Private and not for publication BR30018/7 Persons supplied with this Section must make themselves acquainted with it and will be held responsible for the observance of all instructions contained therein so far as they concern them. NETWORK RAIL LONDON NORTH EASTERN SECTIONAL APPENDIX TO THE WORKING TIMETABLE AND BOOKS OF RULES AND REGULATIONS SECTION NO. 7 Published by Network Rail LNE, Operations & Customer Services, for and on behalf of all Businesses having lines covered within the Boundaries of this Section. YORK Route Director JUNE 2004 Network Rail London North Eastern Route 5th Floor, D Block, Hudson House York. .-) ,N ) CONTENTS Pages Line diagrams (the numbers shown are the page numbers in Table A) 7 . 2 List of lines in the sequence used throughout the section 7 . 6 TABLE A D e t a i l s of running lines, permissible speed restrictions etc. 7 . 7 B Special Working Arrangements 7.68 D S i n g l e lines - Delivery and Receipt of Token or Staff by Persons ) other than the Signaller 7.69 E S e c t i o n s of Running Line where a Track Circuit Operating Device 7 . 7 0 (TCOD) may be used in accordance with Rule Book Module T2 F Diesel Multiple Unit Route Clearance 7.71 G Locomotive and Coaching Stock Route Clearance 7.74 J Locomotives Assisting in Rear of Trains 7.78 Local Instructions 7.79 BR30018/7 (05.06.04) 7.1 LINES COV E RE D IN S E CTION 7 N OR TH A LLE R TON LON GLA N D S JN T O NE W CAS TLE EAST P I V IA THE C OA S T AND BRANCHES Stockton Eastgate Slag Road 7.11 Bishop 7 T Saltburn . 7.35 4 9 Hartburn in — 7.38 1 Auckland A 7.36 7.48 l Beam Mill in 7.30 i Stockton Cut in -OP- 7.27 7 .I 2 8 7.29 F Shell Darlington Nor th Bowesfield Guisborough jn Salt burn in (see Section 2) in W est in 7.31 Eaglescliffe Darlington South H ICI in (see Section 2) South in 7.32 o _ 7 . 2 6 — 7.36 W ilton Battersby i n 7 . 3 ICI W i l ton 7 7.33 Coal Terminal 7.34 7.10 Cleveland Freight- liner terminal Castle Castle 7.35 T o Hills Hills in Redrnire W est GF ( s e e Sect ion 2) W hitby 7.7H Boulby Potash Northallerton — 7.8 — Mine East in Northallerton High in See Section 2 7 9 Northallerton Longlands in See Section 2 Ar r ow Denotes Down Direction BR300 I 8/7 (05.06.04) 7.2 ib LINES COV E RE D IN S E CTI ON 7 NORTHALLERTON LONGLANDS JN TO NEWCASTLE EAST JN VIA THE COAST AND B RA NCHE S Conti nued Newc as tl e East in (See Sec tion 2) Al 7.46 High Level Bri dge Jn King E dward B r 7.22 (See Sect ion2) A 7.46 7.47 7.47 Park Lane Jn Kiidngg eE dward 4 1 . in Bridge4N1 o rEastt h Jn Greensfield KingJ E dnward B ri dge S outh Jn (See Sect ion 2) 7.45 J arrow Wardley I 7.45 Pel aw ins Pel aw M e t ro In Pel aw S outh Jn 1 7.25 ' 1 1 7.25 7.21 (Up) - - Boldoi n PN oert h In Tyne l a w BoidonBoldon West East JnIn 1-17.43 7.44 llo• Dock0. 7.44 -1 7.20 N 7.19 o r 7 . 1 t h i 87.17 n 7..16 South Hy l ton H 7.23 7.24 Sunderland South in 7.15 Ryhope Grange 7.43 ---0-1Hendon 7.14 1 7.13 Kelloe Bank Foot N o rt h End Seaton S nook Jn 7.42 1Seaton-on-Tees 712 Seal Billingham 7.40 -on-Tees I Sands Branc h 7.39 7.41 J n Kelloe A Seal - Sands L- ine Jn Norton-on-Tees 7.39 c(Sece eSesct ion2) East Jn s 7.1 Ferry hi l l S outh Jn I -4 1 -7 . 3 8 4 1 7 . 3 8 1SouthJn W es t Jn Stoc k ton A rro w Denotes Down Di rec ti on BR30018/7 (05.06.04) 7.3 LINES COV E RE D IN S E C TI ON 7 KING E D W A R D BRIDGE S OU TH JN T O CARLIS LE N OR T H JN (I N C L U D I N G KI NG E D W A R D BRIDGE SOUTH JN TO NEWCASTLE EAST iN AND LOW FELL iN TO NORWOOD Low Fell Jn Newcastle 1 4 King E dward Bridge (See Sect ion 2) East j n I 1 South Jn (See Sect ion 2) (See Sect ion 2) 1 1 7 . 6 7.58 7 7.51 7 . 6 Nor wood Jn 6 7.52 7.53 Hexham 7.54 Hal twhi s tl e 7.55 7.56 Carlisle 7_57 Carlisle Nor th Jn A rrow Denotes Down Di rec ti on BR30018/7 (05.06.04) 7.4 LINES COV E RE D IN S E CTI ON 7 B E N TON N O R T H JN T O M ORP E TH N OR T H )14 V IA B E D LI N GTON A N D BRANCHE S Lynemouth Colliery Nor th Branch South Branch Butterwell In I l ' 7 . 6 1 B u t t e r w e l l 7.61 Ashington Jr1 ) ( S e e Sect ion 2) 7.62 1 Marchey's House PI 7.65 7.62 W est Sleekburn in 7.64 H Nor th Blyth a Winning in Hepscott in Mor neth Nor th in I 7.60 A Bedlington North -( S7ee .Se6ct0ion 2) Morpeth jn I- 7.61 ( See Sect ion 2) 7.60 Newsham 7.63 ilm• I Bates ) Nor th Jn Benton North jn I 7.59 Arrow Denotes Down Direction 131130018/7 (05.06.04) 7.5 Line Headings in sequence thr oughout this Section T P W S Fitted P a g e Northallerton, Castle Hills Jn to Castle Hills West G.F. Y 7.7 Northallerton High in to Northallerton East Jn Y 7.8 Northallerton. Longlands in to Newcastle East in via the Coast Y 7 . 9 South Hylton to Sunderland South Jn N 7.23 Pelaw Metro in to Pelaw South in N 7.25 Pelaw North in to Pelaw Metro in N 7.25 Darlington South in to Eaglescliffe South in Y 7.26 Stockton Cut in to Saltburn Y 7.27 Guis borough in to Whitby Y 7.31 Beam Mill in to Slag Road (Lackenby) N 7.35 Grangetown (Shell in) to Cleveland Freightliner Terminal (Wilton) Y 7 . 3 6 ICI Wilton Coal Terminal Branch N 7.36 Saltburn West in to Boulby Potash Mine N 7.37 Hartburn Curve Y 7.38 Norton-on-Tees South to Ferryhill South in Y 7.38 Norton-on-Tees West to Norton-on-Tees East Y 7.39 Kelloe Bank Foot Branch N 7.39 Bitlingham-on-Tees to Seal Sands Storage Y 7.40 Seaton-on-Tees Branch N 7.42 Ryhope Grange to Hendon Y 7.43 Boldon East in to Bo!don North in N 7.43 Boldon West in to Tyne Dock Y 7.44 Jarrow Branch Y 7.45 Wardley to Pelaw Jn Y 7.45 King Edward Bridge East in to King Edward Bridge North i n (East Curve) Y 7 . 4 6 High Level Bridge in to Greenstield in (West Curve) Y 7.46 Park Lane in to King Edward Bridge South in Y 7.47 Darlington North in to Eastgate Y 7.48 King Edward Bridge South in to Carlisle North in V 7.51 Low Fell in to Norwood in 'I 7.58 Benton North in to Morpeth North in via Bedlington Y 7.59 Hepscott in to Morpeth in Y 7.61 Butterwell South Branch N 7.61 Butterwell North Branch Y 7.61 Bedlington North to Lynemouth Alcan N 7.62 Bates Branch N 7.63 West Sleekburn Jn to North Blyth N 7.64 Winning in to Marchey's House in N 7.65 King Edward Bridge South in to Newcastle East i n via Newcastle Station Y 7 . 6 6 Y = Some or all signals on this route have been fitted with TPWS. N = No signals on this route have been fitted with TPWS. Restrictions for any class of train on any route are given in the DMU, EMU and Locomotive and Coaching Stock tables later in this publication. BR3001817 (05.06.04) 7.6 Location Mileage Running Lines & Speed Restrictions Signalling & Remarks NORTHALLERTON, CASTLE HILLS JN TO CASTLE HILLS WEST Or 4 NRN Channel 0 6 9 End of Reversing Line 31 09 ' ' I AWS not provided ' I ' RL RL = Reversing Line ' 2 ' 1I ' 5I ' I Castle Hills Jr' 30 63* 4 * Controlled by York (Y) Signal box. 2 1 ' 30 59 6 1514 4 . # # To/From Northallerlon see Section 2 0 00 2 1, 1 I2 6 5I " I Castle Hills Farm 2 I Crossing St op Boards 0 17 1 I OTS Cast le Hills Farm Crossing Stop Boards t o 1 Redmire Network Rail / r I Wensleydale 7 I Railway Boundary 0 18 " I 6 : I Castle Hills East GE 0 19 1 / / I 6 / .
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