POSTAL HIMAL QUARTERLY PF THE NEPAL AND nBET PHILA rEUC STUDY CIRCLE "CHAGPORI MEDICAL COLLEGE (in Lhasa): built by Desi Sangye Gyatso during the 17th century A.D. It was utterly destroyed by Commu­ nist China and is presently in ruins." -- Caption on a picture card sent to the editor by Alan Warren. postmarked 3 June 1989. No.61 1st Quarter 1990 POSTAL HIMAL is a quarterly publication of the Nepal & Tibet Philatelic Study Circle. Membership subscrip­ tions run from January through December of each year. Dues should be paid to the society representative in your area. Information on advertising rates may be obtained f rom the ed itor. MEMB ERSH IP DUES USA Ind ia Nepal Rest of World One Year $ 7.50 Rs 140 Rs 27 3 £ 6.00 Three Yea rs $ 21. 00 Rs 390 Rs 774 £ 17 .00 Life Member $1 50 .00 Rs 2760 Rs 5460 £ 120.00 AND TIBET American Phil atelic Soci ety Affiliate #122 POSTA L HIMA L No . 61 Bri t ish Ph il atel ic Fe deration Affiliate #435 1st Quarter 1990 OFFIC ERS AND REPRE SE NTATI VES Officers President: Dr. Wolfgang C. Hellrigl Patron: Mac Linscott Ricketts Secretary: Colin Hepper 12 Charnwood Close , Peterborough , Cambs ., PE2 9BZ, ENGLAND Editor: Leo Martyn P.O. Box 49263 , Los Angeles , CA 90049 -0263 , USA Publ icity: F. Westbrook 2886 Carambola Circle South , Coconut Creek, FL 33066, USA Representatives EUROPE Colin Hepper , 12 Charnwood Close, Peterborough , Cambs ., PE2 9BZ , ENGLAND INDIA Sohan Lal Dhawan & Sons, National Agencies, Sheranwala Gate , Patiala 147 001, INDIA NEPAL Surendra Lal Shrestha, K'du. Dist . P.O .Box 72, 5/148 Ombahal , Kathmandu, NEPAL USA Roger D. Skinner, 1020 Covington Road , Los Altos , CA 94022, USA LIFE MEMBERS: S. L. Shrestha, D. van der Wateren , W. C. Hellrigl, P. Gupta , R. Murray , P. Planken, Richard Hanchett, Leo Martyn , A. G. Zulueta, Jr. NEW MEMBERS: Mr . Frealon N. Bibbons, 2175 California Street, San Francisco, CA 94115 , USA Lawrence L. Bowles, 1222 Eleventh Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20001, USA Mr. C. Britt, 9 Herbert Avenue, Wahroonga NSW, AUSTRALIA Ms. Christine Bustin, Rue De La Vallee 20, Pousset , BELGIUM Mr. Geofrey D ~ Commons, 122 Patrician Way , Pasadena, CA 91105, USA Mr. David Fil ipowski, 10 Round Hill~ Road, Lexington, MA 02173, USA Mr . M. Goldsmith (Arg Etkn), 48 Conduit Street, New Bond Street, London W1R 9FB, ENGLAND Mr. Bent Kaufmann, 94 Roderick Street, Moffat Beach, Queensland, AUSTRALIA Mr . William P. Janson, 16384 Marvene Drive, Hacienda Heights , CA 91745, USA Mr. Robert E. Lamb, P 0 Box 1203, Washington , DC 20013, USA Mr . M. Lauk, Roxheimer Str. 7, Bobenheim- Roxh 0-6712 , WEST GERMANY Mr. Nile C. Monday, P 0 Box 81084 , Bakersfield, CA 93 330 , USA Mr. Torben Pedersen , Tjornegade 5 2, TV , Copenhagen N. , DENMARK Mr. Walter Schul z, 1110 Commons Drive , Sacramento, CA 95325, USA Ms. Laura Lynn Wal sh, 304 Will ard , Urbana , IL 61801, USA TABL E OF CONTENTS page Editor's Letter(s) .................. Le o Ma rt yn & L. Mi chel . · 1 Exhibition News ..... ...... ... · 2 Post Offices of t he Peopl e ' s Repu blic of China in Tibet .. D. Daws on · 3 Inscriptions on Nep alese St amp s ... K. Raj -Bhandari . 10 A New Set of 1912 Forgeries, Part 11. George Bourke . .11 A Correction . • . George Bourke . 11 Forgeries of 19 14 Tibet Issue .. ' .. Lawrence 'Bowles . 12 Dr . Pierre Couv reur ...... , .. Co 1 in Hepper. .13 Tibet an Bi-Li ngu al Po stmar ks -' A Review Lester Michel . 13 "Voic es From t he Pastil. Col in Hepper .. .16 SHOWCASE . ..... .. Dick van der Wateren. .18 No. 61 First Quarter 1990 Leo's fine Nepal ex~ibit is entered in Dear Friends, the competition at STAMP WORLD LONDON 90 It is with great excitement and some and he will be there as well. fear that I take over the editorship of Lester A. Michel the Postal Himal. I hope to produce a CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING quarterly as fine and comprehensive as Fe. HDiBERS US! ONLY Les has these many years. He told me that each issue involves some 40 hours Oa. in.ertlon, per line $1.00 of preparation. rour iftl.rtioftl, per 1iDe 3.50 Your newsletter can only be as good To ea1eulatt the number of line. JOur as its contributors, so please continue adverti.ement will require, count 39 sending articles. eharlcter. per line, lncludina all let­ Leo Martyn ter., numeral., punctuation marka and Dear Friends, blank .pac.. between vord.. Ma will I shall miss the correspondence that, be placed under appropriate headinl' in addition to gaining new friends, has without char,e for the headinlS. See so often included material to be shared the Cla .. Uitd Ad lection in tbe Unal with the members of our study Circle. pa, .. of any issue of 'nie AMElIW But the time has come to 'pass the baton' PHILATELIST for typical ad head ins, -­ to a new editor. There is no doubt in or .imply Nnd your ovn ad, &skin, the my mind that Leo will bring fresh ideas editor to place it under an appropriate and talents to this important position. headinl (It no extra co.t). Each of you can help by offering sugges­ tions, constructive criticisms and, most DEADLINE: Ad and payment in USA dol­ of all, material to share with our mem­ lar. (or in .int USA postaae .tamp.) bers. -- I am pleased to point out the mu.t reach the editor by the firlt day short article (page 12) by Lawrence of one of the fol10wina month. -- Feb­ Bowles, one of our new members listed ruary. Hay. AUlult, November -- in order on the page at left. Our thanks to you, for ad to appear in issue. mailed about Lawrence, for setting such a good one month laur. Any chana. of copy example. aft.r the tit.t insertion viII be coun­ The majority of our members specialize ted a •• new .dvertisement. in Nepal philately and some of those may ask why this issue is devoted so heavily to Tibet material. To be quite frank, FOR SALE we have relatively little Nepal material on hand, but we hope to have more to offer in our June issue. TIBETAN FORGERIES. I have a large stock Because Colin has decided to send out of the older 1912 and 1933 forgeries, a relatively large auction list under as well as examples of the new 1912 for­ separate cover, no auction list is in­ geries. Want lists are welcome. If you cluded with this issue, and none will have forgeries for sale, I am an active be sent with Postal Himal No. 62. Those buyer. Write first before sending ma­ who attend one (or both) meetings of the terial. Trades are also welcome. If you Study Circle during STAMP WORLD LONDON 90 have an interest in forgeries and would will have the opportunity to examine the like to share that interest or are look­ auction material at first hand, but will ing for information about Tibetan for­ make their bids by mail, as we have al­ geries, write to me. George Bourke, ways done. P.O.Box 564, Be11evi11e, MI 48111, USA. Mr. D. Dawson has waited patiently for his article on modern Tibet post offices to appear. That article fills nearly WANTED half of the pages in this issue and I, for one, found it most interesting, as -Bhutan. Anything: coven. mes, stamps, I am sure you wi.ll, even if you are not proof •• es•• y., etc. Also 1008e stamps a Tibet specialist. Thank you, Derrick, , broken .et. to use for postage. Write for the privilege of publishing this first. Nildo Harper, 510 Main St. 1910 fine, informative article. Roosevelt Island, New York 10044 Finally, I am pleased to report that 1 members, has made a generous donation E X H I BIT ION NEW S of $200 for the use of the Study Circle to pay for room hire and other expenses STAMP WORLD LONDON 90 related thereto. He has offered to make similar donations (up to $200) to indi­ Alexandra Palace viduals or groups who organise regional 3 - 13 May 1990 meetings. We wish to thank Richard for The Study Circle will be holding two his generosity and his belief in the meetings during this International Stamp value of Study Circle meetings during Exhibition in London. important philatelic exhibitions. We Both Meetings will be held in Room D have no doubt that such meetings will in the North West Hall from 14:15 to - strengthen and enlarle o~r _ ~ircle. -~Ed. 17:45. The first is ·on Friday, !!.. May REPORT ON MEETING AT STaMpsHOW '89 and the second on Thursday, lQ May. HELD IN ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA, AUGUST 24-27 The rooms can accommodate up to 30 --Leo Martyn members and there are five display boards available if required. The Society had a meeting at the Ameri­ One of the topics for discussion will can Philatelic Society's National "STaMp­ be the proposed new statutes and the sHO~' which took place in Anaheim, Cali­ indications are that there will be more fornia, August 24-27. Members present members attending the second meeting were: Bill Janson, Vern Richards and Leo than the first. However, since some Martyn, plus visitors Barbara Kayfetz and members cannot attend the second meeting, Alfredo Giddens. Bill brought several it seems appropriate to discuss the pro­ Nepalese 1941 series Pashupati covers posed new statutes at both meetings. Mem­ which were apparently used on the first bers will be welcome at both meetings. available day ("First Day of Issue" was Most of the lots in Auction No.
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