A G E N D A Public Safety Committee Thursday, April 8, 2021 7:00 PM - Russ Parker Hall The public is encouraged to remotely "attend" its Public Safety Committee meeting by tuning into the live stream via the Zoom video conferencing platform. Attendees can participate in a variety of ways including: 1. Submit comments or questions using the Chat feature. Comments will be monitored during the meeting and read into the record by village staff at the appropriate time. 2. Make public comments during the "Comments from the Audience" section as noted on the agenda. 3. Submit comments or questions in advance of the meeting by emailing [email protected] Please use the email subject line: April 8th PSC Meeting Comment/Question. Viewers who wish to join the meeting live can do so using the link and meeting information below. Please note: The meeting is password protected; participants must enter the password listed below. Be advised all telephone numbers and participant names will be visible to the public. +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) https://zoom.us/j/91934610954?pwd=N2tKOC9DUk9IekxZK0ZFOXVMcTR0UT09 Meeting ID: 919 3461 0954 Password: 521389 CALL TO ORDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. March 11, 2021 NEW BUSINESS 1. Recommendation to Approve an Ordinance Amending Title 15, Chapter 157, Section 157.02 of the Schaumburg Village Code Regarding Local Amendments to the 2015 International Fire Code (Repealing Section 907.3.3 of the 2015 International Fire Code) 2. Recommendation to Approve Purchase of Situational Awareness Hardware, Software, and Licensing for Real-time Information Center 3. Fire Alarm Monitoring Update - Informational 4. 2021 Fireworks Dates for Wintrust Field - Informational UNFINISHED BUSINESS DEFERRALS COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE ADJOURNMENT NEXT VILLAGE BOARD MEETING April 27, 2021 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and other applicable Federal and State laws, the meeting will be accessible to individuals with disabilities. Persons requiring auxiliary aids and/or services should contact the Village Manager's Office at 847.923.4705, preferably no later than five days before the meeting. AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Informational 4/8/2021 Public Safety Committee Presenter: Lead Department: General Government Executive Summary: The public is encouraged to remotely "attend" its Public Safety Committee meeting by tuning into the live stream via the Zoom video conferencing platform. Attendees can participate in a variety of ways including: 1. Submit comments or questions using the Chat feature. Comments will be monitored during the meeting and read into the record by village staff at the appropriate time. 2. Make public comments during the "Comments from the Audience" section as noted on the agenda. 3. Submit comments or questions in advance of the meeting by emailing [email protected] Please use the email subject line: April 8th PSC Meeting Comment/Question. Viewers who wish to join the meeting live can do so using the link and meeting information below. Please note: The meeting is password protected; participants must enter the password listed below. Be advised all telephone numbers and participant names will be visible to the public. +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) https://zoom.us/j/91934610954?pwd=N2tKOC9DUk9IekxZK0ZFOXVMcTR0UT09 Meeting ID: 919 3461 0954 Password: 521389 Recommended Action: AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY March 11, 2021 4/8/2021 Public Safety Committee Presenter: Lead Department: Fire Executive Summary: Recommended Action: ATTACHMENTS: Description Type March 11, 2021 Minutes I have reviewed the minutes and they correctly represent the actions taken by the committee. / James Walters, Fire Chief PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MEETING March 11,2021 7:00 PM Members Present: Chairman Frank Kozak Trustee Jack Sullivan Trustee George Dunham Others Present: Brian Townsend, Village Manager James Walters, Chief of Fire Bill Woll Chief of Police Others Present Yia Zoom: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Chairman Kozak called the Public Safety Meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Trustee Sullivan made a motion to approve the minutes from the meeting of January 14,2021. Motion was seconded by Trustee Dunham. Three ayes. Motion carried. NEW BUSINESS: l. Recommendation to Approve an Ordinance Amending Title 7, Chapter 77, Vehicle Seizure and Impound ln December of20l1, the village board adopted an ordinance expanding the administrative tow system for the police department and assigned a $500 fee lor these tows. This fee is in addition to the fee charged for towing and impoundment by the company contracted with the village. Since the adoption ofthe ordinance, laws involving these tows and vehicle impoundments have changed, requiring the ordinance to be updated. The primar,v changes to the ordinance were made to reflect current State and applicable case law as well as clarifying wording and definitions. Police Chief, Wolf, stated that there was discussion on how to prevent retail theft within the village, which is one ofthe top crimes that occurs in the village, many ofthese cases are misdemeanors and are not being prosecuted by the State's Attorney. A possibility to prevent these types of crimes is to amend the police department towing policy to include the towing of vehicles where drivers are driving a vehicle in Schaumburg with the sole purpose to commit retail theft. These types of crimes rarely have any consequence, even ifthey are cited and taken to municipal adjudication there are many times where these are no shows or no pays and our recourse is limited. After reviewing the retail theft policy and the cunent ordinance and meeting with corporation council there were some changes that could be done to our current ordinance to better match State Public Safety Committee Meeting January 14,,2021 Page 2 law and applicable case law; our current policies are very restrictive in how we allow officers to tow Based on current case law we can amend and tow under more broad circumstances particularly not having to allow cars that are legally parked or that have another licensed driver who is not impaired in any way to drive away from a situation where a tow is permissible by state law and our current ordinance. Chief Wolf added that corporation council made some of the edits and changes to our ordinance to malch state law and our current case law and approved the changes to our towing policy. Under the current ordinance the majority ofvehicles that are towed are due to driving with a revoked or suspended license at 30.6% and driving under the influence at 36.40/o. The change with the ordinance and policy may result in an increase in retail theft towing percentage which is currently at 0.6yoi the remaining crimes will likely not be impacted by the changes. Due to the substantial amount of retail theft related towing that is expected to take place with the new ordinance and policy changes, Chief Wolf has included the policy change to be approved by the Public Safety Commirtee and subsequently the Village Board. Chairman Kozak stated that he would like for vehicles that are being towed within the village to remain at Redmon's and not be taken to other locations outside of Schaumburg. Chief Wolf explained that Redmon's has stated in writing that they will keep the vehicles on premises for a minimum of ten days before moving it to any Iot, adding that most of the time vehicles are kept in the Schaumburg lot for longer than ten days. When reviewing the statistics, on average a vehicle that is towed is normally picked up within two days after being towed, so the possibility of a vehicle being relocated outside of Schaumburg is slim. The statistics also show that only 17o/o ofvehicles currently towed are Schaumburg residents, the rest are vehicles coming from areas outside of Schaumburg. Trustee George Dunham stated that he believed that the ordinance amendment would only apply and be specific to retail theft towing. Chief Wollexplained that the crimes where vehicles were eligible for towing under the changes ofthe State law and applicable case law applies to various criminal driving(DUI, Suspended/Revoked Licenses), cannabis control, controlled substance, weapons and theft offenses along with a wide range ofoffenses covered under ILCS 5/36-1. The state law also has a general section that allows for the tow or impoundment ofa vehicle for any misdemeanor or felony. Chief Wolf stated that the retail theft was the main impetus for requesting the amendment and having a bigger impact on the retail theft cases. Chief Wolf indicated that retail theft is among a whole host of allowable offences that you can tow for under State law and our current Village Ordinance. Trustee Dunham asked if it is possible to separate vehicle seizure and impoundment to be specific to retail theft crimes only, or if the amendment to the ordinance would apply to all offenses listed. Chief Wolf stated that the ordinance change would apply to all offenses across the board but that retail theft is a primary part ofthe amendment. Adding that the changes to the ordinance include weapons offenses and other serious crimes were the Police Department could potentially have the vehicle seized and impounded. Under our current policy if an individual is pulled over and has committed a weapons crime and a licensed driver is with them at the time, the vehicle would not be able to be towed and the passenger could drive away with the vehicle. Chief Wolf stated that the amendments includes various different offenses that the PD would be for the allowed to tow for including serious crimes beyond retail theft that would be very beneficial Village of Schaumburg. Truitee Dunham asked if other municipalities have implemented these Public Safety Committee Meeting January 14,,2021 Page 3 changes. Chief Wolf stated that almost all municipalities in the area have adopted these changes and that the Village of Schaumbwg has one of the most restrictive policies in terms of what is allowed and not allowed to tow.
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