8:00-9:30 p.m. author, Laini Taylor, appeared Sheraton Seattle in her place. Learn to FISH! at the President’s Program Hotel, Aspen room R.A. Salvatore, currently oin ALA President Les- Seattle’s Pike’s Place fish- a member of his local library lie Burger and Deena mongers who learned how to REGISTRATION board, related how he was a JEbbert, FISH! Philoso- turn stinky, grueling 12-hour college math major at Fitch- pher, at the ALA President’s shifts into a unique customer Today: burg (MA) State College until Program — Learn to Fish! and employee experience. his sister introduced him to the 7:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m. — today from 3:30–5:30 p.m., Whether you are contemplat- works of Tolkien. Salvatore’s Sheraton Hotel Grand Ball- ing dramatic change or look- Monday: 7:30 a.m.–2:00 p.m. being snowed in with the hob- room C/D, to help inspire ing for opportunities to effect bit books at his mother’s house organizational and cultural smaller but no less meaning- EXHIBIT HOURS during the winter of 1978 gave transformation in your own ful enhancements to your mis- him time to reconsider his ca- library. sion, programs and services, Today: reer path. The fantasy genre The FISH! Philosophy — 1) or building, this program will 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. was still in its infancy when he Be there; 2) Play; 3) Make expand your thinking about published his first book in 1987 Monday: someone’s day; and 4) Choose how you do business and the The Crystal Shard. With a BA your attitude about how you impact you can have in your 9:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m. in English literature as well come to work — grew out of user community. Deena Ebbert as a BS in communications, You don’t have to follow the pack to get best of breed solutions. Increase your library efficiencies and benefit your users with standalone solutions that work with any vendor’s ILS: • AquaBrowser Library® • Online Selection & Acquisitions • AuthorityWorks • Automated Material Handling Systems Visit Booth #1454 Solutions that Deliver 1.800.325.7759 • www.TLCdelivers.com Visit the Knowledge Café at ALA Midwinter. Don't miss it! What do mice have to do with your good health? Find out at the Knowledge Café! Thomson Scientifi c Booth #2615 Take a break … at the Thomson Scientific Knowledge Café. It’s a place to sit back, relax, and enjoy a totally new ISI Web of Knowledge experience. Take the next step. ISI Web of KnowledgeSM www.isiwebofknowledge.com SEATTLE Sunday, January 21, 2007 Cognotes • Page 3 Washington Office Update: EPA Addresses Library Closings By Brad Martin the headquarters library in Washing- And there was no shortage of input to make sure the library message is ABC News ton, October 1, 2006) and public access as available microphones were quickly getting out. He also pointed out that was limited at four others. in use by those who reflected many of there is the potential for a lot of legis- ike Flynn and other represen- Warnings from librarians, scientists the same criticisms the EPA came un- lative action. tatives of the Environmental and other stake- der last October. David Lankes, Syracuse University, M Protection Agency (EPA) holders soon fol- S o m e c o m - spoke about Participatory Networks lowed, with con- plained of the in Libraries: the Library as Conversa- listened to concerns about its recent There was no shortage of library closings and fielded questions cerns focusing on inability to find tion, a technology brief prepared for from attendees of the ALA Washington losing access to input as available certain docu - ALA’s Office of Technology Policy. The Office’s Update Session Saturday. valuable resourc- microphones were ments, and others goal of the technology brief (available Flynn, who is Director of EPA’s Of- es and even fears quickly in use by those relayed concerns at http://iis.syr.edu/projects/PNOpen/) fice of Information Analysis and Access that some docu- who reflected many of the from scientists in is “to familiarize library decision Office of Environmental Information, ments might be same criticisms the EPA their communi- makers with the opportunities and destroyed. ties who relied on challenges of participatory networks.” said that the process of restructuring came under last October. that is now occurring began in 2003 Flynn said he their regional li- Among the recommendations spelled with an analysis of how the agency understands peo- braries for access out in the brief are that libraries could respond to some of the challeng- ple are concerned, to information. must be active participants in these es it faced. Flynn identified these chal- but that there also are some misplaced There were also calls for increased networks and that this must be done lenges as delivering more information fears about what is happening. He dialogue with stakeholders and the at the core of the library, not on the faster, increasing reliance on electronic told the audience that the EPA is “in possible creation of partnerships that periphery. resources on the Internet and coping the process of analyzing and seeking might be created to improve access to Tom Sussman, of Ropes & Gray, with limited resources and space. stakeholder input on our library mod- materials formerly held in the now provided a vision of what might be As a result of this analysis, the EPA ernization effort,” adding that “we are closed libraries. done to improve things. Susman said closed five of its libraries (including very interested in your input.” Anyone wishing to provide feedback that libraries are increasingly called on the EPA’s services or on the cur- on to provide access to information rent restructuring can send email to (examples include the confusion strikes against an enemy can be justi- [email protected]. over the Medicare prescription drug Authors fied in fiction without the doubts and In earlier presentations, D’Arcy card, tax forms, etc.), and are crucial Continued from page 1 complications that they encounter in Philps from Van Scoyoc Associates, providers of information in times of the real world. In print, the price of Inc., gave a preview of what’s in store emergency (Hurricane Katrina). At UC-Berkeley, but only developed her victory is not necessarily too high. for the 110th Congress. Philps described the same time, Susman said we have “sense of doom” a few years ago. She In a lively question and answer the transition to a Congress controlled had a government that has been “re- discerns a connection between fantasy/ session, the presenters agreed that by Democrats as “an opportunity to markably unresponsive” in providing escapist literature and war, remind- electronic publishing in this genre is seek out and find new power players the wherewithal to do these things.
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