327 INDEX Acetate, administration of, in parenteral 50-52 nutrition support, 102 diagnostic tests for, 52-53 Acetominophen, 211, 213 prevention of, 55-58 Acidosis, correction of, with parenteral Aminoglycosides, nephro- and ototoxicity of, nutrition support, 102 11 Actinomycin D, 89 Amekacin, nephrotoxicity of, 11 Acylampicillins, toxic effects of, 10-11 Amphotericin B, chemical structure of, 16 Adenine diphosphate, effect of aspirin on, 212 combined with 5-flucytosine, for crypto- Adolescence, cancer statistics for, 291, 292 coccosis, 30 concept of body image during, 284-85 for aspergillosis, 27 coping strategies for disease during, 289-90 for candidiasis, 23, 24 current approach to cancer care during, for coccidioidomycosis, 31 281-82 for histoplasmosis, 32 emotional and physical development during, for mucormycosis, 28 282-86 for trichosporon infection, 31 general principles for management of cancer interaction of, with granulocyte trans- during, fusions, 73 activities, 298-99 pharmacokinetics of, 17 bereavement follow-up, 305 toxic effects of, 19 birth control, 300 Analgesic(s). See also names of specific drugs diagnosis, 293 classifications of, 206, 207 discussion of diagnosis, 293-98 controversial,231-33 financial expenses, 301-02 equianalgesic comparison of, 222-25 home care, 302-03 guidelines for selection and use of, 208 school program, 299-300 mechanisms of action by, 208-11 sibling care, 300-01 narcotic, supportive care, 298 cardiovascular effects of, 221 psychological impact of illness and hospital­ chemical classifications of, 216, 218 ization during, 287-89 effects of, on central nervous system, Adriamycin, emesis caused by, 89 219 hematopoietic effects of, 179 effects of, on endocrine system, 221 Aged. See Elderly effects of, on urinary tract, 220-21 Agglutinin test, use of, in diagnosis of gastrointestinal effects of, 220 candidiasis, 22 guidelines for selecting, 221, 226-27 Agranulocytosis. See GranUlocytopenia new methods for morphine administration, Alizapride, 85 227-31 Alkalosis, correction of, with parenteral pharmacologic activity of, 217 -18 nutrition support, 102 respiratory effects of, 219-20 Alloimmu"ization, and granulocyte transfusion, withdrawal from, 226 72-73 narcotic antagonists, 216 development of, from platelet transfusions, non-narcotic, 211-15 328 Anemia, as toxic side effect, BCND, latent hematopoietic damage induced of amphotericin B, 17 by, 177 of miconazole, 18 Benadryl. See Diphenhydramine Anorexia, as toxic side effect of amphotericin Benzamides, substituted, antiemetic properties B,17 of,85-86 Antibiotic therapy. See also names of specific Bicarbonate, use of, to reduce antifungal­ drugs induced renal damage, 17 combination regimes of, 5-7 Biliary bypass surgery, 141-42 determining choice of, 4 Birth control, for adolescent cancer patients, optimal duration of, 8-10 300 response rates to, 4 Body image, adolescent, 284-85 side effects of, 10-11 impact of illness on, 285, 287 Antibody testing, for platelet transfusions, role of, in enterostomal therapy, 261, 269, 54-55 272 Antiemetic agents. See also names of specific role of, in psychological aspects of breast drugs cancer, 240-42 antihistamines as, 84 Bone, changes in, as complication of radiation butyrophenone derivatives as, 85 therapy, 161-62 cannabinoids as, 86-87 Bone marrow, cryopreservation of, 191-92 corticosteroids as, 87 reconstitution of, with infusions of autologous phenothiazine compounds as, 83-84 hematopoietic stem cells, 184-92 practical guide to use of, 89-90 Bradycardia, association of, with retching, 80 refractoriness of pre-treatment emesis to, 83 Brain, mucormycosis infection in, 28 substituted benzamides as, 85-86 Breast cancer, psychological aspects of. See Antifungal agents, 16-19. See also names of Mastectomy specific drugs "Brompton's cocktail", analgesic properties of, Antifungal therapy, initiation of, 9 231-32 Antigens, matching of, in donor selection, Bronchoscopy, risks of, in thrombocytopenic 53-54 patients, 49 for prevention of alloimmunization, 56 Burkitt's lymphoma, treatment of, with auto­ Antihistamines, antiemetic properties of, 84 logous bone marrow reconstitution, 187 -88 Anxiety, as emotional response in adolescent Busulfan, latent hematopoietic damage induced cancer patient, 288 by, 177, 178-79 pre-operative, with breast cancer, 240 Butyrophenone derivatives, antiemetic proper­ physician handling of, 242-47 ties of, 85 post-operative, in ostomy patients, 261, 269-70,273 Caffeine, 212 Apomorphine, vomiting induced by, 80 Calcium, administration of, in parenteral effect of halperidol on, 85 nutrition support, 102, 103 effect of metodopramide on, 86 Calcium leucovorin, hematopoietic effect of, effect of phenothiazine compounds on, 83, 84 combined with methotrexate, 180-81 Ara-C. See Cytosine arabinoside Caloric requirements, as based on basal energy Arachidonic acid, 209-10 expenditure, 98 Aspergillosis, clinical manifestations of, 26 Candidaalbicans, 16, 19,20 diagnostic tests for, 26 Candida parapsilosis, 19 epidemiology of, 25-26 Candida tropicalis, 19, 20 therapy for, 27 Candidiasis, clinical manifestations of, 20-21 Aspirin, therapeutic effect of, on cancer­ diagnostic tests for, 21-23 related pain, 211-13 epidemiology of, 19 Asthma, bronchial, development of, from therapy for, 23-25 aspirin allergy, 212 Cannabichromene, 86 Atropine, antiemetic properties of, 85 Cannabidiol, 86 Azlocillin, use of, in com bination therapy, 6-7 Cannabinoids, antiemetic properties of, 86-87 Carbenicillin, advantages of, in combination 329 therapy, 5-7 management of, 128-29, 133-35,138 effects of, 10-11 Colostomy, therapy for. See Enterostomal nephrotoxicity of, 11 therapy Catheter sepsis, as complication of parenteral Compazine. See Prochlorperazine nutrition support, 11 0-12 Complement fixation test, for candidiasis, 22 Cefazolin, advantages of, in combination for cryptococcosis, 29-30 therapy, 6 Constipation, management of, in ostomy nephrotoxicity of, 11 patients, 261-62 Cefoperazone, use of, with acylampicillins, 6-7 Copper, administration of, in parenteral Cefotaxime, use of, with acylampicillins, 6-7 nutrition support, 103 Central nervous system, cryptococcal infection Copper sulfate, emesis caused by, 81 of,29 effect of antihistamines on, 84 effect of narcotic analgesics on, 219 effect of atropine and scopolamine on, 85 Cephalosporin(s). See also names of specific Corticosteroids, antiemetic properties of, 87 drugs contraindications to use of, 90 toxic effects of, 10-11 Cryopreservation of bone marrow, 191-92 use of, in combination therapy, 5-7 Cryptococcosis, clinical manifestations of, 29 Cephalothin, advan.tages of, in combination diagnostic tests for, 29-30 therapy, 6 epidemiology of, 28-29 nephrotoxicity of, 11 therapy for, 30 CFU-S assay, described, 172 Cyclizine, antiemetic use of, 84 Chemoreceptor trigger zone, role of, in neuro­ Cyclophosphamide, emesis caused by, 89 anatomy of vomiting, 80-81 hematopoietic effects of, 176, 178, 179 Chemotherapy, as contributing factor in hematopoietic protection with priming dose development of infection, 1 of, 182 as emetic stimulus, 88-89 Cytomegalovirus, acquisition of, from granulo­ continuous infusion, for hepatic metastases, cyte transfusion, 73 - 74 138-39 Cytosine arabinoside, emesis caused by, 89 oral manifestations of, for remission of acute myeloid leukemia, 63, dental caries, 149 64 periodontal bleeding, 150 hematopoietic effects of, 176 salivary changes, 149 Cytoxan. See Cyclophosphamide stomatitis, 147 -4 9 role of, in control of cancer-related pain, 206 Daunomycin, emesis caused by, 89 Chloramphenicol, 7 Daunorubicin, hematopoietic effects of, 176 Chlorethyl nutrosoureas, emetogenic properties Death and dying, impact of, on patient, 31 i-IS of, 88-89 impact of, on physicians, 312-13, 315 -1 7 Chloride, administration of, in parenteral special problems of terminal patient, 311-12 nutrition support, 102 Delta-9-THC, antiemetic properties of, 86 Chlorpheniramine, 84 Dental caries, caused by chemotherapy, 149 Chlorpromazine, 83, 84 caused by radiation therapy, 159-60 Chlortrimeton. See Chlorpheniramine Dental extractions, in myelo- and immuno­ Cholangiojejunostomy, 141-42 suppressed patients, 156 Cholangitis, 141 pre-irradiation, 163-64 Chromium, administration of, in parenteral post-irradiation, 166 nutrition support, 103 Dental treatment for myelo- and immuno­ Cis-diamminedichloroplatinum, emetogenic suppressed patients, 153-56. See also properties of, 88 Oral hygiene Clindamycin, 7 Dexamethasone, antiemetic properties of, 87 Cocaine, use of, in "Brompton's cocktail", Dextroamphetamine, 232 231-32 Diarrhea, as side effect of miconazole, 18 Coccidioidomycosis, 31 management of, in ostomy patients, 261, 263 Codeine, 211, 212 Dimenhydrinate, antiemetic properties of, 84 Color ectal carcinoma, metastatic, surgical Dimethylsulfoxide, for cyropreservation of 330 pia telets, 57 parenteral nutrition support, 101 Diphenhydramine, antiemetic properties of, 84, Felty's syndrome, use of lithium carbonate 90 for, 182 Donor selection, 53-54 Fenoprofen, 213 platelet antibody testing for, 54-55 Fentanyl citrate, combined with droperidol, to Dopamine, 17 induce neuroleptanalgesia, 85 Dopamine receptors, role of, in molecular Fever. See also Infection biology of emesis, 81-82 as symptom of cryptococcal meningitis, 29 Dramamine. See Dimenhydrinate as side effect of amphotericin B, 17 Droperidol, antiemetic properties of, 85 as side effect of miconazole, 18 D~.;phagia, as symptom of candidiasis, 20 factors responsible for, in neutropenic patient, 2 Edema, oral,
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