11111111111111111111111111111 0108000009 Selection of the Nomination List for the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity Cultural Heritage Ad ministration's Regulation No. 109, April 17, 2012 Article 1 (Purpose) The purpose of this regulation is to enh ance rationality and efficiency in selecting the nomination list of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by defining the necessary procedures and mea sures to select properties for nomination to the Representative Li st of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity (hereinafter referred as the "Intangible Cu ltural Heritage of Hum anity") pursuant to Article 19 of the Cultural Heritage Protection Act and the UNESCO Convention for the Sa feguarding of Intangible Cu ltural Heritage. Article 2 (Definition) 1) For the pu rpose of this regulation, the "state inventory" means the list of intangible cultural heritage of high value falling under any one of the following subparagraphs as potential ca ndidates for th e nomination to the Intangible Cu ltural Heritage of Humanity among the intangible cu ltural heritage items referred to in Article 2 Paragraph 1 Subparagraph 2 of the Cultural Heritage Protection Act (herein after referred as the "Act"). 1. Important Intangible Cultural Heritage designated under Article 24 of the Act; 2. Intangible Cultural Heritage of Cities and Provinces designated under Article 70 of the Act; 3. Preliminary list prepared under Paragraph 2 of this re gulation. 2) For the purpose of this regulation, the "preliminary list" means the intangible cultural heritage item s selected pursuant to Article 4 of this regulation among those not designated by the central government or local autonomous bodies. Article 3 (Resea rch on the prel iminary list) 1) Con cern ing an intangible cultural heritage deemed inva luable as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, the Administrator of the Cultura l Heritage Administration may conduct a survey by himself/herself on the item's value or entrust it with an ag ency or organization falli ng under any one of the following subparagra phs. 1. Incorporated bodies or organizations established with th e purpose of investigation, resea rch, ed ucation or aca demic activities relevant to intangible cultu ral heritage; 2. Affiliated res earch institutes or industry-academic cooperation centers relevant to cul tural heritage pu rsuant to Article 2 of the Higher Education Act. 2) In the case of co nducting a sur vey pursuant to the above Paragrap h 1, the survey resu lts shall include the facts and ideas falling under each of the following subpa rag raphs. 1. The nam e of the intangible cultural heritage con cerned; 2. The scope of the intangible cultu ral heritage con cerned; 3. The co ncept and definition of the intangible cultural heritage concerned; 4. Th e communities for transm ission and their scope of the intangible cultural heritage co ncerned; 5. Th e conditions of transmission and th e ways of performance of the intangible cultural heritage co ncerned; 6. Th e societal functions and relationship of the intangible cultural heritage concerned; 7. Sa feguarding mea sures for the intangible cultural heritage concerned. 3) The Administrator of the Cul tural Heritage Administration shall make endeavors to encourage participation of various individuals an d groups at diverse levels including concerned individuals, groups, communities an d res earch organizations in the process of a survey under Paragraph 1. 4) In case the survey is entrusted pursuant to Paragraph 1, Articles 12, 13 and 14 of the Regu lations on the Commission and Entrustment of Ad ministrative Authority shall ap ply mutatis mutandis to the procedu re for sel ecting the organization. Article 4 (Selection of the preliminary list) 1) The Administrator of the Cultural Heritage Administration may select items recognized invaluable for the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity for the prel iminary list based on the survey results conducted pursuan t to Article 3, after deliberation by the Cultural Heritage Committee under Article 8 of the Act (hereinafter referred as the Cultural Heritage Co mmittee). 2) The Administrator of the Cultural Heritage Administration may add, cha nge or ca ncel the prelim inary list after the procedure pursuant to Paragraph 1. Article 5 (Procl amation of the state inventory) 1) The Admin istrator of the Cultural Heritage Administration shall notify the information involved with the state inventory to the public through the Cultural Heritage Administration website, etc. 2) The Administrator of the Cultu ral Heritage Administration shall renew the information involved with the state inventory on a reg ular basis to maintain and manage the list up to date at all times. Article 6 (Selection of the nomination list for the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity) 1) From the state inventory, the Administrator of the Cultural Herita ge Administration may select the nomination list deem ed highly necessary to no minate to the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity after deliberation by the Intangible Cultural Heritage Su bcommittee and Worl d Heritage Subcommittee of the Cultural Heritage Committee. 2) The Administrator of the Cultural Heritage Administration shall ma ke endeavors to encourage participation of various individuals and groups at diverse levels incl uding individuals, groups, co mmunities or research organizations, etc in the process of preparing the nomination. Article 7 (Period of reexa mination) Pursuant to the Regulation on Procla mation and Management of the Directives and Rules (Presidential Directive No. 248), th e period during which this regulation is to be abolished and revised shall be before or on March 31, 2015, after reexam ining the laws and real ity conditions havi ng ch anged upon the proclamation. ADDENDA Article 1 (Enforcement date) This regulation shall enter into force upon proclamation. [g R!i!~~~lH, lmoortant Intangible Cultural Heritage] ~ R-fl}l- ~18 0 -, ~.:2:. 1 o7_Jl Too t;::~ "'i:!:"o ~tAH Jongmyo Jeryeak (Royal Ancestral Ritual jj]1 .:2. and Music at Jongmyo Shrine) 2 o=Jl To t;::~o "'i:!:"§o -} AH 0J:-T ~ /j rH-§- 01 Yangju Bycol sandae Nori (Mask Dance of jj]2.:2. (th,} ·J.I·[ ~} lj ili'.-.{ -§-0]) Yangju) 3 o-;7_ Jl_ To"'i:!:"0 ~ 0 ~} AH Namsadang Nori (Namsadang Play) jj]3.:2. 4 o-;7 _ Jl_ To"'i:!:"0 t;::l 0 ~} AH Gannil {Horsehair Hat Making) jj]4:Q:_ 5 o-;7_ Jl_ To0 t;::l "'i:!:"0 ~} AH Pansori (Epic Chant) jj]5.:2. 6 o7_ Jl_ To0 t;::l "'i:!:"0 ~} AH Tongyeong Ogwangdae (Mask Dance of A~]6.:2_ ( #t~:~~~ h ili'(/,:) Tongyeong) - - ~-7--% Jl_ ~ ~ ~ ~} AH .Jl "'d_2_ j:'J- rH Goseong Ogwangdae (Mask Dance of A~]7 .:2_ (J;I;j Jh)( h 1/i~: ),: ) Goseong) · · --s--~ SZEf-t;J · ~~} :AH 7J- 7J~ i!Jl --- ·---·--~ - - - - Ganggangsullac (Circle Dance) jjJ8 .:2. ~~-9-- ~ A-li~ ~ ~~ ;~ -E{}~"B-~ - -- -------- - --- --Eu~~,~~- - Bye(~l~i~e - (vili;g~- Rit~al . (~f E:u'11 ~~ ;~j - - - ----~ - ___12. ~ ___ _(} ~ ~~ I~N1''1~i_~)_ ---~ 10 ~ Jl -!f-~ ~~t 'H 1-}~ AJ- ----~"jc (;~"~ ng -(M~thc;:-(; f-pca rl Inlaying) . ___ -~__2!l10 .:2._ _____01~ R:t: llll ~ U ___ . ----~- -- -- ~---- ______ ·-- - ~ ---- ___ 11 ~ Jl -!f-~ ~~l-:AH ~ Q.}- Nongak (f armers' Performance) ----- Jinju Gcommu (Sword O.mcc of Jinju) c-:;n gne~-n-g o ,~~:;o)C - -(Dano festival of Gangneung) · --v-%Jl-!f-~~§~~ ~ -~-'j ~A J ~} ;f--~---H;n-;-:;1~ -- M~)~i Ji,~f;i(f.inc Ramlc Weaving of ~~] - 1 4 .:2. (';;:';.! 11.2.. "'] ~l- 7]) Hansan) ·1"5r-~--Jl--!f-_t§_ ~~}<N _* _il_ "}::z}~g- - ·~- -B~kcl1c~mg Saja N~:C~m (Lk;J) Pl~1y t~f ~] 15 .:2. (.it ,!]ila!J f-§- g) Bukcheong) "16 ~ Jl-!f- ~ ~~} ' " 7-j ~ .Jl Jj 3:: J]-16 -"- J7cl 0 -, 11' ,,,; ) ----~ ' - - ~ . l~~ !J.:5 ,i ~- --· "17 ~ Jl_ -!f- ~ ~ &l- ' " * Jj ~ %- ~~] 17.:2. ffi~ I : i ~ %-) -- --· - ·1s ~_i~~ ~&l-<H -%iiHoJ:ff. Dongnae Yaryu (field Pl ay of Dongnde) ~~l - 18 .:2. ( 1) ~ · ~ ~ ~~F .i~) ·19 ~iL -!f- t§~ &}'H ~ ~ c1 ~E} tg Sconsori Sant,1ryeong {folk Song ---of the · ::<~]"1 9 .:2. ( ~ ~ c1 {11 1 : ~ l) ---\-fountain Performed in a Standing Position) 20 -IT-!f- ~ ~ ~l- ' " -rH ~ Aa Q[ -~---- Daegeum Jeongak (Ceremonial Music with ~~]20 * (. J · I> 1! : ;, ;:: ) Large Transverse flute) .....__~------_:r_-- ' ., ....j, ----------- ·---------·~-----~ - - --~- - - - - - - -- --· -....---J1>~---~ ""' - --- - ---- - - - --- --- --- -- - - - - - - -- - -~----------- -- --- - -------- -- -----------+---- __.. _____________ _ ~ 18 ~-&I Jtl§_ ~-fl- ~ ~ ~{l- ~ ~ - - --- - - --- +---------- --- ---- --.-- --- l---..-.---.-.-----____._...___._- - --- - --.----+---- - ~=--~-- -- 21 %-Jl. ..!¥-~~ ~l-A~ ~- ~ ..!¥- Seungjeonmu (Victory Dance) ____ -~~121 ~-------l!J )j ~~r~ -mo_ ______ __~~~--._,._ ~------- ----- __ _ ___ _ - ~--- -~-- 22 %- Jl. .!f-~ ~ ~l-A~ P~ -§-:::<J- Maedeupjang (Decorative Knot Making) ~122 .:2. 0 ~ %11( ) - ------..- - ----- - - - -- . ----- - - - - --~ 23 %-Jl. .!f-~ ~~l-A~ 7 }o l=if'8-3: 1~PI3 % Gayageum Sanjo and Byeongchang A~123 .:2. (f 0110Hi .J;.~ /Yz,;itJ~ f.tjlin) (free-style Gayageum Solo and Singing Accompanied by Instruments) ~---1--- - - -- ---~- ---~- - - -- ~ -- - --- -l 2~ %-Jl..!f- ~ ~~tAJl~<?J- %~} ~-(~01 --~ Andong Chajeon Nori (Chariot Battle of ~12~.:2. Ciz ~,~=~ t!Uit~ ~o1) Andong) ~- - - - -- --l- --,:-------:.,---:'"--~--- --~--- - - - - --=~----~- ' ------ 25 %-_a_ .!f- ~ ~ ~l-A~ 0a~SI Pi~ r~ 71 Yeongsan Soemeori Daegi (Wooden Bull ~125 .:2. c~:~i 111 sJ Pi ~ ~ 71) fight of Yeongsan) ~~------~---- I ('\ '17 ~ J:-1 • ..~ -{!1 1 2n o...tLToLt.:.t-r n 'H.·onp,Siln TulJa r i ~i (Tug-oi-wor of \~ong_c.an) ---- :~ll2h ~~ 27 %-Jl_ _!f- ~ ~ ~r A~ ~ _!f- Seungmu (Monk's Dance) ~127_:2_ - -- - (Wr1/.r) 28 %-Jl_ _!f- ~ ~ ~t A~ L} ~ 9-j '))! ~ L} 01 Naju Saetgoll ai (Cotton Weaving of Naju) ~128 .:2. ( ¥,If: ·HI9-J A)!~ Y- 01 ) ~~~~=-~~~~ 29 %-Jl_ _!f- ~ ~ ~t A~ 1--j _tr_ ~ ~ Seodo Sori (folk Song of Seodo) ~129 .:2. (iili_; (I ~ ~ } 30 %-Jl_ _!f- ~ ~ ~t A~ 7} ~ Gagok (Lyrical Song) L ~130 .:2. 31 %-Jl_ _!f- ~ ~ ~t A~ ~~:::<J­ Nakjukjang (Bamboo Pyrography) - ~131 .:2. ('t;~ 1'r I'() 32 %-Jl_ _!f- ~ ~ ~t A~ Gokseong Dolsillai (Hemp Weaving of ~132 .:2.
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