* -TODAY: DTA ANNOUNCES ~ CANDIDATE LIST * UDF UNVEILS MANIFESTO * NUNW ON 'ATTACK * ~,J .' Bringing Africa South VofNo 529 N$1.50 (GST Inc.) Tuesday November i 1 Girl ::;;: Sho~ts ': ~arents Drunken youths go on rampage at Otjinene }Over ,kltt$n's death • FRANNA'KAVARI had started to become to the scene to disperse the youths, who was " §~IN'f ~LO~FrilDce; A 14.. year-old schoolgirl violent. They had as- the crowd had had to hit in the left thigh. was yesterday charged with murdering her TIDRTEEN drunken early hours of Saturday, saulted people, includ- fight off the violent loot- The youth was ' par~n~ ' ~Jth a~untjng riDe after they killed youths were arrested at Nampol spokesperson ing the security guard, ers who had tried to grab treated for the injury her kitten, judida~sources and reports said. Otjinene in the Edwin Kanguatjivi said and had thrown bottles his gun. and is recovering in . :;:. :lr~egirl,l,lalll~~ 01'1~y as I{arine, was held ;:'(61Io"ing the ~~sC()yery onSatuiday of the Gobabis area over the yesterday. of beer at the club. While trying to dis- jail. .. bOdi~ :: ~f : beriuir.ents Jean~Claude (37) and weekend after they as- He said a bunch of Kanguatjivi said the perse the'youths; the of- He and the other 12 saulted people with youths went to the club group of youths had also ficer had fired some are expected to appear fists, knives and bot- to drink and after they started to loot the club. warning shots and acci- in the Gobabis Magis- tIes at aclub during the had become drunk they The police offic.er sent dentally injured one of trates Court this ~eek. ~~~tit~ii;t;;~~ti~:~:: Mystery 'bomb'· at Swapo rally '. CHRIS NDIVANGA POLICE snifTer dogs detected a 'dead' anti­ personnel directional mine near the gate, of Chissano, Dtllakama set to meet IndependeilceArena three hours before.Presi­ dent Sam Nujoma-was to address a Swapo rally on Saturday morning. I;::~==~=====::;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;=========~ MAPUTO: The gov- The dead bomb was,removed. by pohce explOSIve erning ... party has experts and State House secunty personnel. taken a substantial It has. not yet been determined whether the mine ,.'. " , Id'ea In M ozam- was dIscarded by someone or had been placed there b·' fi deliberately .as a hoax; lqu.e s ~ ~rst It was found next to a wall underneath a pipe on mUltiparty election, the top level of the arena, N ampol spokesperson ac~ording to an unor- Edwin Kanguatjivi told a media briefing yesterday. tiClaI survey yester- "There was no detonator nor was it equipped with day by the United a detonator or any other type of firing mechanism. Nations. "This and the fact that it was easily detected by the President Joaquim dog indicate that it must have been there for at least Chissano and his Mo- a few days. State House were in control of the zambique Liberation . premises since the previous day," said Kanguatjivi. Front, Frelimo, had just He said the mine could have been discarded by over 50 per cent of the someone. vote, based on results However, the fact that it was found in the area from about 400 polling ;' ~ : ''''l c:h~Hea.d of State was to visit raised concern, stations randomly se- said Kanguatjivi. ~ lected from the more No one has been arrested in connection with the than 7 400 nationwide, a incident. UN source said on con- According to the police, the mine _ a Claymore _ dition of not being iden- is of United States origin and is similar to those used tified by name. by Unita in Angola. Frelimo's main oppo- The police said the mine as well as South African .' , . .,:"w . , . .~ . i~ . sition, the former rebel made anti-personnel, anti-tank mines, different ' . Mozambique National types of grenades, mortars, projectiles and e~lo- ON THE BEA! .:. Th~ Namibian Police lau?ched a ~ass~ve anti-c~i~e drive in the ~apital I Resistance, known as sives, and AK-47 assault rifles were smuggled into yesterday to comclde WIth pay day. Above: Wmdhoek District Commissioner Egbert Shlkerete Renamo, had about 30 Namibia via Rundu from Angola. (left). pictured d~.ri~g the c~ime prevention. op~ration. He is pictured with Nampol spokesperson, . "Many of these have found their way into South Edwm KanguatJIVl (back rIght), and a polIce mspector. See report, p3. contmued on page 1 Africa." * Meanwhile in an unrelated incident the police are looking for suspects following the arrest of a Eimbeck tackles Andima over cop association man for selling 81 mm shells in Katutura on Satur­ his senior officers vehe­ its members? day morning. • LUCIENNE FILD Sections. • - • _. Eimbeck states that "it mently oppose a Police "Why do they not per­ CONTROVERSIAL policeman Comnns- is also very distressing Association? mit and assist members sioner Siggi Eimbeck is at odds with police to observe that those sen­ "What are they fear­ to build a police estab­ cbiefInspector-General Raonga Andima once ior officers who are en­ ing from a body which lishment of which of again. This time it is over the formation of a trusted with our Consti­ will act in the interest of which they can be proud police association within Nampol. tution as the Supreme all members of the and which will be trusted Conflicting opinions bids any person to or- . Law of Namibia, disre­ Namibian Police? and respected by the pu b­ emerge in a letter writ- ganise and to be a me m- spectafundamentalfree­ "Why do they regard lic they want to serve ten by Eimbeck, who has ber of an 'association dom of all Namibians, an association which and protect?" a court case pe,nding which does not violate namely the freedom of will strive for a better However, Eimbeck against the Inspector- any rights or laws," association, which shall police service as danger­ agrees with Andima on General, in response to Eimbeck writes in an include the freedom to ous and unacceptable? at least one matter: the Andima's warning to all internal letter, dated form and join associa­ "Why do they prohibit establishing of a Police police 'officers over at- October 27 and ad- tions". members to assist the Association was dis­ tempts to form an asso- dressed to Andima, all He then poses a string Inspector-General to in­ cussed several times at ciation. District Commissioners, of questions: crease efficiency, dili­ management level. "There is no law and all Commanding Offic- "Why does the Inspec- gence and loyalty within no regulation which for- ers and all Head Office tor-General and most of the force and amongst continued on page. 1 t, ~~t T~esd !ay, N?ven:'b~r 1 1,994 J, ( T!iE N~MIBIAN Ball in Ruppel's court Angula calls for tough From page 1 Last month he and I Ruppel held two meet- ings during which the Harold Levy's findings matter was discussed. action on exam scams on the Lubowski murder Heyman said today EDUCATION Minister Nahas Angola has showing an increasing following the comple- that he had' then ex- interest in Mathematics . tion of the inquest hear- called for the "severe" exposure of those pressed his views on the (47,7 per cent) and ing. involved in stealing part-time Grade 12 ex­ case to Ruppel, who had amination papers. Physical Science (37,4 Heyman was expected insisted on a written pro- percent). The figures do to study the inquest posal. According to Angula said it was Angula said the Sen­ not include Walvis Bay. record and decide on Heyman he submitted unfortunate that the ex­ iorCertificate Examina­ This year's number of whether he should insti- his views in writing to amination had been tam­ tion (SCE) would con­ candidate was the larg­ i - tute prosecution and ask both Ruppel and Dr pered with by "unscru­ tinue to be taken in Na:­ est, showing an increase for extraditions of those Kawana last week. pulous, greedy and irre­ mibia on a part-time ba­ ,of more than 90 per cent found to have been in- He said he was now sponsible elements sis. "So candidates wish­ in students reaching the wanting to enrich them­ ing to improve their pass volved in the Lubowski waiting for Ruppel to grade compared to last selves at the expense of symbols will still have year's 6714. murder case. express an opinion on the hardworking and an opportunity to do so . "This is because of the . However, after study- the matter. honest majority of part­ as part-time candidates." fact that grades I 1 and ing the inquest record, Views have been ex- time candidates". This year 12 904 full 12 are being viewed by he forwarded copies to pressed in certain cir- Angula was answer­ time candidates would the Ministry as consti­ Ruppel and Dr Kawana . c1es that this time it is ing questions by UDF's sit for the SCE. The total tuting a co ntinuous and asked for their ad- Ruppel who could be George Siseho in the Na­ is made up of 5987 males learning process. a vice on the case. "playing for time . tional Assembly on Fri­ and 6 91 7 females. In other word s, there day on the future plans Angula noted that fe­ was no selection test at of the Ministry with male students also domi­ the end of grade 11," Girl kills parents those Grade 12 learners nated in critical subjects Angula said. investigators that she who may fail the Cape such as English (5 3,5 About IS 527 part­ had murdered her par- Education Syllabus Ex­ per cent) and Biology time candidates will sit amination.
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