When the questio up Mr . Howard stud 7S r~ DR. SOBOLOFF CHARGED ` .garded the charges as very=io1lsag d . 'The mvplved he said a breacha . of VA Tr trust in the performance of Pappn's ~y DECEIT duties as a civil servant-a par- ~J WITH PASSPORT ticular position of trust because the l' '- UL granting of passports is a vital; -97946 William M. Pappin, Ottawa Official, Also Charged- function of the:government service ."'.4.-. IHe said he was instructed to ask. ;` . More Arrests Expected - Warrant that $5,000 bald be set.. Those with whom Pappin-is' al- 1 Issued for Sam Carr leged to have conspired are: Sam Carr, Toronto, former Communist :' now said to be in Cuba ;' Dr. John Soboloff, Toronto doctor on the staff of Mount Sinai organizer, by Henry Harris, Col. Zabotin, mili- hospital, was arrested today at his Palmerston Ave, home I' tary attache, Soviet embassy, Ot-_ R.C.M.P. constable s at 1 p.m. He was mentioned with a number oil taws, leader of one of the Russian others m the fourth royal commission report on espionage . spy organizations here; Major .Ro- " untrue or misleading statementsr goff, whose . cover name was-Jan ;, The charge is that "he did make Lieut.-Col. Motmov, with the .cover, in writing in connection with a passport, contrary to section 405a of name of Lamont ; Col. MilsteiW . the criminal code ." - assistant chief of the first intelli " taken to R.C.M.P headquarters on Front St., and kept gence at Moscow, cover name of ",l . He was Commander; Dr. John Soboloff,'[ there until 2.30. He appeared m court in City Hall at 3 p.m . Toronto ; Ignazy Witczak, them- . Allow $8,500 Bail --- -- selves and others. bailed before Mag. Bige-~ - He was Faces Three Counts The three charges, according to, low for $&500, $1,500 of which was Pappin the crown, are related to the same cash. Through lus lawyer, Dr. Sobo-' Special to The Star set of . circumstances-the . alleged', loff. explained he only had $1,500 in,. Ottawa, July 19-Named in the issuance of a false passport . cash but that his property was ample royal commission report on espion- Warrants also have been issued ; - enough to make up the rest of the age in its chapter, "the false pass the R.C .M.P at Ottawa said, for bail . This was accepted by the. port," W. M. Pappin, employee in Sam Carr, former secretary of the' - magistrate, who remanded Soboloff the government passport office here, Communist party of Canada and for to Aug. 23. appeared before Magistrate Glenn Freda Lmton, a former civil ser- Soboloff was accompanied into I E, Strike today He faces one vant, both of whom have disap- the courtroom by his wife and some charge of uttering a forgery and peared . .. relatives, who were waiting until 'I two charges of conspiracy Warrants for the: arrest of two he would appear. The commission's report said Pap- The contents of the warrant others will be issued-_,next: week, it pin was active in procuring a false is learned. - stated that "during the year 1945, at I Canadian passport . It is learned that at least' one man, Toronto, he "unlawfully did, at the He was charged: Sol Burman of ..Montreal;'. has -been request of Samuel Carr, residing at 1, Under the criminal code of 74 RiaAolme Rd., m the same city cleared of any suspicion m. con- ~ accpting as genuine a document he nection with the caseand no charge and county, make an untrue on mis-1 knew to be forged. leading statement in writing known", will be laid against him. 2, Under the . Ofifcial Secrets Act By this week-end, it is expected;' to . him to be such, to wit, a declara-- and the criminal code of conspiring ton as voucher for the purpose of. all Russians reported . in the com-, with Sam Carr,, former Labor-Pro- mission findings as being involved procuring a passport or a visa there- organizer, and Henry have of or an . endorsement theron for : gressve m espionage work here,. will ris, Toronto optometrist, to forgef . left Ottawa . another person or:persons, contrary . today in to the previsions of section 4MA passports Chief Justice. Rfnfret of 3. Under the criminal code and supreme court dismissed the peti- the Criminal Code of Canada ." M. 5. Dr.. was . Official Secretes Act of cospirmg tions of H. S. Gerson . and Soboloft represented by with Cur and Harris to obtain a' . Nightingale for writs of "habeas .cor- M. A. Levy and the crown by H. false passport intended to be useful'' men are serving' three- W Allen, of the firm of John J. ~" pus. Both Robinette. , to a foreign power. .month terms for refusal to testify at Under the two Official Secrets the trial of Fred Rose on espionage The . warrant was sworn . out by I` Sergi..-H. J. Spanton of the R.C:. Act counts, Pappin is charged joint- charges. Reasons for the judgment NIP -before Justice of the Peace S. ly with Dr. Henry Harris, Toronto will be given later. optometrist, and Sam Carr, former T. Williamson of ....-_the.. "county. of York. .. ._ . national organizer of the Labor- Progressive party in connection Passport Said Used By Agent with the procuring of a false Can- The royal commission report said adian passport for a Russian agent that Dr.. Soboloff made .. statements operating in the U.S. concerning a passport issued to a Of the three persons charged, man the commissioners said was an only Pappin appeared in court. He , agent for the Russian government. was dressed m a brown suit and who used it to get into the U.S. was accompanied by his wife. The passport was, the: rommis- He elected trial by jury on all sioners' report said, obtained from charges, and Magistrate Strike set a Canadian who had gone to Spain bail at $3,000 . to fight for the Spanish govern- - Bail Is $3,000 t0 meet. during the revolution. The Pappm charges were laid in tD The report said that_Dr. Soboloff ; connection with the alleged issuance made. statements . which resulted m I of a false passport in the name of . I the- clearance . of the Russian using, . Ignazy Witczak, a Russian agent. 149 o, the Canadian passport at . the re- I . Pappin was remanded on $3,000 bail quest of Sam Carr, former national to July 26, but it has been indicated WAR organizer for the Labor Progressive that J. J. Robinette of Toronto, who EUROPEAN J party. will be special crown prosecutor, is t "We have not prepared to proceed with a pre- ~1913~~9 7q laid no information liminary O against Harry .Harris," iti,was.stated hearing until the end of WEAPONS at R.C.M.P. headquarters.. Mr. Har- August . B. W Howard of Ottawa J ris, Toronto optometrist, was also appeared for the crown today A. W BOMB V mentioned m the Beament of Ottawa represented the ,.. commission's final . accused. ATOMIC Inquiries at . his. office on 'College St. brought the answer, "He is still his . vacation in the on Laurentians5.".
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