CENTRAL COAST 43 44 45 18 To Salem 46 idal estuaries, long sandy beaches, and active sand dunes accented by a few 48 47 49 rocky outcroppings and coastal islands comprise the heart of the Coast. In- Lincoln City T 101 land the Siuslaw National Forest’s 630,000 acres, in the Coast Range, have four 52 major rivers flowing through on their way to the Pacific Ocean. Explore Lincoln 50 51 City’s seven miles of beach and two large estuaries, scope the roiling waters of Siletz Bay 53 55 Boiler Bay for pelagic birds, or ascend Cape Foulweather for expansive ocean 54 views. At Newport’s Yaquina Head Outstanding Natural Area, feel the frenzy of 56 one of the largest Common Murre nesting colonies on the coast. Drive the scenic 57 r 58 Yaquina Bay Road in winter to see all six species of grebes occurring in Oregon in Siletz Rive one location. Continue south to Seal Rock for Pigeon Guillemot and Harlequin 59 Depoe Bay Cape Foulweather Duck floating on the waves and Western Gull lining the coastal islands, and to 60 229 the south jetty of the Siuslaw River in Florence to glimpse flocks of Semipalmat- 61 ed Plover and Least and Western Sandpiper on migration. 62 Yaquina Head Lighthouse 63 Newport 20 43. Knight Park 44. Salmon River Estuary Yaquina Bay Lighthouse From Hwy 101 in Lincoln City, drive From Hwy 101 in Lincoln City, drive 68-74 64 To ledo 66 N, cross the Salmon River Bridge and N 0.4 mi past the Hwy 18 overpass, 65 67 turn W (L) on Three Rocks Rd, drive cross the Salmon River Bridge, and r Yaq ve To Corvallis 2.4 mi, turn L into Knight Park. use pullouts to view marsh. uina Ri Knight Park provides a trailhead to Popular with anglers, this expansive 75 76 C explore the Cascade Head Preserve. site attracts many water birds and is Beaver reek Rd 77 Mid-tide is the best time to visit for worth a quick stop. Raptors include 78 water birds in this 2-acre park. Fall Bald Eagle, Northern Harrier, and Seal Rock 79 to spring birds are cormorants, Great White-tailed Kite. Winter and spring Alsea Blue Heron, American Wigeon, Buf- bring Common Merganser, Buffle- Bay Waldport flehead, Common Goldeneye, Red- head, and Belted Kingfisher. Other 80-84 34 breasted Merganser, Sanderling, marsh birds are Marsh Wren, Com- To Corvallis Wilson’s Snipe, Belted Kingfisher, mon Yellowthroat, Song Sparrow, 101 Alsea and Western, Glaucous-winged, American Bittern, and Red-winged Rive Ring-billed, and California Gull. Tur- Blackbird. r key Vulture and Caspian Tern occur 85-87 EFGKH Yachats in summer. Cape Perpetua e Sponsor: Oregon Coast Visitors 88 CEFGH Association Sponsor: Lincoln County 45. Road’s End State Recreation Site Big Cr Rd From Hwy 101 in Lincoln City, turn N eek on Logan Rd, and drive 1 mi to park- Heceta Head Lighthouse 89 Rd 92 ing lot. k F N Oregon Coast Rang A surprisingly quiet retreat from 90 er pp busy Lincoln City, this wayside of- U 36 fers tidepools, a pebble beach, off- d rk R Fo h Mapleton shore islands, and a hidden cove. At rt low tide, walk the short path to the No G 126 R 91 E beach to see Western, Heermann’s, To Eugene B 126 Siuslaw River N Bonaparte’s, Mew, California, and Florence CRO Herring Gull. During migration Whim- D R 94 Woahink Lake A brel, Sanderling, Western and Least H 95 Sweet Rd Creek Sweet Sandpiper, and Semipalmated Plover 93 can be seen feeding. 97 96 98 ACEFG Siltcoos Lake PHOTO BY: RIC PHOTO BY: Caspian Tern Sponsor: Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians 101 14 Tahkenitch Lake Winchester Bay Reedsport To Eugene/ Umpqua 38 Roseburg Lighthouse Clear Lake Umpqua River To Coos Bay Elkton life from a hiking trail or better yet 49. East Devil’s Lake State Red-breasted Merganser, and at low from a canoe or kayak. As you glide Park/Rock Creek Marsh tide, Black Turnstone and Sanderling. by, watch for American Coot, Com- From Hwy 101 in Lincoln City, turn Rare winter visitors include Clark’s mon Loon, Bufflehead, Canvasback, Grebe, Barrow’s Goldeneye, and NE 14th St 46 E onto East Devil’s Lake Rd (Tanger Green-winged Teal, Pelagic Cormo- Outlets), drive 0.6 mi to pullout next Long-billed Curlew. Harbor seal ac- rant, Western Grebe and Bald Eagle. to marsh, scan for birds, then con- tively feed in the bay and haulout at Devils Lake The trees attract migrating Cedar tinue 1.5 mi and enter Park. the tip of Salishan spit. Devils Lake Waxwing and Swainson’s Thrush of- Rock Creek Marsh is a mix of dense 47 State Park CEFGH 48 ten in large flocks. willow and reed. Year-round look for 49 Sponsor: Inn at Spanish Head Devils Lake ABCEFG Virginia Rail, Sora, Killdeer, Wilson’s State Park Sponsor: Chinook Winds Casino Snipe, Marsh Wren, and Song Spar- 51. Josephine Young Park ke Rd Resort row, or listen for Barn Owl at dusk. From Hwy 101 in Lincoln City, drive S ls La evi E D In winter, hike through mixed conifer- to SW 62nd St, turn W (R). Drive 0.4 LINCOLN CITY 48. D River State ous forest beside a freshwater lake mi, turn W (R) on SW 65th St, drive Recreation Site and look for Pied-billed Grebe, Ring- 0.1 mi to end, and park in lot. 46. Spring Lake Open Space From Hwy 101 in Lincoln City, turn necked Duck, Gadwall, Ruddy Duck Walk to the sandy beach and then From Hwy 101 in Lincoln City, turn E E on SE 1st St just S of the D River and Green-winged Teal. In summer left around the point to the mouth of on NE 14th St, then after blinking light, bridge, and park. Bald Eagle, Osprey, Cooper’s and Drift Creek for Great Blue Heron all turn N on NE Port Ave to parking lot. Devil’s Lake is 680 acres and con- Sharp-shinned Hawk, Wood Duck, year and Great Egret in fall. From Several trails meander through this nects to the Pacific via the D River, Green Heron, and Vaux’s Swift are fall to spring scan south Siletz Bay at 25-acre young forest with small lake “the World’s Shortest.” Most noted regular. Occasional in migration are mid-tide to see Common and Pacific and creek. Deer are regular visitors for large concentrations of gulls at Pectoral Sandpiper, Greater Yellow- Loon, Western Grebe, Gadwall, Can- along with Northern Flicker, Bewick’s the mouth of the river, get ready for a legs, and Red Phalarope. vasback, Greater and Lesser Scaup, and Winter Wren, Black-headed challenge to identify Western, Glau- ACEFG Grosbeak, Purple Finch, Fox Spar- cous-winged, Thayer’s, California, LINCOLN Sponsor: Oregon Coast Visitors CITY row, Western Tanager, Swainson’s Ring-billed, and Bonaparte’s Gull plus Association Thrush, Wilson’s, Orange-crowned, a variety of hybrids. To access this and Yellow-rumped Warbler. Wood site you will have to cross Hwy 101. 50. Taft Waterfront Park Duck nest boxes circle the lake and The open space around the D River From Hwy 101 in Lincoln City, drive S are used annually. is protected; though no trails exist, and turn W (R) at light onto SW 51st you can meander through forested ACEFG St, drive 0.3 mi to end, and park. SW 52nd St wetlands, open marsh and scrub/ A small urban park providing views of 50 Sponsor: Audubon Society of shrub to view Spotted Sandpiper, Lincoln City Siletz Bay, Salishan Spit, and a san- Cedar Waxwing, Vaux’s Swift, White- dy beach. In summer when schools 47. Devil’s Lake State Park crowned Sparrow, Orange-crowned of baitfish enter the bay, thousands From Hwy 101 in Lincoln City, turn E Warbler, Belted Kingfisher, Common of Heermann’s and California Gull th Yellowthroat, and Purple Finch. on NE 6 St, drive to gravel parking join Caspian Tern and Western and Siletz Bay Ring-billed Gull. In winter, Herring, lot and wetland trailhead. ECFG Salishan Spit Thayer’s, Glaucous-winged, and Just minutes from downtown this Sponsor: Confederated Tribes of 62nd St Mew Gulls are regulars as are loons, 51 park allows visitors to watch wild- Siletz Indians 65th St grebes, scoters, Common Goldeneye, BIRDING TIP Sea watches on the OM S.C Pacific Coast are best AN M PHOTO E R conducted in the FF R E O U LL T NA NE H morning with the sun Y IS MI TH I O SM at your back. BY: KEVIN BY: PHOTO BY: L PHOTO BY: WA PHOTO BY: Tufted Puffins Parasitic Jaeger Snowy Plover 1515 Common Goldeneye, Surf Scoter, tumbling down a sheer cliff. Be on Red-breasted Merganser, Black-bel- the lookout for Olive-sided Flycatch- lied Plover, Dunlin, Western and Least er, Hairy Woodpecker, Winter Wren, Sandpiper. Spring and fall migration Wilson’s and Orange-crowned War- bring Semipalmated Plover, Whim- bler, Varied and Swainson’s Thrush, brel, yellowlegs, Black Turnstone, and Steller’s Jay. dowitchers and occasionally Marbled ACD Sponsor: National Forest Y U G Foundation AN ROY M FF 53. Kernville/Siletz River O From Hwy 101 in Lincoln City, drive NE H Y S, turn E (L) on Hwy 229 (just before PHOTO BY: T PHOTO BY: Siletz River Bridge), and drive 0.6 mi Marbled Murrelet to park at pullout on S side of hwy next to river. Rd.
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