^ò~êqò Lae WûKùe ù^ùf www.nijuktikhabar.net iìP^û 1 ahðKê U.260.00 GZßûeû WûKù~ûùM ^ò~êqò Lae 6 cûiKê U.130.00 cMûC[ôôaû icÉ MâûjKcû^uê RYûA 3 cûiKê U.65.00 \ò@û~ûC@Qò ù~ ùicûù^ Lae Uuû c^ò@Wÿðe/ aýûu Wâû`Ö @ûKûeùe KûMR iµKðùe ù~ùKøYiò _VûA _ûeòùa ö Manager, Nijukti Khabar, ù~ûMûù~ûM ùaùk MâûjK ^´e TS-3/193, Mancheswar I.E., CùfäL Keòaû Reêeú @ùUö Bhubaneswar - 10 - _âiûe _eòPûkK RNI No. 52621/93 NIJUKTI KHABAR Postal Regd.No-BN/43/09-11 Employment & Education based leading weekly Annual Issue 17g ahð iõLýû- 8 bêaù^gße 01-07 @MÁ 2009 cìfý-5.00 Tel: 2587532,2582533 Fax : 2582535 VOLL-XVII ISSUE - 8 BHUBANESWAR 01-07Aug 2009 Re. 5.00 e-mail:[email protected] MEMBER Gdûeù_ûUð @[eòUò @`þ Aò@û bûeZ ùjbò AùfKþUâòKûfþi fòü. aòmû_^ iõLýû 2/2009 \eLûÉ MâjYe ùgh ZûeòL : 24.08.2009 ùcûU _\aú iõLýû : 180 ùcûU _\aú iõLýû : 439 bûeZ ùjbò AùfKþUâòKûfþi fòcòùUW, AùfKþùUâû^òKè WòbòR^, aûwûùfûe AWòG^þ Gaõ @ûAGiþRò Gdûeù_ûUð @[eòUò @`þ Aò@û ^òcÜfòLòZ _\MêWÿòK ^òcù« AzêK Gaõ ù~ûMý _âû[ðúu Vûeê \eLûÉ @ûjßû^ KeêQ«ò ö gì^ý_\ _ûAñ ^òcÜfòLòZ ùUâWùe \eLûÉ @ûjßû^ KeêQ«ò ö Kâ.iõ. _\aú ^ûc gì^ý_\ \ecûjûe _\aú gûLû gì^ý_\ 1 ùW_êUò Kµû^ú ùiùKâUûeú 01 U.36600-62000/- @ûUòðiû^ AùfKþùUâû^òKè ùcKû^òKþ 65 2. cýûù^Re (@`òi fûwêGRþ) 02 U.24900-50500/- AWòG^þ _ûAñ AùfKþUâòiò@û^ 68 3. Rê^ò@e GKþRòKêýUòbþ(GUòiò) 100 U.16400-40500/- `òUe 26 4. Rê^ò@e GKþRòKêýUòbþ(AùfKþùUâû^òKè) 100 U.16400-40500 Wâû`Öicýû^ Wâû`Öicýû^ (ùcKû^òKûf)AWòG^þ _ûAñ 11 5. Rê^ò@e GKþRòKêýUòbþ A¬ò^òde(iòbòfþ) 100 U.16400-40500 AWòG^þ Gaõ @ûAGiþRò _ûAñ Wâû`Öicýû^ (ùcKû^òKûf) @ûAGiþRò _ûAñ 10 6. Rê^ò@e GKþRòKêýUòbþ A¬ò^òde(AùfKþUâòKûf) 100 U.16400-40500 7. Rê^ò@e GKþRòKêýUòbþ (`ûdûe ibòðiþ) 18 U.16400-40500 iõ_ìð aòaeYú bòZe _éÂûùe 8. Rê^ò@e GKþRòKêýUòbþ (@`òiò@ûf fûwêGR) 10 U.16400-40500 9. Rê^ò@e @ûiòÁû (KûùUðû) 05 U.5500-10060/- JINDAL STEEL & POWER LIMITED 10. Rê^ò@e @ûiòÁû (iùbð) 03 U.5500-10060/- Zû 01.07.2009 iê¡û adiiúcû JINDAL POWER LIMITED ùW_êUò Kµû^ú ùiùKâUûeú 45 ahðeê Kcþ AN OPPORTUNITY cýûù^Re (IGfþ) 32ahðeê Kcþ For high association, responsibility and commitment TO BUILD new INDIA Rê^ò@e GKþRòKêýUòbþ (GUòiò/AùfþùUâû^òKè /`ûdûe ibòði /IGfþ / iòbòfþ / AùfKþUâòKûf 27 ahðeê Kcþ Jindal Steel & Power Limited (JSPL), a part of the USD 12 billion O.P. Jindal Group, is operating a 3 MTPA integrated steel plant and 340 MW captive power plant at Raigarh (Chhattisgarh). The Company has also completed a 1000MW Rê^ò@e @ûiòÁû (iùbð) / Rê^ò@e @ûiòÁû (KûùUðû) 30ahðeê Kc thermal power plant at Raigarh through its subsidiary Jindal Power Limited (JPL) which has obtained the Mega Power Project status from Government of India. JPL is implementing several other projects including 4x 600 MW \eLûÉ MâjYe ùgh ZûeòL 24 @MÁ 2009 at Tamnar, 6x135 at Angul and 4x135 at Dongamahua, Chhatisgarh, JSPL has captive iron ore mines at Tensa iõ_ìð aòaeYú bòZe _éÂûùe (Orissa) and coal mines at Raigarh. The company has embarked upon a massive expansion plan of the existing plants and undertaken new projects in power, steel, mining, oil and gas, and infrasructure sectors including 2 large green field integrated steel projetcs, each of 6 MTPA at Angul (Orissa) and Patratu (Jharkhand). In Bolivia (South America), JSPL is investing USD 2.1 billion in development of Iron ore Mines and an intregrated steel plant. The Raþ jûAfûAUþi company also has business interests in other countries like Mozambique, Madagascar, mongolia, Indonesia, South Mâûcûk I ijeûk ^ò~êqò Africa and Georgia. Mâûcûk I ijeûk ^òcÜ _\aú _ìeY _ûAñ eûRýe _âùZýK Ròfäûeê 18eê 45 l ùiâdûi MâûcúY aýûu We are the proud recipient of many prestigious awards in HR Practices, Environment Management, CSR, ahð adi _âû[ôð/_âû[ðô^úcû^uVûeê \eLûÉ ij U 5uûe \êAUò WûK f`û_û Gaõ l Safety & Quality Standards ^òRe (Bio-Data) ij ^òcÜ VòKYûùe Zû 21.08.2009eòL c¤ùe WûK Áòfþ @[eòUò @`þ Aò@û We invite applications from young, dynamic, talented and result oriented engineers for the position of ù~ûùM @ûjßû^ Keû~ûCQò ö _\aú:1. Rê^òde KæKð- gì^ý_\- 18- \ecû- fòcòùUWÿ Graduate Engineer Trainees (GETs)- 507 nos. 2500/-eê 4200/- 2. ibðòiþ @ûWbûARe- gì^ý_\- 35- \ecû-3500/ l Mâû @`þ iUð ibòðiþ in Mechanical/Electrical/Instrumentation & Control/Mettallurgical/Civil Engineering for plants/ projects -eê 5800/- 3. I.T.I. Electrician - gì^ý_\-18- \ecû- 3000/-eê Kcòg^ A^þ @ûcðò ùWûfþ of JSPL/JPL and other business- National and International. 4500/- 4. Kµû^ú IßûKðe- gì^ý_\- 26- \ecû- 2800/-eê 4000/- ELIGIBILITY : 5. ùciò^ IßûKðe- gì^ý_\-32- \ecû- 3000/-eê 5000/- 6. _ò@^- K_ðiþ gì^ý_\- 11 RY- \ecû- 1800/-eê 3500/- 7. @`òi ad- gì^ý_\- Qualification: Bachelors/Masters Degree in Engineering/ Technology in any of the above-mentioned disciplines l `êWÿþ Kù_ðûùei^þ @`þ from a recognized University/Institute with minimum 55% marks throughout the academic carer (10th, 12th/ 28- \ecû- 2200/-eê 4000/- 8. @`òiþ GKþRòKêýUòbþ- gì^ý_\-22- Diploma, Degree). Candidates graduating in 2010 (currently in VII Semester) can also apply. \ecû- 3200/-eê 4000/- 9. iòKêýeòUò MûWð- gì^ý_\- 40- \ecû- Aò@û Age Limit: Candidates born on or after: 1800/-eê 4500/- ùcûU gì^ý_\ iõLýû- 230 ö ejòaûe iêaò]û @Qò ö l Aò@û^ A^þÁòPêýU @`þ For B.Tech/B.E. Jan 01, 1985 Address: Mahavir Placement, Khan Nagar Newkali Temple, For M.Tech/M.E. Jan 01, 1983 P.O: Arunodaya Market, CTC-12 ùUùKÜûùfûRò, bêaù^gße Candidates having NPTI degree will be given due weightage for Power Projects. l `ûùKûe, ù`ùeû SELECTION : @ûfGRþ Kù_ðûùei^þ The selection of the candidates will be through written test ( domain test/aptitude test), group discussion (GD) and œÿç¾ëNÿç Óë{¾æS personal interview (Pl). Written test will be conducted offline at the following sixteen test centres: Delhi, Mumbai, TELCO, Maruti, NTPC, IFFCO, NINL, NALCO, GAIL, ONGC, GAMMON, etc. fòcòùUWþ Chennai, Kolkata, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Pune, Chandigarh, Bhubaneswar, Raipur, Ranchi, Nagpur, Lucknow, l \ò ùKûfûc WòÁâòKÖ ùKû- Bhopal, Jaipur & Varanasi. @_ùeUòbþ aýûuiþ fòü The management reserves the right to change the test centre, depending on the number of candidates. ÉçW÷ `ÿæLÿçÀÿç ’ÿÀÿLÿæÀÿ ? l jûAùKûUð @`þ \òfäú HOW TO APPLY: HxÿçÉæ F¯ÿó HxÿçÉæ ¯ÿæÜÿæ{Àÿ Qæàÿç Eligible and interested candidaes would be required to apply online. No other mode of application shall be accepted. $#¯ÿæ ¨’ÿ¯ÿê SëxÿçLÿ ¨æBô 39 f~ l Uò ùaûWÿð @`þ Aò@û Before registering the application on the website, applicants should have their own: Fireman Aæ¯ÿÉ¿Lÿ > {ÓþæœÿZë (I) Valid E-mail ID and l Aò@û^þ A^þÁòPêýU @`þ (II) A demand draft of Rs. 500/- as non-refundable application processing fee in favour of Jindal Steel & Power Fire and Safety {Àÿ †ÿæàÿçþ ùUùKÜûùfûRò, _ûU^û Ltd., payable at New Delhi. ’ÿçAæ¾æB ¯ÿçµÿçŸ Industry Please log onto JSPL website www.jindalsteelpower.com for online submission of application. After þæœÿZÿ{Àÿ Lÿæ¾ö¿ ’ÿä†ÿæ l @û~ðýb A^þÁòPêýUþ @`þ registration, a confirmation sheet will be generated with all the details. Candidates need to take a print out of it and Aœëÿ¾æßê œÿç¾ëNÿç ’ÿçAæ¾ç¯ÿ æ A¬ò^òdeòõ @û send it, along with the demand draft superscribing the Candidate ID on the top of the envelope, at the following address: {¾æS¿†ÿæ : þæs÷çLúÿ ¨æÓú H †ÿ’ëÿ•ö, ¯ÿßÓ : 18 Àëÿ 32 ¯ÿÌö, cýûù^Rùc GET Cell, Corporate HR, Jindal Steel & Power Limited, Jindal Centre, 12 Bhikaiji Cama Place, New l Ròfäû ÊûiÚý icòZò, M¬ûc Delhi 110066. Daÿ†ÿæ : 5 üëÿs 6Bo Lÿçºæ A™#Lÿ > ¨÷æ$öêþæ{œÿ þ¿æs÷çLëÿ{àÿÓœúÿ Óæs}üÿç{Lÿsú Candidates selected in the written test will be called for GD & Pl. œÿLÿàÿ F¯ÿó ’ëÿBsç ¨æÉú{¨æsö üÿ{sæ ÓÜÿ œÿçþ§àÿçQ#†ÿ vÿçLÿ~æ{Àÿ {¾æS{¾æS LÿÀÿ;ëÿ > l G^þùMRþùc @`þ ùMÁ * Hostel Free ** Training charges payable Govt. Registered Vide No. 680/2003 Estd. -1999 IMPORTANT DATES TO REMEMBER ùfKþPeiþ A^þ aò.ùK. 1. Starting date for applying online : July 29, 2009 INDIAN SCHOOL OF FIRE & SAFETY ENGINEERING 2. Closing date for applying online : September 7, 2009 A/49, Sahid Nagar, Near Satsang Bus Stop, # NH-5 @ûUð @û Kâû`Öiþ 3. Last date of receiving of demand draft : September 10, 2009 BHUBANESWAR—751 007, Tel : 0674–2546392, l @ûjäûaû\ aýûu Mobile: 9937040664, [email protected] 4. Date of offline test. : October 4, 2009 www.isfsefiresafety.com Gaõ @ûjêeò @ù^K... For more information log on to www.jindalsteelpower.com ^ò~êqò Lae Gùa Aeù^Uþùe www.nijuktikhabar.net nnnn n n n n CMYK bêaù^gße, 01-07 @MÁ 2009 NIJUKTI KHABAR Bhubaneswar 01- 07 Aug. 2009 2 MG INFOCOM KOTAK MAHINDRA OLD MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE LTD. CLASSIFIED RECRUITMENT EXECUTIVE(MIN 6 MONTHS RELEVANT EXPERIENCE) SALES MANAGER Job Desc: Sourcing/Screening the candidates as per feasibility. Job Desc: Building up a team of Advisors, through your personal MISSION VIVACARE LTD. Understanding the Job descriptions. Understanding of IT contacts, database hunting, reference gathering using ingenuity, EXECUTIVE - LOAN LICENSE MANUFACTURING technologies. Telephonic screening of CVs. Interaction with the aily monitoring following process for driving sales through your Job Desc: Handling the products at various sites. Monitoring candidates, Scheduling them for an Interview. Female Candidate advisors.ailyreporting of Achievements.Doing Performance the quality of products at the sites.
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