Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88152-4 - The Penitential State: Authority and Atonement in the Age of Louis the Pious, 814–840 Mayke de Jong Index More information Index of biblical references Gen. 14.18–19 83 Ez. 3.18–19 114 Lev. 13.7 178 Ez. 7.14 238 Lev. 14.2 178 Ez. 7.19 121 Lev. 16.22 150 Ez. 8.18 236 Deut. 15.7 117 Ez. 13.8–10 182 Deut. 21.20–1 251 Ez. 14.3–4 121 II Reg. 12.11–12 119 Ez. 14.3–4.7 238 II Reg. 12.13 119 Ez. 14.7 121 II Reg. 12.24 119 Ez. 18.23 178 II Reg. 22.16 119 Ez. 33.20 102 III Reg. 21.26 229 Os. 10.10 119 III Reg. 21.29 178 Os. 14.10 102 III Reg. 22–3 131 Ioel 2.2 196 IV Reg. 9.7–10 229 Ion. 3.5–6 178 IV Reg. 11.13–16 230 Nah. 1.9 242 II Par. 33.12–13 178 Agg. 2.12 179 Iob 12.18 230 Mal. 2.7 179 Iob 12.24 230 II Mach. 8.19 118 Iob 36.13 245, 274 II Mach. 14.14 154 Ps. 38.12 119, 270 II Mach. 14.40 154 Ps. 39.3 279 II Mach. 15.9 118 Ps. 50.5 279 Matth. 11.7 223 Ps. 117.16 228 Matth. 16.19 178 Ps. 118.61 230 Matth. 17.17 119 Ps. 129.1 178 Matth. 18.18 236, 271 Ps. 129.7 278 Matth. 22.2 118 Prov. 11.29 230 Matth. 25.26 144 Prov. 28.9 117 Marc. 6.39 192 Eccle. 7.3 118 Luc. 10.6 228 Sap. 5.21 172, 174 Luc. 15.5 279 Sap. 8.3 118, 192 Ioh. 10.11, 14 279 Sap. 12.2 118 Ioh. 22.51 222 Eccli. 21.23 74 Act. 13.10 102 Is. 8.14 237 I Cor. 10.12 178 Is. 28.19 165, 172, 174 II Cor. 12.13 86 Is. 46.8 278 II Tim. 1.6 118 Is. 66.15 119 II Tim. 2.4 167 Ier. 9.23 87 II Tim. 3.13 278 Ier. 20.2 110 I Petr. 2.8 237 Ez. 3.17 114 I Petr. 2.18 78, 237 Ez. 3.18 79, 114, 121, 215, 223, 279 III Esdr. 2.22 118 305 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88152-4 - The Penitential State: Authority and Atonement in the Age of Louis the Pious, 814–840 Mayke de Jong Index More information General index Aachen, palace of 28, 30, 34, 40–4, 47, 49–50, Admonitio ad omnis regni ordines (825) 37, 53, 57, 60, 69–70, 72, 88, 91, 95, 138, 149 132–3, 152, 155, 182, 249 assemblies at Admonitio generalis (789) 17, 117, 131–3 (802) 23 adultery 42, 115–16, 162, 195–204, 230, 239 (813) 18–19 adventus 15, 44, 211, 216–20 (816) 22–3, 131 and textual strategies of defamation 47, (817) 22–3, 26 62, 216–20 (828–9) 107, 157–76 Aethelbald, king of Mercia 115–16 (831) 45 Agobard, archbishop of Lyons 51–3, 61, 115, (836) 53, 183 131, 142–7, 149, 218, 248, 262, 277–9 chapel dedicated to St Mary 19, 73, 75, 161 Apologia I 195–6, 203–4 coronation of Louis at 18–19 Apologia II 212, 229–31 earthquakes in 84, 156–7 at assembly of Attigny (822) 124–6, 142–3, takeover by Louis in 814 19–24, 190– 3 153–4, 159, 167, 170, 186–7, 220–1 solarium at 185 at assembly of Compiègne (833) 229–48 abbesses 37, 61, 139, 155, 185 on Jews 144–5, 192 abbots 37, 61, 155, 185 on Judith 146–7, 188, 194–5 free election of 166 on Matfrid 144–5, 151 lay 22, 96, 102, 107, 168, 264 Airlie, Stuart 12, 96, 101 Abel 20 Aizo, rebel in Septimania 39, 148–50 Abu Marwan 39, 150 Alberic, blind visionary 161–2 Achab 178, 229 Alcuin 5, 20, 174, 192 Adalhard, abbot of Corbie and Corvey 20–1, Alemannia 30, 41, 46, 52, 215 23, 35–6, 61, 103–4, 106, 108, 122–6, Alexander the Great 94 129, 142–3, 153–4, 216 Alpais, daughter of Louis 15, 22 authority of 117, 125–7 Alsace 1, 41, 47, 51, 224 exile of 20–1, 123 Althoff, Gerd 245 See also De ordine palatii Ambrose of Milan 109, 196 Adalhard ‘the seneschal’ 97, 100–1 De excessu fratris 105–6 Adelaid, sister of Louis the Pious 14 and Theodosius I 6, 36, 117–18, 121–5, Adhemar, monk 29, 82 129–31, 297 admonitio 5, 112–42 Amorites 229 and accusation 114, 142–8 Angers 30, 91 and frank speech 117–18 Angilbert of St-Riquier 96 and mirrors of princes 117 Anjou 52 by rulers 5, 17, 27, 85, 124–5, 131–5 Annales Bertiniani 65–6, 82, 250 of rulers 71, 79, 115–17, 126–7 authorship of 65, 265 and use of biblical texts 117–21 See also Hincmar; Prudentius in visionary literature 135–41 Annales Fuldenses 54 vocabulary of 118–20 Annales regni Francorum 18, 28, 33, 35, 60, See also Louis the Pious, criticism of; 82, 122–3, 128, 148, 152, 156–7, correptio; increpatio 163, 206–7, 218 306 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88152-4 - The Penitential State: Authority and Atonement in the Age of Louis the Pious, 814–840 Mayke de Jong Index More information General index 307 authority of 66 Augustus, emperor 109, 185 composition of 63–7 authority 69, 82, 92, 103, 105, 124–5, 148, Revised Version of 64 151, 157–8, 169, 182–3, 187, 190, Ansegis, abbot of St-Wandrille 37 193, 202, 204, 206, 216–17, 219, Collectio capitularum of 37, 53, 132–3, 154 221–4, 263 Aquitaine, Kingdom of 21–2, 34 biblical 117–19 Louis’ rule of 15–19 divine 7, 37, 63, 135–6, 161–2, 166, 246–7 monasticism in 18–19, 23 of early Christianity 175, 219, 234, 244 Ardennes, hunting in 22, 42, 214, 250 episcopal 177, 183, 220, 233, 236–7, 263, Ardo (Smaragdus), see Benedict of Aniane, 272–3, 276 Life of imperial 2–3, 27, 31, 45, 53, 79, 90, 124, aristocracy 17, 30, 46, 73, 155, 235, 264 176, 102–11, 225, 231, 244, 261 ethos of 11–12, 78–9, 96–8, 204–5 royal 16, 24, 31, 37, 55–6, 120, 131–15, 137, and Louis the Pious 39–40, 44, 56–7, 168, 175, 190, 194–5, 247–9, 268–9 199, 238–9 Avars 16, 154 See also fideles; magnates; nobiles; primores; populus; proceres Badurad, bishop of Paderborn 251 Arsenius, see Wala Baldric, dux of Friuli 39–40, 150, 153 Assemblies 22, 34, 125, 131, 186–7 Barcelona 159 and ecclesiastical councils 34 battle of (827) 148–9, 152 function of 35, 60, 214 siege of (801/2) 16, 90 locations of 34 Bartholomew, bishop of Narbonne 234 See conventus procerum; conventus publicus; Bathsebee 119 also Aachen; Attigny; Compiègne; Bavaria, kingdom of 2, 22, 30, 33, 43, 46, Doué; Frankfurt; Ingelheim; 55, 87, 210–11 Limoges; Nijmegen; Quierzy; Bego, count of Paris 22, 203 Thionville; Vannes; Worms Benedict of Aniane, 18, 22–3, 35–6, 67, 139 Astronomer, the 79–82 Benedict of Nursia, see Rule of Benedict Vita Hludowici imperatoris 11, 15–16, 19–20, Bernard of Italy 18, 22, 235–6, 203, 239, 262 28–31, 43–7, 50, 54, 57–8, 79–89, death of 29, 127–28, 265 134–5, 152–3, 214–5, 252 revolt of 28–9, 206 on birth of Charles the Bald 94–5 Bernard of Septimania (or Barcelona) 44, on Christian kingship 83–4, 122, 46, 100, 104, 110, 148–9 128–9, 268 accusations against 42–3, 146–7, 195–202 on rebellion of 830 41–3, 206–11 made chamberlain 41–2, 99, 146 on rebellion of 833 45–50, 215–19, military hero 149, 159 224–7, 241–2, 250, 260–3 as Naso 109 sources of 64–5, 67, 82–3 Bernarius, monk, brother of Wala 21 structure of 82–3, 87 Berschin, Walter 88 on takeover of Aachen by Louis Bertha, sister of Louis the Pious 14, 96, 192 20–1, 190–3 bishops 249 astronomy 62 auxiliary 73, 76 atonement 2, 6, 233–5 corporate ethos of 179–81 by almsgiving and fasting 155 and Louis’s penance in 833 12, 50–3, 76, collective 7, 40, 126, 154–7, 176 234–41, 245–9 liturgy of 154 ministry of 40, 115–16, 121–6, 237–8, royal 83, 119, 122–4, 126–7, 129, 203–4, 254, 257 210, 231, 242, 259 See also Agobard; Alderic; Badurad; and social order 154–5 Bartholomew; Burchard; Ebo; Elias; See also divine retribution Freculf; Ghaerbald; Haito; Attigny, assembly of (822) 32, 34–5, Herebold; Hetti; Hincmar; Jesse; 142–3, 167 Jonas; Leidrad; libertas episcopalis; imperial penance at 6, 35–6, 108, 122–32, Noto; Otgar; Paulinus; sacerdotes 156, 209, 231, 259, 263 sacerdotium; Theodulf; Thomas Augustine, City of God 88, 222 blinding 29, 123, 201, 265 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88152-4 - The Penitential State: Authority and Atonement in the Age of Louis the Pious, 814–840 Mayke de Jong Index More information 308 General index Blois 246, 250–1 as king of Aquitaine 55, 265 boni homines 4 marriage to Ermentrude (842) 101–2 Boniface of Mainz 115–16 and succession arrangements 41, 45–6, Booker, Courtney M.
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