Ph oto by Bachrach Mr;,. Charles W. Weis, ]r. p:Jses in a Form:zn Euening Wrap. B. FORMAN CO . THOMAS E. LUNT 430 Powers Bldg. Rochester, N. Y. Realtor ROBERT REILLY REALTOR Main 6678 430 Powers Building Main 6078 Specializing in the Sale of HOMES INVESTMENTS Houses and Investment Properties LOUIS SHULMAN & CO. Builders of Clothes Since 1896 NINETY EAST AVE N.U E, AT G I B B S ' Robert Jones making his selection at Shulman's Exhibit of New Spring Woolens. 2 Please mention CHATTERBOX PROGRAM when dealing with advertisers ~ 1926 ~ PROGRAMME The Chatterbox Club Thanks You! This souvemr program is presented to you with the compliments of the Chatterbox Club. Thank you for your co-operation. It is only through your general help and interest that this show has been made possible. To our hard working cast, our generous advertisers and our genial audi­ ence, we tender our appreciation. We especially wish to mention and thank the following: The Rochester Democrat and Chronicle Bachrach Studio for their splendid Photo- The Rochest~r Herald graphs The Rochester Journal and Post Express Charles G. Belden, Garden Seats The Rochester Times-Union Laube Electric Co., Electric Fireplace Rochester Carting and Storage Warehouse J _ B. Keller & Sons, Boxwood Trees Co. Music Lovers' Shoppe, Piano The Sagamore Hotel John Randolph Fox, our efficient Stage Max Olney, who drilled us Manager The Hayden Co. for Furniture Miss Marian Bradley for Chatterbox hair­ Wm. Eastwood & Son for Firemen's boots dressing and Slickers Leon C. Forgie for his Art Work Mr. B. Forman for many _courtesies Please mention CHATTERBOX PROGRAM when dealing with advertisers 3 JOHN C. MOORE CORP. Manufacturers of LOOSE LEAF AND BOUND RECORD KEEPING DEVICES Established 1839 59-71 Stone Street The Home of countless Splendid pieces and new and .unusu·al novel­ gift-sets for Bridge ties and gift articles. Prizes, Wedding Gifts, etc. HOWE & ROGERS CO. CLINTON A VENUE SouTH 4 Please mention CHATTERBOX PROGRAM when dealing with advertisers Photo by Bachrach Mrs. Everett D. Davis admiring a shawl just cleaned by STAUB & SON, Inc. THE EDWARDS STORE OUR FEBRUARY SALE of Fine F"Qrniture and Rugs Brings Savings of lOo/o to 20o/o For months we have been making preparations for this important event. Standard makes of Furniture and Floor Cover­ ings from America's foremost manufacturers, pur­ chased in great quantities, for our three stores, are featured at outstandingly LOW PRICES. Our entire regular stock of Furniture is included ' at sharply lowered prices. Styles and Prices to Meet Every Home Requirement E. W. EDWARDS & SON 6 Please mention CHATTERBOX PROGRAM when dealing with advertisers Photo by Bachrach Mrs. Kenneth Townson and Mrs. George H. Hawks in one of the show rooms of THE HAYDEN COMPANY Established 1846 For the good-looking Durable INDIA TIRES RAITHEL AUTO SUPPLY COMPANY .India Tires famous for their beauty, 334 EAST AVENUE durability, reliability, mileage, com­ fort and freedom from trouble. H. R. DeMallie Maggs, Caterer Fruits, Vegetables and Groceries Stone 2580 Phone Park 345 Maggs Ice Cream 703 Park Ave. Stone 3886 8 Please mention CHATTERBOX PROGRA M when dealing with advertisers P ortrait by M o.~e r Miss Virginia Robinson and other Chatterbox M embers put their seal of approval on the Spring fashions from THE MALLY CO. ., ~ ~ ::... :;· "';3 '<"" Ol: "'~ ~ ~ <ro Q ;:. ".,_"' ~~ ""'· CTQ ~ i:: ""'("') ~ ~ ;:. ... s:: "' Q > ;3 ;3 G"'l..... ">l~ t'"' t'"' -en.,_N "';:! §'"' Q .... ~ ....~ ~~ ~-;:::;"' ::.t:: ~ '1l Q .,_"' """"" Announcing Our new home just off East Avenue on Win­ throp Street corner of Vine where we're show­ ing the latest designs in marble and tile work and fireplace fittings. JAS. C. BARRY COMPANY OLTJ igATI!J!f 'Wv¥~ [, (_' 10 Please mention CHATTERBOX PROGRAM when dealing with advertisers Ph ot o by Bachrach Mrs.]. F. Weller in the Better Buick, 54 Sport Roadster C. L. WHITING, Inc. ··20 Anniversary" Photo b_v Bachrach Mrs. Gordon C. Baird leaving jar town in the new Cunningham lnsidise Drive Limousine GEO. W. STAFFORD MOTOR CO., INC. LeROY AND HIRSCH Stationers - Engravers DESIGNERS AND ENGRAVERS OF MENUS, WEDDING INVITATIONS, ANNOUNCEMENTS, AT HOME CARDS Cl!T·OUT AND .ILLUMINATED MONOGRAM DIES, CHECKS HERALDIC DEVICES, ENGRAVED AND EMBLAZENEJD All Work Executed in Our Own Shop ENGROSSING OF RESOLUTIONS AND MEMORIALS 242 East A venue, RocHESTER 12 Please mention CHATTERBOX PROGRAM when dealing with advertisers Photo by Bachrach Mrs. Harold M. Jenkins is protected from the wintry blasts in a new Jordon Straight Eight Sedan GEO. W. STAFFORD MOTOR CAR CO., Inc. -breaking all . records • Thirty - forty - fifty! Out of sight in a jiffy! - SUN­ RAE Gas in the tank; SUN­ RAE Oil in the crankcase. Your motor has Pep, P,ower, Punch to break all its old records. Fill Up at One ofthe Ten Sun-Rae Service Stations F. e .. RAE OIL co. ~NC . ROCHESTER , N. Y . 14 Please mention CHATTERB OX P ROGRAM when dealing with advertisers ·Phot o by Bach rach Mrs. John ]. Mcinerney about to ride in a Model 33 Pierce Arrow Limousine/rem R. W. MARRAN COMPANY 187 East Avenue During 1925 Hudson-Essex new car sales in Rochester and Monroe County were greater than those of any other make of car - regard~ess of price or number of cylinders - except Ford. This includes all 1925 and 1926 models registered during the year. Hudson-Essex sales exceeded those of any other six-cylinder car by over 500. More than one out of every ten cars sold in Rochester and Monroe County during 1925, including Ford, was a Hudson or an Essex. Hudson-Essex are the World's Greatest Values - sales prove it. Portrait by Moser Commercial Department Miss Vernam FitzSimons inspects the beautiful display of Lamps, Electric Fire Grates, Fire-place Fittings, Iron Furniture, Radios and other Electrical Merchandise in Rochester's most unique store. BARBER-DONOVAN, INc., 55 East Ave. -"'... ~"' ...:::: ~ "~ ~ "C"' .?:; "''-'.... ~ «<: QJ.... ""' 0 '"S" E "'bll C'J3 "~ 14 "' 0 ..."' '::! "'"'E-< "~ -0 "' u"'"' "'~ ><;! t- ~ Q:) ~ - "' ~ ~ """ ~c "- WATTS DRY CLEANING HELEN HEINTZ McMANUS CO INC. * Specializing in Ladies' and Gentlemen's Fine Garments Acc;>mpanist for Chatterbox Revue -$- -$- 322 COTTAGE STREET RocHESTER, N. Y. ORCHESTRA TRIO Phone, Genesee 614 Auto Delivery Main 2023 J 18 Please mention CHATTERBOX PROGRAM when dealing with · advertisers Photo by Bachrach Miss Elizabeth Poole is a~t enthusiastic owner of a Chrysler 70 Roadster ALLIANCE MOTOR CORPORATION 160 East Avenue Always a Wise Investment Now Better than ever before DODGE BROTHERS MOTOR CARS E. J. HORTON, Inc. 1044 University Ave. CHASE 612 STORAGE AND DISTRIBUTION PROBLEMS are easily disposed of by The only Modern Merchandise Warehouse fully equipped a~d centrally located with a contents insurance rate of 12 cents per $100.00 B. R. & P. WAREHOUSE, INC. KING and MAPLE STREETS 20 Please mention CHATTERBOX PROGRAM when dealing with advertisers Ph oto by Bachrach Mrs. John W. Barrows wearing an Edward L. Mayer Gown displayed by MARTYN East A ven\le EAST AVENUE CHILDREN SHOP, INC. Compliments of 156 East Avenue Garages in Rear Exclusive Apparel for Children and of the Lyceum Juniors Theatre Rendering a particular Service to the particu1ar mother CORTLAND STREET· Parking Space always available QUALITY.MEATS Chapin Owen & Co., Inc. Quality, Prompt Service and Cleanliness is our motto. Call 370-386 EAST MAIN ST. and try to be convinced of the truth of our statement. We thank you for your pat­ ronage in the past and hope "Everything for Autoist that you wilL allow us to be of weater service in the future. and Sportsman" New York Chicago Mkt., Inc. RADIO 381 Main Street East Royden Phillips, Mgr. 22 Please mention CHATTERBOX PROGRAM when dealing with advertisers Ph oto by BachraCh Mrs Ernest F. Jenkins, Mrs. Douglas S. Reveley, Mrs. Theodore E. Pennock, Mrs. Leon C. Forgie in the dining room of the Chatterbox Club enjoying Veteran Brand Products from BREWSTER GORDON COMPANY ! j =:! c E ~ >< $ 0 ~ IX: ~ ~ .. ~ ~ ...... : ~ s ">:l -< ..:: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ..,\l ."':2 .;; ~ ~ s ~ Q <i: BUELL P. MILLS Insurance Absolute Protection of Jewels By Loss or Damage ++ ALL FORMS OF INSURANCE ++ 226-228-234-236 Granite Bldg. Teleph one Main 85 24 Pleas e mention CHATTERBOX PROGRA M when dealing with advertisers Photo by Bachrach Photo by Bachrach Mrs. G. Harold Wolcott making a choice from the exclusive selections of imported china and glassware at Mrs. Joseph F. Taylor shows an ardent appreciation of the comprehensi,;e collection of books in the TICE & GATES Sagamore Arcade CLARENCE W. SMITH BOOK STORE Sagamore Arcade E. J. SCHEER TILE and Jeweler MARBLE WORKS 259 MAIN STREET K Cor. Cortland Fireplace Fixtures Remodeling Diamond Jewelry a Specialty Jas. C. Barry Company 95 North St. Rochester, ·N. Y. Established 38 Years ARTHUR PARSONS "Say it with Flowers" Through SALTER BROTHERS GROCERIES, MEATS AND VEGETABLES Florists 38 WEST MAIN STREET And 322 EAST MAIN STREET For Prompt Service Please Phone Y onr Order Before 10 A. M. Delivered by Telegram Anywhere CHASE 632-633 Promptly 26 Please mention CHATTERBOX PROGRAM when dealing with advertisers Photo by Bachrach Miss Gwendolyn Brewster uses exclusively Kelly Cords from NEW YORK AUTO TIRE & SUPPLY CO. 499 Court St., Cor. Savannah ABSOLUTELY FlaEPROOF HOTEL FORD Deleware Avenue at Chippewa Street BUFFALO, NEW YORK 750 convenient, comfortable rooms for men and women at the following moderate prices 132 rooms, single $1.50, double $2.50 352 rooms with bath, single $2.00 266 rooms with bath, single $2.50, double, $3.00 and $3.50 Elmwood Avenue Car to Door 28 Please mention CHATTERBOX PROGRAM when dealing with advertisers Heath's Park Avenue Spencer W. Greene & Son DIAMONDS Pharmacy and Precious Stones 652 PARK A VENUE Fine Platinum Work a Specialty Everything a Good Drug Store 725 Powers Building Carries Rochester, N.
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